College of the Redwoods EXPERIMENTAL COURSE Proposal and Outline Date: 4/17/06 COURSE DISCIPLINE AND NUMBER: BIOL 88 COURSE TITLE: Butterflies of the Mendocino Coast Is this the first time this course has been offered? TOTAL UNITS: 0.5 [Lecture Units: TOTAL HOURS: 9 [Lecture Hours: 0.5 9 The second time? Lab Units: 0] Lab Hours: 0] MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE: 24 GRADING: Submitted by: Grade Only CR/NC Only William Maslach CR/NC Option Tel. Ext. (707) 964-4547 Division Chair: Sandra Taylor Date: 4/17/06 Review Date: 4/26/06 CURRICULUM COMMITTEE USE ONLY Approved by Curriculum Committee: No Academic Senate Approval Date: Yes Date: 5/12/06 DESCRIPTION OF COURSE Should clearly state the scope of the course, its level, and what student goals the course is designed to fulfill. An introduction to the identification, morphology, ecology, and conservation of butterflies occurring along the coast of Mendocino County. The course will allow students to expand their education in the biology curriculum through a course in terrestrial invertebrate biology. Students will have the opportunity to identify butterly species, assess habitat types for butterflies, formulate lists of potential butterfly species occupying such habitats, and develop strategies for conservation of butterflies and their habitat. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES What should students be able to do as a result of taking this course? State some of the objectives in terms of specific, measurable student accomplishments. 1. Identify butterflies on the Mendocino coast, in the field, from specimens, and from photographs. 2. Apply plant community identification skills to characterize species-specific habitat requirements. 3. Describe accepted methods for butterfly collection and preservation. 4. Articulate environmental and human-induced pressures that necessitate conservation measures. Approved: 2.11.05 (rev. 3/29/06) Academic Senate Approved: 3.2.05 Page 1 May 29, 2016 5. Explain the basic biology and life-cycle of butterflies and make comparisons among the unique life histories of butterflies on the Mendocino coast. COURSE CONTENT Attach a copy of the course syllabus (including description, policies, and schedule of instruction and assignments). See attached. REPRESENTATIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES What will students be doing (e.g., listening to lectures, participating in discussions and/or group activities, attending a field trip)? Relate the activities directly to the Course Learning Outcomes. 1. To identify butterflies, students will watch slides and movie clips presented during lectures; examine preserved specimens in class by visiting different stations of specimens, and attend a field trip to view butterflies in the field. 2. Butterfly biology, life-cycles, collection techniques, and plant community identification will be presented in multi-media lectures using slides, diagrams, models, equipment, and specimens. 3. Students will participate in discussions and scenarios to understand habitat threats and conservation measures for butterflies. ASSESSMENT TASKS How will students show evidence of achieving the Course Learning Outcomes? Evidence of achieving the Course Learning Outcome will be shown through: 1. Written homework, which demonstrates standard English usage and proper paragraph and essay development. 2. Non-computational problem-solving demonstrations including homework problems. 3. Skill demonstrations including class performances. 4. Objective examinations including multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions. PREREQUISITES No Yes Course: Rationale for Prerequisite? Describe representative skills without which the student would be highly unlikely to succeed. COREQUISITES No Yes Rationale for Corequisite: Course: RECOMMENDED PREPARATION No Yes Course: Rationale for Recommended Preparation: EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATE TEXTS OR OTHER READINGS: Title, Author, and Date are required. Author John S. Garth & J. W. Tilden Title California Butterflies Date 1986 Author Common Butterflies of California Title Bob Stewart Date 1997 Author Glassberg, Jeffrey Title Butterflies through Binoculars: The West Date 2001 Author Title Date Other Appropriate Readings: Approved: 2.11.05 (rev. 3/29/06) Academic Senate Approved: 3.2.05 Page 2 May 29, 2016 FOR VPAA USE ONLY PROGRAM AND COURSE NUMBER TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1. Department: Choose One: 16. CoRequisite Course: 2. Subject: 17. CoRequisite Noncourse: Course No: 3. Credit Type: Choose One: 4. Min/Maximum Units: 18. Maximum Class Size: to variable units 19. Repeat/Retake: Choose One: 5. Course Level: Choose One: 20. Count Retakes for Credit: yes no 6. Academic Level: UG Undergraduate 21. Only Pass/No Pass: yes no 7. Grade Scheme: UG Undergraduate 22. Allow Pass/No Pass: yes no 8. Short Title: 23. VATEA Funded Course: yes no 9. Long Title: 24. Accounting Method: Choose One: 10. National ID (CIP): 25. Disability Status: Choose One: 11. Local ID (TOPS): 26. Billing Method: T-Term 12. Course Types: Level One Basic Skills: Choose One: 27. Billing Period: R-Reporting Term 28. Billing Credits: Level Two Work Experience: Choose One: 29. Purpose: Choose One: Level Three: Placeholder for GE OR 30. Articulation No. (CAN): Choose One: 31. Articulation Seq. (CAN): Level Four: If GE : Choose One: 13. Instructional Method: Choose One: 14. Inst Ld (TLUs): 32. Transfer Status: Choose One: 33. Equates to another course? course number. Contact Hours: 15. Prerequisite: Particular Comments for Printed Schedule. . Approved: 2.11.05 (rev. 3/29/06) Academic Senate Approved: 3.2.05 Page 3 May 29, 2016