REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT April 11, 103 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.

Meeting of the First Year Experience (FYE) Committee
April 11, 103
1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
FYE Mission
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of first year college students.
1. Call to Order
2. Review Notes from: March 28, 2013
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Review “Getting Started” flowchart
4.2 Student Education Plans (abbreviated vs. comprehensive)
5. Reports
5.1 View “Getting Started” video
6. Future Agenda Items
6.1 Status of revised math & English sequence chart
6.2 Status of revised Accuplacer background questions
7. Announcements
7.1 Only 2 meetings left (April 25 and May 9)
8. Adjournment
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Meeting of the First Year Experience (FYE) Committee
March 28, 2013, 1:15 – 2:30, in SS-104
FYE Mission
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of first-year college students.
Present: Natalie Barbero, Steve Bevier, Bob Brown, Sheila Hall, Kintay Johnson, Lisa Liken, Ruth
Moon, and Erin Wall.
9. Call to Order: Sheila called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
10. Review Notes from March 21 meeting: The notes were approved. Erin updated everyone on
the FYE meeting that was held on March 21 because many committee members were unable to
attend. Erin and Dave have contacted Angelina about the Accuplacer questions and found out
that she does not use them for statistics, and the advisors use Accuplacer for the English and math
placement scores, not usually for the questions. Erin is working with Angelina to cut down the
number of Accuplacer questions and will change some of them to help with math and English
placement. They want to keep the question that asks if English is the primary language spoken at
home to help determine if a student should be placed in an ESL course. They will talk to the
faculty who are knowledgeable about ESL to help determine what other questions to keep. Erin
said they hope to accelerate students into higher math courses by reviewing the revised
Accuplacer questions, students’ GPA’s, and by having them take Math Jam. Regarding English
placement, English faculty are working on some ways to help students accelerate in English
courses. Erin reported on the number of students who place into specific math classes. Bob was
wondering how this compares to other California community colleges. Erin said she will look
into this.
11. Action Items: None
12. Discussion Items:
4.1 The role of GS and FYE: Sheila said we are offering a lot of GS sections in the summer and
fall to support the recommendations of the Student Success Task Force. All new students will be
required to take placements, attend orientation, and have an SEP as part of the enrollment
priorities legislation beginning Fall 2014. We only have three advisors on the Eureka campus, so
the GS 6 class will be used as an extension of advising. We really want to encourage students to
take GS 6 because this class will be a semester long orientation, and the students will develop a
full SEP in the class. Ruth said she would like a copy of an SEP.
4.2 Orientation components: New students will attend a two hour orientation session. The
sessions will include the orientation video and information about the planning process, degrees,
and certificates. The students will get to meet with an advisor during the orientation to help them
set up a class schedule, which is the goal of the orientation. There was a discussion about the
GS classes. The GS 6 and GS 1 sections that will be offered at the Eureka campus in the fall will
accommodate about 400 students. Erin said it might be beneficial to have a GPA screening to
help place students in the GS classes because we won’t be able to accommodate all of the new
students. EOPS is also going to require their new students to take GS 6. Bob discussed the
difference between the GS 6 and GS 1 courses. GS 6 has an SEP and career planning component.
He said he feels that 75-80 percent of the sections we offer should be GS 6 and about 20-25
percent should be GS 1. GS 1 is a higher level class that involves critical thinking, essay writing,
and following an SEP towards a goal. Bob feels students could be successful in GS 1 if they were
at the English 150 or higher level. In the future we need to revise the course outlines for GS 1
and GS 6. It was suggested we invite speakers to GS 6 classes to discuss what it takes to get a
degree in a particular major. Lisa and Bob are planning an orientation for faculty who might be
interested in teaching GS 6. This orientation will be held on April 12 from 9-10 in SS109. Ruth
suggested we send an email to all faculty about the GS 6 orientation workshop. There was a
discussion about the English and math sequences sheets. The different sequence sheets were
reviewed. Everyone liked the sequence sheet that is on the Counseling and Advising website.
This is the same sequence sheet that Tina gives to students when they take the placements. Erin
would like a copy of this sequence sheet. Ruth suggested that we invite advisors to faculty and
departmental meetings to help improve understanding and communication.
4.3 Timeline and prioritization of tasks: Erin and Dave are working on updating the Accuplacer
questions and the math and English sequences sheet. There was a discussion about how we will
be serving English 360 students. We may offer not-for-credit courses through Community
Education or Adult Education. There are similar discussions about how we will serve Math 372
students. Sheila wanted to know what other classes we should put English 360 level students in.
She suggested CIS 100 or GS 6. Sheila said the advisors are going to the high schools to
conduct application workshops and are telling the students about placements. Sheila showed
everyone the Getting Started at Mt. Hood flowchart and the Quick Information Guide. Everyone
really liked them. Sheila said we could use this document as the second communication that
would be sent to new students after they receive their new student email. Jenn Bailey is working
on a document like this for us. Ruth volunteered to help with the layout. Sheila will send Ruth a
copy of it. Sheila said we are finalizing the orientation video, and the FYE Committee will be the
first to view it. Sheila will have sample SEPs at the next meeting.
Steve said ASCR supports making GS 6 a requirement. ASCR can help promote Math Jam and
help students’ first year at CR be more successful.
13. Reports: None
14. Future Agenda Items:
Review orientation video
SEPs now and in the future
15. Announcements: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 11, 2013.
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.