College of the Redwoods 2013-2014 Annual Institutional Plan: Approved as a draft on 12-5-2012 by Expanded Cabinet I. Focus on Learners (employing programs, services, and organizational structures to meet the needs of learners and ensure student success. initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 1 and Education Master Plan Goal 1 and includes the actions outlined below: Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages I.A. Implement the First Year Experience (FYE) program. 1. Provide additional staff training 2. Implement FYE 3. Provide early intervention after first semester for students with poor academic performance. 4. Assess outcomes, evaluate FYE program I.B. Implement student mentor program 1. Refine implementation plan 2. Pilot with discrete student population (e.g. EOPS) 3. Evaluate effectiveness 4. Broader implementation I.C. Improve placement through diagnostic assessments. 1. Develop supplemental assessment test for students testing on the cusp 2. Pilot supplemental assessment test 3. Evaluate effectiveness of supplemental assessment test 4. Refine test and process for full implementation I.D. Provide comprehensive faculty and staff diversity training (e.g. pedagogy, behavior, communications, and hiring) 1. Program research and development 1. Jul. 2013 2. Aug. 2013 3. Jan. 2014 FYE Committee in consultation with V.P. Student Development/CSSO Course success Course retention Student persistence 4. Apr. 2014 1. July 2013 2. Aug. 2013 V.P. Student Development/CSSO in collaboration with EOPS Director and counselors 3. Dec. 2013 4. Jan. 2014 1. Oct. 2013 English and Math faculty with support from Dean of Academic Affairs and V.P. Instruction/CIO 2. Dec. 2013 3. Mar. 2014 Number of students and mentor participants Course retention, course success, and persistence among mentored students Retention and Success in math and English courses Persistence among students who participate in supplemental assessments SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement EP 1.2 Improve support for students EP 16 Improve success among underrepresented populations Assessment Summit Theme – Counseling and Advising SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement EP 1.2 Improve support for students SP 1.1 Match student readiness with educational pathways SP 1.5 Improve basic skills success EP 1.3 Improve effectiveness of basic skills education 4. May 2014 1. Oct. 2013 2. Announce program 2. Dec. 2013 3. Deliver program 3. Jan. 2014 H.R. Director, with input from the Professional Development, Student Equity, Multicultural and Diversity, and Equal Employment Opportunity Committees. Qualitative description of activities and related assessment Student equity plan indicators EEO plan indicators SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement SP 1.6 Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation. EP 1.5 Professional development programs will improve educational effectiveness EP 1.6 Improve success among underrepresented populations Student Equity, EEO, Strategic Hiring Plans 1 | P a g e D R A F T 2 0 1 3 ‐ 1 4 A n n u a l I n s t i t u t i o n a l P l a n , C o l l e g e o f t h e R e d w o o d s This II. Develop Programs and Services to Meet Community Needs: This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goals 1 and 2 and Education Master Plan Goal 2 and includes the actions outlined below. Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages II.A. Collect and analyze labor market data 1. Identify research questions 2. Identify regional partners (e.g. regional EDD Labor Market Info. representative) 3. Collaborate with regional partners and Centers of Excellence to design research methodology 4. Conduct research 5. Analyze data 6. Write report II.B. Develop industry-recognized trainings to meet local employment needs. 1. Generate ideas based upon business leaders summit and other outreach 2. Investigate market demand, costs, likely revenues of new programs. 3. Select and implement one or more new training programs. II.C. Support bundled contract training for smaller communities. 1. Identify programs requiring or benefitting from bundled education and training 2. Develop technology specifications 3. Procure and install technology and equipment 4. Complete instructional design 5. Advertise and offer bundled programs 1. July 2013 2. July 2013 3. Aug. 2013 4. Sep. 2013 5. Oct. 2013 6. Nov. 2013 1. July 2013 CTE Dean in collaboration with IR Director Data can be used by programs to identify industries and occupations of opportunity as well as occupations and industries in decline. EMP 2.4 CTE programs respond to community training needs Community and Economic Development Staff New trainings developed and offered Number of community ed and contract training classes/ participants based upon newly identified opportunities SP 2.2 Respond to business and industry short-term training needs. EP 2.1 Enhance community education program. BTC Director in collaboration with Director of Distance Education and with support from Technology Services Classes offered in alternative format (e.g. distance education or hybrid) EMP 2.2 Enhance incumbent worker and contract training NOTE: May require supplemental funding from CTEA or other source 2. Sep. 2013 3. Jan. 2014 1. Jul. 2013 2. 3. 4. 5. Sep. 2013 Oct. 2013 Dec. 2013 Feb. 2014 Students participating in alternative format community education and contract training classes. III. Improve Fiscal and Operational Sustainability. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 3 and includes the actions outlined below: Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages III.A. Implement eforms for business and student service processes (Integration of Softdocs with Datatel). 1. Map business and student service processes 2. Develop staged implementation plan 3. Implement at least 3 eforms III.B. Revitalize foundation ACTION PLAN DETAILS ARE PENDING 1. July 2013 2. Aug. 2013 3. Feb. 2014 PENDING Technology Services director in collaboration with data owners and managers in key operational areas. Three eforms are developed and in use CR Foundation Director in collaboration with the Public Information Officer. Foundation revenue Staff and faculty survey TP 3.2 Support electronic forms and business processes SP 3.2 Improve college operational efficiencies SP 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology SP 3.4 Increase community support for the college Foundation assets 2 | P a g e D R A F T 2 0 1 3 ‐ 1 4 A n n u a l I n s t i t u t i o n a l P l a n , C o l l e g e o f t h e R e d w o o d s IV. Technological Relevance. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 4 and includes the actions outlined below: Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages IV.A. Utilize electronic student education plan (SEP) data to analyze course demand. 1. Program online SEP process 2. Provide Datatel/Webadvisor training 3. Pilot online SEP development 4. Refine and fully implement online SEP development IV.B. Expand wireless network capability 1. Install new Cisco access points on Eureka main campus 2. Move existing Meraki wireless devices to Mendocino Coast and Del Norte Centers IV.C. Provide backup and disaster recovery capability for email and other systems. 1. Design “storage-area-network” (SAN) 2. Purchase needed equipment 3. Install SAN 4. Integrate SAN into IT Disaster Recovery Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. Aug. 2013 Sep. 2013 Oct. 2013 Jan. 2014 VP Student Development/ CSSO. Requires resource support from Technology Services Chief Technology Officer 1. Jul 2013 Database indicating the frequency of course needed by students is available. Percentage of each location covered for practical use Jul 2013 Aug 2013 Sept 2013 Oct 2013 EP 3.4 Systematically use data to inform decision making. SP 3.2 Improve college operational efficiencies SP 4.1 Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations. 2. Oct 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. SP 4.5 Improve data gathering and utilization to support instructional, student service, and administrative decision making. SAN is incorporated into IT Disaster Recovery Plan SP 3.2 Improve college operational efficiencies Number of servers with disaster recovery system in place SP 4.1 Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations Chief Technology Officer System outages SP 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology V. Institutional Profile. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 5 and includes the actions outlined below: Annual Action Plans When? Responsible person? Evaluation Linkages VA. Reactivate alumni association ACTION PLAN DETAILS ARE PENDING PENDING V.B. Lease available buildings (implementation of 2012-13 plan) 1. Negotiate leases 1. 2. “Ready” the space for move-in 2. 07/2013 09/2013 CR Foundation Director in collaboration with the Public Information Officer. VP Administrative Services in collaboration with Facilities Director Number of alumni in database SP 5.4 Reactivate the alumni association Leased square footage SP 5.3 Develop partnerships for utilization of available buildings. Lease revenue 3 | P a g e D R A F T 2 0 1 3 ‐ 1 4 A n n u a l I n s t i t u t i o n a l P l a n , C o l l e g e o f t h e R e d w o o d s