Meeting of the
Assessment Committee
Room FM 112, Eureka Campus: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, CA100
CCC Confer from Del Norte and Mendocino Campus
Monday, November 18, 2013
4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
1. Announcements:
 GE Dialogue
The Assessment Committee was informed regarding the scheduling of a dialogue session to
review the cumulative assessment results of each of the GE outcomes.
 Assessment Report to Board
The Assessment Committee Cochairs described their report to the Board of Trustees where
they outlined the accomplishments (number of course and program level assessments) and
the initiation of Institutional Learning Outcomes. The report was well received by the Board.
2. Discussion
Roles and responsibilities of Assessment and Assessment Planning
Full-time and Associate Faculty
Dean, Associate Deans, Directors
Assessment Coordinator
The Assessment Committee and the Deans engaged in a detailed discussion of the Assessment
process and how it is working under the new organizational structure of Deans (and without
Area Coordinators). The committee and Deans were provided with several attachments
describing the process and were told how these documents are intended to be used. The
Committee expressed some concern about how large section courses would “self organize”
without Area Coordinators and the workload required if the Deans took on this role. The
Assessment Coordinator indicated that some of the tasks fall under the coordinators duties,
but also indicated that one person could not organize all course assessments. There was also
discussion of the organization required to complete program-level assessments. Since some of
these cross multiple disciplines, how and who will organize these dialogue sessions. The
Assessment Coordinator indicated that the Deans intended to (and in some cases already had)
organized program level assessments. In addition, a January Flex day was being developed to
provide training to use the new mapping software and to help faculty complete program level
assessment reports. The committee and Deans agreed that this is an ongoing discussion and
additional discussion and modification of the process will continue.
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