REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee

Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
9:00-9:55 am
LRC 103
1. Call to Order
2. Notes of April 4 Meeting
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Review of Strategic Plan Narrative
4.2 Review Year End Report Outline
4.3 Review Program Review and Integrated Planning Narrative Outline
4.4 Review of IPFC Meeting Outcomes
4.5 Shirley Kelly Visit on April 30 and May 1
5. Director’s Report Out.
6. Agenda items for future meetings
7. Adjournment
Meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
1. Call to Order
2. Notes of March 7 Meeting: Approved
3. Action Items
3.1 Validation of Strategic Plan: The IEC validated the strategic plan. As next steps the
narrative will be worked on with the assistance of Dr. Kelly.
3.2 Future Meetings Monday, April 23 and Thursday, May 17: IEC agreed to meet
sometime around April 23 and will discuss future meetings at that point.
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Outcomes of the March 24 Planning Summit and the April 2 IPFC Chair Meeting:
Initial outcomes of the meeting were discussed. There will be a follow-up IFPC chair
meeting in late April.
4.2 Redesign of the integrated planning process model
4.2.1 Basic Skills Committee and Student Equity Plan Committee: The IEC felt that
that the Basics Skills Committee and the Student Equity Plan Committee connect to
the EMC in the model and make sure student equity data is included in the Program
Review process and in the building of the education master plan.
4.3 Integrated Planning Narrative
4.3.1 AOC Feedback
4.3.2 Role of Consultant Dr. Kelly in Narrative Rewrite: The intention is to have Dr.
Kelly work draft the planning narrative following the follow-up IPFC chairs meeting.
5. Director’s Report Out.
6. Agenda items for future meetings
June 20, 2012
3:00-5:00 p.m.
July 25, 2012
3:00-5:00 p.m.
7. Adjournment
LRC 107
LRC 107