Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
October 19, 2012, 1 p.m.
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)
 Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E4
 Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Dave Bazard, Steven Bevier (meeting substitute for
Solomon DeCamp), Steve Brown, Brie Day, Kady Dunleavy, Ryan Emenaker,
Marcy Foster, Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Dave Gonsalves, Utpal Goswami,
Vinnie Peloso, Bruce Wagner, Mike Woychak (meeting substitute for Maggie
Members Absent: Solomon DeCamp, Cindy Hooper, Sandra Rowan, Maggie White.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:04.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mike Richards welcomed senators and guests,
and called for public comments; no public comments were forwarded.
3. Approve the October 12 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Steve Brown, seconded by Kady
Dunleavy, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
4.1 Approve October 12 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore
presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Dave Bazard,
seconded by Ryan Emenaker, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the
following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y,
Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Peloso – y, Woychak – y.
4.2 Approve October 12 Faculty Qualifications Committee Recommendation: Chair Michelle
Haggerty presented the recommendation. On motion by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by
Steve Brown, the recommendation was unanimously approved by the following roll call
vote: Bazard – y, Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Foster – y, Gaines –
y, Gardner – y, Gonsalves – y, Peloso – y, Woychak – y.
4.3 Approve Academic Senate Proposed Appointments: Copresident Richards presented the
proposed appointments to the Tenure Review Committee, and he explained the terms for
each of the appointees. On motion by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by Dave Bazard, the
appointments were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y,
Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Foster – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y,
Gonsalves – y, Peloso – y, Woychak – y.
Academic Senate Minutes
October 19, 2012
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5. Discussion Items
5.1 AP 3250 Institutional Planning: Copresident Richards informed the Senate that the proposal
was not on the last College Council agenda, but the Senate’s feedback on the procedure will
be presented at the next Council meeting. It was suggested that the Planning, Budgeting,
Program Review Manual be specifically referenced in the AP 3250. There was also
discussion on where the membership, terms, and responsibilities of the Program Review and
Budget Planning Committees can be found, and Vice President Goswami responded that the
information is noted on each committee’s website.
5.2 Preparation for ACCJC Team Site Visit: VPI Goswami reminded senators that there are two
sessions scheduled for next Tuesday, October 23, to inform the college community of how to
respond knowledgeably to questions from the team. There will be an opportunity to ask
questions at each session, and handouts will be distributed that will provide summaries of
CR’s responses to the ACCJC Recommendations and how the college is addressing each of
the Standards. Everyone is encouraged to attend one of the sessions.
6. Reports
6.1 2011-2012 ESL/Basic Skills Allocation End-of-Year Report: Faculty Tri-chair Erin Wall
presented the 2011-2012 ESL/Basic Skills Allocation End-of-Year Report and the 2012/2013
ESL/Basic Skills Allocation Goals/Action Plan and Expenditure Plan. Erin explained that
each year the college has to report to the Chancellor’s Office how the Basic Skills Initiative
(BSI) funds were spent last year and the plan for the current year’s expenditures. The format
required by the state for this year’s report was revised, and the state asked colleges to use a
new BSI data tracking tool and to look at long term goals and action plans. Erin reported that
the committee attempted to align the BSI goals with those of the institution, and she
explained why the committee chose to track a cohort of students who started the English
6.2 Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) Update: Co-chair Dave Bazard reported that the
focus of the last meeting was to prepare for the team visit on November 5 and 6. The
committee is scheduled to meet again next Thursday, and the agenda will include additional
preparations for the site visit and establishing a standing AOC to show the ACCJC that we
are monitoring an ongoing effort to meet the Standards. Dave informed the Senate that
President Smith wants to discuss the structure and responsibilities of a standing AOC with
the Senate copresidents prior to discussion by the current ad hoc AOC.
6.3 Planning, Budgeting and Program Review Manual: Director of Planning, Grants and
Institutional Effectiveness Roxanne Metz presented the Manual, and she reported that it
represents continuous program improvement. Roxanne explained that the Manual is the
narrative that supports the integrated planning model, which has gone through several
revisions as a result of discussions on quality improvement that were generated at summits
held in the spring. The Manual speaks to the alignment and integration of the institutional
plans, describes the planning processes and how resource allocations are tied to the integrated
planning model, and outlines the process for evaluating institutional effectiveness. Roxanne
answered senators’ questions, and she reported that the Manual is posted on the college’s
website with links to each of the plans.
Academic Senate Minutes
October 19, 2012
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6.4 Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Co-chair Bob Brown reported that the BPC met
on October 17, and discussion focused on preparation for the ACCJC visit. Bob also
reported that the state has sold bonds to raise cash, so the college will be reimbursed soon for
the costs incurred by the construction of the new academic buildings. The BPC will have an
opportunity to review the financial figures for 2011-2012 once the books are closed, and a
request was made by a senator that either the books be closed earlier next year or the college
community be provided with an explanation for the delay. Following the ACCJC visit, the
BPC will review all of the revenue generating suggestions to assess which ones are
reasonable and doable.
6.5 ASCR Update: ASCR President Steven Bevier presented the following report in Solomon
DeCamp’s absence: (1) ASCR representatives attended the Student Senates of California
Community Colleges meeting held at Shasta College on October 13 and 14. At the meeting,
Solomon DeCamp was promoted to Financial Coordinator, Steven Bevier became the
Communications Officer, and CR student Michelle Blecher was appointed Vice Chair. (2)
Roxanne Metz has been appointed as the new ASCR advisor; and (3) ASCR is taking
students to Washington, D.C. to attend the presidential inauguration in January.
6.6 Vice President of Instruction Update: VPI Utpal Goswami reported that the SLO planning
and mapping results are posted on the website, and he encouraged everyone to view the
outcomes. The college needs to show that 95-100 percent of the courses are being assessed,
and the goal is to include that updated report with the December addendum to the ACCJC.
Additionally, in response to the question of what happened to the former Program Review
administrative procedure, Utpal recommended that the Senate draft a procedure related to 10
+ 1 committees.
6.7 College Council October 15 Meeting: Copresident Richards informed the Senate of the new
business items on the Council’s agenda, and he explained that the documents will have
additional review by College Council before being distributed for constituent feedback.
Mike named the policies that are currently out for constituent review, and he reported that
proposals relevant to faculty will be forwarded for Senate consideration and feedback.
BP/AP 5300 Student Equity Plan was approved with a minor revision, and Mike encouraged
senators to review the status of policy revisions posted on the College Council website and to
forward any feedback or suggestions to the copresidents.
6.8 Board of Trustees October 9 Meeting: Copresident Richards reported that (1) the Board
adopted the district’s initial proposal for both CRFO and CSEA to enter into negotiations; (2)
the Board approved the Show Cause ACCJC Report, which will be delivered to the
Commission by the submission deadline; and (3) the Board approved a 40% reduction in
their annual expenses. Mike encouraged senators to view the video of the Board meeting and
to stay informed of the issues being addressed.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
7.1 October 26 Faculty Meeting: Copresident Richards announced that a faculty meeting has
been scheduled for Friday, October 26, from 11:30-1:00 in the Lakeview Room. It is
anticipated that the meeting will focus on the ACCJC site visit, and VPI Goswami will be
invited to discuss faculty preparations for the visit. The copresidents are currently working
on the meeting agenda, which will be distributed next week.
Academic Senate Minutes
October 19, 2012
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7.2 Book of the Year Proclamation: Committee Co-chair Vinnie Peloso announced that on
Tuesday, October 2, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors proclaimed the CR/HSU
2012-2013 Book of the Year Outliers: The Story of Success as the Humboldt County Book of
the Year. The proclamation encourages county citizens to read the book, engage in
community dialog, and participate in events that promote “One Book, One Community.”
7.3 Candidate for U.S. Congress Session: Copresident Richards announced that there was an
informal session with Congressional candidate Jared Huffman held in the Board Room this
morning that was open to the college community: Candidate Huffman met with President
Smith for an update on CR’s accreditation status prior to the public session.
7.4 Basic Skills Proposal Deadline Extended: Basic Skills Committee (BSI) Tri-chair Erin Wall
announced that on behalf of the committee, she distributed an email informing the college
community that the BSI fund proposal deadline has been extended until October 29. Erin
encouraged faculty and staff to apply.
8. Adjournment: On motion by Dave Gonsalves, seconded by Ryan Emenaker, the meeting was
adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, November 2, 2012