Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
January 20, 2012, 1 p.m.
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
• Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Rooms E3 and E4
Members Present: Mark Winter, Mike Richards, Bob Brown, Steve Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Chris
Gaines, Jennifer Gardner, Dave Gonsalves, Cindy Hooper, Allen Keppner, Philip
Mancus, Susan Nordlof, Justine Shaw (meeting substitute for Ryan Emenaker),
Gary Sokolow, Kevin Yokoyama.
Members Absent: Dave Bazard, Ryan Emenaker, Utpal Goswami, Sandra Rowan, Bobby Shearer.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Mark Winter called the meeting to order at 1:03.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Mark Winter welcomed all members and
guests, and he introduced Justine Shaw as the meeting substitute for Ryan Emenaker. Mark
called for public comments; no public comments were forwarded.
3. Approve the December 2 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Chris
Gaines, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Discussion Items
College Council Board Policy and Administrative Procedure Drafts out for Constituent
4.1.1 BP/AP 3280 Grants: Copresident Richards presented the proposals, and he gave
background information. Senate discussion included concerns that all stakeholders be
informed when a grant is being considered, and suggestions included (1) setting a
dollar amount that would trigger opening input from the academic community, (2)
email notification to faculty that a grant is being discussed, and (3) notification that a
grant is being considered and posting the grant and application on a grants web page.
Roxanne Metz reported that she anticipates that once the BP/AP proposals are
approved, the actual procedures and processes will be appended to the AP. Mike
asked senators to distribute the proposals to their constituents and bring any
additional feedback to the February 3 Senate meeting.
4.2 BP/AP 5300 Student Equity Plan Proposals: Ruth Moon presented the proposals, and she
informed the Senate that the revisions were initiated by the Policy and Procedure Review
Subcommittee, and then forwarded to the Multicultural and Diversity Committee for
further review. Ruth reported that the current proposals are aligned with the League
templates, current laws, and our current Student Equity Plan. Senate discussion included
feedback on the composition of the Student Equity Plan Committee, and it was suggested
that at least one student and additional faculty members be added to the membership.
Copresident Winter asked senators to bring constituent feedback to the February 3 meeting
where the Senate will address the proposals again before they are forwarded to College
Academic Senate Minutes
January 20, 2012
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5. Reports
5.1 Executive Committee December 14 Approvals: In accordance with the Senate Bylaws,
Copresident Winter reported that at their December 14 meeting, the Executive Committee
approved the Curriculum and the Faculty Qualifications Committees’ December 9
5.2 Budget Planning Committee (BPC) Update: Committee Co-chair Bob Brown presented the
Funding List for Measure Q Projects, and he explained how the List was revised by the
administration before it was forwarded to the Board in January. Bob answered questions
raised regarding specific projects, and he clarified that the project labeled athletic complex
facility is a repurposing of the pool area that may or may not include athletics. Regarding
the general budget, Bob reported that the BPC has been tasked with addressing both a flat
budget for next year and a worse case scenario budget if the November ballot measure isn’t
approved, which would have a significant impact on the college.
5.3 Sakai Survey Results: Copresident Winter presented background information on how the
college implanted Sakai, and he highlighted some of the issues that faculty have encountered
with the learning management system. Mark reported that a survey was distributed in the
fall that provided feedback and data on the satisfaction level and challenges that faculty have
encountered with the system. Institutional Research Director Angelina Hill presented the
survey results, and she explained and interpreted the data. Geoff Cain reported that the
qualitative commentary included a lot of expressed frustration, and he emphasized that
communication is needed between the administration and the faculty regarding what tools
the district is using and why. Geoff reported that a follow-up survey has been distributed
and the question now is how does the college best use the technology it has to support both
face-to-face and online instruction. While senators expressed frustration with Sakai, they
also recommended that the college not change systems before the end of the year, and
maybe not for several years. Mark thanked Angelina and Geoff for reporting to the Senate
and for their work with the survey and for tabulating the results.
5.4 Senate Ad Hoc Distance Education (DE) Committee: Copresident Winter gave background
information on the work accomplished by a previous Senate DE ad hoc committee, and he
explained why he is proposing to reinvigorate the committee. Mark presented the DE Ad
Hoc Committee proposal, and he highlighted the goals and functions of the proposed
committee. Gary Sokolow agreed to participate, and Mark asked senators to contact him if
they are interested in serving on the committee.
5.5 Student Success Task Force Recommendations: Keith Snow-Flamer was not present to give
the report.
5.6 Follow-up to Add/Drop Policy: Copresident Winter reported that thanks to the efforts of
Susan Nordlof and Cheryl Tucker, there is now a draft of a revised AP 5075 that will allow
faculty to drop students after census. The draft has gone to College Council and will soon
be distributed for constituent review.
5.7 College Update: Utpal Goswami was not present to give the report.
5.8 ASCR Update: Bobby Shearer was not present to give the report.
5.9 December 6 and January 3 Board of Trustees Meetings: Copresident Winter reported that
the December 6 Board meeting included the following: (1) Colleen Mullery was elected as
the 2012 Board President, Tom Ross was elected Vice President, and Sally Biggin was
elected Clerk; (2) A motion to submit an exemption from the 50% Law was approved;
Academic Senate Minutes
January 20, 2012
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(3) The Board discussed redistricting, which is supposed to be done every ten years and now has
to be based on population instead of school district boundaries; (4) The President/Superintendent
Screening Committee was finalized, and the three faculty representatives are Dave Bazard, Kerry
Mayer, and Chris Romero; and (5) The Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan for classified
employees, administrators, managers and directors was approved. The January 3 Board meeting
included the following: (1) The Board was given a redistricting presentation; (2) The results of
the student initiated smoke-free campus survey were presented, and the responses were split
about 50/50. Data was presented on how many community colleges in California are smoke-free
campuses; (3) Funds for the Garberville site renovations were approved; and (4) The financial
audit is available on the Business Office web site.
6. Announcements and Open Forum
6.1 Portugal Award: 2012-2013 Proposal Submission Deadline: Copresident Winter reminded
senators that the deadline to submit 2012-2013 Portugal Award proposals is Friday,
February 3. Former Portugal Award recipient Cindy Hooper reported that giving her
presentations at the district campuses and sites was a very rewarding experience, and she
asked senators to encourage their colleagues to apply.
6.2 Faculty Prioritization: Copresident Winter announced that while a meeting has not yet been
scheduled, the administration informed the copresidents that a faculty prioritization meeting
will be convened on a Saturday within the next few weeks.
7. Adjournment: On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by Susan Nordlof, the meeting was
adjourned at 3:04.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, February 3, 1 p.m.