Section 1 - Program Information
1.0 Name of Program : Child Development Center
1.1 Program Review Authors : Michelle Hancock, Wendy Jones, Patricia Nyberg, Karie Carsner, Amanda Steinebach, Janet Susmilch
Date : 10/17/2012
1.2 Program Director Signature : Michelle Hancock Date : October 18, 2012
1.3 Vice President Signature : Keith Snow-Flamer Date : October 18, 2012
1.4 Program mission : To provide a high quality lab setting for early childhood education students, to provide high quality care for the children of students, staff, and faculty, and to provide an environment where children can be nurtured.
1.4.1 State briefly how the program mission supports the college mission :
The Child Development Center provides high quality care – which provides access for parent who would not otherwise be able to attend school.
Additionally, the lab setting provides high quality training for Early Childhood Education students.
1.4.2 Program goals :
To provide a high quality laboratory for early childhood education students.
To provide a safe and healthy environment for children, staff, and students.
To achieve fiscal stability.
1.4.3 Describe how the program goals support institutional planning and goals (Strategic Plan, Education Master Plan, Enrollment
Management Plan, etc.):
From the Education Master Plan: Objective 1.2 is to increase support for students. By providing a high quality lab setting, Master Teachers must meet with their mentees on a regular basis. This provides the students support in scaffolding their learning between classroom instruction and implementation in the lab setting.
From the College Strategic Plan: Goal 3 is to pursue strategies that lead to fiscal and operational stability. By searching for additional ways to fund the Child Development Center, we have successfully reduced the need for general funds over the past 5 years. We continue to look for additional funding sources and to be more efficient in our delivery of child development services/ laboratory experiences.
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Section 2 - Data Analysis
2.0 Program Staffing/Budget Data and Indicators (Past
Provide information to show changes over time (steady, increasing, decreasing, etc.). Insert additional rows as needed for your key performance indicators (KPI’s), such as program services, functions, student contacts, etc.
2.1 Staffing/Budget
FTE Faculty and Staff
FTE Additional Workforce
Personnel (Dollars)
Discretionary (Dollars)
2010/11 2011/12
$ 605,904
0 No change
$506,361 Reduction due to closing 1 toddler room
$49,524 Minor decrease
2.2 Program Indicators
Parent (Student) term persistence 94% 88% Decreasing
0 100% Newly established criteria Number of students completing program evaluations
ECE 7 Course Success (Eureka campus only)
69.5% 57.4% Decreasing – have requested semester by semester data to further research this problem.
2.3 Describe how these changes affect students and/or the program :
During the 11/12 school year, we closed one full classroom – eliminating care for 12 families. Additionally, we increased the age of children we now accept from 18 months to 2 years. Families are still choosing to put their children on the waiting list – as much as 1 year before they will even qualify for care. At the beginning of the 2012/13 school year, 4 additional spaces were eliminated, one staff position vacant staff position not filled, and 2 full-time positions reduced to part-time as a cost savings measure. These changes mean longer waiting lists for students when trying to get subsidized care for children.
2.4 Provide any other relevant information, or recent changes, that affect the program :
Funding from the California Department of education continues to decline. A reduction of more than 10% for the 2012-13 school year contributed to the changes noted above.
Section 3 –Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities
3.0 Student Learning Outcomes & Program Outcomes Assessed in the Current Cycle
Students who are utilizing the CDC will be informed about their educational program requirements.
Teachers will provide an environment that helps children develop emotionally and learn to handle challenging behaviors.
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Lab students will observe teachers using appropriate teaching techniques to assist children with challenging behaviors.
3.1 Summarize the conclusions drawn from the data and the experience of staff working to achieve the outcomes :
Teachers completed 15 hours of training to increase their knowledge of helping children become emotional competent/secure. They have asked for additional training and that has been scheduled for December, 2012. Many of the techniques offered in the trainings have been implemented in the classroom.
The director presented the successes of the program at an assessment meeting and to the Board of Directors in Spring of 2012.
While we are surprised that the success rate of ECE 7 students decreased, rather than increased, with our efforts, we do understand there were some extenuating circumstances that may have led to this decline. We will continue on this path to determine how we can best meet the needs of our students and help them be successful.
3.2 Summarize how assessments have led to improvement in Student Learning and Service Area Outcomes :
We are continuing on the path toward providing high quality support services for students despite the fact that our numbers were not what we anticipated. Our student parents are becoming more self-directed learners as we show them how to carefully choose their choices to meet their educational goals.
3.3 (Optional) Describe unusual assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support :
The success of ECE 7 students for 2011/12 was not what we hoped for. It actually decreased. We believe this to be tied to the fact that in fall of
2011, the faculty member associated with this class had to go out on medical leave and new faculty have taken over teaching this class. We have requested further data to allow us to research this trend more fully.
Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans
4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the previous program reviews and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed.
Actions Current Status Outcomes
Master Teachers meet with lab students to ensure a comprehensive training program is in place.
Master Teachers are working to meet with
ECE 7 and ECE 10 students on a regular basis to ensure success. Additionally, the Child
Development Center Director, who meets minimum qualifications for Early Childhood
Education faculty has taken over supervising lab experiences. This has given students more continuity in the lab experience.
We will continue to monitor the success of the
ECE 7 students. The success for 2011/12 was not what we hoped for. It actually decreased.
We believe this to be tied to the fact that in fall of 2011, the faculty member associated with this class had to go out on medical leave and new faculty have taken over teaching this class. We believe the numbers will improve
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Train teachers to help children become emotionally secure.
Promote stable funding endeavors to provide adequate resources for services
Teachers completed 15 hours of training to increase their knowledge of helping children become emotional competent/secure. They have asked for additional training.
Although several attempts have been made to secure additional funding for the center, we have found we must reduce services. Most funding sources we were able to locate do not want to fund ongoing personnel expenses, they are looking for new and innovative programs.
This is not in keeping with our goals. Our reductions of staffing and childcare spaces have made the center more fiscally stable. going forward, but we will continue to monitor.
A follow-up session has been scheduled for
December, 2012.
We will continue to look for additional funding sources. CCAMPIS funding should be up for application again in the spring. This is a vital part of our current funding and will require a very dedicated effort to ensure our application receives a priority review.
4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the plan(s) contributed to program improvement: N/A – no funds provided.
Section – 5 Planning
5.0 Plan for Future Improvements (2012/2013)
Based on institutional plans, data analysis, student learning outcomes, program outcomes, the assessment of those outcomes, and your critical reflections, describe the program’s Action Plan for the 2012/13 academic year. If more than one plan, add rows. Include necessary resources.
(Only a list of resources is needed here. Provide detailed line item budgets, timelines, supporting data or other justifications in the Resource
Request). (link to two year assessment plan)
5.1 Program Plans
Action to be taken:
Teachers will focus on improving instruction in Language and Literacy to improve instruction for children and lab experiences.
Relationship to
Institutional Plans
Relationship to
Ed. Master Plan Goal 3 This item was identified by our annual Desired
Results developmental
Profiles that are sent into the CA Dept. of
Expected Impact on
Student Learning or
Service Area Outcomes
We anticipate children will develop stronger language and literacy skills and that lab students will have a fuller understanding of how to provide high quality
Resources Needed
Staff training
Additional classroom materials
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Master Teachers will continue to meet with lab students to ensure a comprehensive training program is in place.
Parents utilizing the Child Development
Center will be required to provide a
Program Evaluation or Student Ed. Plan to verify a need for care.
Strategic Plan Goal 1
Strategic Plan Goal 2
Ed. Master Plan Goal 1
Strategic Plan Goal 1
Education. We have developed a plan of success related to this item and will report out on it again in the spring.
Students will be more success in meeting their
Student Learning
Outcomes in ECE 7 and 10 as the build stronger ties with their mentors in the lab setting.
Students can more easily self-assess their progress when they have a better understanding of their educational goals. experiences in this area.
We anticipate ECE 7 and
10 students will be more successful in their lab classes.
We anticipate that students utilizing the CDC services will move more efficiently through their programs.
5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanations, if necessary.
Section 6 - Resource Requests
6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests . Requests must be submitted with rationale, plan linkage and estimated costs.
Request Check One
Planning Operational Personnel
Cost Y/N
Ongoing support from General Fund x 90,000 Y
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Section 7- PRC Response
Section 7- PRC Response by section (completed by PRC after reviewing the program review)
7.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President:
S.1. Program Information: Supports the education and strategic master plans
S.2. Data Analysis: Noted decrease in program indicators – of specific concern was the decrease in student success in ECE 7. This was noted and added to critical reflections and planning.
S.3. Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities: Very well done. Critical reflection included r equest of further information to determine why success decreased for ECE 7.
The results of this analysis may be reflected in the instructional program review for ECE.
S.4. Evaluation of Previous Plans: Plans will continue to be evaluated
S.5. Planning: reflects continued quality improvement for this program
S.6. Resource Requests: The operational resource needs to be linked to planning, or, if justification is elsewhere in review, it would be helpful for
authors to note, for example, “see S1” or similar. This resource request seems to be a request for an increase to the regular budget for CDC.
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