Academic Senate Meeting April 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM 5.6 Overall Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Program Scope The dual and concurrent enrollment program will allow eligible high school students currently attending Redwoods Community College District service area public or private high schools or home school to simultaneously enroll in a college class. The credits that students earn can be used for both a college degree or certificate and high school graduation requirements. Enrollment in dual and concurrent enrollment classes can potentially ease the transition from high school to college, and encourage local students to pursue a college, especially those students who might not otherwise do so. Potential Student Outcomes: • Explore career and guaranteed degree pathways prior to high school graduation • Get a head start on earning college credit • Save money on tuition and fees • Build self-confidence in college level rigor and ease the transition to college • Eliminate the duplication of coursework between high school and college Program Outcomes: • Increase communication between highs school and college instructors and counselors • Reduce remediation rates • Increased transfer rate • Increase high school graduation rates • Increase in students attending College of the Redwoods (CR) after high School graduation Dual Enrollment Program Goals for Eureka City Schools (ECS) Provide CR courses on the high school campus during the school day. Students participating in the program have their first year requirements (30 or more college units) complete toward a CTE certificate completion or guaranteed transfer degree (ADT). The remaining units will be completed the first year at CR. Dual Enrollment Program Goals for Northern Humboldt Unified School District (NHUSD) Provide access to CR courses on the high school campus during the school day. Enrollment Eligibility Requirements The student must: • be from the College of the Redwoods District service area; • have a 2.0 GPA in high school coursework; • meet college course pre-requisites; • provide written authorization from the high school principal or designee; • submit a concurrent enrollment form; and Academic Senate Meeting April 17, 2015 • AGENDA ITEM 5.6 submit all paperwork no later than 30 days before the start of semester of the desired term of enrollment. Cost of the dual Enrollment Program • ECS: Students will pay regular CR tuition; all other fees will be waived. Students will buy their own books for the class. Students can pay out of pocket or apply for a Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver. The school district will reimburse tuition and books for students who satisfactory complete the class. • NHUSD: All course fees are waived. Students pay for books. Determination of classes available for Dual Enrollment credit • The CR administration and faculty working with staff at the high school determine which classes are included in the program on an annual basis. The high schools notify CR liaison on the courses they’re interested in offering. CR faculty determines the appropriateness of a course for the dual enrollment program. • Faculty at both CR and the high schools will make sure that the high school courses are articulated to meet CR’s course outline of record. • Options: 1. Direct CR courses offered in place of high school class. 2. Articulate high school courses with CR courses. Offer high school class but the CR transcript will show the CR course equivalent. Determination of classes for Concurrent Enrollment • The CR administration and high school liaison consult on classes that should be offered after the school days ends. • All concurrent enrollment courses are traditional CR courses and will adhere to the CR academic calendar. Where and when may dual enrollment courses be taken? • All classes may be taken during the regular school day at the high school site. Where and when may concurrent enrollment courses be taken? • All classes may be taken during “zero hour” or after the high school day ends at the high school site. How many credits can a student take per semester? • Students may take up to 11 credits per semester. Students must meet with their high school counselors to assure that the classes they plan to take will assist them in meeting their high school graduation requirements and in attaining their college goals. Dual Enrollment Courses Scheduling • Courses will be “positive attendance”. • Courses taught via “positive attendance” will be taught for the full length of the high school’s calendar and CR will only claim a maximum 72 hours. Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.6 April 17, 2015 • Course can be offered via an Instructional Services Agreement. Concurrent Enrollment Course Scheduling • Courses will be census attendance. • Course taught via “census” will adhere to CR calendar. • Course can be offered via our regular scheduling process. Faculty • Dual Enrollment: o Students take a CR course from their high school teacher who has applied for and been accepted as a CR associate faculty member. [No interest in having regular CR teachers as part of the high school schedule. These are students that would not have otherwise been a CR student by offering the program we are actually creating a pathway for these students to enroll at CR upon graduation.] o High school instructors must meet the college’s minimum qualifications. o High school instructors approved to teach as CR associate faculty will be evaluated according to CR’s evaluation policies for other associate faculty. o The school district will pay the cost of the faculty member and CR will contribute a small stipend (not to exceed $2,000). • Concurrent Enrollment o Students take a CR course from “regular” fulltime and/or associate faculty. o CR will pay the full cost of the instructor. Academic Calendar • CR Classes taught in the dual enrollment program will adhere to the high school calendar. • CR courses taught in the concurrent enrollment program will adhere to the college’s academic calendar. Enrollment • All dual and concurrent enrollment classes will be open access and therefore available for community member enrollment. ECS Course Plan Summer 2015 Cost of the Dual Enrollment Program • Students will pay regular CR tuition; all other fees will be waived. • Students will buy their own books for the class. How do students pay for classes? • Students can pay out of pocket or apply for a Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver. The school district will cover the cost for one-half of the students who do not qualify for the BOG fee Waiver. CR will cover the cost of the remaining students. Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.6 April 17, 2015 Classes • The program will be for a minimum of 40 Eureka High School (EHS) students • The program can grow in increments of 20 • Classes will be held June 22 to July 24 (with July 3 being a day off) between 8:30am11:30am and 12:30pm-3:00pm • Classes would by 2.5 hours each, for a total of 55 hours. o GS-6, HE-1, ART-4 & PSYCH-1 o Monday-Friday (2.5 hours each day) o GS 6 in the morning o HE-1, ART-4 & PSYCH-1 in the afternoon • EHS students would transfer the credits back to EHS after completing the class • Every student would enroll in GS 6—College Readiness • Students would be enrolled in one of the following: Health 1, 3Cr, UC/CSU Transferable to Area E, EHS Grad requirement in Health Psych 1, 3Cr, UC/CSU Transferable to Area D, EHS elective credits toward graduation Art 4, 3Cr, UC/CSU Transferable to Area C, EHS elective credits toward graduation Where and when may classes be taken? • All classes will be offered on the Eureka High School site. Enrollment • All classes will be open access and therefore available for community member enrollment. ECS Course Plan for Fall 2015 • • • • • Programming: Sauer from EHS, CIS-12 & CIS-18 Cabinetry: Stevens from EHS, CT-21A & CT-21B Welding: Shamp from EHS, WT-54 & WT-56 Health Occupation: TBD from EHS, HO-110 Business/Accounting ECS Course Plan for Spring/Fall 2016 • • • Transition AP courses to CR courses in English—AP Comp and AP Literature and Science; Biology and AP Environmental Science CTE areas: Agriculture, Business (payroll certificate), Programming, Cabinetry, Welding ADT Pathway? Academic Senate Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.6 April 17, 2015 ECS Course Plan for Fall 2017 • • • Continue transition of AP courses to CR courses in History—AP World, AP US, and AP Government; Math—AP Calculus and AP Data; World Language—AP Spanish; Music—AP Music Theory Continue CR courses for AP English and Biology Continue CTE and ADT areas Academic Senate Meeting April 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM 5.6 DRAFT College of the Redwoods Dual Enrollment Instructional Service Agreement COMPENSATION: College of the Redwoods pays your high school district a stipend of TBD per dual enrollment instructor with the understanding that the stipend will go to you. The dual enrollment instructor of record is not a paid employee of College of the Redwoods. High School District or College of the Redwoods EXPECTATIONS: In order to receive your stipend, you must adhere to the following expectations: 1. Mandatory attendance at instructor training. 2. Mandatory attendance at annual articulation meetings, if scheduled. 3. Enrollment Facilitation: a. Check all applications/registration forms for completion and signatures and attach high school roster to application packet. b. Check college and high school rosters at time notified by the Dual Enrollment Liaison for accuracy and notify the Dual Enrollment Liaison of any discrepancies c. Adhere to the College of the Redwoods add/drop deadlines as they pertain-to specific dual enrollment courses. 4. End of Term Reporting: a. Submit course grades on Canvas no later than-three days after your class has ended. b. Submit signed grade sheet(s) to the Dual Enrollment Liaison. c. Report course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's) at the end of each semester. 5. Instructor Evaluations: a. New instructors shall be evaluated by a College of the Redwoods faculty according to the CRFO Collective Bargaining Agreement. INSTRUCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: • At the beginning of each semester, prepare and distribute current course syllabi to the students in each class taught. Syllabi should include information according to the CR syllabi template. • Present course content according to a planned schedule and consistent with approved course outline of record. When teaching according to the College of the Redwoods outline, the college has primary control over instructional activities. • Instruct and/or supervise students during all class times. During class times, the instructor will not have any other assigned duty. • If Ill, unavoidably detained, or engaged in approved professional, departmental, or college business, make reasonable efforts to ensure continuity of course coverage by arranging for a qualified substitute or by other means. • Administer exams or other assessment tools consistent with course objectives. • Return graded material with appropriate feedback, in a timely manner. • Maintain accurate records of students' grades via Canvas LMS. • Assess and report Student Learning Outcomes. • Submit records of grades, student attendance, textbook orders and other required reports to designated campus officials in a timely manner. These will be permanent records. Instructor Signature Printed Name Keith Snow-Flamer, Vice President of Instruction and Student Development Date Date Academic Senate Meeting April 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM 5.6