Inactivated by Curriculum Committee 10/12//07__ College of the Redwoods CURRICULUM PROPOSAL --Attach the Course Outline-1. Division/Center Business Division 2. Program and Course Number 3. Course Title LEGL 146 Family Law 4. ____ New (If new, are you deleting a course?) Course to be deleted:__BUS 71_______ __X__ Change (Indicate current status and proposed changes on "Summary of Curriculum Changes" form) __X__ Check here if catalog description is being changed. _____ Delete (Reason for deletion: ____________________________________________________) 5. Of what approved program is this course a part? __Legal Assistant___ (see list of approved programs and TOPS Codes)TOPS Code 1401.10 Is the course a "required course"?__X__ an "additional requirement"?_____ (In a certificate or degree program) 6. Provide evidence that this course/revision is needed (purpose of proposal). Revised ABA approval requirements (1991). 7. Describe the students who will enroll (include estimated number). Required for legal assistancy students. 8. Parallel courses--what is the relation of this course to existing courses (modify/overlap/replace)? This law course complements the core of law requisite to a comprehensive legal assistancy program. 9. Capital Outlay: Describe the equipment for this class. Presently have: Need to acquire: (include cost) None. None. 10. Staffing implications (Associate or Full-time faculty) Full- or part-time faculty. Instructional Aide required? How many hours per week? None. 11. Learning Resource Implications (new courses only) Does the college have adequate learning resources to support the proposed course, or can the necessary resources be acquired within the existing budget? Yes ________ form. No ________ Please attach the "Learning Resource Supplement" to the Course Proposal 12. Facility Implications: (Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed this course can be offered Where Scheduled? District-wide When Scheduled? Semester(s) Fall Day _____ Evening __X__ District-wide.) 13. Special Fees None. 14. Special Student Expenses (i.e., equipment, clothing, tools, etc.): 15. Submitted by R. C. Miller Tel. Ext. 6766 None. Date 1/14/91 16. Submitting Division/Center Review _______________________ Date _________________ 17. Division/Center Review ________________________________ Date _________________ 18. Division/Center Review ________________________________ Date _________________ Approved by Curriculum Committee __________________________ MCF # _______________ Academic Affairs - 7/17/96 SUMMARY OF CURRICULUM CHANGES FEATURES OLD NEW Grading Standard Prerequisites Corequisites Recommended Preparation Repeatability Maximum Enrollments Repeatability Maximum Units Maximum Class Size TLUs Lectures Hours Lab Hours Method of Instruction Units Other If any of the listed features have been modified in the new proposal, indicate the "old" (current) information and proposed changes. Academic Affairs - 7/17/96