College of the Redwoods Basic Skills Committee September 4, 2015 Meeting SS 104

College of the Redwoods
Basic Skills Committee
September 4, 2015 Meeting
SS 104
Summary Notes:
Present: Erin Wall, Steve Jackson, Harry Pyke, Cliff Clendenen, Liz Carlyle, Sheila Hall, Dave
Bazard, Crislyn Parker-support
1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order.
2. Approve May 1 Notes; Committee Responsibilities Update:
 No more printed copies will be supplied. Agendas and documents can be projected or
individual members can bring their own hardcopy.
 It was suggested that at the end of committee meetings, a summary of the important
issues be noted for chairs and members to report out to colleagues at department/division
meetings, whenever possible.
 Committees are required to participate in the annual committee survey every spring.
3. Action Item(s):
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Membership Review & Update: Discussed revising membership to include: dean and
faculty co-chairs and faculty representations from the following areas: math,
English/reading/languages, CTE and Athletics; Student Equity member, SSSP committee
member, noncredit representative and IR rep. Harry Pyke offered to make room for a counseling
rep (Matt McCann). Overlap of faculty representations is ok; e.g. Steve Jackson is both faculty
co-chair and math rep, Liz Carlyle will be English/Reading/ESL.
4.2 Review Charge and Process: Current scope needs no revision.
4.3 Changes to the Basic Skills Fund Request Form:
 Discussion on actual form moved to the next meeting.
 Discussed whether BS will have “call outs” for funding proposals, since we are on target
to spend our annual allocations. Also, funding should be more targeted and aligned to
our submitted plan. Ideally, the committee will plan for the following year spending in
the spring semester.
 Noted: Changes to the tutoring process will create changes in tutoring funding.
4.4 Basic Skills Updates:
4.4.1 English: In Spring 2016, English will offer three sections of Engl. 102. Engl. 350 is
in the revision process, and hopefully will include Liz. Erin solicited and received
positive feedback to offering non-credit options for existing classes. Discussions to offer
an early morning Engl. 102 that is sports-themed in spring 2016.
888‐886‐3951 3137841 College of the Redwoods
Basic Skills Committee
September 4, 2015 Meeting
SS 104
4.4.2 Math: Two sections of Math 102 is being offered on the Eureka campus and one in
DN. The Del Norte section is being shared by Todd Olsen and Mike Haley, due to the
size of the course (6 units). There is discussion to change the start time of one section to
8:30am or adding a third section at that time so athletes can participate; and discussion of
creating an athletics themed MATH 102. Sheila would like to pair this with a GS class as
4.4.3 ESL: There are no credit ESL courses offered in fall 2015, but intent to schedule an
Engl. 153 in spring 2016. ESL now offers certificates of competency, which increases
student interest and CR FTES.
4.4.4 Noncredit:
4.5. Review Basic Skills Data – Angelina
 Angelina provided some data on students moving from noncredit to credit classes. This
data compares students who took credit courses prior to taking non-credit against students
who took non-credit prior to taking credit courses, and students who only took noncredit
in ESL, READ, Math, Business, Guidance and Education. What will be of value in the
future is to compare these numbers and to see who we are serving, if possible.
5. Other Items: Erin slightly revised the BS Report to reflect that partnership with the College
Transition Collaborative funding request submitted by Matt McCann (BS approved) changed,
because CR was not accepted; and revised details on moving ASCR forward to institutional
funding. We need to reconcile details of the funding.
6. Summary of Important Take-a-Ways: Math 102 discussion; a general knowledge of where
we are with basic skills courses; the annual report is going to the senate today for discussion and
the September 18 Senate for final approval.
Next meeting: Friday, September 18, 2015
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