ART 146 – Page 1 Date Approved: 5/2/90 Retyped: 4.26.05 Date Inactivated: 9/28/07 College of the Redwoods CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE DEPARTMENT AND COURSE NUMBER: ART 146 DEGREE APPLICABLE NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE FORMER NUMBER (If previously offered) ART 188 COURSE TITLE Monoprint Techniques LECTURE HOURS: 9 LAB HOURS: 27 UNITS: 1.0 PREREQUISITE: NONE Eligibility for: Engl 150 Math 105 Request for Exception Attached CO-REQUISITE: NONE GRADING STANDARD: Letter Grade Only TRANSFERABILITY: CSUS UC Articulation with UC requested Repeatable yes no CR/NC Only NONE Grade/CR/NC Option Maximum Class Size 22 Max No. Units Max No. Enrollments CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce students to the “Painterly Print.” Monotypes are one-of-a-kind images created with oil based pigments worked over metal, plastic, or low relief plates and printed on absorbent printing paper. While the process is centuries old, its great popularity among artists and dealers has surfaced only in the last decade. Students will develop images using black field manner: collage polychrome and multiple-run monotypes and monoprints. NOTE: Recommend ART 17, ART 22, and ART 23 COURSE OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES: List the primary instructional objectives of the class. Formulate some of them in terms of specific measurable student accomplishments, e.g., specific knowledge and/or skills to be attained as a result of completing this course. For degree-applicable courses, include objectives in the area of “critical thinking.” Upon successful completion of this course, the student will learn to recognize textiles on the basis of: 1. Plan and execute a successful monotype in each of three or more techniques—black field manner, collaged polychrome, and multiple run images. 2. Demonstrate proper use of the press, good printing techniques and proper care and presentation of fine prints. 3. Critically evaluate a monotype in terms of technical and aesthetic issues. COURSE OUTLINE: Topic Introduction to tools and materials Set-up, clean-up, and safety procedures History of monotypes and monoprints Black Field manner Solvents and ink modifiers Viscosity techniques Collage stencil and resists Multiple run image develoment Laboratory practice % of Classroom Hours Spent on Each 1 hr. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 27 1 ART 146 – Page 2 Date Approved: 5/2/90 Retyped: 4.26.05 Date Inactivated: 9/28/07 APPROPRIATE TEXTS AND MATERIALS: (Indicate textbooks that may be required or recommended, including alternate texts that may be used.) Text(s) Title: NONE Required Edition: Alternate Author: Recommended Publisher: Date Published: (Additional required, alternate, or recommended texts should be listed on a separate sheet and attached.) For degree applicable courses the adopted texts have been certified to be college-level: Yes. Basis for determination: is used by two or more four-year colleges or universities (certified by the Division Chair, or Branch Coordinator, or Center Dean) OR has been certified by the LAC as being of college level using the Coleman and Dale-Chall Readability Index Scale. No. If no text or a below college level text is used in a degree applicable course, a Request for Exception form must be completed and a rationale provided. This request for exception will be approved or denied by the Curriculum Committee. METHODS TO MEASURE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Please check where appropriate; however, a degree applicable course must have a minimum of one response in category 1, 2, or3. If category 1 is not checked, the department must explain why substantial writing assignments are an inappropriate basis for at least part of the grade. 1. Substantial writing assignments, including: essay exam(s) term or other paper(s) written homework reading report(s) laboratory report(s) other (specify) If the course is degree applicable, substantial writing assignments in this course are inappropriate because: The course is primarily computational in nature. The course primarily involves skill demonstrations or problem solving. Other rationale (explain) 2. Computational or Non-computational problem-solving demonstrations, including: exam(s) quizzes homework problems laboratory report(s) field work other (specify) 3. Skill demonstrations, including: class performance(s) other (specify) 4. Objective examinations, including: multiple choice completion field work performance exam(s) true/false other (specify) matching items 4. Other (specify) Critique of assembled prints. NOTE: A course grade may not be based solely on attendance. 2 ART 146 – Page 3 Date Approved: 5/2/90 Retyped: 4.26.05 Date Inactivated: 9/28/07 REQUIRED READING, WRITING, AND OTHER OUTSIDE OF CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Over an 18-week presentation of the course, 3 hours per week are required for each unit of credit. ALL Degree Applicable Credit classes must treat subject matter with a scope and intensity which require the student to study outside of class. Two hours of independent work done out of class are required for each hour of lecture. Lab and activity classes must also require some outside of class work. Outside of the regular class time the students in this class will be doing the following: Study Answer questions Skill practice Required reading Problem solving Written work (essays/compositions/report/analysis/research) Journal (reaction and evaluation of class, done on a continuing basis throughout the semester) Observation of or participation in an activity related to course content (e.g., play, museum, concert, debate, meeting, etc.) Field trips Other (specify) COLLEGE LEVEL CRITICAL THINKING TASKS/ASSIGNMENTS: Degree applicable courses must include critical thinking tasks/assignments. This section need not be completed for non-degree applicable courses. Describe how the course requires students to independently analyze, synthesize, explain, assess, anticipate and/or define problems, formulate and assess solutions, apply principles to new situations, etc. Coursework includes the ability to creatively design and produce high-quality prints utilizing problemsolving skills, sometimes mathematical concepts, and other techniques resulting in a finished work. The student must also be able to study, evaluate, and critique his or her own work and that of the other students. 3 ART 146 – Page 4 Date Approved: 5/2/90 Retyped: 4.26.05 Date Inactivated: 9/28/07 REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION The Curriculum Committee is authorized to determine the appropriateness of entrance skills and requisites for any given course; to determine whether or not language and/or computational skills at the associate degree level are essential to success in a given course; to determine what is “college level” in learning skills, vocabulary, and in the ability to think critically and apply concepts; and to determine on a case-by-case basis when any departure from the attached guidelines may be justified. To request an exception, provide the following information: ART 146 Department and Course No. Monoprint Techniques Course Title NAUTRE OF THE EXCEPTION OND RATIONALE: TEXT This class utilizes a variety of methods and techniques not easily available in a single textbook. Handouts, lectures, and resource materials will be made available to students throughout the course. 4