Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
October 5, 2012, 1 p.m.
 Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SS 202 (New Board Room)
 Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E4
Members Present: Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Dave Bazard, Trish Blair (meeting substitute for
Marcy Foster), Steve Brown, Brie Day, Solomon DeCamp, Kady Dunleavy, Ryan
Emenaker, Chris Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Utpal Goswami, Cindy Hooper,
Sandra Rowan, Michael Thomas (meeting substitute for Vinnie Peloso), Bruce
Wagner, Maggie White.
Members Absent: Marcy Foster, Dave Gonsalves, Vinnie Peloso.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Mike Richards called the meeting to order at 1:04.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mike Richards welcomed senators and guests,
and he introduced meeting substitutes Trish Blair and Michael Thomas. Mike called for public
comments; no public comments were forwarded.
3. Approve the September 21 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by
Sandra Rowan, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
4.1 Approve September 28 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore
presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Steve Brown,
seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the
following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Blair – y, Brown – y, Day – y, Dunleavy – y,
Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Hooper – y, Rowan – y, Thomas – y, White – y.
4.2 Approve September 28 Faculty Qualifications Committee Recommendations: Chair
Michelle Haggerty presented the recommendations, and she answered questions. On
motion by Maggie White, seconded by Ryan Emenaker, the recommendations were
unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Bazard – y, Blair – y, Brown – y,
Day – y, Dunleavy – y, Emenaker – y, Gaines – y, Gardner – y, Hooper – y, Rowan – y,
Thomas – y, White – y.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 ACCJC Show Cause Response Report: Copresident Richards presented the report, and he
reminded senators that their feedback should focus on accuracy and omissions. Senate
discussion on the report included the following: (1) Regarding the statement that the college
is developing institutional learning outcomes, no timeline was included; (2) It was suggested
that the general education outcomes that are currently in place be used instead of institutional
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October 5, 2012
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learning outcomes; (3) The Standards and Recommendations are well addressed, but the
college’s financial stability is a concern; and (4) At this point the Report lacks a singular
voice and style. Dave informed senators that a team is working to address the continuity of
the writing and style, and he explained that electronic links to the evidence will be added to
the Report and hard copies provided to the visiting team. Dave will forward today’s
comments to the writing team, and he reminded senators to use the most recent draft of the
report when providing feedback. Any additional suggestions or concerns need to be
submitted to President Lehner, Vice President Goswami, or to Dave before Monday, October
8 at the latest.
5.2 AP 3250 Institutional Planning: Copresident Richards presented the draft, and he informed
the Senate that it is out for a 30 day constituent review from College Council. Mike also
explained that this will become the planning document for the college, replacing previous
procedures that covered Program Review and other planning processes. Senate feedback on
the proposal included the following suggestions and concerns: (1) The second paragraph
needs to be revised for clarity and consistency; (2) It is unclear if the Strategic Plan and the
Education Master Plans are included; (3) A reference to the Planning, Budget and Program
Review Manual should be included; (4) The paragraph that references the Board’s
participation in developing the general institutional mission and goals for the comprehensive
plans needs to be revised for clarification; (5) The charge of the Institutional Effectiveness
Committee should be posted on the web site before the procedure is approved; and (6) The
formatting needs to be consistent. The Senate requested that they have an opportunity to
provide feedback on a revised draft before it is approved by College Council, and Mike
reported that the copresidents will forward the request and senators’ comments for College
Council consideration.
6. Reports
6.1 CCC Chancellor’s Office Data Mart Presentation and Institutional Research (IR) Website
Revisions: IR Director Angelina Hill presented an overview of the information available on
the Chancellor’s Office Data Mart, and she showed senators how to navigate the website and
query the data. Angelina explained that CR submits a wide variety of data to the
Chancellor’s Office each term, and she emphasized that it is important for the data owners to
review the information for accuracy. An advantage of using Data Mart is that information
regarding CR can be compared to other community colleges across the state, and to simplify
access, the IR website now has a link to the Chancellor’s Office. Senators thanked Angelina
for the report and for making the data reports more navigable and accessible.
6.2 Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) Update: Co-chair Dave Bazard reported that the
AOC has been focused on the ACCJC Report draft and that many people from across the
district have been involved in that effort. The AOC is scheduled to meet next Tuesday
morning, and President Lehner will talk to the committee about the draft report that is going
to the Board later that afternoon, and she also wants to discuss the future of the AOC.
6.3 Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Update: Co-chair Bruce Wagner presented two
documents; one was the EMC FTES Scenarios 2012-2013, which included data based on
whether the tax measure fails or passes, and the second one was the EMC TLU Categories
Fall 2012. Bruce highlighted the information on the FTES Scenarios, and he informed the
Senate that while the goal was to spread the enrollment cap for the year equally between fall
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and spring, the enrollment for fall fell short of that goal. As a result, a more robust
enrollment for spring and summer must be reached. In addition, whether the tax measure
fails or passes will also be a factor in what our enrollment cap needs to be, and currently the
EMC is attempting to build a strong spring schedule even though it is not clear what cap the
state will fund. Bruce explained that with the loss of faculty due to the SERP and the
difficulty of finding part-time instructors, some full sections had to be cancelled in the fall
and other sections could not be scheduled. This inability to find qualified faculty resulted in
the data included in the TLU Categories document that showed that not all of the TLU
allocations were used in the fall. Bruce reported that it also appears that a lack of
communication between the deans may have been a contributing factor, and he has
developed a tool for quickly tracking TLU distribution that should help the deans in
communicating with each other regarding allocation. Vice President Goswami added that the
deans have been instructed to get to scheduling targets for spring, but not to go over since the
budget may not cover additional sections. In response to a question, Utpal also stated that if
we don’t make our FTES target this year, next year’s target will be lower and we won’t have
the budget to grow.
6.4 ASCR Update: Solomon DeCamp reported that the students who attended the ASGA
conference in Washington D.C. just got back, and they brought back information that they
intend to distribute to students. A report on the trip will be presented at the ASCR meeting
this afternoon. In addition, ASCR does not currently have an advisor, so they are working
with Vice President Keith Snow-Flamer to identify a new one.
6.5 Vice President of Instruction Update: Vice President Utpal Goswami reported that most of
his recent efforts have been focused on the show cause report, and he thanked AOC Co-chair
Dave Bazard for all his work and for keeping the report’s writing team on track. Utpal
informed the Senate that he just returned from an ACCJC conference, and from what he
learned at the conference and given our demonstrated numbers, CR is at the proficiency level
for assessing student learning outcomes. Utpal also reported that accreditation teams are now
required to look at the financial stability of institutions, and the Department of Education is
applying pressure on the ACCJC to ensure that in the future policies are in place that allow
for educational innovations such as awarding credit for completing online open source
6.6 College Council September 24 Meeting: Copresident Richards reported that College Council
approved a slate of proposals at the last meeting that included the scope and operating
procedures for College Council, the Closure Plan, AP 2715 Board Protocols and BP 2710
Conflict of Interest. AP 3250 Institutional Planning is out for constituent review, and the
Student Equity board policy and administrative procedure were reviewed and postponed until
an updated version can be considered on October 15. Mike encouraged senators to review
the College Council website for updates on proposals and to send comments and feedback to
the copresidents, who will forward them for College Council consideration.
6.7 Board of Trustees October 2 Meeting: Copresident Brown reported that there were
numerous positive comments and feedback from the Board members, Special Trustee Tom
Henry, and the audience on Mike’s October Senate Report, which is now posted on the
Senate’s website. Copresident Richards reported that the Board discussed potential fiscal
Board reductions that would contribute to our current budget challenge, and it was agreed
that proposals will be forwarded for consideration to the October 9 special Board meeting.
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October 5, 2012
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As a result of the recent PERB settlement, CRFO now has the opportunity to give a regular
report to the Board, and CRFO President Kerry Mayer presented a collegial update.
7. Announcements and Open Forum: AOC Co-chair Dave Bazard reminded senators that the
deadline for feedback on the show cause report is this weekend.
8. Adjournment: On motion by Ryan Emenaker, seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 19, 2012