College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Notes

College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee
Friday, January 23, 2015, 9am – 11am, Boardroom
1. Meeting Called to Order: Present: Joe Hash, Brady Reed, Angelina Hill, Mike Peterson,
Phil Freneau, Dave Gonsalves, Dave Bazard, Cindy Hooper,
2. Approve Notes from the 12/12/14 Meeting: Approved as corrected.
3. Program Review Web Form Tool-Demo:
 Paul Chown gave a brief overview of an online form for instructional program reviews.
The link will be sent to all committee members to review and suggestion changes. The
demo program used is Physical Sciences. Site:
 A set of tabs mirror the sections of the word template. There will be links to data pages
and assessment reports, as well as the previous year’s action plans and links to
curriculum to check for currency. The ultimate goal is to populate fields.
 A Student development template will look similar, but be based on current program
review differences.
 Resource requests will be exported for prioritization.
 Discussed that training would be for Deans first, then faculty.
 Format will need to allow multiple people to have access; probably allow everyone to
edit with deans being the only one to submit. The program automatically tracks the last
4. Executive Summary Items (Standing Item)
 FYI: Cabinet discussed the administrative PR process and are on board to improve
 Discussion and suggestion that assessment reporting should be monitored for relevancy
and detail. Some programs need to improve “meaningful assessment” by linking to
improvements and planning.
5. a. IT/TSS Program Review: Resubmitted-Add to Schedule
b. Maintenance Program Review: Resubmitted-Add to Schedule:
 Crislyn will post these and the will be reviewed again at the March 27th meeting.
6. Program Review Evaluations-12/12/14 Group: (see calendar): completed.
7. Finalize Rubric Assignments (revised slightly due to changes in annual reviews):
 2/27 Mission/Assessment–Angelina Hill; Planning–Joe Hash
 3/13 Mission/Data–Brady Reed; Assessment-Dave Bazard; Planning-Mike Peterson
 3/27 Mission/Data-Dave Gonsalves; Assessment-Cindy Hooper; Planning-Hillary Reed
8. Other/Future Agenda items:
Adjourned: Next Meeting: February 27, 2015
Presenter 888-886-3951