College of the Redwoods CURRICULUM PROPOSAL --Attach the Course Outline-1. Division/Center Professional and Technical Programs 2. Program and Course Number RT 3 3. Course Title Film Style Field Television Production_______________________________ 4. X New (If new, are you deleting a course?) Course to be deleted:_________________ _____ Change (Indicate current status and proposed changes on "Summary of Curriculum Changes" form) _____ Check here if catalog description is being changed. _____ Delete (Reason for deletion: ____________________________________________________) 5. Of what approved program is this course a part? ___________ (see list of approved programs and TOPS Codes)TOPS Code 0603.00 Is the course a "required course"?_____ an "additional requirement"?_____ (In a certificate or degree program) 6. Provide evidence that this course/revision is needed (purpose of proposal). In-house newsgathering, informational talk shows, sporting events and other on-line programming are considered multicamera shoots and, in most cases, are taught and performed in studios. Such productions incorporate valued and needed skills that our current television production course offers and should continue to offer. However, today’s programming is becoming increasingly narrative in nature, not just informational. More and more stories are being manifested on an entertainment level. This translates into a need for and exposure to a level of artistic proficiency that will ensure our students’ marketability in the mass media market. Film style productions, unlike studio and on-line productions, uses a single camera on location or in the field and demands far greater attention to organizational and aesthetic considerations in all three stages of production. Students desiring to enter this ever-expanding communications field must be well versed and attentive to the collaborative structure of integrating ideas with creative problem solving that only film style field production can evoke. 7. Describe the students who will enroll (include estimated number). Students pursuing general studies degrees with an emphasis in television production, CalWorks students, students seeking job skills and specific interest students drawn from the community at large. (30) 8. Parallel courses--what is the relation of this course to existing courses (modify/overlap/replace)? RT1 and RT2 Television Production will facilitate instruction in on-line and in-house (studio) multi-camera productions. Film Style Field Television Production will compliment RT1 and RT2 by exposing students to the narrative structure and single camera style incorporated in field or on location productions, thus availing the full spectrum of television production formats in far greater depth than merely cramming a fingernail sketch of both formats in a single class. 9. Capital Outlay: Describe the equipment for this class. Presently have: Need to acquire: (include cost) Lowel Location Light Kit, Windscreen for microphone and additional video tapes: approximately $500.00 10. Staffing implications (Associate or Full-time faculty) Associate or Full-time Instructional Aide required? How many hours per week? ___No_________________________ 11. Learning Resource Implications (new courses only) Does the college have adequate learning resources to support the proposed course, or can the necessary resources be acquired within the existing budget? Yes ___X___ No ________ Please attach the "Learning Resource Supplement" to the Course Proposal form. 12. Facility Implications: (Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed this course can be offered District-wide.) Where Scheduled? Del Norte____________________________________ When Scheduled? Semester(s) Fall or Spring_______________ Day __X___ Evening ___X__ 13. Special Fees None 14. Special Student Expenses (i.e., equipment, clothing, tools, etc.): None 15. Submitted by Tom P. Walradt Tel. Ext. 2300 Date ___9/17/01____ Approved by Curriculum Committee __ ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COURSE OUTLINE 6/98 9/28/01 1 College of the Redwoods COURSE OUTLINE DATE_9/17/01 PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER: RT 3 FORMER NUMBER (If previously offered) ______________ COURSE TITLE Film Style Field Television Production I. CATALOG AND OUTLINE 1. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A study of the aesthetic considerations and technical practices of field production. Students will learn basic single camera film style production techniques including storyboarding, shot chart development, field lighting, sound capture, postediting considerations, problem solving and associated terminologies. 2. COURSE OUTLINE: Introduction and orientation to the film style production chain process Screenplay treatment and location scouting techniques and concerns The transfer of screenplay to storyboard and initial editing process Shot chart assemblage and scheduling Cast and crew considerations and auditions The rehearsal process Camera operation, terminologies and techniques Shooting the production Post-editing process considerations and techniques % of Classroom Hours Spent on Each Topic 5% 10% 10% 10% 5% 15% 15% 15% 15% II. PREREQUISITES Prerequisite? No X Corequisite? No X Recommended Preparation? No X Yes _____________________ (course) Yes _____________________ (course) Yes _____________________ (course) Rationale for Prerequisite, Corequisite, Recommended Preparation__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COURSE OUTLINE 6/98 2 PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER RT 3 III. OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENTS 1. COURSE OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES: List the primary instructional objectives of the class. Formulate some of them in terms of specific measurable student accomplishments, e.g., specific knowledge and/or skills to be attained as a result of completing this course. For degree-applicable courses, include objectives in the area of "critical thinking." Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the entire production chain process when putting together a single camera film style television narrative. 2. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of film and television terminologies. 3. Demonstrate a basic knowledge and ability to operate and incorporate various camera, audio and lighting techniques inherent in field production. 4. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of elements incorporated to coordinate the integration of ideas during all three phases of production. 5. Demonstrate the techniques of mis-en-scene and montage spatial, temporal, graphic and rhythmic continuity and discontinuity through classroom exercises. 6. Recognize the importance of collaborative effort as all of the crafts and occupations come together to create a film style narrative. 7. Recognize the specific goals and elements necessary to assemble a coherent cast and crew. 8. Explain the different styles and techniques incorporated in the rehearsal process. 9. Demonstrate basic problem solving skills within the framework of the collaborative creative process during all three phases of production. 10. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of post-editing technique. 2. COLLEGE LEVEL CRITICAL THINKING TASKS/ASSIGNMENTS: Degree applicable courses must include critical thinking tasks/assignments. This section need not be completed for non-credit courses. Describe how the course requires students to independently analyze, synthesize, explain, assess, anticipate and/or define problems, formulate and assess solutions, apply principles to new situations, etc. 1. Students formulate narrative possibilities within restricted time frames synthesizing them into coherent spatial, temporal, graphic and rhythmic televised field productions. 2. Students establish, assess and determine strategies and goals for auditioning, assembling and maintaining an effective collaborative cast and crew. 3. Students critique film and video clips produced by themselves, their fellow classmates and professional auteurs. 4. Students will develop on-the-spot strategies for unexpected equipment failures, weather conditions, human frailties and inspirational creative differences that accompany all productions. 3. ASSESSMENT Degree applicable courses must have a minimum of one response in category A, B, or C. If category A is not checked, the department must explain why substantial writing assignments are an inappropriate basis for at least part of the grade. A. This course requires a minimum of two substantial (500 words each) written assignments which demonstrate standard English usage (grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary) and proper paragraph and essay development. In grading these assignments, instructors shall use, whenever possible, the English Department’s rubric for grading the ENGL 150 exit essay. Substantial writing assignments, including: __ essay exam(s) __ term or other paper(s) ___ laboratory report(s) __ written homework __ reading report(s) _X_ other (specify) Treatment and short screenplay If the course is degree applicable, substantial writing assignments in this course are inappropriate because: __ The course is primarily computational in nature. __The course primarily involves skill demonstrations or problem solving. __ Other rationale (explain) __________________________________ ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COURSE OUTLINE 6/98 3 PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER B. __ __ __ RT 3 Computational or Non-computational problem-solving demonstrations, including: exam(s) __ quizzes X homework problems laboratory report(s) X field work other (specify) _________________________________________ C. Skill demonstrations, including: X class performance(s) X field work __ other (specify) ______________________________________ __ performance exam(s) D. Objective examinations, including: X multiple choice __ true/false X matching items __ completion __ other (specify) ________________________________________ E. Other (specify) Class participation NOTE: A course grade may not be based solely on attendance. IV. TEXTS AND MATERIALS APPROPRIATE TEXTS AND MATERIALS: (Indicate textbooks that may be required or recommended, including alternate texts that may be used.) Text(s) Title: Single-Camera Video production X Required Edition: Second ______ Alternate Author: Robert Musburger ______ Recommended Publisher: Focal Press Date Published: January 1999 (Additional required, alternate, or recommended texts should be listed on a separate sheet and attached.) For degree applicable courses the adopted texts have been certified to be college-level: ___X___ Yes. Basis for determination: ___X___ is used by two or more four-year colleges or universities (certified by the Division Dean or Center Dean) Texas A&M, Texas Cal State Hayward, California OR ______ has been certified by the LAC as being of college level using the Coleman and Dale-Chall Readability Index Scale. ______ No Request for Exception Attached. REQUIRED READING, WRITING, AND OTHER OUTSIDE OF CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Over an 18-week presentation of the course, 3 hours per week are required for each unit of credit. ALL Degree Applicable Credit classes must treat subject matter with a scope and intensity which require the student to study outside of class. Two hours of independent work done out of class are required for each hour of lecture. Lab and activity classes must also require some outside of class work. Outside of the regular class time the students in this class do the following: X X X X X X _____ X X Study Answer questions Skill practice Required reading Problem solving activity or exercise Written work (essays/compositions/report/analysis/research) Journal (reaction and evaluation of class, done on a continuing basis throughout the semester) Observation of or participation in an activity related to course content (e.g., play, museum, concert, debate, meeting, etc.) Other (specify) Storyboarding, rehearsing, video shooting and editing. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COURSE OUTLINE 6/98 4 PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER RT 3 V. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1. Contact Hours Per Week: (Indicate "TOTAL" hours if less than semester length) Lecture: 2+ Weekly 36 TOTAL Lab: 6+ Weekly 108 TOTAL No. of Weeks S (S = semester length) (Use Request for Exception sheet to justify more-than-minimum required hours.) Units 6. Transferability X CSU UC List two UC/CSU campuses with similar courses (include course #s) U.C.L.A. 175A-175B. Undergraduate Film Production. UC Santa Cruz 20P. Introduction to Production Technique. UC Riverside FVC OO4 Introduction to Video Art __________________________________________________ Articulation with UC requested __ 7. Grading Standard ______Letter Grade Only ______CR/NC Only X Grade-CR/NC Option Grade-CR/NC Option Criteria: ______Introductory __X__ 1st course in sequence ______Exploratory 4 or Variable Unit Range ______ 2. TLUs 3. 5. Recommended Maximum Class Size 30 9 Does course fulfill a General Education requirement? (For existing courses only; for new courses, use GE Application Form) ______Yes X No If yes, in what G.E. area? AA/AS Area ________ CSU/GE Area ________ IGETC Area _________ 8. Is course repeatable Yes __X___ No If so, repeatable to a maximum of: Total Enrollments Total Units (Use Request for Exception sheet to justify repeatability.) 4. Method of Instruction: _____ Lecture _____ Lab X Lecture/Lab _____ Independent Study ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COURSE OUTLINE 6/98 9. SAM Classification __C____ Course Classification __I_____ 5