Instruction and Student Development 2013-14 Program Review Resource Request and Action Plan Summary The purpose of this document is to: summarize the instructional and student development division’s action plans linked to assessment and the various institutional plans describe the resource request scoring considerations the program review authors used to rank resource requests summarize the personnel, staff development, action plans and operational and planning budget requests Guiding Principles of Program Review The Program Review process is a formative assessment tool designed to enhance organizational performance. The program review guidelines are informed by, and serve to, advance the unique mission, values, and aspirations of College of the Redwoods. Therefore the primary reason for conducting program reviews is to ensure the continuation of high quality programs and services in Instruction and Student Development and to ensure that our offerings are central to the role and mission, planning priorities, and strategic goals of the College. General Summary —Resource Requests The Instruction and Student Development leadership came to consensus on our resource request rankings according to a rubric that’s been used for the past three years. The eight point scoring rubric included: 1. Relationship to Institutional Plans: Does the request have a connection to the Strategic Plan goals, Educational and other Master Plan goals, and annual plan objectives? 2. Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC): Does the request have a connection to the ACCJC accreditation standards: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness, Student Learning Programs and Services, Resources, and Leadership and Governance? 3. Regulatory Compliance: Does the request respond to a statute (i.e., law), regulation, or administrative procedure from an external agency? 4. Current Need: Does the request meet a current need (not a “nice to have” situation)? 5. Future Need: Does the staffing request meet a future (2014-2017) need (not a “nice to have” situation) that has not shown itself yet? 6. Improves Program and Student Success: Will the request enhance the core functions, efficiency, and/or effectiveness of the requestor’s program/department or is it a “nice to have”? 7. Involves Other Units: Will the request incorporate and benefit other College programs/department or is it limited to the requestor alone? 8. District-wide Impact: Will the request have district-wide impact? 1 Consensus was reached on the rankings and how to allocate the discretionary budgets, the Instructional Equipment and Library Materials funds and basic skills funds. The requests not funded from these sources were referred to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development and Vice President of Administrative Services for review and decision. Below is an overview of the requests and decisions. Instructional Personnel Requests Four positions were requested from instructional program reviews. The ISS 1 for Art was approved to be filled spring 2014. The funding for the position was from the reallocation of Dean’s discretionary budget. The remaining positions will be referred to Cabinet for discussion and decision. Student Development Personnel Requests Twelve positions were requested from student development program reviews. The CalWorks positions (ranked 8 and 10) have been approved to be filled Spring 2014 since the positions are categorically funded. All other positions will be referred to the appropriate reclassification process or to the Cabinet for decision. Staff Development Requests Eight staff development resource request were submitted from instruction and student development program reviews. Discretionary and basic skills funds have been identified as sources to fund seven of the eight requests. Trainings delivered on campus will be coordinated by the deans in cooperation with the Professional Development Committee. Purchases will go through departments and cost centers as they have in the past. The Manufacturing Technology “Professional development related to obtaining ATMAE accreditation” request (ranked 5) will be referred to CTEA. Operational Budget Requests Sixty seven operational budget requests were submitted and ranked. Thirteen requests will be referred to the BPC for prioritization, seven will be deferred to include in the infrastructure grant, twenty eight requests will be funded through the Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds ($29,339) four will be funded via reallocation of discretionary funds, two requests will require further investigation and four will be referred to Cabinet or to the Distance Education and Technology Planning committees for review. Planning Budget Requests Forty three planning budget requests were submitted from instruction and student development program reviews. Six requests will be referred to the BPC for prioritization, seven will be deferred to include in the infrastructure grant, eleven requests will be funded through the Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds ($60,963), four will be funded through basic skills funding ($29,475), five requests will be funded through Measure Q, three will be referred to Cabinet or to the Distance Education and Technology Planning committees for review, and six are either in process or have been approved for immediate action. 2 Equipment/Technology Twenty seven requests were received. Three requests will be referred to the BPC for prioritization, one will be deferred to include in the infrastructure grant, seven requests will be funded through the Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds ($60,963), four requests will be funded through Measure Q, five will be referred to dean and/or vice president for action, one to the Distance Education and Technology Planning committees for review, and four are either in process or have been approved for immediate action. Facilities Thirty three facilities resource requests were submitted in the program reviews. One request will be referred to the BPC for prioritization, twenty one will be deferred to include in the infrastructure grant, two requests will be funded through Measure Q, one will be referred to dean and/or vice president for action, and seven are either in process or have been completed. Action Plans The leadership of the division ranked each action plan according to the agreed upon rubric. A majority of the action plans to be implemented this year will significantly impact the college’s ability to meet ACCJC standards and Chancellor’s Office mandates, respond to statutes and laws, and increase student success and completion. The action that goes beyond departmental purview and recommended for Cabinet approval is to: Develop an Institutional Professional Development Center that includes associate faculty support and a multicultural and diversity resource for faculty and staff. 3 Instructional Personnel Requests Approximate Cost Rank Department Position 1 Fine Arts 2 AJ 3 AG Greenhouse supervisor, 779 hours/year 4 Fine Arts ISS 1 for Mendocino (replacement position to support ceramics and 2D studio courses) ISS I in Eureka for conversion of photo lab, supervision of the gallery, art computer lab, and 2D media area Hire full-time Basic Law Enforcement Coordinator **Repeat request** Decision Cabinet approved for hiring Spring 2014 To cabinet for $50,282 discussion To cabinet for $12,500 discussion To cabinet for $10,000 discussion $10,000 Student Development Personnel Requests Approximate Cost Rank Department Position 1 Counseling /Advising 2 Library Evaluator (repeat request – we have requested this every year since 2006-2007) Part time Library Technician for evening hours (1) at Eureka 3 Residential Life Part time counselor $ 17,736 4 Enrollment Services/V eterans Reclassify Coordinator $ 15,000 5 DSPS Reinstate the DSPS Technician $ 50,000 6 Enrollment Services/V eterans Veterans Resource Center Support Staff (repeat request – requested last year) $ 44,000 7 ASC .5 ISS $ 24,500 8 CalWorks AOA II to assist in CalWorks $ 42,000 9 Counseling Student Services Specialist/Outreach - District $ 30,000 10 CalWorks Coordinator of CalWorks $ 65,000 11 Athletics Assistant Athletic Trainer (Full-time) $ 60,000 12 Library Part time Library Technician for evening hours at Del Norte $15,192 4 $ 55,832 $15,192 Decision To cabinet for discussion To cabinet for discussion To Director of Counseling and Advising for action To employee and Director of Enrollment Services for processing through the appropriate reclassification process To cabinet for discussion To cabinet for discussion To cabinet for discussion Cabinet approved for hiring Spring 2014 To cabinet for discussion Cabinet approved for hiring Spring 2014 To cabinet for discussion To cabinet for discussion 13 Athletics Associate Athletic Director TBD To cabinet for discussion Staff Development Requests Departmen t Description English Send more faculty interested in acceleration to workshops put on by 3CSN, Acceleration in Context, or the RP group. Behavioral Science Provide professional development activities to determine pedagogical and other classroom activities that lead to success of underrepresented students to distribute these throughout the program and the district. Activities could include classroom management, diversity education and multicultural curricular activities (professional development activities will be developed in collaboration with Physical Sciences faculty as well as members of the Student Equity Plan Committee) Physical Science Provide professional development activities to determine pedagogical and other classroom activities that lead to success of underrepresented students to distribute these throughout the program and the district. 4 Math Provide tutoring support for Math Jam accelerated courses for math placement in 20132014 district wide. BSI 5 MT Professional development related to obtaining ATMAE accreditation 6 Behavioral Science Purchase 4 viewing licenses for educational documentaries for community screenings to be used district wide and for cross disciplinary activities. Rank 1 2 3 7 Library Director training 8 Library Staff training Approximate Cost Approved for implementation $5,000 with basic skills funding Approved for implementation with division $3,000 discretionary funding Approved for implementation with division discretionary funding Approved for implementation $10,000 with basic skills funding To CTEA funding $2,000 source for review a possible funding Approved for implementation with division $1000.00 discretionary funding Approved for implementation Variable; $500 with division - $2000 discretionary funding Approved for implementation $500 with division discretionary funding if needed 5 Decision Operational Budget Requests Approximate Cost Rank Department Description 1 Res Life ADA Compliance 2 Res Life Exterior lighting around the Residence Halls needs to be replaced 3 Res Life 4 Res Life Security video cameras and Video camera recording equipment upgraded Roof and Rain gutters for Mendocino Hall 5 Res Life Plumbing $160,000 6 Res Life Bathrooms refurbish $160,000 7 Res Life Lighting Inside rooms $16,000 8 Res Life Vanities, sinks, and faucets $84,000 9 Res Life Carpet Replaced 10 Res Life Double pane windows 11 Library Annual Funding other Library Materials * 12 Res Life 13 Fire Tech 14 Auto Tech 15 Enrollment 16 Library Annual Funding for Subscription Databases * 17 Auto Tech Modular Trainers and programs for instructional delivery of technologies that do not exist in aging vehicle fleet. To BPC for discussion Defer to include infrastructure grant. $30,000 But dark spots will be replaced . Unknown Unknown $150,000 80,000 $111,000 Upper deck of Mendocino hall repair and resurface Accreditation through State Fire Marshall (Repeat request from previous year) Annual budget line item allocation for professional development as required for NATEF Accreditation. Investigate and purchase a diploma printing program. Cost of the program could be offset by savings of approximately $2200 per year saved by no longer providing free diploma covers 6 Decision $4,000 Defer to include infrastructure grant. In process Defer to include infrastructure grant Defer to include infrastructure grant Defer to include infrastructure grant Defer to include infrastructure grant In process Defer to include infrastructure grant Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds $24,000 In process $2,500 Hold To BPC for $3,000 per discussion (high instructor priority) Hold while administrative $2,400 one services time investigates alternative options Approved for funding from Instructional $5,000 Equipment and Library Material funds $150,000 To BPC for discussion 18 Auto Tech Instructional delivery updates and facility updates. This was planned for the Measure Q allocation of $350K downsized from the original $3 million planned facility upgrade. 19 CDC Ongoing support from General Fund (Academic Lab Fund) 20 Library Annual Funding for Book Collection * Construction Technology Construction Technology Funds for the purchase of a building lot for house #41. 21 22 Funds for the construction of house #40 23 MT Purchase Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment and related costs of delivery and installation. (Funding by CTEA grant, approved in August 2013) 24 Health, PE, Athletics Part-time maintenance contracted employee to maintain and fix equipment in the weight room 25 Welding NCPE annual dues funding 26 English 9 new chairs for the Eureka Writing Center (The Writing Center is an essential part of ENGL-102) ($110 ea. Plus tax) 27 Health, PE, Athletics Electronic Skinfold Calipers * 28 Health, PE, Athletics Weight benches * 29 LVN 30 Drafting Tech 31 Res Life 32 Fine Arts Equipment maintenance, installation (both campuses) Seek professional development opportunities for relevant technology training; CTEA Funding Repair Fireplaces “Best” Brand University Easels ($702 per easel, includes shipping) * 7 $350,000 TBD $8,500 $70,000 – 80,000K $165K To BPC for discussion after more specificity is added to the request. To BPC for discussion Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Included in the budget Included in the budget Approved for $24,474 funding from CTEA funds To department discretionary $300 funding To VPISD $500 discretionary funding Approved to $973 reallocate from storage. Approved for funding from Instructional $1,200 Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional $1,950 Equipment and Library Material funds To BPC for $15,000 discussion $5,300 To CTEA for funding $12,600 In process Approved for funding from $4,284 Instructional Equipment and 33 Health, PE, Athletics Hand Held Body Fat Analyzers * 34 Health, PE, Athletics Spin Bikes * 35 Humanities Communicati on Whiteboards for CA 105 36 LVN 37 Drafting Tech 38 CDC Facility rental revenue from HCOE 39 Fine Arts 12 6” kiln posts (Eureka) * $20 40 Fine Arts 12 7” kiln posts (Eureka) * $23 41 Fine Arts 6 8” kiln posts (Eureka) * $17 42 Fine Arts 12 9” kiln posts (Eureka) * $42 $3000 TBD Replacement computers for AT 115 Computer lab (3 total computers) Enhance technology access for students in the CAD labs – Smart Boards, high-res projector, 3D printer consumable materials. CTEA Funding 8 $225 $6,000.00 $16,400 $10,000 Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds To BPC for discussion To BPC for discussion To Cabinet for discussion Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 43 Humanities Communicati on 44 RN 45 Digital Media 46 Athletics 47 Athletics Reinstate men’s soccer program 48 Upward Bound Materials for the faculty mentoring program. (This is a repeat request. Funding was provided this year from the basic skills committee.) Whiteboards for HU 213 and 215 New instructor computers for AT 126, AT 103 & AT 115 Green screen for video shoots – need permanent location first Reinstate men’s soccer program-associate faculty Repurpose old To BPC for boards from the discussion Forum To BPC for $10,000 discussion To BPC for undefined discussion To Cabinet for $10,000 discussion To Cabinet for $30,000 discussion To VPISD $500 discretionary funding 49 Fine Arts 4 ¾” thick electric kiln shelves (Eureka) * 50 Fine Arts 12 1” thick gas/wood kiln shelves (Eureka) * 51 Fine Arts Caustic Cabinet 3 ft. X 1.5 ft. * $515 52 Fine Arts 20 ton hydraulic press and jack * $585 53 RN Tegrity subscription 54 Behavioral Science Purchase 2 Munsell soil books for Anthropology. * $1,056 $40,000 9 $128 $ 400 Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds To DE and TPC for review and discussion Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 55 Fine Arts 3-D printer and 3-D design software. This will enable the 3-D courses, including 3-D design, ceramics, sculpture, and jewelry to start teaching their students digital 3-D skills, which are increasingly important in the workplace. For the time being, the art department would like to start with free software like 123D Design. We should budget about $6,300 for computer and the printer. SAM fees will cover the cost of the plastic that the printer extrudes. * $6,300 56 Fine Arts 24 Wacom Intuos Creative Pens and Touch Tablets for the Art Computer Lab * 57 Fine Arts 3” hardbrick soaps 15@$5 each (Mendocino) * $75 58 Fine Arts 6” hardbrick soaps 12@$7 each (Mendocino) * $105 59 Fine Arts 9” hardbrick soaps 15@$8 each (Mendocino) * $120 60 Fine Arts 9” full hardbricks 15@$7.05 each (Mendocino) * $106 61 Fine Arts Quart jars 10@$2.35 each (Mendocino) * $24 62 Fine Arts Gallon jars (another kind) 10@$2.75 each (Mendocino) * $28 10 $2,305 To BPC for discussion Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 63 Fine Arts 2 quart jars 10@$3.95 each (Mendocino) * $40 64 Fine Arts Gallon jars (1 kind) 20@$4.55 each (Mendocino)* $91 65 Fine Arts 14”X28” Corelite 10@$49 each (Mendocino) 66 AJ New ergonomically designed desk for AOA 67 HPRT NCPE annual dues funding $500 $5,000 $500 Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds To BPC for discussion To department discretionary funding Planning Budget Requests Approximate Cost Rank Department Description 1 Res Life Emergency Communication $ 10,000 Biological Environment al Science Del Norte Campus Science Wing Modernization ADA and OSHA safety regulations remodel to address ventilation, emergency shower, Smart Board technology and cadaver storage which meets requirements. Measure Q $500,000 In process 2 Decision To Director for more information 2 Biological Environment al Science One classroom @ Del Norte for Smart Board technology Approved for funding from Instructional $5,000 Equipment and Library Material funds 3 Enrollment Purchase Colleague program to allow for online census roster processing and collect reason codes for withdrawals 10,000 4 Res Life Asbestos abatement 5 Res Life Earthquake Retrofit 6 Biological Environment al Science 2 Cadavers required for CLO’s in Biology 6, 8, 4 & Art 19 Figure Drawing. UC Davis is retrieving all Cadavers in June 2014 due to a 3 year usage rule. Cadavers are $2500.00 each Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include $1,000,000 infrastructure grant. $600,000 11 To BPC for discussion $5,000 Included in Measure Q funding this includes delivery, retrieval and cremation. * 7 Physical Science Purchase safety straps from O &M Industries to correctly secure Nitrixoxide tanks in order to comply with OSHA and Earthquake safety in Chemistry lab of Sciences Building (per Steven Roper we are to request Measure Q funds for this item) 8 Athletics Implement Measure Q Projects 9 Res Life Electrical Upgrade 10 Res Life Fire Control Sprinklers 11 Math Provide Basic Skills initiative funds to support faculty in non- credit and acceleration course development. BSI Increase ADA accessibility and safety (equipment & furniture) and multimedia capabilities for SMART classrooms as well as address safety in CA 109 & 113 classrooms. Measure Q & State Bond Match Heating system replacement (Depending on energy efficiency) Behavioral Science 13 Res Life 14 English ESL Tutor (BSI Funding) 15 Math Provide tutoring support for Math Jam accelerated courses for math placement in 2013-2014 district wide. BSI 16 Drafting Tech Improve classroom/lab ventilation & heating in AT105 and AT107. This is a carryover from the 2011-12 & 2012-13 program review. Behavioral Science Purchase SPSS (Statistical Analysis software for student to complete courses in both AA-T Psychology and Sociology. Experience in SPSS is required for basic level workforce preparation in social science career track. (6 faculty licenses @$300.00 and 30 student licenses @$100.00 each Del Norte and Eureka) * 18 English Professional Resource Matter Expert for ESL (BSI Funding) 940 hours at $20/hr. 19 Res Life Blacktop repair around Residence Halls 12 Various In process Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include $1,000,000 infrastructure grant. Approved for implementation $5,000 with basic skills funding $386,000 12 17 $3,000 In process $200,000 & State Bond To State Bond Match Defer to include infrastructure grant. Approved for implementation $675 with basic skills funding Approved for implementation 10,000 with basic skills funding Unknown until a response to Defer to include support ticket infrastructure grant. is received $260,000 Approved for funding from Instructional $5,000 Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for implementation $18,800 with basic skills funding $100,000 Defer to include infrastructure grant 20 Math Provide technology and staff resources necessary to offer transfer level math courses to remote locations via interactive TV of Del Norte and Mendocino 21 Drafting Tech Replace worn flooring in CAD labs AT105 and AT107. Replace leak-stained ceiling tiles. 22 A/C 23 Fine Arts 24 Enrollment Windows at welcome center 25 English 29 Computers for the Eureka Writing Center (The Writing Center is an essential part of ENGL-102 along with other English courses) * 26 Fine Arts New elements to replace existing ones in one of the electric kilns. (Eureka) * 27 Fine Arts 8 New tables to put in CA 138 and 139 ($62 each). 28 Athletics Computers for Head Coaches English Fix the ventilation issues in the Writing Center. It gets very warm, uncomfortable, and stinky on sunny days. (The Writing Center is an essential part of ENGL-102 along with other English courses) 30 Behavioral Science Purchase 3 hominid casts which anatomical details for Anthropology (the ones currently owned are more than 10 years old and details are no longer current) * 31 Athletics Four video cameras * 32 Behavioral Science Purchase 12 DVD’s which enhance student understanding of relevant and recent topics of Psychology. * 29 Student Ambassadors – Eureka Repeat request since last year Replace Shannon’s Office Machine (it is from 2006 and is slow and difficult to upgrade) 13 unknown To Cabinet for discussion Unknown until a response to In process support ticket is received To BPC for $8,000 discussion $2,500 In process Refer to TBD maintenance for expeditious action Approved for funding from Instructional $28,739 Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional $924 Equipment and Library Material funds Approved to $496 reallocate from storage. To BPC for $20,000 discussion $38,000 To BPC for discussion Approved for funding from Instructional $900 Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from Instructional $10,000 Equipment and Library Material funds Approved for funding from $1,400 Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 33 Biological Environment al Science 34 Fine Arts 35 Athletics Passenger Bus 36 Fine Arts Five new digital pianos for CA 104 * Math Purchase 2 servers which deliver department textbooks, online testing, and Optimath for student district wide students in mathematics. Measure Q 38 Physical Science Purchase Ripple Tank Assembly for Physics. (The apparatus is used to demonstrate wave properties that are part of the CLO’s. Some of the equipment required for the Ripple Tank was purchased with equipment for new building through Measure Q however not all items were included to operate the Ripple Tank) * 39 Physical Science Purchase NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer) for AA-T Chemistry. 40 Addiction Instructional materials such as DVD’s 41 Humanities Communicati on Latino Film Festival Budget $2,500 To BPC for discussion 42 Upward Bound Faculty mentors for graduates of UB currently attending CR. Stipends for existing faculty members who participate. (This is a repeat request. Funding was provided this year from the basic skills committee.) $4,000 To BPC for discussion 43 LVN Release time for Curriculum (3 TLU) $6,000 To Cabinet for discussion. 37 Purchase 15 laptops and mobile cart for Sciences BIOL 1, 4, 7, 8, 20 & ENVSCI 10, Measure! Move grand piano from the Forum Theater to the new Performing Arts Theater. 14 $15,669 Include in Measure Q funding . Include in Measure Q funding To Cabinet for 100,000 discussion Approved for funding from Instructional $7,000 Equipment and Library Material funds Included in Measure Q funding. The $11,000 servers will be housed under IT for faculty use. $700 Approved for funding from Instructional $269 Equipment and Library Material funds Included in $30,000 Measure Q funding. Approved for funding from Instructional $2,000 Equipment and Library Material funds Equipment/Technology Rank 1 2 3 Department Bio/Environ Science Behavioral & Social Sciences AJ Description Decision Purchase 2 cadavers for the BIOL 6 Human Anatomy, BIOL 8 – Human Biology, BIOL 4 – General Zoology lab facilitates in Del Norte and Eureka to facilitate student mastery of all CLO’s. Additionally cadavers are also used for other courses on campus such as ART 19Figure Drawing. Increase ADA accessibility and multimedia capabilities for SMART classrooms as well as address safety in CA 109 & 113 classrooms. Ergonomically designed desk for AOA. Obtain 24 digital writing tablets and pens for the art computer lab so that digital drawing principles can be introduced in Art 17, Art 19, and Art 42. Purchase modular simulation trainers for instruction in Electrical, Electronics, Engine Performance, Hybrids, and Emission Controls. Printing Solution for wireless devices and overall printing efficiency improvement. To maintenance for action Included in Measure Q funding To State bond Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 4 Fine Arts 5 Auto Tech 6 Library 7 PE, Health Ed Wellness testing equipment acquisitions Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 8 Physical Science Purchase NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer) required equipment in order to teach the two-semester sequence of organic chemistry. Included in Measure Q funding. 9 Physical Science Purchase a Ripple Tank Assembly for Physics 10 RN Tegrity Subscription 11 Auto Tech Update classroom and related instructional technologies. Refer to Dean CTE for investigation Provide video cameras for all sports Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 12 Athletics 13 Fine Arts 14 Physical Science 15 MT 16 FNR Maintain and Upgrade equipment to ensure safety and technological relevance. Purchase safety straps from O &M Industries to correctly secure Nitrixoxide tanks. Improve the MT laboratory by purchasing new machinery. Replace classroom projection system 15 To BPC for discussion In process Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Refer to DE and TPC committees for discussion Refer to Dean for investigation In process To BPC for discussion Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds 17 Math 18 Enrollment Services 19 Behavioral & Social Sciences 20 Bio/Environ Science 21 Fine Arts 22 DT 23 Dental Assisting 24 25 26 27 PE, Health Ed Humanities Communicati on Math Fine Arts Offer transfer level courses and courses needed for program completion throughout the district via interactive TV. Investigate and purchase a diploma printing program Provide, up to date media materials to assist in comprehension of concepts in Psychology courses to improve student efficiency while in classroom as well as currency of relevant to promote dialogue. Purchase 15 laptops and mobile computer lab for use in the science department. Obtain 7 easels to replace broken ones in CA 138. Continue to enhance technology access for students in the CAD labs – Smart Boards, high-res projector, 3D printer consumable materials Purchasing six computers, dental software, and digital radiography equipment to utilize in the clinical setting to instruct students in electronic record keeping and digital radiography. Maintain equipment in the weight room/fitness center. Add additional whiteboard space in CA 105 to make the room more conducive to Language instruction In process Hold while administrative services investigates alternative options To VPISD for action Included in Measure Q funding. To BPC for discussion To CTEA for funding Refer for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds To VPISD for action To BPC for discussion Purchase servers which deliver department textbooks, online testing, and Optimath for students’ district wide and develop a long term technology plan for mathematics servers. Included in Measure Q funding. The servers will be housed under IT for faculty use Replace 5 of the digital pianos Approved for funding from Instructional Equipment and Library Material funds Facilities Rank 1 Department Res Life Description Emergency Communication Decision Defer to include infrastructure grant. 2 3 Res Life Res Life Physical Science ADA Compliance Earthquake Retrofit Purchase safety straps from O &M Industries to correctly secure Nitrixoxide tanks. Implementation of Board approved and prioritized Measure Q Projects for Athletic facilities Upper deck of Mendocino hall repair and resurface Asbestos abatement Electrical Upgrade Roof and Rain gutters for Mendocino Hall Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. 4 5 Athletics 6 Res Life 7 8 9 Res Life Res Life Res Life 16 In process In process Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. 10 11 12 Res Life Res Life Res Life Bathrooms refurbish Vanities, sinks, and faucets Fire Control Sprinklers Exterior lighting around the Residence Halls needs to be replaced Security video cameras and Video camera recording equipment upgrade needed, increased number of cameras for better surveillance needed Lighting Inside rooms Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. 13 Res Life 14 Res Life 15 Res Life 16 17 18 19 Res Life Res Life Res Life Res Life Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Res Life Carpet Replaced Heating system replacement Plumbing Double pane windows AJ BUILDING*Remove/replace 35+ year-old carpets in main AJ building (Safety). Remove/replace missing parking lot lights in AJ parking lot (Safety).*Remove/replace wood railings on steps behind AJ building-active rotting (Safety). *HVAC repair – some rooms get no air circulation. System needs maintenance or upgrade (Safety) *Install network cabling that is currently on the floor in AJ 101A to eliminate a trip hazard (Safety). Del Norte Campus Life Science needs remodel to address safety and ADA , ventilation, emergency shower, Smart Board technology and cadaver storage which meets requirements Improve classroom/lab ventilation & heating in AT105 and AT107. This is a carryover from the 2011-12 program review. Purchase a building lot for House #41. (20152016 year) Computer room ventilation Remove worn out portable buildings at range (firearms classroom and former Upward Bound/CalSOAP buildings) Pest infestation, lack of proper heating and HVAC. (Safety) Blacktop repair around Residence Halls 20 AJ 21 Bio/Environ Science 22 DT 23 CT 24 Res Life 25 AJ 26 27 AG Dig 3 soil pits to be used for the soils class. 28 DT 29 30 Res Life AG 31 WT 32 33 AG DM Replace worn flooring in CAD labs AT105 and AT107. Replace leak-stained ceiling tiles. Repair Fireplaces Upgrade soil science lab equipment. Pursue the increased floor space/add cover over the backyard concrete slab. Build Livestock handling facility Move DM lab to new building – done. 17 Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to include infrastructure grant. Defer to state bond. In process Defer to include infrastructure grant Included in budget Defer to include infrastructure grant In process Defer to include infrastructure grant To Dean CTE to develop alternative plan In process In process To BPC for discussion To Measure Q To Measure Q Complete Action Plans Rank 1 1 1 1 Department Description Counsel Advising Counsel Advising Counsel Advising Counsel Advising Implement mandatory orientation/advising, assessment, and SEP development per SSSP regulations. Continue the use and the improvement of program evaluation and the Web Advisor based SEP. Identify undeclared students and develop intervention strategies to assist them in selecting education and career goals Develop degree plans with course pathways based upon students entering at various math and English placement levels. Work with Senate and constituent groups to develop pathways that focus on supporting student success throughout the entire student retention cycle from pre-enrollment, through year to year persistence, to completing a course of study that leads to graduation or completion of the student’s educational objective Evaluate student development and instruction organization and recommend improvements For Sociology – submit a proposal to initiate an ADT- Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer for CSU. COR for one course includes statistical analysis Stats package SPSS will be required. SPSS package is required for both ADT- Psychology and Sociology. 1 VPISD 1 VPISD 2 Behavioral & Social Sciences 2 2 2 2 English Reading ESL Writing Center English Reading ESL Writing Center English Reading ESL Writing Center FYE Review and improve ESL tracking and placement. Increase offerings of ESL courses in credit and non-credit Coordinate and articulate our noncredit and ESOL offerings (Reading 260, ESL 202, 302, 102) with our credit offerings (English 350/150/1A/102) in the developmental English sequence. Implement the FYE program Increase number of students with Student Education Plans (SEP) on record in Colleague • Establish method of communicating to student regarding completion of SEP 2 Enrollment Services 2 VPISD 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences Evaluate transcripts upfront; create course equivalencies; document an annual review of already existing standard course equivalencies; Assist in annual review of approx. 275 applications to Nursing program; Assist in degree/certificate completions and athletic eligibility; Assist in degree audit/e-Advising implementation. Develop and implement noncredit Math 372 and 376 equivalent courses, counseling noncredit, noncredit CIS, and career planning noncredit courses For Political Science – submit a proposal to initiate an (ADT) Associate in Arts in Political Science for Transfer for CSU. Faculty need to develop COR’s for 3 courses which are required for this degree. 18 3 Behavioral & Social Sciences 3 Bio/Environ Science 3 3 3 English Reading ESL Writing Center English Reading ESL Writing Center PE, Health Ed Create a faculty position in Social Work to develop ADT-Social Work for Health & Human Services certificate/ Addiction Studies Certificate establishing a pathway for students to both a Social Work degree at CSU’s or a pathway to enter a vocational track in for drug and alcohol addiction recovery and other mental health and wellness service industries throughout our district. Purchase 2 cadavers for the BIOL 6 Human Anatomy, BIOL 8 – Human Biology, BIOL 4 – General Zoology lab facilitates in Del Norte and Eureka to facilitate student mastery of all CLO’s. Additionally cadavers are also used for other courses on campus such as ART 19- Figure Drawing. Development of English Jam (help students deemed marginally ready on the EAP in 11th grade to be ready for college level course work at CR upon graduating from high school) Develop an AA-T in English Development of ADT approved kinesiology degree 3 Math 3 DT 3 VPISD 3 VPISD 3 VPISD Work with local school districts to develop plan to implement AB 86—community college/adult education partnerships 3 VPISD Assess staffing and service levels at Eureka, CRDN and CRMC sites and recommend improvements. 4 4 4 4 English Reading ESL Writing Center English Reading ESL Writing Center Humanities Communicati on Humanities Communicati on Develop Non-credit courses in collaboration with for-credit, discipline faculty. Submit revisions to the DT program that consolidate 3 degrees and 3 certificates into one general degree and one general certificate. Assess the current state and ESL and develop a plan to articulate students completing the ESL course sequence into English 1A Work with teaching and nonteaching faculty to review our degrees/certificates and develop a strategy for what degrees/certificates we need to offer and which ones we need to sunset through the lens of meeting CCCCO requirements and supporting our student success agenda Pilot 2 ENGL-102 (Accelerated English 350-150) Send more faculty to acceleration seminars and workshops. Secure more Speech instructors for Del Norte and Eureka Rewrite of Journalism 5 to Communication Studies 5 (Introduction to Mass Communications) 4 Enrollment Services Increase support for student veterans (and dependents): • Re-classification of current coordinator to be more reflective of current duties. • Support staff 4 VPISD Develop Institutional Professional Development Center that includes associate faculty support and a multicultural and diversity resource for faculty and staff 19 4 5 5 5 5 5 VPISD Behavioral & Social Sciences Humanities Communicati on Humanities Communicati on Humanities Communicati on Humanities Communicati on Work with Senate and the President to hold a collaborative CR student success summit that includes K-12 partners Provide, up to date media materials to assist in comprehension of concepts in Psychology courses to improve student efficiency while in classroom as well as currency of relevant to promote dialogue. Development of Communication Studies 8: Intercultural Communication course. Development of ADT Communication Studies Complete ADT History Complete ADT Philosophy 5 Math 5 Math 5 Business Participate in Professional Development activities which will improve basic skills student success. Offer transfer level courses and courses needed for program completion throughout the district via interactive TV. Student-powered marketing initiative 5 VPISD Implement peer mentoring in Counseling and EOPS 5 6 VPISD Fine Arts 6 Math Work with the CBO to enhance the email systems Develop an AA-T in Music Support 3-4 Math faculty attending trainings in acceleration through 3CSN to develop curriculum for a Pre-Statistics (Path2Stats)course to be piloted Fall 2014 6 CIS 6 CT 6 Enrollment Services 6 EOPS CARE 6 VPISD 7 Math 7 Business Econ CIS 7 EOPS CARE 8 RN 7 Complete Creation of Security Curriculum Write Self-Study for external accreditation by A.T.M.A.E. (Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering) Improve student experience at the Main Campus Welcome Center: • Staff knowledge • Improve current window configuration • Improve ease of self-help options (assistance with training on Website, WebAdvisor, email, etc.) • Cross training (FA/Admissions info shared in ES training sessions held on a regular basis – also including EOPS staff. • Determine why students are withdrawing from classes to help inform planning Offer peer mentoring/supplemental instruction for EOPS/CARE students in GS 1 and GS 6 courses. Continue implementing WIFI for the Eureka campus Provide tutoring support for Math Jam accelerated courses for math placement in 2013-14 Create our AT-Business degree Train faculty in computer and network security technologies Develop and implement degree pathways for EOPS/CARE students that place into remedial courses. Curriculum Review with anticipated revision 20 Provide professional development activities to determine pedagogical and other classroom activities that lead to success of underrepresented students to distribute these throughout the program and the district. Activities could include classroom management, diversity education and multicultural curricular activities (professional development activities will be developed in collaboration with Physical Sciences faculty as well as members of the Student Equity Plan Committee) Collaboration with the Student Equity Plan Committee could include requests for a funded and staffed Multicultural and Diversity Resource Center per the Student Equity Plan 2012-13. Faculty from both programs will meet and complete the integration of LVN 111 into LVN 121 lab, and LVN 110A lecture. LVN 111 will be deactivated. Increase Instructional support services – ISS (skills lab, supply management, 8 Behavioral & Social Sciences 8 LVN 8 8 RN Business Econ Business Technology CIS 8 CDC 8 CDC 9 ECE 9 Fine Arts 9 9 9 Fine Arts Fire Tech Physical Science DT 9 MT 9 9 DSPS Enrollment Services Enrollment Services Enrollment Services Library 9 EOPS CARE 9 VPISD Complete Reference Services Assessment Plan Work with VPISD to develop plan for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations. Finalize and deploy business and industry survey 9 VPISD Increase the number of classrooms available for scheduling 10 Addiction Studies Provide new instructional materials 8 8 9 9 9 9 Seek Chancellor’s Office approval for our local certificates. Work in community to identify needs in BOT area. Update faculty networking skills to meet new Cisco standards Master Teachers will continue to meet with lab students and faculty of lab students on a regular basis to ensure understanding of expectations, assignment achievement and overall course completion. Parents utilizing the CDC will provide documentation of either their Program Evaluation or Student Education Plan upon enrollment each semester. CTEA Grant will be used to recruit men and dual-language speaker into the ECE Program. Submit for approval and begin offering the interdisciplinary “Certificate of Craft and Entrepreneurship” Expand interdisciplinary and multicultural learning Become Accredited Fire Training Center through State Fire Marshall For Chemistry – submit a proposal to initiate research into developing an (AA-T) Associate in Arts in Chemistry for Transfer Prepare ATMAE self-study Develop options for a technical mathematics course to satisfy degree and certificate requirements, working in coordination with the mathematics department. Evaluate the success of DSPS non-credit courses Increase utilization of e-forms/scanning Investigate and purchase a diploma printing program Increase support for CalWorks students/program 21 10 English Reading ESL Writing Center Business Technology CT 10 HPRT 10 Athletics 10 DSPS 10 VPISD 11 Business Technology 11 ECE 11 Physical Science 11 HPRT 11 MT 11 MT 11 MT 11 WT 11 Counsel Advising 11 CDC 12 Fine Arts 12 Physical Science 12 Library 12 Library 12 VPISD 13 Behavioral & Social Sciences 10 10 Determine additional database subscriptions needed to improve library resources for ENGL-1A and ENGL-1B so that research CLOs may be fulfilled. Work to promote program in the community and at local schools. Purchase a building lot for House #41. (2015-2016 year) Continue developing community links to specialty training in green jobs training and building maintenance using community buildings. Assign full-time advisor or counselor for student athletes Develop an internal tracking system to ensure that all DSPS students have a current SEP and/or SEC Purchase periodicals with related social diversity and multicultural themes for use in the Multicultural and Diversity Student Center Work with IT to identify and correct courses listed in error in assessment software. Eureka ECE tenured faculty and associate faculty meet regularly with CDC director and teachers to ensure that ECE students are able to see theory in practice and complete class assignments is ways that support CDC teachers. For Physics- submit a proposal to initiate an (AA-T) Associate in Arts in Physics for Transfer for CSU. The college currently offers all of the courses required for this degree. Work with CT faculty to research degree structure that might be a more efficient way to run the entire CT program. Discussion could include overarching 2-year CT degree with combined 1-year specialty certificates. Obtain external accreditation through the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Continue to work toward increasing enrollment. Explore options for program enhancement in mechatronics to train students to have more general skills in mechanical sciences. This will involve curriculum development using examples adapted from other colleges. Program faculty recently visited Sierra College’s mechatronics program to gain ideas for program improvement. Work with the Math Department to offer CTE students practical application math course(s). Develop district-wide outreach plan and calendar of events Teachers will continue to focus on instruction in the competency area of Language and Literacy Expand digital instruction For Earth Science – submit a proposal to initiate an (AA-T) Associate in Arts in Geology for Transfer for CSU. The college currently offers all of the courses required for this degree. Complete Library Satisfaction survey results that include ethnicity age and gender. LRC Director would benefit from attendance at state or national conferences, workshops, meetings, as noted in section 5.1, Planning, item 4 Provide consumable materials in the form of periodicals for the Multicultural and Diversity Student Center, to be ordered and distributed by the college librarian. Provide functional, up to date materials to assist in comprehension concepts in Anthropology specifically Munsell books and hominid casts to improve student efficiency while in classroom as well as currency of hands on materials to complete labs. 22 13 DM 13 MT 13 DSPS 13 Library 13 Library 13 Upward Bound 13 Upward Bound 13 Upward Bound Provide professional level green screen for video shoots. Establish CNC Wood Routing Laboratory in part of the space previously occupied by the DHET program. Evaluate the fiscal impact of reduced special course offerings at the Eureka and Mendocino campuses Participate in the California Community Colleges Library Learning Resource Centers Survey All staff would benefit from various online trainings offered by or the Chancellors Office, American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries, Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, as well as, from specific library vendors such as Koha. Redesign the College-Bound Action Plan to be more student-friendly, understandable, and easily revised. Then create a survey to determine how well students understand the information on their college-bound action plans. (Repeated from 2012-13) UB Director will meet with high school counselors to emphasize importance of rigorous curriculum for UB participants. UB Advisors will counsel students directly before choosing their next year’s classes. Also, UB advisors will analyze the schedules of the rising juniors and seniors to see if anyone is off-track for completing a rigorous curriculum. If so, will advocate for the student the week before school starts to change their class schedule. Will assess a faculty mentoring program that was implemented this year with funds from the basic skills committee. Will give a satisfaction survey to the faculty and student participants and assess persistence rates of the students. 14 Behavioral & Social Sciences Physical Science WT 14 WT 14 ASC 14 EOPS CARE Develop and implement on-line EOPS/CARE application by Spring 2014. 15 Fire Tech Complete FT.CA. Fire Technology Certificate of Achievement 15 FNR 15 LVN 15 15 RHM WT Upward Bound Develop a new FNR degree oriented towards transfer students Faculty will attend ATI training to learn to fully integrate ATI into the curriculum and to accomplish goal of consistent assessment across the district. Offer new RHM degree and courses. Hire a class assistant. Survey students who participate in the summer UB career class to determine whether the career information helped them select or clarify their career goals. Create FT Faculty EMS (Emergency Medical System) lead faculty position to include working with the Health Occupations Director on coordination of Paramedic and EMT programs. Seek professional development opportunities for relevant technology training ECE Faculty will continue to be involved in numerous community agencies and organization serving children and families. Convert traditional photography course to a digital photography course 14 14 15 16 Paramedic 16 DT 17 ECE 17 Fine Arts For Sociology- use campus events to build supportive connection between instruction and student services. Create and market events to bridge community-campus gap. Focused diversity training for Science Faculty to narrow achievement gap for underrepresented student populations Hire additional faculty. Reinstate the AS Welding Degree, which involves assessment and revision of the course level outcomes. Work has already started on this plan. Write script for students workers to use when answering the phones and making Accuplacer appointments. Make sure they know the cycle of applying to the college and to make sure each student knows about the study links and the importance of preparing. 23 17 ASC New Plan* Monitor developments of a state-wide common assessment. Evaluation of Tutoring should remain a constant. Basic Skills tutoring and District Tutoring. Reinstate membership to NCPE (National Council for Preservation Education). The organization is composed of the university and college programs across the United States who offer preservation and sustainability training. Their national web-based marketing provides positive outreach and presence of this program. New Plan* Work with CR SSLG to monitor and then implement changes resulting from SB1456. Specific to the Academic Support Center is to monitor actions that are noted in the SSSP 2.2 Ed Plan requirement to identify any tutoring recommendations. New Plan* Placement as noted in Ed Code 78213. How can the ASC refine, interpret, support the goals of new mandates. 17 ASC 18 HPRT 18 ASC 18 ASC 18 ASC With the assistance of the Distance Education Committee reconstitute on-line tutoring. 19 20 21 Fine Arts ASC Athletics Bring back Cinema course offerings Maintain data sheets to count access to various services. Reinstate men’s soccer program 24