3.1 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Academic Senate Executive Committee

Meeting of the
Academic Senate Executive Committee
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 201, Academic Senate Office
Friday, March 29, 2012
10:15 a.m.
Members Present: Bob Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Cindy Hooper, Mike Richards
Members Absent: Chris Gaines
1. Call to Order: Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 10:23 a.m.
2. Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make comments
regarding any subject appropriate to the Academic Senate Executive
Committee. No comments
3. Approve Minutes: On motion by Bob Brown, seconded by Cindy Hooper, the
minutes were approved without objection.
4. Discussion Items, Mike Richards
4.1 April 5 Senate Agenda Draft: slight modifications of agenda; the
importance of an Assessment timeline was discussed. Assessment
meetings have not been well-attended. Committee wondering who is
going to be responsible for assessment coordination progress as the
“Dean” situation changes. How does all the work get done with the
limited amount of Administration? It was also suggested that area
coordinators need to be evaluated to ensure they are staying up on
Discussed ad-hoc committee for Copresident candidate search; Maggie
White may agree to be the chair, with possibly Chris Gaines, Kevin
Yokoyama and/or Ryan Emenaker as members. The group would get
together once to form the slate, and then the chair would approach
4.2 Faculty Meeting
4.2.1 SB 520 California Virtual Campus: Peter Blakemore will speak
about it. It involves students who don’t fit into a scheduled class;
the legislation would allow them to then take a MOOC course, and
be allowed the credit toward college units. If there is a concern and
a consensus, a resolution may be brought to Senate which Bob
would take to Plenary.
RIFs (Academic Impacts); Mike will speak to this. The past culture
of challenging administrator’s actions has passed; AS has been a
venue to go to the Board to point out any disturbing lack of
following processes/laws, but this is not happening anymore. The
union has been involved in all the RIF activity, in a totally
collegial process. PZ Smith and Trustee Henry are fully qualified
and trusted administrators, and are working for all of us and doing
a good job. Mike feels that faculty expect AS to fight the RIFs and
he doesn’t think it’s applicable to the current situation. Bob says
the Senate role is to get the facts straight, and make sure processes
were followed and that it’s a transparent process. Copresidents are
working to mitigate the problems that people have with the RIF
process. But everything has been done in a collegial manner.
5. Announcements/Open Forum; Cindy- Peter is going to end his term as
Curriculum Committee Chair, and expressed concern that we do due diligence
to replace him. Copresidents are aware and are working on it.
7. Adjournment: on a motion by Bob Brown, seconded by Cindy Hooper, the
meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination:
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age,
gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its programs or activities.
College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for
persons with disabilities. Upon request this publication will be made available in
alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351
Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Next Meeting:
April 12, 2013