Request for Tenure Track Faculty Program: Chemistry/Physical Science – Del Norte Campus Initiator(s): Brie K. Day, full-time faculty, Biology/Life Science, Del Norte campus 1. Program(s) Supported by the Discipline: Liberal Arts A.A.: Science Liberal Arts A.A.: Science Exploration LVN LVN-RN Bridge RN GE Physical Science Marine Science A.S. and Certificate of Achievement 2. Job Description. Separate requests are required for each position sought. Please indicate if this request is site specific and the location(s). Chemistry/Physical Science Instructor (Tenure-Track), Del Norte campus. Duties and Responsibilities: Teach chemistry lecture and laboratory in a variety of chemistry courses, which may include preparatory chemistry, chemistry for allied health majors, chemistry courses for science majors, and a survey course for non-science majors. Depending on qualifications, the successful candidate may also teach classes in other physical science areas as needed and appropriate, including environmental science, physics, geology, earth science, oceanography, geography, and/or astronomy. Assist in the development, implementation and operation of appropriate instructional facilities and related interdisciplinary programs. Assignment may include evening or weekend hours. Participate in general faculty functions related to the educational program, in-service programs, and professional development. The successful candidate must meet one of the following criteria: 1. Master’s degree or higher in chemistry from an accredited college or university; OR 2. Bachelor’s degree in chemistry or biochemistry AND a Master’s degree or higher in biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical physics, physics, molecular biology, geology, earth science, geography, astronomy, environmental science, or geochemistry from an accredited college or university; OR 2. Master’s degree in any physical science discipline AND at least 6 semester units at the graduate level in chemistry, biochemistry, geochemistry, chemical engineering, or the equivalent; OR 3. Valid California Community College instructor credential appropriate to the subject per Education Code 87355 (issued prior to July 1, 1990); OR 4. A combination of education and experience that is at least the equivalent of items 1, 2, or 3 above (Applicants applying on the basis of equivalency must submit an equivalency form in addition to all other required materials). r3/12/12 pg 1 Preference will be given those candidates who demonstrate a high level of professional expertise on the basis of: - Academic background and teaching experience in chemistry and/or physical science courses at the college level. - Ability to integrate computer technology in the classroom and use technology to offer instruction through distance delivery modes, as appropriate and if required. Experience Required: Minimum of one year (or equivalent) of successful experience teaching in chemistry and/or other physical sciences at the college level. - Experience in the use of computers in instruction. - Evidence of sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, and ethnic background of community college students. 3. Please check ONE of the following categories: Faculty Replacement Position, Growth Position or New Program/Discipline. Provide related information. (0-5 Points) Faculty Replacement Position (check one) Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within this academic year Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within 1-2 years Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within threefour years Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have left within five years or more Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire Provide justification and documentation. Include when the position became vacant and the incumbent to be replaced. Growth Position (checkone) X Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential Provide justification and documentation. r3/12/12 pg 2 Due to lack of faculty and funding, there have been no chemistry or physics courses offered at Del Norte. Thus, no data is available to track growth. However, the life science program at Del Norte is intimately tied into our need for a Chemistry/Physical Science instructor at Del Norte, and the data clearly indicates that our Del Norte life science program is growing significantly. According to the “Daily Active Fill Rates, Enrollment and Section Totals for the Biological & Environmental Sciences” from the CR Office of Institutional Research, life science (Biology and Environmental Science) courses at the Del Norte campus have experienced the largest growth in the district. Total enrollment in Biology and Environmental Science classes increased by 25% at the Del Norte campus between 2010 and 2012 (9% increase in Biology Del Norte courses and 62% increase in Environmental Science Del Norte courses). Total fill rate for Biology and Environmental Science courses at Del Norte increased by 7% (from 91% to 98%, the largest increase in the district) between 2010 and 2012. The total number of sections offered in Biology and Environmental Science at Del Norte increased by 12% between 2010 and 2012. Currently, no chemistry, physics, or astronomy courses are offered at the Del Norte campus due to lack of available faculty (and funding) to teach them. However there is great student demand for these courses. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of students wishing to pursue higher science and health career paths (medical school, dental school, RN bachelor’s, graduate school, etc.). These students need to take major’s level Biology, which requires chemistry as a pre-requisite. Due to lack of chemistry faculty (in addition to lack of funding), we are currently unable to offer such the needed pre-requisite chemistry courses for us to offer major’s level Biology at Del Norte, and thus students at Del Norte are unable to complete a major’s Biology degree path. Students wishing to pursue major’s Biology paths also require physics, which we likewise are currently unable to offer due to lack of faculty to teach the course(s). Additionally, new revisions to BIOL 7 and BIO 2, which are required by LVN to RN bridge and RN students as well as many other pre-health majors, require chemistry as a pre-requisite. Because we have no chemistry faculty, we are unable to offer the prerequisite chemistry courses these students need. This may put students pursuing nursing and other health-related educational paths in jeopardy, as the geographic isolation of the Del Norte campus makes it impossible for a very large percentage of these students to obtain the required pre-requisite chemistry courses for them to finish their degrees. New Program/Discipline Position Program Initialization process complete X State curriculum approval complete Program has grown significantly without FT faculty Independent marketing data suggests viability of new program Provide justification and documentation. r3/12/12 pg 3 4. FT/PT Ratio: Indicate which statement/s are confirmed by the data: (0 -5 points) X Program has no full-time faculty FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty X Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable (In the case of non-teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation from norms obtained from like institutions) Provide justification and documentation. Currently, there are no chemistry or physics full-time or even part-time faculty at the Del Norte campus to teach highly needed chemistry, physics, geography, and astronomy courses. As with so many disciplines at our campus, the geographic isolation of Del Norte makes it virtually impossible to find qualified part-time faculty to teach chemistry or physics at the Del Norte campus, and makes it impossible for the vast majority of our students to take those courses in Eureka or elsewhere. With no full-time or even part-time faculty to teach these courses, we are unable to provide science majors, LVN-RN bridge, and RN students at Del Norte with the pre-requisite chemistry and other physical science courses they need to complete their educational paths. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of students wishing to pursue higher science and health career paths (medical school, dental school, RN bachelor’s, graduate school, etc.). These students need to take major’s level Biology, which requires chemistry as a pre-requisite. Due to lack of chemistry faculty (in addition to lack of funding), we are currently unable to offer such the needed pre-requisite chemistry courses for us to offer major’s level Biology at Del Norte, and thus students at Del Norte are unable to complete a major’s Biology degree path. Students wishing to pursue major’s Biology paths also require physics, which we likewise are currently unable to offer due to lack of faculty to teach the course(s). Additionally, new revisions to BIOL 7 and BIO 2, which are required by LVN to RN bridge and RN students as well as many other pre-health majors, require chemistry as a pre-requisite. Because we have no chemistry faculty, we are unable to offer the pre-requisite chemistry courses these students need. This may put students pursuing nursing and other health-related educational paths in jeopardy, as the geographic isolation of the Del Norte campus makes it impossible for a very large percentage of these students to obtain the required pre-requisite chemistry courses for them to finish their degrees. r3/12/12 pg 4 5. Program/Student Outcomes (0 – 5 points) Provide a narrative justifying need for full-time faculty in order to maintain and/or improve program and student learning outcomes (one-page max), based on the following: (0 – 5 points) Demonstrate a clear need for FT faculty in order to maintain program outcomes Justification demonstrates a clear need for FT faculty in order to achieve student learning outcomes Narrative: The achievement of PLOs and SLOs of many programs (and our ability to offer many of these programs on our campus) are highly negatively affected by our inability to offer chemistry, physics, and other physical science courses at the Del Norte campus. Currently, students at Del Norte are unable to complete an A.A. Liberal Arts: Science degree at Del Norte due to our lack of ability to offer chemistry and other physical courses (due to lack of FT or even PT chemistry faculty and funding). This means that students pursing any science major, including majoring in Biology or pursuing careers as M.D.s, dentists, pharmacists, etc., will be unable to complete their educational plans at Del Norte, as we are unable to offer any major’s level Biology courses due to the chemistry pre-requisite. The degree plan for the Liberal Arts A.A.: Science is included following this narrative. PLO# 2 of the Liberal Arts A.A.: Science degree directly addresses the necessity of chemistry and physics courses for students completing this program: “PLO #2: Apply concepts of physics and chemistry to quantitatively explain observable phenomena.”. This PLO is echoed in the Liberal Arts A.A.: Science Exploration degree: PLO #2: Provide specific examples of the classification of the natural world, drawn from both life and physical sciences.” A similar PLO is found within the Marine Science A.S. and Certificate programs: “PLO #4: Apply concepts of marine, biological, and physical science to explain observable phenomena.” Due to the physical science course requirements found in those programs. Thus, without a full-time faculty member to teach these physical science courses, students cannot achieve the PLOs required by these programs. Additionally, and perhaps most significantly for the Del Norte campus, the lack of ability to offer chemistry courses (due to lack of a FT faculty member in Chemistry/Physical Science) has a huge impact on students pursuing the LVN-RN bridge or RN programs (or any higher health education pattern such as medical school, dental school, veterinary school, pharmacy school, etc.). These students are required to take BIOL 7 (Human Physiology) and BIOL 2 (Microbiology). The molecular nature of BIOL 7 and BIOL 2 require that students have a strong background in basic chemistry to be successful in achieving SLOs for those courses. Thus, both of these courses’ curricula are under current revision. The revisions to these courses, which will be implemented this year, include a pre-requisite of CHEM 1A or CHEM 2. The LVN-RN bridge and RN programs have a PLO (#5) specifically addressing the need for students to be successful in applying knowledge attained in their required Biology classes. Clearly, our inability to offer chemistry (due to a lack of a full-time faculty member and funding to teach them) will put a great many of Del Norte’s students in jeopardy of not being able to complete their degree paths. Del Norte is unique in its complete geographic isolation from other colleges and universities. In addition to making it difficult to find qualified associate faculty to teach any of these needed chemistry and physics courses, our geographic isolation prevents most of our students, many of whom are single, working mothers and unable to commute to Eureka, from being able to take the pre-requisite chemistry that will enable them to take (and thus meet SLOs) of their required Biology courses so they may achieve PLOs of their programs and finish their degree plans. r3/12/12 pg 5 Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts: Science ‐ Total Units = 60.0 General Education Requirements: Choose one of four options. See an advisor for more information. Option A CR General Ed. Requirements Option B CSU General Ed. Requirements IGETC CSU General Ed. Requirements IGETC UC General Ed. Requirements Option C Option D Program Requirements Specific Courses (Take 13.0 from the following): CHEM 1A General Chemistry or CHEM 2 Intro to Chemistry MATH 25 College Trigonometry or MATH 30 College Algebra or MATH 50A Differential Calculus PHYS 2A General Physics or PHYS 4A Engineering Physics Additional Courses (5.0 units from the following): BIOL 1 General Biology BIOL 3 Fundamental Cell Biology BIOL 4 General Zoology BIOL 5 Intro to Botany CHEM 1B General Chemistry CHEM 2 Intro to Chemistry CHEM 3 Intro to Organic Chemistry CHEM 8 Organic Chemistry Intro to Forestry and Natural FNR 1 Resources Dendrology: The Identification and FNR 51 Study of Woody Plants GEOL 1 Physical Geology MATH 15 Elementary Statistics MATH 25 College Trigonometry MATH 30 College Algebra MATH 50B Integral Calculus OCEAN 10 Intro to Oceanography OCEAN 11 Lab in Oceanography OCEAN 12 Environmental Oceanography PHYS 2B General Physics PHYS 4B Engineering Physics PHYS 4C Engineering Physics 18 13 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 4 4 4 r3/12/12 pg 6 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RUBRIC FOR PRIORITIZING FULL-TIME FACULTY POSITIONS Faculty Replacement Position Points (0-5): Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within this academic year Stable or growing discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within 1-2 years Stable discipline or program needs replacement for FT faculty who have left within three-four years Stable discipline or program can justify replacement for FT faculty who have left within five years or more Outside accreditation is at risk without FT hire OR Growth Position Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is growing Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is stable Enrollment data over past two years indicate program is declining Independent marketing or other data indicate growth potential OR New Program/Discipline Position Program Initialization process complete State curriculum approval complete New program has shown significant growth without FT faculty Independent marketing data suggest viability of new program Points (0-5): FT/PT Ratio Program has no full-time faculty FT/PT ration below 50/50 percent FT/PT ratio below 60/40 percent FT/PT ratio below 75/25 percent FT/PT ratio results in critical lack of effective oversight for associate faculty Reliable pool of well-qualified associate faculty is unavailable (In the case of non teaching faculty positions, the criteria will be the deviation from norms obtained from like institutions) Points (0-5): Program/Student Outcomes Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to maintain program outcomes Narrative justification demonstrates clear need for FT faculty in order to achieve student learning outcomes Points (0-5): Other (Shared Interest) Shared interest determined by the Faculty Prioritization Committee. Scoring rubric will be mutually agreed and will be based on the nature of the shared interest. TOTAL r3/12/12 pg 7