Student Development Division Annual Program Review Update 2013/14 Section 1 ‐ Program Information 1.0 Name of Program: Enrollment Services (Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Veterans, CalWORKS) 1.1 Program Review Authors: Lynn Thiesen, Anna Duffy, Kathy Goodlive, Crystal Morse, Tory Eagles , Barb Sisto Date: September 26, 2013 1.2 Program Director Signature: Lynn Thiesen Date: October 31, 2013 1.3 Vice President Signature: Keith Snow-Flamer, Ph.D. Date: November 4, 2013 1.4 Program mission: Enrollment Services support students in their efforts to achieve their educational goals by providing professional, efficient, and high quality services that promote student success. 1.4.1 State briefly how the program mission supports the college mission: Enrollment Services supports the college mission of putting students first in ensuring our services promote student success. 1.4.2 Provide a brief description of the program’s primary function: Provide accurate and timely information to students and process documents efficiently to ensure student access and success. Section 2 ‐ Data Analysis 2.0 Program Staffing/Budget Data and Indicators (Past years) Provide information to show changes over time (steady, increasing, decreasing, etc.). Insert additional rows as needed for your key performance indicators (KPI’s), such as program services, functions, student contacts, etc. 2.1 Staffing/Budget 2011/12 2012/13 FTE Faculty and Staff 16.83 FTE 14.00 FTE FTE Additional Workforce Personnel (Dollars) 1.6 675,357GF/309,419BFAP 0 521,827GF/ 268,195 BFAP 3/12/2014 Observations (steady/increasing/decreasing) Includes A&R Eureka staff only, FA staff district-wide & Veterans staff Includes all benefits, BFAP = categorical funds Includes permanent, temporary and student Page 1 Discretionary (Dollars) 14,468GF / 60,431BFAP 17,377/ 12,875 BFAP Degrees – 467 (75 denied) Certificates – 175 (26 denied) employee costs DN, KT & Mendo not included here BFAP in 11/12 included carry-over from previous year, this was no longer available in 12/13 DN, KT & MC not included here Other 2.2 Program Indicators Degrees/Certificates Processed Number of applications for admission processed Incoming transcripts Outgoing transcripts 6,882 Degrees – 401 (95 denied) Certificates – 242 (41 denied) 6,999 1330 7,743 1445 6860 Revenue Generated $30,972 $46,628 Number of FAFSA applications received Average % FA applications completed at first month of Fall/Spring terms 10-11: 8,160 11-12: 7,984 10/11: 91%Fall, 96%Spring 11/12: 83%Fall, 95%Spring 10-11: 5,341 11-12: 5,882 10-11: $18,249,619 11-12: $17,430,454 21.1 (2010 2 year rate) 7,757 Number of students receiving financial aid Total financial aid dollars awarded Current official Default Rate 3/12/2014 Formatted: Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single 78%Fall, 82%Spring Implementation of Credentials for student transcript ordering was complete in June, 2013. Transcript fees and $10,000 CCCCO grant received to implement electronic transcript exchange (Credentials). Transcript fee increased from $5 to $8 in 2012. Decreased applications reflects decrease in enrollment Steadily decreasing 12-13: not available yet* 12-13: not available yet* 29.9 2011 3 year rate Sanctions are now based on 3 year rate vs. the Page 2 (latest available) Number of Board of Governor's fee waivers* Veterans certifications processed 16.0 2010 2 year rate 10-11: 5,745 11-12: 5638 267 12-13: not available yet* 372 Number of Veteran and/or New indicator for 12-13 Dependent walk-ins (this does not include students with appointments) Scholarships awarded 597 30 per day (average) 4560 per year 605 2 year rate. Sanctions start at 30% (they do not round-up). The new Veterans Resource Center (VRC) has been serving the increase in Veterans population. This is an average throughout the term; peak times show over 60 students using the VRC on a daily basis. *2010-2011 & 2011/12 data was from Chancellor’s Office DataMart; 2012/13 data is not yet available Increased processing time for financial aid makes it difficult for students to purchase textbooks, transportation, etc. If funding is not available at the beginning of the term, it is problematic for students to attend classes and complete homework assignments. The increase in veteran certifications shows that a higher number of students are receiving veteran benefits to help cover educational expenses. 2.4 Provide any other relevant information that may have contributed to changes (improvement, increase, decline, barrier) for the population served by the program: Reduced Staffing: The ability to perform all enrollment services activities requires adequate IT support as well as regular and timely system upgrades (i.e. patches, etc.). The recent hire of a replacement programmer has helped. In August of 2012 financial aid and admissions & records were reorganized into one department: Enrollment Services (ES). This reorganization saves the district money and allows for crosstraining by reclassifying many positions to Student Services Specialists (rather than specific Admissions or Financial Aid specialists). Assessment of this change indicates that ES personnel being cross-trained benefits students by allowing employees to answer both Admissions and Records and Financial Aid questions. This provides for the “behind the scenes” work of processing enrollment applications, financial aid files, transcripts, petitions, etc., to be done more efficiently. 3/12/2014 Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Not Italic Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Not Italic 2.3 Describe how the changes in indicators have impacted student achievement and learning: Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Not Italic Page 3 Formatted: Font: 11 pt, Not Italic Retirements at CRMC and KTIS of Student Services Specialists resulted in de-centralization of financial aid file processing. Staff district-wide are now able to use the document imaging system to complete financial aid processing for all students, rather than special processing at each site. While students at the branch campuses appreciated the quicker financial aid processing previously available to them, this has resulted in more equitable processing timelines for all students district-wide. The addition of the CalWorks program to the Enrollment Services ‘umbrella’ has added increased workload for the Director. The CalWorks program is funded categorically and has specific requirements for the State; therefore, the needs of this program are being addressed through this State Program Plan requirements at this time. 2.5 Student Equity. Please comment on any current outcomes or initiatives related to increasing outreach, retention and student success of underrepresented students in your program. The Veterans Resource Center provides services to increase outreach and support student retention and success by participating in local veterans outreach events (Veterans Stand Down, out-processing for local Coast Guard station, Veterans Resource Day,). The Veterans Coordinator has presented several staff development activities for staff and faculty to broaden the understanding of issues facing veterans as they transition from military to civilian life. Financial Aid Outreach – financial aid staff members participate in events at local high schools (including Hoopa and Del Norte High School) and provide FAFSA workshops for current and incoming students. Staff participate in Athletic Recruitment Days and other similar activities. Financial Aid staff at the Del Norte Campus provides outreach to specialized populations, such as: Klamath River Early College of the Redwoods, Expanding Youth Horizon, Basic Life Skills group, and Baby Steps. We have two bilingual (Spanish) staff members in Enrollment Services that assist with initiatives intended to outreach to our Hispanic communities. Student Ambassadors in Enrollment Services provide tours and answer potential student inquiries which provide a student perspective on attending College of the Redwoods. Section 3 –Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities 3.0 Student Learning Outcomes & Program Outcomes Assessed in the Current Cycle (2012/2013) 3.1 What changes have been made to the program based on assessment findings? Loan Workshops and one-on-one counseling sessions are being offered this year to help students with creating a realistic budget while they are in school. Although students scored well overall on the Life Skills lessons, the results show that they had some difficulty with the sessions related to budgeting. Also, on the loan applications, students consistently have difficulty with completing a realistic 3/12/2014 Page 4 budget. Student’s understanding the negative impact of withdrawing: General college policies, procedures and deadlines are now highlighted in orientation and GS classes, which includes information on the withdrawal process and repeatability regulations. 3.2 (Optional) Describe assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support: Continued support is needed from IT to further develop and implement e-forms 3.3 Provide any additional explanations for items described in section 3. Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans 4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the last program review and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed? Action plans may encompass several years; an update on the current status, or whether the plan was discarded and why. Actions Continue work on Softdocs eForms: Improve Financial Literacy skills of potential student borrowers Continue to educate students of the negative impact of withdrawing from a class: Current Status Impact of Action (describe all relevant data used to evaluate the impact) Incomplete None – still using paper forms Complete – test results were compiled and analyzed in assessment report; informal workshops were offered in classes and one-onone financial literacy counseling has been provided on an ongoing basis; budget workshops will be scheduled for Spring Fall 2014 “Developing a Realistic Budget” has been targeted as the main topic to focus on for workshops and oneon-one counseling. Complete – focus group met and survey was conducted Revision of orientation program; GS courses Identify courses with the highest number of “W”s and organize an Enrollment Management subcommittee to analyze the 3/12/2014 Page 5 withdrawal data and identify at-risk courses and / or delivery modes. 4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the prior year plan(s) contributed to program improvement: n/a Section – 5 Planning 5.1 Program Plans (2013/2014) Based on data analysis, student learning outcomes and program indicators, assessment and review, and your critical reflections, describe the actions to be taken for the 2013/14 academic year. Use as many rows as you have actions, and add additional rows if you have more than 5 actions. Please number all rows that you add. Please be specific. This section and section 6 should include a detailed justification so that the resource prioritization committees understand your needs and their importance. *Not all items in this program plan section may require resources, but all resource requests must be linked to this section. Action Action to be taken: # List the specific action to be taken in enough detail so that someone outside of your area can understand. 1 Improve student experience at the Main Campus Welcome Center: Staff knowledge Improve current Relationship to Institutional Plans 5.1 Program Plans Expected Impact on Program/Student Learning Relationship to Assessment Resources Needed (Y/N) Include the specific plan and action item relevant to your action to be taken. For example: Annual Plan 2013‐ 2014 Theme: Persistence; or Goal 1: Student Success: EP.1.6.2 Develop a plan for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations. Describe the expected impact in a way that someone outside the program can understand. The impact should be measurable. Include all assessment results that indicate that this action will yield the desired impact on the program. If the assessment has yet to be conducted, explain when and how it will be conducted. A yes here requires a corresponding request in the next section. Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives; 1.2 Continually assess and evaluate programs to provide effective educational programs and Easier access to information about financial aid processing status requirements would help with student retention student survey cited issues Future assessment to measure higher scores/lower GAPs on applicable challenges in future Noel-Levitz student Y – new windows at Welcome Center to improve communication and staff safety -cross-training 3/12/2014 Page 6 2 window configuration Improve ease of self-help options (assistance with training on Website, WebAdvisor, email, etc.) Cross training (FA/Admissions info shared in ES training sessions held on a regular basis – also including EOPS staff. Determine why students are withdrawing from classes to help inform planning Increase number of students with Student Education Plans (SEP) on record in Colleague Establish method of communicating to student regarding completion of SEP services for all learners. regarding student perception of the helpfulness of staff and getting the “run around” (measured by survey results) satisfaction inventory (survey) Annual Plan: EP.1 Ensure Student Success; SP.4.5.1 Colleague to inform scheduling; SP.1.1.1 Develop degree plans with course pathways based upon students entering at various math and English placement levels Annual Plan: SP.4.4.1 & SP4.5.1 Implement Increased number of students with comprehensive SEPs will result in higher number of student success because students will be more aware of what is required to complete their academic program. An additional Transcript Evaluator will allow “up- Future assessment to measure the % students with SEPs on record in Colleague – compare increase over time 3/12/2014 Page 7 IT support Evaluate transcripts upfront; create course equivalencies; document an annual review of already existing standard course equivalencies; Assist in annual review of approx. 275 applications to Nursing program; Assist in degree/certificate completions and athletic eligibility; Assist in degree audit/e-Advising implementation. 3 Increase utilization of e-forms/scanning 4 Increase support for student veterans (and Student Ed Plan queries in Colleague to inform scheduling; SP.3.2 Improve College operational efficiencies front” evaluation of othercollege transcripts. This would enable FA recipients to have a more accurate count of prior units applied toward their current program. Degree audit will be more accurate if we were able to enter other college coursework into Colleague, which would provide more accurate data to inform scheduling. This will assist in ensuring accurate and timely comprehensive SEP as required by the Student Success and Support Program. Annual Plan; SP.3.2.1 Implement Softdocs eforms for business and student service processes. Persistence, Annual Plan: EP.1 Ensure 3/12/2014 All the above would assist in student success as students would be informed about what courses already meet the requirements and would be less likely to take unnecessary courses. More flexibility to process any student files from any location – more efficient processing Support increasing number of underrepresented Continue prior assessment IT support Future assessment to measure walk-in Y- Increase permanent staff - Page 8 Student Success dependents): Re-classification of current coordinator to be more reflective of current duties. Support staff veteran and dependent students by providing adequate support services to ensure timely certification of benefits. Improve retention and success in a supportive, manner that is geared to meet the specific needs of this population. traffic and number of certifications 5 Investigate and purchase a diploma printing program Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives; 1.2 Continually assess and evaluate programs to provide effective educational programs and services for all learners. Reduce long-term cost and increase student satisfaction by reducing the wait time for diplomas Compare diploma production time pre and post installation; track cost savings 6 Increase support for CalWorks students/program Persistence, Annual Plan: EP.1 Ensure Student Success Enhance CalWorks job development program Compare the number of jobs created for CalWorks students One permanent staff member is not adequate to staff the Veteran Resource Center and provide student-veterans with timely services nor does it allow for a safe environment Y Y 5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanations, if necessary. Section 6 ‐ Resource Requests 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests. Requests must be accompanied by an action plan in the above section. Requests should include estimated costs. Submit a support ticket if you do not know the estimated costs. If you are requesting personnel resources, you must also include the “Request for Faculty or Staffing” forms, located at review. Submit one form for each request. Additional Instructions: 3/12/2014 Page 9 Put down the full amount you are requesting in the “Amount” column. Put down the annual amount of any ongoing or recurring costs in the “Annual Recurring” column. For example, a personnel request for a permanent position might show an Amount of $30,000 and an Annual Recurring Cost of $30,000. A request for equipment might show an Amount of $5,000 and an Annual Recurring cost of $200. A professional development request might show an Amount of $800 and a recurring cost of $0. If you have a grant or some other source of funding, include in the “Request” column a brief description of the source of funds and the dollar amount that is expected to be covered by the other source and if the other source covers any of the annual recurring costs. Note in the “Request” column if this is a repeat request, and how many times you have submitted this request. The item number must match the corresponding action # from section 5. Add rows as necessary. Action # Request Type of Request (Check One) use # Operational Personnel Planning Describe your request here in a way that someone above To be To be outside the program can understand. reviewed by Prioritization Committees of the Budget Planning Committee reviewed and grouped by Associate Deans. To be reviewed by Faculty Prioritization Committee/ HR. Professional Development To be reviewed by the Professional Development Committee $ Amount $ Annual Recurring Costs Contact Person (Name, email, phone) Lynn Thiesen Lynnthiesen @redwo x4187 Lynn Thiesen Lynnthiesen5 @redwo x4187 Lynn Thiesen 4 Veterans Resource Center Support Staff (repeat request – requested last year) Reclassify Coordinator X 44,000/ 15,000 44,000 /15,000 2 Evaluator (repeat request – we have requested this every year since 2006-2007) X 55,832 55,832 1 Windows at welcome center TBD 0 X 3/12/2014 Page 10 5 1 6 Investigate and purchase a diploma printing program Cost of the program could be offset by savings of approximately $2200 per year saved by no longer providing free diploma covers Purchase Colleague program to allow for online census roster processing and collect reason codes for withdrawals Hire dedicated staff to supervise/support CalWorks program X 2400 one time 300 annual mainten ance fee X 10,000 0 82,000 *catego rical 82,000 X Section 7‐ Author Feedback Provide any constructive feedback about how this template or datasets could be improved. 1. Improve formatting/consistency of headings and numbering to make it clear which portions are questions that need to be answered. 3/12/2014 Page 11 Lynnthiesen @redwo x4187 Lynn Thiesen Lynnthiesen @redwo x4187 Lynn Thiesen Lynnthiesen @redwo x4187 Lynn Thiesen Lynnthiesen @redwo x4187 2. Add more year columns to indicator section each year until we are able to show 5 years of indicator data (to help show trends and to prepare for our comprehensive program reviews). 3. It can be confusing what timeframe we are supposed to be addressing; i.e. most of the program review is for 12/13, but Section 2.5 mentions addressing ‘current initiatives.’ What is considered ‘current’ in this section? How much do you agree with the following statements? (mark your choice with an x ) Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Neutral Agree Agree Disagree Disagree This year’s program review was valuable [] [x] [] [] [] in planning for the ongoing improvement of my program. Analysis of the program review data was useful in assessing my program. [] [ x] [] [] [] Section 8‐ PRC Response by section (completed by PRC after reviewing the program review) 8.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President: S.1. Program Information: Completed S.2. Data Analysis: Completed. Good variety of indicators. Recommendation: Clarify the impact of changes in indicators. S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: Completed. Variety of assessment information which led to improvement and changes in unexpected areas. S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: Completed S.5. Planning: Completed. Good linkage to institutional plans. S.6. Resource Requests: Complete. In the future, resources noted in planning should be tied to the section 6 resource requests (e.g. Item #3) or clarification of the type of resource. 3/12/2014 Page 12 3/12/2014 Page 13