Completing the Quality improvement Plan (QIP) The Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is intended to assist the program in thinking and planning for a minimum of three years. The purpose of the QIP is to provide a format for translating both the comprehensive review recommendations into actions for improving and maintaining the quality of the program; it is also a mechanism for administrators to determine input to the planning process. Because this document will be used to inform planning processes, it is very important that all requested information be provided. QIP Chart Format Dental Assisting Program 1. Retain current accreditation standings by the Commission on Dental Accreditation at the finish of the 2011 Comprehensive Self Study and Site Visit Review. 2. Obtain State Board approval and offer the Ultrasonic scaling in the Orthodontic setting in the DA 164, Dental Specialties and Expanded Duties course in Spring of 2012. 3. Obtain State Board approval and generate revenue for the Dental Assisting Program through the offering of various continuing education courses. 4. Succeed in having all faculty obtain or working towards a Career Technical Teaching Credential. 5. View an updated, modern webpage for the Dental Assisting Program. Accrue annual printing costs associated with distributing our modern and up-to-date brochure throughout the district and beyond. 6. Have a revised Clinical Handbook that includes up-to date information and clarification for the clinical experiences provided in the program. Recommendation # Recommendation: Planned Implementation Date: Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks: Measure of Success/ Desired Outcome: Estimated Costs: Who is responsible: Consequence if not funded: 1 Retain current accreditation standings by the Commission on Dental Accreditation at the finish of the 2011 Comprehensive Self Study and Site Visit Review. Currently working towards accomplishing this goal February 8 & 9 2011 Prepare the comprehensive self-study documents requested by CODA Retain current accreditation standings "approval without reporting requirements" by the Commission on Dental Accreditation at the finish of the 2011 Comprehensive Self Study and Site Visit Review. Time Hillary Reed, Dental Assisting Program Coordinator Loss of national accreditation and state approval Recommendation # Recommendation: 2 Obtain State Board approval and offer the Ultrasonic scaling in the Orthodontic setting in the DA 164, Dental Specialties and Expanded Duties course in Spring of 2012. Planned Implementation Date: Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks: Summer of 2010 Spring of 2012 Have all necessary associate faculty certified; apply to the California State Dental Board; update current curriculum and SLOs in DA 164, Dental Specialties and Expanded Duties California State Dental Board Approval and added to the DA 164 curriculum Time; $350 Dental Board application fees; $650 associate faculty certification Dental Assisting Program Coordinator; Associate Faculty Ultra-sonic scaling in the orthodontic setting will not be added to the DA 164, Dental Specialties and Expanded Duties curriculum. Graduates will not obtain all the necessary skills for employment in orthodontic offices throughout California. Measure of Success/ Desired Outcome: Estimated Costs: Who is responsible: Consequence if not funded: Recommendation # Recommendation: Planned Implementation Date: Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks: Measure of Success/ Desired Outcome: Estimated Costs: Who is responsible: Consequence if not funded: 3 Obtain State Board approval and generate revenue for the Dental Assisting Program through the offering of various continuing education courses Summer 2012 Summer 2013 Apply to the California State Dental Board Approval from the California State Dental Board to be a continuing education provider Time; application fee $350 Dental Assisting Program Coordinator Local community needs will have not been met, requiring all assistants to travel outside the area to to advance their skills as Registered Dental Assistants. Opportunity for additional funding source for the Dental Assisting Program will have been ignored Recommendation # Recommendation: Planned Implementation Date: Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks: Measure of Success/ Desired Outcome: Estimated Costs: Who is responsible: Consequence if not funded: Recommendation # Recommendation: Planned Implementation Date: Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks: Measure of Success/ Desired Outcome: Estimated Costs: Who is responsible: Consequence if not funded: Recommendation # Recommendation: Planned Implementation Date: Estimated Completion Date: Action/Tasks: Measure of Success/ Desired Outcome: Estimated Costs: Who is responsible: Consequence if not funded: 4 Succeed in having all faculty obtain or working towards a Career Technical Teaching Credential. Currently working towards accomplishing this goal Summer 2012 All courses taken to fulfill full-time and part-time Career Technical Teaching Credentials for the entire Dental Assisting Program faculty Increased student retention; further developed SLOs; improved assessments None (Faculty have agreed to pay privately) Dental Assisting Program Coordinator; Associate Faculty Instructors with minimal teaching skills; CODA accreditation warning 5 View an updated, modern webpage for the Dental Assisting Program. Accrue annual printing costs associated with distributing our modern and up-to-date brochure throughout the district and beyond. Currently working towards accomplishing this goal Summer 2010 Have all components of website working; include a video of our facility; include student/ graduate interviews Increase enrollment and graduate number; increase number of male students; increase number of African American students; increase number of out-of –the-area students Time for Webmasters & Dental Assisting Program AOA III Dental Assisting Program AOA III, Webmaster, Dental Assisting Program Coordinator Opportunity for outreach will have been ignored 6 Have a revised Clinical Handbook that includes up-to date information and clarification for the clinical experiences provided in the program. Spring 2010 Fall 2010 Completely revise the current Clinical Handbook Create a Clinical Handbook that is clear and easy to understand for students and staff alike. Time and Printing Dental Assisting Program Coordinator & Dental Assisting Program AOA III Opportunity for program development is ignored; CODA accreditation warning ECE Program Review Fall 2009 Program Recommendations 5.01.3 1. Receive communication from Admissions and Records ot Institutional research clarifying student goals at entry, progress towards their goals, and success in the job market after they leave CR. 2. Develop two year (or more) course offering matrices for campuses so students can plan their educational path. 3. Distribute the ECE brochure widely throughout the district. (Including the to-bedeveloped Spanish language version.) 4. Formalize and compensate the role of the ECE area coordinator as liasison between the Eureka Campus Child Development Center and ECE instruction. (The role of the CDC Director in this process is made clear in the job decription.) 5. Develop a way to ensure that ECE students receive accurate and appropriate advising to ensure they achieve meet the Ttile 22 and TItle 5 regulations in a timely manner. 6. Formalize atriculation agreements with CSUs (starting with HSU) participating with California Community Colleges in the Curriculum Alignment Project and with high schools that have early childhood programs within our district. QIP Chart 5.01.4 Recommendation # 1 Recommendation Receive communication from Admissions and Records ot Institutional research clarifying student goals at entry, progress towards their goals, and success in the job market after they leave CR. Planned Implementation Date Unknown Estimated Completion Date Unknown Action/Tasks To be determined by AR and IR Measure of Success/Desired Outcomes a. ECE faculty will know student goals at entrance b. ECE faculty will know rate of students success c. ECE faculty will know student success in job market. d. ECE faculty will be able to survey employers to determine if students have the skills local employers need. Estimated Costs Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Unknown AR and IR Potential loss of grant funds due to poor information. Recommendation # Recommendation 2 Develop two year (or more) course offering matrices for campuses so students can plan their educational path. Fall 2010 Spring 2010 ECE Faculty in collaboration with Deans for each campus will develop the matrices. There will be a course offering matrix available for students and advisors. Time, printing Dean for each campus Not a funding but a time issue. If not done students may not complete the program in the most efficient and timely manner. Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcomes Estimated Costs Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcomes Estimated Costs Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Recommendation # 3 Distribute the ECE brochure widely throughout the district with the course offering matrices. (Including the to-bedeveloped Spanish language version.) Fall 2010 Spring 2010 a. Ensure that currently developed brochures are distributed widely throughout the district. b. Translate brochure into Spanish ECE Brochures will be available at each campus, high-school, job market, and college fair in the district. Unknown ECE Area Coordinator, Printing Services Program information will be unavailable to potential students resulting in lost enrollments. 4 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcomes Estimated Costs Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Recommendation # Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcomes Estimated Costs Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Recommendation # Formalize and compensate the role of the ECE area coordinator as liaison between the Eureka Campus Child Development Center and ECE instruction. Fall 2010 Spring 2010 Meeting with VP-SS, VP-AA, ECE Area Coordinator, CDC Director. Other steps to be determined after that meeting. ECE instruction and CDC practice will be consistent and will ensure that students receive the best lab experience possible. Unknown VP-SS, VP-AA. CR will not be meeting the recommendation of the CCCCO (included in the 2008-2009 Program Review) for college lab schools and students will not be getting the best possible educational experience. 5 Develop a way to ensure that ECE students receive accurate and appropriate advising to ensure they achieve meet the Ttile 22 and TItle 5 regulations in a timely manner. Unknown Unknown Meeting with VP-SS, VP-AA and ECE area coordinator. Other steps to be determined after this meeting. Advisors and students will have a go-to person to help them determine how students can reach their career goals in the ECE field. Unknown. VP Student Services, VP Academic Affairs, ECE Area Coordinator. Students will continue to misadvised and take longer to complete their educational goals at CR. 6 Recommendation Planned Implementation Date Estimated Completion Date Action/Tasks Measure of Success/Desired Outcomes Estimated Costs Who is responsible? Consequence if not funded Formalize atriculation agreements with CSUs (starting with HSU) participating with California Community Colleges in the Curriculum Alignment Project and with high schools that have early childhood programs within our district. Spring 2010 Fall 2009 Meet with HSU articulation office and Child Development Department Chair. Students will transfer to HSU’s Child Development Major as Junior’s in good standing in the major. None ECE Area Coordinator, CR Articulation Officer Student may have to repeat course work after they transfer to HSU. LVN 2009-2010 QIP These Objectives are organized according to the California Nurse Practice Act CCR Sections: Section 1426 (d) Sufficient Resources Enhance use of technology capabilities’ for courses: syllabi, written work, course testing Objective Action Date Person(s) responsible C/R educational August 2009 Incorporate 1. Include tech staff/ Faculty available instructional technology technology resources into the presentation in curriculum faculty orientation days, include computer testing information used in other Health Occupations courses Faculty/students September 2009 2. Begin instructional time at the newly established Humboldt Bay Regional Simulation Center. Faculty / students/ October 2009 3. Establish base C/R educational line information on tech staff technology use within each level of the program. 3. Set goals and Faculty establish timelines January 2010 for incorporating technology consistently throughout the program. Section 1424 (g) Faculty primary responsibilities for developing policies and procedures, planning, organizing implementing, and evaluation all aspects of the program. Objective Action Date Person(s) LVN 2009-2010 QIP 1. Develop a nursing program faculty handbook 2. Involve both full time and part time faculty in policy and procedures 1. Adapt current associate faculty handbook and program handbook specifically for nursing faculty. 2. Interactive orientation for all associate and clinical faculty to the program and college 3. Survey all full time and associate faculty re orientation needs & handbook 1. Create & post electronic program meeting calendar with topics for discussion June 2010 responsible HO Director August 2009 Faculty/ Director December 2009May 2010 Faculty/ Director on going Faculty 1426 (d) Theory and clinical practice: nursing areas…legal, social, and ethical aspects of nursing, nursing leadership and management. Full implementation of the laws and regulations in the publication California Nursing Practice Act (NPA), nursing students to be knowledgeable about the legal scope of practice of a registered nurse. Implement the role of the professional registered nurse based upon the NPA and professional decision making. 1429 (C) LVN: The nursing content include the basic standards for competent performance prescribed in Section 1443.5 of these regulations. Refer to recommendation in 1426 regarding nursing student knowledge and practice application of the Nursing Practice Act which includes California Code of Regulations, Section 1443.5 Standard of Competent Performance. LVN 2009-2010 QIP Objective Action 1. Incorporate explicit information on the NPA throughout the curriculum 1. Review curriculum re when and where NPA information is currently addressed 2. Develop learning objectives specific to the NPA 3. Identify activities and other opportunities to introduce NPA i.e., program application information, student handbook, faculty handbook etc. 1. Create learning objectives to include in relevant Health Occupations programs 2. Provide consistent information on NPA throughout the HO programs Date Person(s) responsible August 2009 and as Director/ an agenda item for faculty//students monthly departmental meetings Revisions in Fall 2010 publications and syllabi Faculty August 2010 Director/all faculty RN 2009-2010 QIP These Objectives are organized according to the California Nurse Practice Act CCR Sections: Section 1426 (d) Sufficient Resources Enhance use of technology capabilities’ for courses: syllabi, written work, course testing Objective Action Date Person(s) responsible C/R educational August 2009 Incorporate 1. Include tech staff/ Faculty available instructional technology technology resources into the presentation in curriculum faculty orientation days, include computer testing information used in other Health Occupations courses Faculty/students September 2009 2. Begin instructional time at the newly established Humboldt Bay Regional Simulation Center. Faculty / students/ October 2009 3. Establish base C/R educational line information on tech staff technology use within each level of the program. 3. Set goals and Faculty establish timelines January 2010 for incorporating technology consistently throughout the program. Section 1424 (g) Faculty primary responsibilities for developing policies and procedures, planning, organizing implementing, and evaluation all aspects of the program. Objective Action Date Person(s) RN 2009-2010 QIP 1. Develop a nursing program faculty handbook 2. Involve both full time and part time faculty in policy and procedures 1. Adapt current associate faculty handbook and program handbook specifically for nursing faculty. 2. Interactive orientation for all associate and clinical faculty to the program and college 3. Survey all full time and associate faculty re orientation needs & handbook 1. Create & post electronic program meeting calendar with topics for discussion June 2010 responsible HO Director August 2009 Faculty/ Director December 2009May 2010 Faculty/ Director on going Faculty 1426 (d) Theory and clinical practice: nursing areas…legal, social, and ethical aspects of nursing, nursing leadership and management. Full implementation of the laws and regulations in the publication California Nursing Practice Act (NPA), nursing students to be knowledgeable about the legal scope of practice of a registered nurse. Implement the role of the professional registered nurse based upon the NPA and professional decision making. 1429 (C) LVN: The nursing content include the basic standards for competent performance prescribed in Section 1443.5 of these regulations. Refer to recommendation in 1426 regarding nursing student knowledge and practice application of the Nursing Practice Act which includes California Code of Regulations, Section 1443.5 Standard of Competent Performance. RN 2009-2010 QIP Objective Action 1. Incorporate explicit information on the NPA throughout the curriculum 1. Review curriculum re when and where NPA information is currently addressed 2. Develop learning objectives specific to the NPA 3. Identify activities and other opportunities to introduce NPA i.e., program application information, student handbook, faculty handbook etc. 1. Create learning objectives to include in relevant Health Occupations programs 2. Provide consistent information on NPA throughout the HO programs Date Person(s) responsible August 2009 and as Director/ an agenda item for faculty//students monthly departmental meetings Revisions in Fall 2010 publications and syllabi Faculty August 2010 Director/all faculty