

Meeting of the Academic Senate

January 18, 2013, 1 p.m.

Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)

Del Norte: 883 West Washington Blvd. Crescent City, Room E4

Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Dave Bazard, Steve Brown, Brie Day,

Solomon DeCamp, Kady Dunleavy, Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Dave Gonsalves,

Utpal Goswami, Cindy Hooper, Susan Nordlof, Sandra Rowan, Justine Shaw (substitute for Ryan Emenaker), Maggie White, Kevin Yokoyama.

Members Absent: Marcy Foster.


Call to Order: Co-president Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m.


Introductions and Public Comments: Co-president Mike Richards welcomed senators and guests. Mike called for public comments; no public comments were forwarded.


Approve the December 7 Meeting Minutes: On a motion by Kevin Yokoyama, seconded by Steve Brown, the minutes were approved as written.


Discussion Items:


Multicultural and Diversity Committee Recommendations: Faculty committee chair Philip Mancus of the MDC noted some changes of the administrative structure titles (Deans instead of Division Chairs) in the revised document. He added the changes in membership to include student non-voting representation and the role of the MDC in supporting diversity training for faculty. Kady asked a question regarding membership and roles of the committee and addressed some confusion of roles with their being an SEP committee as well. Co-president

Richards stated that the ASPC committee has been assigned the task to review that very concern and are currently researching best practices at other institutions.

Dave asked if the new student members were voting members with a response of

“No” by Philip. Solomon asked about student membership number clarification and Philip re-stated the membership is non-voting so the number was derived to encourage more student representation as with the community.


BP 7210 Academic Employees: Co-president Richards stated this is a new policy.

Kevin asked if there should be language clarifying and referencing Ed Code.

Steve also made reference CRFO contract language in the document to specify

contracts. Kady & Dave made reference to the language being vague in how and when it would apply and in describing faculty status. The BP is currently out for review and the Co-presidents will be forwarding concerns at the next College

Council meeting.




Executive Committee December 18 Curriculum Approvals. In accordance with the Senate Bylaws Co-presidents Richards reported that at the December 18 meeting, the Executive Committee approved the curriculum committee’s

December 14 recommendations.


First Year Experience Task Force Report, Erin Wall. Erin reported on committee membership, scope and charge. She reported Sheila Hall is the administrative cochair. Justine commented on Learning Communities committee work and possible information available to assist. Dave asked a question about what data would be used to help committee. Erin responded how success, retention and persistence numbers will be used as a focus with an emphasis on basic skills students because that is where the funding is being provided. Kady asked how the committee will be tackling persistence issues. Erin responded saying we are focusing on targeting fall cohorts, math department practices such as “Math Jam” and potential linking of Math and English courses with GS 6.


Vice President of Instruction Update, Utpal Goswami. Utpal reported that spring enrollments are soft and it is highly unlikely we will meet our extra 100 FTES target and we would be fortunate to just meet the current base number. Utpal then reported on some of the issues with the new bookstore. Plans to have a faculty meeting to discuss some of the issues. Co-president Richards stated plans to collect data and bring to a discussion at the next Senate meeting. Utpal then made a recommendation that routine curriculum approvals could be sent directly from the curriculum committee to the VPI’s office and come to the Senate as information only to help streamline the process. Senators weighed in on possible solutions to the enrollment issues through the calendar, late start classes and class caps. Changing curriculum approval process was not addressed. Kady and others made comments regarding communication issues related to the de-registration process and after a discussion Co-president Richards suggested getting a report to the Senate.


ASCR Update, Solomon DeCamp. Solomon reported the loss of four student representatives to the ASCR. He stated they will be trying to recruit new students over the next couple of weeks.


College Council Report January 7, Bob Brown. Bob reported on a discussion at

CC regarding updating all policies and how to best disperse that work and look at

current policies that could be sunset due to overlap. BP 7218 regarding Faculty

Tenure process being sunset passed. BP’s referencing “Job Descriptions” and

“Definition of Accredited Institution” were tabled.


Board of Trustees Meeting January 8, Bob Brown. Bob talked about the potential

RIF’s “Reduction of Force” for the faculty. This was approved so the CRFO can anticipate action prior to February 1. Bob then reported on the Senate report acknowledging concessions made by the district, extra work of the curriculum committee this past month and the retirement of our Administrative Secretary.


Announcements/Open Forum:


Mike reported on the deadline for Portugal award application deadline of Feb 8 and to submit them to Mike & Bob.


Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Steve Brown and seconded by Dave Bazard.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bob Brown on January 28, 2013.
