Request for Tenure Track Faculty

Request for Tenure Track Faculty
Program: English / Mendocino Coast Campus
Initiator(s): David Gonsalves
1. Program(s) Supported by the Discipline:
-General Education requirements and prerequisite coursework to progress to GE requirements
(CR, CSU, UC, IGETC General Education patterns).
-Required for completion of all CR degree programs offered at Mendocino (currently four
Associate of Liberal Arts Degrees and the Marine Science Technology Degree).
-English 150 is required and recommended for a broad range of courses across the curriculum.
-English 52 (writing lab) is available to, and supports students enrolled in any CR course, and is
a critical component to their academic success.
2. Job Description. Separate requests are required for each position sought. Please indicate
if this request is site specific and the location(s).
The Mendocino Coast Campus seeks a full‐time, tenure‐track Assistant Professor of
English experienced in teaching composition, pre-collegiate to transfer‐level, but particularly
skilled in developmental. Required qualifications: Master’s degree in English composition,
literature, or comparative literature or the equivalent. Preferred qualifications include 1) the
ability to teach a wide range of English courses, but with specialization in developmental English
instruction 2) an understanding of the learning styles and needs of at‐risk students and the
curriculum and teaching techniques needed for students to succeed, and 3) current knowledge in
the use of computers and electronic research, as well as in computer‐assisted composition
instruction. Online teaching and course development experience, as well as experience with
course learning management software is preferred. (Note: Given the local demographics our
population – and the large percentage of non-native speakers-- it would also be highly preferred
for this individual to be certified in ESL instruction).
3. Please check ONE of the following categories: Faculty Replacement Position, Growth
Position or New Program/Discipline. Provide related information. (0-5 Points)
Faculty Replacement Position (check one)
Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left
within this academic year
Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left
within 1-2 years
Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within threefour years
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Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have left within
five years or more
Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire
Provide justification and documentation. Include when the position became vacant and
the incumbent to be replaced.
With the transfer of Mendocino’s sole full-time English professor five years ago, CRMC has
struggled ever since to offer the courses students need on a regular, dependable rotation.
Mendocino’s FT/PT ratio of faculty in English dropped from approximately (an average of)
50%/50% to 0%/100% . Mendocino offered 50 TLU’s of English courses in 2011-12 and 57
TLUs in 2012-13 (source: IR Overall Section Report); there are ample offerings to justify a fulltime English professor.
We currently have two part-time faculty; however, like many of our associates, they have other
full-time jobs to accommodate. This makes scheduling and offering classes challenging. The
overriding factor in scheduling English courses has become instructor availability, not student
need. This has contributed negatively to overall enrollment at the Mendocino Campus, as
increasing numbers of students have gone elsewhere, frustrated with not being able to rely on a
dependable schedule and graduating in a timely fashion.
Due to the distance from the Eureka campus-- and hence the English department-- our English
associates are often out of the loop in matters of curriculum, planning, and related activities.
Mentoring, training and oversight is minimal. This is compounded even more so by the fact that
there remain at total of only THREE full-time, instructional faculty on the Mendocino Campus.
In years past, when our English associates needed guidance or assistance, there were additional
fulltime faculty (in other disciplines) on site that could provide professional guidance and
support. With recent, numerous retirements—as well as the elimination of the campus dean
position-- they are truly operating on their own much of the time. Obviously this has also been
compounded by the continued loss of English faculty in Eureka: everyone is simply stretched too
Because our associates are not provided adequate supervision and mentoring, they run the risk of
inconsistent compliance with course outlines, a loss of focus on the SLOs, and a lack of
conformity in terms of the norming and scoring of competency exams. As a result, students are
at risk of not meeting learning objectives and are sometimes ill-prepared for the next course.
English courses serve as a gateway for all programs and degrees offered at College of the
Redwoods. English is a GE requirement for all Associate of Science and Associate of Art Liberal
Arts degrees, as well as for all CSU and IGETC transfer. Additional full‐time faculty are
essential for the Mendocino Campus to meet the needs of the local community and to actively
engage and participate in “life of the district.” Currently the Mendocino Campus is the ONLY
campus without a full time English professor. One would like to think, at a minimum, that “a
campus” must consist of at least one full-time English, Science, Math and Social Science
professor to truly remain “a campus.”
Growth Position (checkone)
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Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining
Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential
Provide justification and documentation.
New Program/Discipline Position
Program Initialization process complete
State curriculum approval complete
Program has grown significantly without FT faculty
Independent marketing data suggests viability of new program
Provide justification and documentation.
4. FT/PT Ratio: Indicate which statement/s are confirmed by the data: (0 -5 points)
Program has no full-time faculty
FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent
FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent
FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent
FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty
Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable
(In the case of non-teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation from norms
obtained from like institutions)
Provide justification and documentation.
5. Program/Student Outcomes (0 – 5 points)
Provide a narrative justifying need for full-time faculty in order to maintain and/or improve
program and student learning outcomes (one-page max), based on the following: (0 – 5 points)
Demonstrate a clear need for FT faculty in order to maintain program outcomes
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Justification demonstrates a clear need for FT faculty in order to achieve student learning
Currently, there are two English associates in Mendocino who need assistance in assessing and
improving English 350, 150, 1A, and 1B, and no FT faculty member to directly assist them in
assessment of SLO and/or PLOs. Associates have to rely on email, phone conversations, and an
occasional (rare) on-site visit from Eureka full-timers (who are few in numbers). In order to
properly assess SLOs and PLOs and to have substantive discussion of the results, leading to
improvements at the course level, the Mendocino campus needs a FT English faculty to actively
and consistently mentor associates, oversee their instructional quality, help them in assessing
SLOs and PLOs, and thereby improve course delivery. A tenured English professor at the
Mendocino campus would play a critical role on our campus: he or she would be in a position to
substantially improve communication and linkages district wide, both within the English
Department and across disciplines.
Faculty Replacement Position
Points (0-5):
Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty
who have left within this academic year
Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty
who have left within 1-2 years
Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left
within three-four years
Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have
left within five years or more
Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire
Growth Position
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable
Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining
Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential
New Program/Discipline Position
Program Initialization process complete
State curriculum approval complete
New program has shown significant growth without FT faculty
Independent marketing data suggest viability of new program
FT/PT Ratio
Points (0-5):
Program has no full-time faculty
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FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent
FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent
FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent
FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty
Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable
(In the case of non teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation
from norms obtained from like institutions)
Points (0-5):
Program/Student Outcomes
Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to
maintain program outcomes
Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to
achieve student learning outcomes
Points (0-5):
Other (Shared Interest)
Shared interest determined by the Faculty Prioritization Committee. Scoring
rubric will be mutually agreed and will be based on the nature of the shared
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