Request for Tenure Track Faculty Program: Biology - Eureka Initiator(s): Karen Reiss 1. Program(s) Supported by the Discipline: LA: Science, LA: Science Exploration, LVN, RN 2. Job Description. Separate requests are required for each position sought. Please indicate if this request is site specific and the location(s). We are requesting a full time Biology-EKA faculty member whose expertise will be in human biology and health science. Primary teaching responsibilities will be some combination of physiology, anatomy, microbiology and/or human biology to health occupation students (BIOL 2, 6,7, and 8) and general education courses in general biology (BIOL 1 & BIOL 8). This position will also serve as an important liaison between the biology program and the health occupation programs that the biology program supports. (Primarily RN and LVN) 3. Please check ONE of the following categories: Faculty Replacement Position, Growth Position or New Program/Discipline. Provide related information. (0-5 Points) Faculty Replacement Position (check one) Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within this academic year Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within 1-2 years Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within threefour years x Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have left within five years or more Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire Provide justification and documentation. Include when the position became vacant and the incumbent to be replaced. Ralph Reiner retired 2004. Position was not filled. Growth Position (checkone) X Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing r3/12/12 pg 1 Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential Provide justification and documentation. Enrollment data for Eureka Biology is: 2008-09 958 2009-10 1167 2010-11 1050 2011-12 929 2012-13 1001 Diversified health care continues to be one of the largest and fastest growing targets of opportunity in the North coast region. Trained professionals continue to be in demand across the state, nation and world. Workforce requirements include all levels and varieties of health care workers, many of which require training programs available at College of the Redwoods. The biology department offers required courses for LVN, RN, Medical Assistant and Dental Hygienist programs in addition to GE requirements. New Program/Discipline Position Program Initialization process complete State curriculum approval complete Program has grown significantly without FT faculty Independent marketing data suggests viability of new program Provide justification and documentation. 4. FT/PT Ratio: Indicate which statement/s are confirmed by the data: (0 -5 points) Program has no full-time faculty FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent r3/12/12 pg 2 FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent X FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty X Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable (In the case of non-teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation from norms obtained from like institutions) Provide justification and documentation. Data provided by IR shows that in 2011-12 FT/PT ratio was 61/38 Data provided by IR shows that in 2012-13 FT/PT ratio was 52/47 There has been a consistent problem meeting the needs of students in the area of Biological Sciences. The courses are the first to fill with full waiting lists within a few days of registration. Fall 2013 a Biology 1 course was cancelled as a result of being unable to staff the lab. Almost all associate faculty teach at HSU, and this constrains their schedules and availability; very few Associate faculty are qualified to teach any pre-RN courses beyond the Biology 1 level. The demand for qualified faculty is high locally and statewide- community colleges regularly post openings for faculty in positions for physiology and anatomy. 5. Program/Student Outcomes (0 – 5 points) Provide a narrative justifying need for full-time faculty in order to maintain and/or improve program and student learning outcomes (one-page max), based on the following: (0 – 5 points) Demonstrate a clear need for FT faculty in order to maintain program outcomes Justification demonstrates a clear need for FT faculty in order to achieve student learning outcomes Narrative: Our current Mission Statement cites three equally important goals of the college and this position impacts all three types of programs: GE, transfer, and career technical education. Also, if this position were filled it would enable existing faculty to develop the environmental studies/ environmental science program, a growth direction that has been supported internally and externally. Past Program Review summaries have urged the biology department “take steps to increase FTES by adding a new full-time faculty member”, have cited “high enrollment and demand” as a strength of our program, and have cited “lack of a full-time faculty in area of physiology” and “high demand for Health Occupations-related courses (that) cannot be met by current staffing” as obstacles in our area. These are themes that have repeatedly emerged in our Program Reviews, and yet we have made no progress in this area. Student learning outcomes are well met to the degree that we can serve students, but there remains a need for better communication between the biology program and health occupations departments. Assessment Friday meetings and other discussions in which Health Occupations and Biology faculty from across the district participate are documented. These have been useful for course outline and student learning outcome revision, but have brought to light the need for regular and r3/12/12 pg 3 consistent communication between programs to ensure that Biology course SLOs adequately prepare students for the health occupations programs. Over the last 5 years, Biology 2, 6 , 7 and 8 have been taught by a total of 8 different faculty on the EKA campus alone. Only 2 of these faculty are full-time, and both have significant commitments to other pathways in the biology department such as GE and major transfer education. This lack of focused oversight impairs pedagogical consistency, muddles ‘closing the loop” efforts, and prevents concerted progress towards maintaining alignment across programs. REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RUBRIC FOR PRIORITIZING FULL-TIME FACULTY POSITIONS Faculty Replacement Position Points (0-5): Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within this academic year Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within 1-2 years Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within three-four years Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have left within five years or more Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire OR Growth Position Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential OR New Program/Discipline Position Program Initialization process complete State curriculum approval complete New program has shown significant growth without FT faculty Independent marketing data suggest viability of new program FT/PT Ratio Points (0-5): Program has no full-time faculty FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable (In the case of non teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation from norms obtained from like institutions) Program/Student Outcomes Points (0-5): Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to r3/12/12 pg 4 maintain program outcomes Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to achieve student learning outcomes Points (0-5): Other (Shared Interest) Shared interest determined by the Faculty Prioritization Committee. Scoring rubric will be mutually agreed and will be based on the nature of the shared interest. TOTAL r3/12/12 pg 5