College of the Redwoods CURRICULUM PROPOSAL DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE Renewable every five years Date: 10/10/06 1. Division: Math / Science / Engineering 2. Course Discipline and Number: ENGR 1 3. Course Title: Introduction to Engineering 4. Distance Education Method: Instructional TV on cable Interactive TV on videoconference Online 5. Describe in detail how this course will apply the same standards of course quality as a traditional classroom course (attach course outline and syllabus). ENGR 1 is a 2-unit course, meeting two days per week, for 1 hour 15 minutes per session, over a 12-week time period. The course is taught both in-person (to students in room LRC-105) and by distance education (via live television on Sudden Link cable channel 8 and video feed to the Mendocino and Del Norte campuses.) The assignments are the same for all students. Distance education students view lectures and presentations, submit homework assignments via either Blackboard or electronic mail, and participate in a design project. The final exam for the course is administered to distance education students either at the Mendocino or Del Norte campuses, or at the Learning Resource Center in the Eureka campus library. Please refer to the attached course outline and syllabus for more details. 6. Describe how this course will include regular effective contact between the instructor and students. All students, including distance education students, view lectures and presentations live, and distance students at the Del Norte and Mendocino campuses also have the opportunity to ask questions live. Distance education students have access to all handouts and assignments via Blackboard (see attached screen capture). 7. Describe how standard methods of assessment will be adapted to the distance education format. Adaptations to the distance education format include (1) providing all assignments and handouts via Blackboard, (2) collecting assignments via Blackboard or electronic mail, (3) establishing three different sites where students can take the final exam (Mendocino, Del Norte and Eureka campuses), and (4) providing several options by which distance education students can complete the design project. Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 (rev.11/8/05) Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005 May 29, 2016 Submitted by: Keith Level Tel. Ext: 4534 Date: 10 Oct 2006 Approvals: Department Chair: Distance Education Coordinator: Mark Winter Division Chair: Tony Sartori Date: Date: 10/25/06 Date: 10/31/06 CURRICULUM COMMITTEE USE ONLY Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Academic Senate Approval Date: Curriculum Approval: April 8, 2005 (rev.11/8/05) Academic Senate Approval: May 6, 2005 Yes Date: 11/17/06 May 29, 2016