Quality Improvement Form Program: Agriculture Year: Spring 2009 Submitted by: David Bazard and Tim Baker Category Descriptions Recommendation Number and Title #1 Complete the updating of all Ag course outlines. This includes development of student learning outcomes (SLOs) for each course. Planned Implementation Date Ongoing Estimated Completion Date 12/09 Action/Tasks Update course outlines Course Outlines Accepted and submitted by the Curriculum Committee and approved by the Senate and Board of Trustees No cost, unless Associate Faculty are hired to write course outlines (which as been done for four outlines this semester. Dean of Academic Affairs and Full-Time Ag Faculty No funding; but courses may not be allowed to be taught Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations Required for District Accreditation (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 29 of 52 29 Category Descriptions #2 - Develop a systematic means of assessing SLOs for each course and train faculty to administer and record SLO assessment. Recommendation Number and Title Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Ongoing as course outlines are updated with measureable SLOs 5/10 A specific plan for how SLOs will be measured (and which ones) for each course by the various instructors. Documented SLO assessment and documentation of use of results Estimated Cost(s) No cost Who is responsible? Agriculture Faculty, Academic Affairs Dean Loss of College Accreditation. Lack of documentation to assure students and community of instructional quality Consequence if not funded External Accreditation Recommendations NA (if applicable) Category Descriptions #3 - Define specific Program Learning Outcomes for each Degree and Certificate Offered. Recommendation Number and Title Planned Implementation Date Beginning Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Fall 2009 Develop specific Program Learning Outcomes for each degree and certificate offered Record of specific PLOs for each program Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) None Who is responsible? Full-Time Agriculture Faculty Consequence if not funded NA External Accreditation Recommendations Required for School-wide Accreditation (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 30 of 52 30 Category Descriptions #4 - Complete the implementation of an Agriculture Area of Emphasis within the Liberal Arts AA degree. Recommendation Number and Title Planned Implementation Date Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Spring 2009 Follow through on submitting Substantial Change Form to the AA degree Institution of an Agriculture Area of Emphasis within the AA Liberal Arts degree Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) None Who is responsible? Division Chair / Dean, Academic Affairs Consequence if not funded Difficult to attract students who intend on transferring to a 4-year institution to major in an agriculture field External Accreditation Recommendations NA (if applicable) Category Descriptions #5 - Work with the Institutional Research Department and the Ag Advisory Committee to develop graduate and employment surveys. Recommendation Number and Title Planned Implementation Date Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Ongoing Action/Tasks Develop student and Employer surveys Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Record of surveys Estimated Cost(s) Unknown – perhaps a cost for mailing Who is responsible? Full-Time Agriculture Professor Consequence if not funded None External Accreditation Recommendations NA (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 31 of 52 31 Category Descriptions #6 - Work with Institutional Research Department to document the numbers of students enrolled in each degree and certificate program. Recommendation Number and Title Planned Implementation Date Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Ongoing Develop a means of recording the number of students pursuing each agriculture degree and certificate Record of student enrollments in the programs Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) None Who is responsible? District, VP of Academic Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Career and Technical Ed. Admissions and Records Manager Consequence if not funded None External Accreditation Recommendations NA (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 32 of 52 32 Quality Improvement Form Program: FOR/NR Year: 2009 Submitted by: T. Baker Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions 1. Additional Full-time Faculty Planned Implementation Date 2010 Estimated Completion Date ongoing Expand course offerings and program recruitment efforts. Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome An actual hired faculty member Estimated Cost(s) $100,000 Who is responsible? Academic Senate/College President Consequence if not funded Continued lack of accreditation by SAF External Accreditation Recommendations Required to meet accreditation standards (if applicable) Quality Improvement Form Program: FOR/NR Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions 2. Work with Institutional Research Department to document the numbers of students enrolled in each degree and certificate program. Planned Implementation Date Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Ongoing Develop a means of recording the number of students pursuing each agriculture degree and certificate Record of student enrollments in the programs Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) None Who is responsible? District, VP of Academic Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Career and Technical Ed. Admissions and Records Manager Consequence if not funded None External Accreditation Recommendations NA (if applicable) Quality Improvement Form Program: FOR/NR Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions 3. Develop additional degrees, options and certificates. Planned Implementation Date 2010 Estimated Completion Date 2011 Fill out required forms (511), submit to Curriculum Committee, Far North Regional Consortium and Chancellor’s Office. Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Approved degree option and certificate. Estimated Cost(s) $5000 (release time or contract out) Who is responsible? T. Baker Consequence if not funded Lack of flexible options and continued few degrees/certificates granted External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Quality Improvement Form Program: FOR/NR Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions 4.Subject-matter tutor Planned Implementation Date 2010 Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks ongoing Measure of Success/Desired Outcome An actual hired subject matter tutor Estimated Cost(s) $5,000 Who is responsible? Academic Support Center Consequence if not funded Continued lower success rates in classes External Accreditation Recommendations (if applicable) Quality Improvement Form Program: FOR/NR Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions 5. Enclose shooting range Planned Implementation Date 2010 Estimated Completion Date 2010 Design and send out bids to enclose shooting range. Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Completion of construction Estimated Cost(s) $150,000 Who is responsible? College President Continued lack of safe access and productive learning environment External Accreditation Recommendations Access to a learning forest is required to (if applicable) meet accreditation standards Consequence if not funded Quality Improvement Form Program: Marine Science Tecnology Year: 2009 Submitted by: Greg Grantham Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions #1: Approve expenditure of Measure Q bond funds to build/renovate science lab facilities at CRMC. Planned Implementation Date Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Fall 2010 Action/Tasks Request expenditures of Senior Staff, receive Board of Trustee approval, complete planning, and complete construction. Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Constuction/renovation of science lab facilities at CRMC. Estimated Cost(s) Unknown Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Approval and implementation are dependent upon administration and Board actions. Measure Q explictly designated the CRMC science facilities as a beneficiary of funding. Voter approval on the Mendocino Coast was to some degree influenced by that language. Failure to follow through on that promise will not reflect well on the College, and will undoubtedly impact any future efforts by the District to pass additional Bond measures. Crowding in the lab will continue to raise concerns for student safety. External Accreditation Recommendations N/A (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 21 of 33 21 Quality Improvement Form Program: Marine Science Technology Year: 2009 Submitted by: Greg Grantham Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions #2: Provide funding for the purchase of a ToughBook computer for use in the lab/field by MST students and faculty. Planned Implementation Date Spring 2009 Estimated Completion Date Spring 2009 Request funding for the toughbook computer. Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Approval of funding. Estimated Cost(s) $3500 Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Approval is dependent of administrative approval. The quality of the educational experience for MST students would decline, and graduates would be less competitive in this field. External Accreditation Recommendations N/A (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 22 of 33 22 Quality Improvement Form Program: Marine Science Technology Year: 2009 Submitted by: Greg Grantham Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions #3 - Define specific Program Learning Outcomes for each Degree and Certificate Offered. Planned Implementation Date Beginning Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Fall 2009 Develop specific Program Learning Outcomes for each degree and certificate offered Record of specific PLOs for each degree or certificate Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) None Who is responsible? Full-Time MST Faculty Consequence if not funded NA External Accreditation Recommendations Required for School-wide Accreditation (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 23 of 33 23 Quality Improvement Form Program: Marine Science Technology Year: 2009 Submitted by: Greg Grantham Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions #4 - Develop a marketing effort for this program Planned Implementation Date Beginning Spring 2009 Estimated Completion Date Fall 2009 (or sooner) See Appendix C – Draft Program Revitalization Plan for the Marine Science Technology Program on the Mendocino Coast Campus Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Increase in program enrollment Cost of external advertising. Production of brochures and web pages will be through the districts marketing and outreach staff. Full-Time MST Faculty in coordination with the campus Dean and the Communications & Marketing Manager Decline in enrollment External Accreditation Recommendations None (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 24 of 33 24 Quality Improvement Form Program: Marine Science Technology Year: 2009 Submitted by: Greg Grantham Category Recommendation Number and Title Descriptions #5 - Work with Institutional Research Department to document the numbers of students enrolled in each degree and certificate program. Planned Implementation Date Fall 2009 Estimated Completion Date Ongoing Develop a means of recording the number of students pursuing each MST degree and certificate Record of student enrollments in the programs Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcome Estimated Cost(s) None Who is responsible? District, VP of Academic Affairs, Dean of Academic Affairs, Campus Dean, Admissions and Records Manager Consequence if not funded None External Accreditation Recommendations NA (if applicable) PRCCompRevReviseS08 10/3/2011 Page 25 of 33 25