REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Minutes for the Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee September 16, 2011 FM 107 BSC Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students Basic Scope/Function To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students. 1. To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs. 2. To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 3. To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion. 4. To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success 5. To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds. PRESENT Jeff Cummings, Angelina Hill, Barbara Jaffari, Ron McQueen, Erin Wall, Rachel Anderson, Vinnie Peloso Not Present Harry Pyke, Keith Snow-Flamer, MaryGrace Barrick MINUTES September 9th – Approved ACTION ITEMS None DISCUSSION ITEMS Committee agreed to meet on Oct 5th to do one last review prior to submission to the Senate. 2:00-3:00PM location TBA. Request for IR assistance to track basic schools data. There is still some confusion regarding basic skills math in the ARCC report. Our problems are probably related to code issues in the MIS reports. We don’t know (for example) if we should be included basic skills math lab sections. IR will look into what other schools are doing, as well as working to correct coding issues. Cont. Review & Revise BSI Action Plan On Oct. 7th, the final action plan will be submitted to the Academic Senate (as an information item, we think?). Supplemental changes may be provided by the Senate, or Cabinet. Any changes submitted by these groups will be sent to all constituencies. Top five items to be included for narration: 1) Math Lab (IR) 2) Writing Center Lab (IR) 3) Tutoring Service (Mary Grace) 4) Math Jam 5) Switch Workshop? Tri-chairs will look up the expenditures to see if other items might provide better narrative support. Discussion on the distribution of money. There was a discussion on whether or not funding should be allocated evenly to all categories (except for advising and counseling services). Since the disclaimer statement will cover any potential misunderstanding as to what will and will not be funded, it was determined that the document submitted to the Chancellor’s office will not need to have money in each field. The committee then went though each section to make changes. Erin Wall made note changes directly on the computer for preparation of Oct. 5th meeting. Submitted by Erin Wall