REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee

Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee
March 1, 2013, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. FM 107
Meeting Notes
1. Meeting Called to Order. Present: Erin Wall, Keith Snow-Flamer, Vinnie Peloso, Rachel
Anderson, Angelina Hill, Barbara Jaffari, Sheila Hall, Crislyn Parker-notes
2. Approve Notes: Notes of February 1, 2013 are approved as stand.
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 IR data report: Basic Skills Student and Declared Student Goals: Angelina will replace language
Angelina provided data and an overview of the comparison of basic skills students with
other students with both declared and non-declared programs. The first data set looks at
the overall percent of enrolled students who did not declare; this percentage is declining.
The second data set looks at the number of new students in the 2010-11 cohort year. Next,
the data shows the breakdown of students by certificate/degree type. CTE degrees were
separated from all other AA/AS degrees. (Note: IR is working to provide instructors
accessibility in web-advisor to students names, ed plans, and courses taken or being taken.
Also, effective summer 2013, students will be able to change their ed plan directly through
WebAdvisor. This is currently not an option.)
In both English and Math, students placing at 300-level declared a higher percent of CTE
degrees and certificates. Students placing at the 100-level English, declared only slightly
more AA/AS Transfer degrees, than the 300-level placements.
The last data set shows enrollments and success by english and math placement levels,
based on the number of new students in the 2010-11 cohort.
Other discussion: Vinnie reported that in Eureka, from February 2012 to February 2013,
214 students took acuplacer testing and placed into READ 360.
Based on this data, there was discussion and agreement, that if we have not already done
so, students should be required to declare a program on their applications. It is felt this will
assist the college in providing direction to the students. The data shows students not
declaring and not taking basic skills are at a greater risk.
4.2 3CSN Feedback: moved to another agenda
4.3 IEC/IR committee survey:
 Will be sent out March 1, 2013 to all, requesting only those on planning committees do
survey, and to do one survey for each committee on which a person serves. Will be due by
March 22.
4.4 FYE Program implementation:
 FYE committee met on February 28, 2013, and discussed at length the placement process,
multiple measures and components of orientation and scheduling.
 Progress has been made on the sequence of steps for all new students; coordinating and
providing consistent language throughout process; and how to accelerate students through
math jam. The committee is looking for filters to make more manageable determining who
took math or intermediate algebra within five years and who places into 380. They are
looking at a number of courses, with GS6 being the hallmark. Also, looking at how to
accelerate students through remedial courses, if they are not needed; same with GS 6. (GS6
is transferable.)
BSI members discussed how many sections of GS 6 to offer and agreed that ten additional
to account for basic skills students, plus the five already being offered for all students.
FYEC is considering using high school GPA to assist recommendations for placing students
into Math 380.
Coordination of this program is being developed. A training day for instructors will be set,
including management, content, and issues which might be faced by instructors. The GS6
outline is being revised by Lisa Liken.
A suggestion was made to create a developmental shell in my CR as a resource for new
instructors. Another suggested resource: University of Wisconsin First Year Experience
4.5 Strategies to improve basic skills student success:
5. Reports
6. Meeting Adjourned.
Next meeting: Friday, March 22, 11:30a.m.
Agenda: Award Funds for BSI Proposals