C STUDENT SERVICES A 2010 COMPREHENSIVE M PROGRAM REVIEW P Student Services Area: ___Financial Aid/Veterans/Scholarships_______ U S We certify that this program review document represents the plans, goals, and critical analysis of this instructional program. Please enter name(s) and date Author(s): _________Lynn Thiesen, Anna Duffy Date: January 19, 2011 Department Director: _Lynn Thiesen______________________ Date: January 19, 2011 V. P.: ________Keith Snow-Flamer__________________ Validation: January 20, 2011 1 Student Services Mission Statement To provide high quality support services that promote access to educational programs, foster academic success, and encourage personal and social development of all learners. (Revised December, 2009) I. Student Services Area Overview 1. Mission The mission of the Financial Aid Office is to ensure student success by providing financial aid support and resources to students the larger CR community in a professional, timely and courteous manner. 2. Philosophy Statement The Financial Aid Office serves the mission of the institution by providing financial assistance to ensure student access and success by alleviating financial aid barriers to attending college. 3. Staffing Level Eureka Financial Aid Director – full-time Classified Manager Financial Aid Operations Manager – full-time Classified Manager Financial Aid Computer Specialist – full-time classified Financial Aid Technician II – two full-time classified Student Services Specialist I – 1.5 classified Scholarship Assistant - .5 classified Veterans Coordinator – 160 days temporary Office Clerk – 160 days temporary Mendocino Coast Student Services Specialist III – full-time classified does not report to Financial Aid Director but does perform mostly financial aid duties for Mendocino Coast students and potentially Southern Humboldt. 2 Del Norte Student Services Specialist III – full-time classified does not report to Financial Aid Director but does perform mostly financial aid duties for both Del Norte and Klamath Trinity students. Note: retiring in June 2011 4. Summary The Financial Aid Office provides: Information and assistance in completing financial aid, scholarship and veterans educational benefit applications Providing information to outside agencies (Department of Health & Human Services, Tribal Agencies, Child Care Services, etc. Determination of eligibility for local, state, and federal funding ( scholarships, Cal Grants, Chafee Grants, BOG fee waivers, Pell, Supplemental Educational Opportunity and Academic Competiveness Grants, Federal work study, AmeriCorps, Bureau of Indian Affairs, subsidized, unsubsidized and parent loans) Disbursement of funds to students Certification of student eligibility for veteran educational benefits Coordination of scholarship application process, review, disbursement 5. Goals and Objectives 6. Strengths Ability to serve more students with less staff through more efficient use of Datatel and online processes Willingness and ability to implement new initiatives that improve efficiency; i.e. CR Access Card, email notification to students, Compliance with regulations as evidenced by ‘clean’ audits 7. Improvement Areas Note: Identify specific issues and/or needs that are affecting the efficiency or effectiveness of your area. Training – consistency and difficulty due to large geographical area as well as oversight of other sites not w/in control of Financial Aid Director. This will be more of an issue with the retirement of the Del Norte Student Service Specialist III. All staff needs training on how to effectively communicate and deal with students with mental health issues. Lack of permanent staff member assigned to Veteran’s Office is a hindrance in ensuring timely and accurate service to this important population Lack of dedicated help-desk to assist students through issues with online services 3 8.Students Served The number of Free Applications for Financial Aid (FAFSA) received over the past several years indicates more students continue to apply for financial aid each year. There was a 50% increase in FAFSA’s received for last academic year vs. just two years prior. Academic Year FAFSA’s received 2007/08 5,155 2008/2009 6,361 % Inc vs. Prior Year 23.4 2009/10 7,703 % Inc vs. Prior Year 21.1 According to the Chancellor’s Office Data Mart, CR continues to serve a higher percentage of students than our neighboring California Community Colleges. We also are significantly higher than the system statewide in terms of Board of Governor’s (BOG) fee waivers and Pell Grants disbursed. Percent of 2008/09 total headcount receiving: Institution CR Siskiyous Shasta Mendocino Statewide* Pell Grant 28% 16% 17% 12% 11% BOG 55% 35% 43% 33% 31% *Per Student Financial Aid Programs prepared by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office dated September 2010 The Financial Aid Office disbursed over $15 million in scholarships, and state and federal financial aid funds during the 2009/10 year. Listed below is a breakdown of some of our programs. Dollars disbursed and number of students served per program in 2009/10 Program Pell Grant Federal Loans Scholarships Veterans* $ Disbursed $10,496,757 $ 3,800,042 $ 326,431 unknown # of students 3,270 750 431 (this reflects awards, not students as some students receive more than one award) 229 (increase of 27 % from prior year) 4 *Because veteran educational benefits are disbursed from the VA directly to the student, we are not able to track the dollars disbursed. 9. Student Loan Default Rates The grim numbers are no surprise, given that the timeframe roughly aligns with the start of the recession. While some individual colleges have decreased their default rate; the average default rate has gone up at all levels. As we have shown, College of the Redwoods serves a higher percentage of low-income students, which certainly plays into the default rate. COLLEGE Allan Hancock Antelope Valley Cerritos Chabot West Hills College of the Desert College of the Redwoods Siskiyous El Camino Hartnell Lassen Santa Rosa Shasta Solano Reedley Victor Valley Butte College of the Canyons College of the Sequoias 2008 14.2 15.9 10.4 13.7 14.6 10.1 18.3 11.8 12.8 11.3 20.7 9.7 11.7 15.8 15.7 17.3 18.7 12.1 13.8 2007 2006 2005 15.5 8.8 10.9 11.3 16.3 13.3 14.1 7.6 7.1 10.8 10.3 3.8 16.2 14.4 11.2 9.5 6.3 13.1 13.7 15.4 13.9 12.4 10 12.5 9.5 8.5 5.7 13.3 8.8 4.5 25.4 17.9 16.1 6 9.4 7.5 15.8 12.6 10.2 14.8 15.1 12.9 12.1 10.4 7.3 20.2 18 16.1 11.8 13.6 12 12.5 7.2 7.6 6.9 4 9.4 5 Report on Results of Learning Outcomes Assessment 2009-2010 (Please provide a 1 page historical reference of outcomes) Mission Statement: Objective 1. Increase student access by increasing online financial aid information Learning Outcome Students will utilize web technology to access financial aid information Linked to Student Service Goal/Campus Goal/District Initiative Goal #5 – Ensure student access Assessment Criteria (Specify Target Performance Level) Assessment Measure Collect baseline data for the 2009-2010 academic year Track the number of emails sent to students vs. ‘snail’ mail; track website ‘hits’ 2. Increase student knowledge of veteran program requirements Students receiving vet educational benefits will be able to identify and fulfill program requirements Goal #5 – ensure student access College baseline data for the 2009/2010 academic year Create requirement rubric and track veteran students 3 Increase effective use of financial aid in recruitment process. Have award letters sent in March Goal #5 – ensure student access Reach a “4” on the annual assessment of the enrollment management function related to financial Enrollment Management 20 point diagnostic self assessment Completion (or anticipate completion)/ Findings Improvement Recommendations (next step) Virtually all communication w/financial aid students has been through email beginning with the 2010/11 award year. The FAO website shows an increase of 19% in the number of hits from the same time frame the prior year Veteran program forms and information have been posted on the website. Veterans Advisor has started a veterans site in ‘My CR.’ The scoring rubric has 1 as weak, 2 as poor, 3 as good, and 4 as great Continue to develop more comprehensive website, which will provide students more access to financial aid, veteran and scholarship information. In 2009 the department scored a “3.” The department scored a 3.75 when the instrument was deployed in 2010. Increase web usage as defined by the number of ‘hits’ to FA website by 5% by 2012 Develop orientation program for veterans Implement debit card refund management process – went ‘live’ January 2011; first disbursement Provide more comprehensive Rights & Responsibilities (R&R) information to financial aid recipients – R & R information is 6 SU2009 / SU2010 3 3.75 Financial Aid staff at High School Parent night completed Financial literacy included in GS and GUID courses completed now sent to students with Award Letter notification; it is also available on our webpage Implement document imaging to reduce duplication of efforts and increase process efficiencies – in process Implemented unit threshold notification (30, 60, 90 units) – subcommittee worked on this threshold and defined 45 units as a better threshold to notify 7 II. Area Needs Assessment 1. Five-Year Program Staffing Profile with Anticipated Needs Staffing Levels for Each of the Previous Five Years Anticipated total staff needed 2011 -2012 2012-2013 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Position EXAMPLE Administration Classified Staff FT* Classified Staff PT Confidential Staff FT Hourly Staff Student Workers Faculty Reassigned FTE Full time Faculty Reassigned FTE Part time Total Full Time Equivalent Staff 8 0 7 5 6 6 .5 (1) .5 (1) .5 (1) .5 (2) 1 0 - 1 0 - 2 0 - 1 .5 - 2 0 - - - - - - 9 8.5 7.5 8 9 6 .5 (5) 6 .5(5) includes 2 SSSI and Veteran position includes 2 SSSI and Veteran position 1 1 9.5 9.5 Fill out the Management and/or Staff request form that follow if new employees are needed. *includes Director and Operations Manager as both are considered classified managers, not administration Does the staffing structure meet the unit’s needs? No The workload in the Financial Aid Office has increased dramatically; mainly due to the 50% increase in the number of applications received over the past two years. The number of applications received has increased each year for at least the past five years. Even with increased efficiencies, our workload is directly tied to the number of students/financial aid applicants received. Another factor is the complexity of and everchanging regulations that govern our programs. It is very difficult to keep current and requires constant training. We implemented a change in disbursing refunds to students in January 2011, through the CR Access Card. This has been an enormous project that has required coordination, marketing and intensive training. We are still working through the ‘kinks’ and plan to evaluate the program as we go through this first semester. 8 We anticipate that the workload will increase in the upcoming one to three years, as the economy remains in flux, and the tightening of admissions and cost-increases of fouryear school drives more students to community colleges. This also increases the number of students with exceptions that require special handling and manual processing. The Document Imaging project will greatly impact our workload, but how remains to be seen. We do know there is a great deal of up-front work that needs to be done in order to be ready to ‘go live.’ It will certainly affect how we do our work, but we do not see it reducing our workload. There still is a need for a permanent position in the Veterans Office. This position has been filled by temp staff, which does not meet the needs of the students. Research* indicates that veterans coming back from combat face many challenges that traditional students do not have. A permanent staff member, preferably with experience in working with veterans, will allow for more consistent training in areas vital to this population’s success. *When Johnny Comes Marching Home webinar presented 1/14/11 by Dr. Edgardo Padin, Ph.D. Dr. John Schupp, Ph.D. and Dr. Roger P. Buck, Ph.D. We do have significant peaks and valleys during the fiscal year. We are incredibly busy during most of May - October. The beginning of each semester is always very busy, both in terms of students and associated workload; it is difficult to handle the number of students adequately with current staffing. Student traffic decreases from October – December, which somewhat releases the regular staff of the constant pressure. The Director and Operations Manager do not have the reduced workflow as the number of projects required throughout the year does not diminish. The Datatel process of new year set-up required to begin financial aid processing for the following academic year is intensive and time-consuming. Our highest level Financial Aid Specialist III resigned in August to accept a position in Texas. This position was not immediately replaced, and current staff members worked hard to assume the workload. In November a Student Services Specialist I position was hired, shared 50/50 with Admissions & Records. This position is not at the processing level, but we feel the knowledge gained by working in both offices will greatly enhance coordination between the offices and will ultimately be a benefit to students. The Student Services Specialist III at the Mendocino Coast Campus has assumed some of the higher level processing that the Director took over immediately following the specialist’s resignation to alleviate the workload of the Director. Counter hours have been decreased in order to keep-up with file review. This has only been possible due to Admissions and Records staff answering student questions when the financial aid counter is closed. This assisted tremendously in enabling us to keep a fairly timely schedule in processing financial aid awards. Most of our work is ‘back-end’ processing in which technical work must be done in order to process student awards. We also closed for one full week in early August in order to concentrate fully on processing awards so that as many students as possible were able to be paid on the first disbursement of the fall semester. 9 The Student Services Specialist III at the Del Norte Campus is retiring in June 2011. This specialist has over 12 years of experience. Replacing her experience will be impossible at that level, but it is essential that the position be replaced to ensure continued services to the Del Norte and Klamath-Trinity students. The Scholarship Assistant has taken on more duties as the position has evolved since being removed from the oversight of the Foundation. It is vitally important that the person in this position be able to establish and maintain donor relations. It really needs to be a coordinator position. Federal law required all student loans be offered through the Federal Direct Loan program beginning in July 2010. This was another big change that impacted workload and required adjustments of workflow, student and staff education and training. We are still working through issues with this change and will not fully realize the changes until we have gone through a full year’s cycle of processing and reconciliation. We continue to be in a fortunate position as we receive Board Financial Assistance Program (BFAP) funding that enables us to adequately fund most of our operational needs. The continued decrease of district funding; however, will be a problem if we are unable to meet the maintenance of effort required in order to maintain funding for this program. Morale continues to be a significant issue. Maintaining a positive attitude when dealing with complex regulations, students who are often angry and unprepared, the sheer number of not only students, but also new programs and sites, yet fewer resources to provide necessary services is difficult to say the least. We work on ways to cope with stress and encourage staff to ‘take care of themselves’ but it is not easy to do under these circumstances. We need to be able to more effectively prioritize duties to ensure that student needs are met, yet staff members are not expected to meet unrealistic demands and workload. If your answer is “no,” please consider the following in framing your answer: a. Has the workload of your unit increased in recent years? Do you anticipate the workload will increase, decrease or remain constant in the upcoming one to three years? Is this a temporary situation? b. Has technology made it possible to do more work with the same staff? Or, has technology increased your work load (adding web features which need updating for example)? c. Does the workload have significant peaks and valleys during the fiscal year? If so, describe. d. If your workload is increasing and resources will not allow for increased staffing, how do you anticipate being able to ameliorate the negative consequences of too much work and maintain a positive atmosphere in your unit? 10 5/29/2016 Unit Name: _____Financial Aid/Veterans/Scholarships____________________________________ 2. Staff Needs NEW OR REPLACEMENT STAFF (Administrative or Classified) List Staff Positions Needed for Academic Year 2011-2012 Please be as specific and as brief as possible when offering a reason. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance. 1. Permanent .5 FTE position in Veterans Office Reason: the number of students utilizing veteran educational benefits and the complexity of the programs continues to increase each year. A permanent staff member dedicated to the program is essential to adequately serve this important population of students. The Veterans Administration recommends one FTE staff be assigned for every 100 students served by the VA. Continuing to use temporary employees only perpetuates the problem of inconsistent information and requires continual retraining. The specific and complex regulations that vary widely between financial aid and veteran programs make it extremely difficult to combine the programs effectively. Additionally, veterans need someone with whom they can build trust and who has experience working with combat veterans. 2. Help Desk Operator Reason: The change to email notifications and more online services, such as the CR Access Card, ‘MyCR’ and increased web registration requires that students be able to call for assistance with passwords and gaining access to the various online systems. Hiring a help desk operator will assist both on-campus students and distance learners and ensure students are able to access the services in a timely manner. Additional staff is required to be able to manage the volume of student calls, which have increased dramatically. Annual TCP* TCP for employee Could be covered w/BFAP funding $ $46,120 Salary and Benefits 18 $46,120 Salary and Benefits (each) 3.Positions for one-stop office Reason: the new Student Services/Admin Bldg. was planned for a more ‘one-stop’ office for student services. Currently discussions on how this area will function are occurring, at this time the specifics are unknown as to whom will oversee the area and what duties will be incorporated in this area. At a minimum two Student Services Specialists I are needed to ensure student access and continued student success. To provide the highest level of service to our students, these positions should be .50 Admissions and .50 Financial Aid. 4.Replacement of retiring employee at Del Norte Campus Reason: this position processes financial aid applications for Del Norte and KT students. It is essential to providing timely and accurate financial aid to students from those areas. It is highly recommended that this position be filled prior to the current specialist retiring. The distance from the Eureka Campus makes training difficult and expensive. Allowing the current person to begin the intensive training required would enable a more smooth transition for students. $47,591 salary and benefits 5. A second transcript evaluator 55,832 Salary and Reason: While this position does not report to Financial aid, the duties of a 2nd evaluator are essential for Benefits financial aid processing. Transcripts from other institutions must be accurately evaluated and entered into Datatel in order to properly determine a financial aid student’s progress toward his/her program. Currently we use all prior units in this calculation, which does not accurately reflect the units that are applicable only to the student’s current academic program. This ‘artificially’ inflates the number of students in excess unit status. 6. Reason: * TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with the Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position. 12 Unit Name: ________Financial Aid/Scholarships/Veterans________________________ 3. Furniture and Equipment (excluding major technological items) Needs Not Covered by Current Budget List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for Academic Year_______ Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your campus below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Unable to determine until we move into the new building Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: * TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with the Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. 13 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 4. Technology++ Needs Not Covered by Current Budget: NOTE: Technology; excludes software, network infrastructure, furniture, and consumables (toner, cartridges, etc) Submitted by: Title: Phone: Annual TCO* Priority EQUIPMENT REQUESTED New (N) or Replacem ent (R)? Program: New (N) or Continuing (C) ? Location (i.e Office, Classroom , etc.) Is there existing Infrastructure ? How many users served? Has it been repaired frequently? Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Usage / Justification 2. Usage / Justification 3. Usage / Justification 4. Usage / Justification 5. Usage / Justification TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with the Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. ++Technology is (1) equipment that attaches to a computer, or (2) a computer is needed to drive the equipment. 14 Unit Name: __________________Financial Aid/Veterans/Scholarships_______________________ 5. Facilities Needs Not Covered by Current Building or Remodeling Projects* Annual TCO* List Facility Needs for Academic Year____2010-11______________ (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: unable to determine until we move into new building 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: *Please speak with the Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates and to learn if the facilities you need are already in the planning stages. 15 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 6. Professional or Organizational Development Needs Not Covered by Current Budget* List Professional Development Needs for Academic Year___________________. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Some items may not have a cost per se, but reflect the need to spend current staff time differently. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: *It is recommended that you speak with Human Resources to see if your request can be met with current budget. 16 Unit Name: _________________________________________ 7. OTHER NEEDS not covered by current budget List Other Needs for Academic Year___________________ Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your campus below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance. Annual TCO* Cost per item Number Requested Total Cost of Request 1. Reason: 2. Reason: 3. Reason: 4. Reason: 5. Reason: 6. Reason: 17 5/29/2016 III. Recommendations Vice President’s Recommendation The department is to be recognized for its dedication to students and staff. The department’s financial literacy programming, one on one service for students, debt management presentations in the orientations, and commitment to continuously improve financial processes, and continued outreach to our high schools is commendable. Accomplishing all of this while serving an increasing number of students is phenomenal. This comprehensive program review document clearly shows that customer service in the department’s top priority. The department will be asked to: 1) Continue strengthening the satisfactory academic progress process and 2) Reduce the loan default rate from 18.3%. The statewide average for 2 year colleges is 10.1%. Starting 2014, we will be held accountable for the percentage of students defaulting within the first three years (2 years currently). We may see an over 75% increase in the default rate with the new federal calculation and may face sanctions. Future actions may include: a. Continue developing web-based programs to enhance student’s responsibility; b. Work with faculty to include financial literacy in class presentations if appropriate; c. Work with advising to track and intervene with students at risk of dropping; and d. Maintain contact with students after they leave the college to remind them about the importance of loan repayment. Keith Snow-Flamer Vice President’s Signature January 20, 2011 Date 18