BT Instructional Program Review Update 2012/13 

BT Instructional Program Review Update 2012/13 (fields will expand as you type) Section 1 ‐ Program Information 1.0 Name of Program:
Business Office Technology Date: 1/15/2013 1.1 Program Review Authors: Barbara Jaffari 1.2 Dean’s Signature: Jeff A Cummings Date: 1/25/13 1.3 Individual Program Information # of Degrees 2 # of Certificates # of Courses # of GE Courses 8 (7 courses under discussion) 0 1 The shaded cells below are to be populated by the Program Review Committee as needed. # of Full Time Faculty 2010‐2011 2011‐12 # of Part Time Faculty 2010‐2011 2011‐12 # of Staff FTE 2010‐2011 2011‐12 Personnel Budget 2010‐2011 2011‐12 Discretionary Budget 2010‐2011 2011‐12 1.3.1 State briefly how the program functions support the college mission: The Business Office Technology (BT) program and courses provide developmental education as well as career and technical
education. The BT Advisory Committee informs and assists in updates and changes to curriculum that keeps the program current.
The BT faculty have been working together to assess program and course outcomes then examine and discuss the findings to
continually improve the courses and program..
1.3.2 Program highlights/accomplishments: The momentum developed by the assessment workshops, activities and completion have started a vital discussion regarding BT
program improvement. Courses have been updated and approved and the program awards (degrees and certificates) are being
revised to address some of the information gathered during assessment discussions. Due to advisory comments, consideration of
an Outlook course has been discussed. A brief Outlook module was added to BT3 in spring of 2012 and will be offered again this
semester to review development. A video was completed to promote the BT program. Section 2 ‐ Data Analysis 2.1 Enrollment & Fill Rate Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Enrollments & fill rates 22. BT_ProgRevv2.docx 1/15/13 Page 1 Enrollment ☐ Comment if checked: Fill Rate  Comment if checked:
BT fill rate is 63% in 2011-2012. One of the factors was a scheduling error in spring 2012. The error resulted in a
better procedure for scheduling courses online and district wide. Other factors are economic and fewer course
offerings which have resulted in course conflicts.
2.2 Success & Retention Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Success & Retention Success ☐ Comment if checked: Retention ☐ Comment if checked: 2.3 Persistence Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Persistence ☒ Comment if checked: The persistence rate improved from 10-11 to 11-12 but is still a bit below the district average. I have found that
some students enroll in BT classes to gain a specific skill set or to improve their personal computer skills through
course questionnaires and counseling students.
2.4 Completions Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Completions & Transfers ☐ Comment if checked:
Student Equity Group Data 2.5 Enrollments Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to Enrollments & fill rates Comment: 2.6 Success & Retention Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to success & retention Comment: 2.7 Persistence Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: by group Select your program and click on ~ by Student Equity Group next to persistence Comment: Additional Indicators 2.8 Faculty Information Review and interpret data by clicking here or going to: Select your program and click on: Faculty (FT/PT) & FTES/FTEF Comment: 2.9 Labor Market Data (CTE/Occupational programs only) Refer to the California Employment Development Division: 22. BT_ProgRevv2.docx 1/15/13 Page 2
Provide a narrative that addresses the following: a. Documentation of labor market demand b. Non‐duplication of other training programs in the region c. Effectiveness as measured by student employment and program completions. Narrative: a. The following business office technology occupations are listed as 2008-2018 Occupations with the most job openings
on the state of California Employment Development Department website: General Office Clerks, & Customer Service
Representatives, Receptionists and Information Clerks, Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal,
Medical, and Executive, and Computer Support Specialists.
Projections of employment 2010-2020 are increasing for the following occupations:
Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive – 5.5% increase
Receptionists and Information Clerks – 18% increase
Office Clerks, General – 15.8% increase
Office and Administrative Support Workers – 15.8% increase
Information and Record Clerks – 5.5% increase
b. College of the Redwoods occasionally offers non-credit courses that overlap with content in the Business Office
Technology program. The courses do not cover the material at the same level of depth and do not require the students
to demonstrate mastery.
c. Student completion has been slowly increasing each year. There is not data for student employment.
Overall, what has been the impact of the change in indicators on student achievement and learning: Provide narrative on the factors that may have contributed to the improvement or decline in the identified population: No Populations Identified.
Section 3 – Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities Curriculum & Assessment Data Are all courses on track for complete assessment of all outcomes in two years? Y/N What courses, if any, are not on track with regard to assessment? Explain. # of PLOs Assessed and Reported during the 2011‐2012 academic year. % of Course Outlines of Record updated If there is no plan for updating outdated curriculum, when will you inactivate? View curriculum status: click here or go to: Select your program and click on: Curriculum Status 22. BT_ProgRevv2.docx 1/15/13 Yes
4 75% listed; actually 85%
Several courses have only
been offered at MCC and
inactivation is being
Page 3 discussed.
In Progress
Assessment Reporting completed? Y/N Program Advisory Committee Met? Y/N 3.0 How has assessment of course level SLO’s led to improvement in student learning (top three): Discussion among faculty is still in progress to determine multiple improvements.
3.1 How has assessment of program level outcomes led to degree/certificate improvement (top three): Through discussion of program level outcomes faculty have identified ways to strengthen curriculum to reinforce course learning
outcomes throughout the BT curriculum. We also were able to identify any potential gaps as well as area where there may be too
much repetition.
3.2 (Optional) Describe unusual assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support: None at this time.
Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans 4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the last program review and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed. Actions Current Status Outcomes Update computers in BT classrooms/Labs
Using current software for courses
Lab Updates
Adding additional business software
4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the plan(s) contributed to program improvement: Up-to-date computers and software purchased for classrooms/labs
Section – 5 Planning 5.0 Program Plans (2012/2013) Based on data analysis, student learning outcomes and program indicators, assessment and review, and your critical reflections, describe the program’s Action Plan for the 2012/13 academic year. If more than one plan, add rows. Include necessary resources. (Only a list of resources is needed here. Provide detailed line item budgets, supporting data or other justifications in the Resource Request). 5.1 Program Plans Action to be taken: Program & Course
22. BT_ProgRevv2.docx Relationship to Institutional Plans Relationship to Assessment Assessment/Course
1/15/13 Expected Impact on Program/Student Learning Improvement of Student
Resources Needed CCCCConfer
Page 4 Outcome/Improvement
Access and Achieved
Section 6 ‐ Resource Requests 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests. Requests must be submitted with rationale, plan linkage and estimated costs. If requesting full‐time staff, or tenure‐track faculty, submit the appropriate form available at Review Requests will follow the appropriate processes. Check One Amount Recurring Rationale Request $ Cost Y/N Linkage Planning Operational Personnel Section 7‐ Program Review Committee Response Do not type in this section. To be completed by the Program Review Committee following evaluation. 7.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President: S.1. Program Information: Satisfactory. S.2. Data Analysis: Good narrative on labor market and projected labor market needs. Need mechanism to track students who take classes but who do not intend to complete. S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: There are several courses with no assessment activity over past two years. It is unclear to the PRC if these courses were offered. Four courses are out of date in curriculum. Again, it is unclear if these are in the process, since the author sites only “in discussion”. PRC would like to see these items specifically addressed in program reviews. S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: Completion of previous plans noted. S.5. Planning: Plans for assessment discussion noted S.6. Resource Requests: None 22. BT_ProgRevv2.docx 1/15/13 Page 5 