Document 12362340

College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee
Executive Summary
Mission Statement: The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee facilitates the
process at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and
Comprehensive Reports providing an opportunity to develop, identify, and state quality
improvement plans and goals, as well as request priorities for funding, and support needs as
organized under the strategic planning objectives.
Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s annual review for
Annual Program Review Update Subject/Service Area: _____ECE___________________
Annual Program Review Update Authors: ___Sydney Larson________________________________
Summary and Recommendations:
1. Program strengths:
14% enrollment increase from last year
Improved access for students with the addition of online
Additional Comments:
2. Program challenges/obstacles:
Improving student success rates for online sections.
Maintaining class offerings in the face of low enrollment.
3. Commendations/Recommendations:
Excellent job on curriculum revision and updates.
Development of “CAP” programming – improve transfer
between CC’s – Also 2nd level CAP for transfer to CSU’s
Getting advisors better training on Title 22 and Title 5
regulations regarding ECE programming
4. Program Budget/Funding Sources:
The majority of funding support comes from grants.
5. Program Goals/Plans:
Get better training for Advisors
Tracking students for success; Tracking students before and
after they leave CR;
Development of 2 year program cycle for ECE
6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs):
Working together and coordination between sites and faculty
Well designed and actively engaged.
PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors.
Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact
PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors reponse (if available) to the appropriate
integrated planning committee and the CPC.
7. Student Success/Achievement Basic Skills
Currently ENGL-150 is the only prerequisite for ECE
classes (besides sequence classes). However, the
success rate for students in ENGL- 150 is only 60%
(and for ECE-1 56%) For students either currently
enrolled or having passed ENGL 1A the success rate
is between 74 and 66%.
Issues Across all Disciplines:
Facilities and technology is deficient;
Maintenance is deficient;
Staffing and faculty budget is deficient;
Deferred maintenance is a problem campus-wide
Lack of replacement of lost faculty; finding qualified faculty to teach
Challenge that IT doesn’t support Mac Computers; most science, math and arts use Mac
Need for transcript evaluator and document imaging system will support all disciplines.
Need for a college-wide process to gather and assess information from students directly, both
those who graduate and those who leave for other reasons, or from transfer institutions and
employers. Entry and Exit surveys to increase student success, retention and persistence;
General: Is there a budget set aside for bulb replacement for projectors, both campus and district
PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors.
Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact
PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors reponse (if available) to the appropriate
integrated planning committee and the CPC.