Monday, February 23, 2015 Meeting of the Assessment Committee
Room FM 112, Eureka Campus: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road,
Meeting began at 2:46 p.m.
a. Assessment Committee Co-Chair David Bazard summarized the 2/20/15 Senate discussion and vote
on assessment deadlines. Dave stated that the Senate agreed to the new deadlines of having
assessment reports due the same semester as when the assessments are conducted. The Senate
agreed, but modified the deadline to be one week after grades are due at the end of the semester. The
Senate unanimously approved the amended proposal regarding the deadlines.
b. Assessment Committee Co-Chair Angelina Hill presented a draft copy of an Assessment Report to be
presented at the March Board of Trustees meeting. Much of the committee discussion focused on the
percent of programs and courses that have assessed all of their course or program-level outcomes
within a 2-year period. There was discussion about the sustainability of a 2-year cycle as well as the
factors that influence compliance with that cycle. Theses factors include cancelled class sections, parttime faculty who may not continue with the college the following semester, and the start and end dates
of an individual class’ or program’s 2-year cycle. The committee agreed to discuss the rapid pace of the
2-year cycle at a future meeting.
Discussion Items
1. Continuation of ACCJC Matrix and the role of the Assessment Committee – see Feb 2 attachment.
Co-Chair Angelina Hill highlighted some of the areas of the ACCJC Matrix that may be challenging to
address given our current system of assessment. One regards the degree to which we map course
outcomes to GE outcomes. Each GE course demonstrates how the course meets the GE outcomes,
but there is not specific mapping to the GE outcomes. The work of the Senate’s ad hoc committee
on GE assessment may help with this mapping.
Another area is the degree to which we can evaluate the assessment results for demographic groups
within the college. The committee discussed methods by which we may be able to determine how
certain groups perform. The discussion focused how to achieve this without divulging individual
student identities within the assessment reports. This is challenging for small courses where only
one or two students may fall into a specific group. The committee described methods of having
more generalized assessments that could be tied to student demographics, possibly by having online
testing that is tied to student logins? The co-chairs will discuss some of these options and consider a
proposal to achieve this ACCJC requirement.
2. Update - Using Canvas for assessment –
Assessment Committee members (and Canvas user group members) Lisa Sayles and Wendy Riggs
briefly described how Canvas may aid in compiling assessment results and help stream line the
reporting process. Both Lisa and Wendy stressed that more experience with the options of Canvas
will be required before we are at the point of suggesting specific assessment options within Canvas.
The committee agreed to continue with this discussion and return to it as the college becomes more
accustom to using Canvas.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:55pm