BSC Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills
Funds used from the Basic Skills Initiative should include one or more of the following:
1. Promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for
administrative, student services, and instructional programs.
2. Provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental
3. Work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to
4. Assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success.
Complete the form on the page below and email the form as an attachment to
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1. Describe clearly and in detail fund request.
The Math Department at the Eureka campus would like to purchase a mobile cart
containing 15 laptop computers. We have 25 for students to use. Current course caps
for our basic skills courses are 35. This would allow us to have a classroom set of 40
laptop computers with wireless internet access which we could use in every one of our
basic skills math courses. With the extra computers, we will be able to fully integrate
the materials developed by the Math Department (Optimath system and textbooks), into
our courses. The total funding request totals $19,051.52
2. Describe how your proposal supports that Basic Skills Mission Statement.
The Math Department has spent a considerable amount of time and effort writing
textbooks for many of our basic skills math courses. We are in the process of
completing the first draft of our beginning algebra text , which we hope to pilot test this
spring. We have also developed an extensive testbank and sets of homework
assignments using our Optimath system. A common complaint in our basic skills math
courses, unfortunately, is students have had difficulty accessing and using the Optimath
system at other locations such as, at home or in the library. Complaints decrease
dramatically when students first had a chance to access these resources with their
instructor in class to assist when they encounter difficulties. Also, learning to use the
system to its fullest potential takes time for students to master. By having a complete
classroom set of laptop computers with wireless internet, every one of our instructors
who teach a basic skills math class (including the MathJam Project courses) will be able
to turn their classroom into a wireless computer lab, and students will be able to access
the textbook and use the Optimath system in class. Thereby, increasing student's
confidence in using the Department developed materials, particularly Optimath, and get
them using the materials in the most effective way sooner. Student should also then
have no problem accessing their accounts in other locations such as at home or in the
library. We believe this will increase both the retention and success rates in our basic
skills courses.
Item 1) We believe this proposal meets all four goals listed in the Basic Skills Mission
Statement. The computers used in this grant will promote the use of effective practices
in developmental mathematics education. We have continued to develop and refine the
textbooks and Optimath test banks and homework assignments for many of our basic
skills courses. Students will be able to take full advantage of the materials developed,
particularly Optimath, by using the computers provided by this grant.
Item 2) Although the computers puchased with grant funds will not be specifically used
for professional development, the availability of a complete classroom set of computers
will have an effect on the professional development work done by the math department.
Currently only one professor is using the mobile computer lab on a regular basis. Many
of the other instructors will only use the mobile compute cart if every student has
access to their own computer. By having a complete set of classroom computers more
faculty will put time in to helping revise and and write our textbooks and Optimath
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testbank and homework questions.
Item 3) The Optimath system keeps track of everything the student does. Since each
student will have access to Optimath in class, we would be able to keep track of
everything they do, including the time spent on each assignment or activity, as well as
keeping track of their grade on each assignment (and even which questions they
answer right or wrong). We believe this will help us give Institutional Research even
more information as they track basic skills students from entry to completion.
Item 4) The data that we can collect from the Optimath system will help us do a better
job of assessing and evaluating our basic skills math program. We also believe the full
integration of the Department developed materials in class will increase success and
retention in our basic skills math courses.
3. Describe anticipated expenses (attach another page if necessary).
1 mobile laptop cart with 15 laptop computers
Total $19,051.52
4. List faculty and staff involved and/or responsible for the project.
Kevin Yokoyama, Steve Jackson, Mike Butler, Dave Arnold, Todd Olsen, Erin Wall,
Tami Matsumoto, and Bruce Wagner
5. Intended Outcomes (include specific, measurable targets):
1. The Math Department will be able to continue to optimize our FTS generation by not
having to lower our basic skills math course caps to fully integrate the Department
developed materials in our basic skills math courses.
2. Increase the useage of our mobile computer cart in our basic skills courses.
2. Increase student success and retention in our basic skills math courses.
6. Assessment Schedule (specify exactly what you will measure and how you will measure it):
We can track the mobile cart usage by basic skills courses through the check log and
see how many more classes are using the mobile cart and how often they use them in
the mobile cart in their classes.
At the end of Fall 2012, we will be able to see if our success and retention rates
increased for our basic skills math courses.
7. Proposed Timeline (provide timeline details for activities):
Begin using the mobile cart in more basic skills math classes Spring 2012 if the
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equipment is installed before the end of the semester. In Fall 2012 have multiple basic
skills math courses using the mobile cart in class to access Optimath. At the end of Fall
2012 see if student success and retention increased.
Annually: Continue to track student success and retention rates. Also, continue to
encourage faculty to integrate the Optimath system into their basic skills courses and
develop guidelines for using Optimath in basic skills math courses.
8. I understand that if granted, Basic Skill funds can only be used for Basic Skill
Students. By Accepting funding for this project, I agree to provide a written and oral
report describing how well intended outcomes were met, the results of the assessment,
and how this information can be used in the future. Projects funded for two semesters
will require a mid-year update as well as a report upon completion. Please note: This is
a one-time allotment of funds. Any future funding is contingent upon the submissions
and granting of a new request and availability of funding.
6. Contact Person: Kevin Yokoyama
7. Date Submitted:
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