Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
April 1, 2011, 1 p.m.
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
• Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room E3
• Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
Members Present: David Holper, Mark Winter, Rebecca Ashbach, Colette Beaupre, Ryan Emenaker
(meeting substitute for Justine Shaw), Jennifer Gardner, Marla Gleave (meeting
substitute for Bob Brown), Dave Gonsalves, Utpal Goswami, Mike Haley, Allen
Keppner, Philip Mancus, Kerry Mayer, Pat Padilla, Mike Richards, Chris
Romero, Kevin Yokoyama.
Members Absent: Bob Brown, Kady Dunleavy, Jeff Hogue, Justine Shaw, Gary Sokolow.
1. Call to Order: Copresident David Holper called the meeting to order at 1:02.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident David Holper welcomed all members and
guests, and he introduced Mike Haley as a senator from Del Norte (replacing Ruth Rhodes) for
the remainder of the semester, Marla Gleave as the meeting substitute for Bob Brown, and Ryan
Emenaker as the meeting substitute for Justine Shaw. Dave called for public comments; no
public comments were offered.
3. Approve the March 4 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Colette Beaupre, seconded by Kevin
Yokoyama, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
March 25 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the
recommendations. On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Colette Beaupre, the
recommendations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Beaupre – y,
Emenaker – y, Gardner – y, Gleave – y, Gonsalves – y, Haley – y, Keppner – y, Mancus –
y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Yokoyama – y.
4.2 March 25 Faculty Development Committee Recommendations: Chair Kerry Mayer
presented the recommendations, and she answered questions. On motion by Allen
Keppner, seconded by Mike Richards, the recommendations were approved by the
following roll call vote: Beaupre – y, Emenaker – abstained, Gardner – y, Gleave – y,
Gonsalves – y, Haley – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Richards – y,
Romero – y, Yokoyama – y.
4.3 February 25 academic Standards and Policies Committee (ASPC) Recommendations,
BP/AP 4231 – Grade Changes Proposals: Copresident Winter presented the
recommendations, and ASPC Chair Marla Gleave answered questions. On motion by
Marla Gleave, seconded by Colette Beaupre, the recommendations were unanimously
approved by the following roll call vote: Beaupre – y, Emenaker – y, Gardner – y, Gleave
– y, Gonsalves – y, Haley – y, Keppner – y, Mancus – y, Mayer – y, Padilla – y, Richards –
y, Romero – y, Yokoyama – y.
Academic Senate Minutes
April 1, 2011
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5. Discussion Items
Self Study Report Draft: Accreditation Steering Committee Co-chair Kevin Yokoyama
presented the draft, and he demonstrated how to access the report on the website and how
to use the site to submit feedback. Senate discussion included suggestions for clarifying
information, making the report more transparent and accurate, and strengthening the draft
by providing more evidence of what the college is doing and how processes were
developed. Senators also addressed specific sections of the report that they felt either
omitted important information or were misleading, including some of the statements made
regarding professional development, technology replacement, and program review. Kevin
urged faculty to submit evidence in support of the claims made in the report and to send
any additional feedback by the April 8 deadline either directly to Kevin, Roxanne or Utpal,
or through the feedback portal on the website.
Governance Principles 3/8/11 Proposal: Vice President Utpal Goswami presented the
proposal, and he explained that it is meant to replace our current document with a more
overarching statement that addresses the principles of our participatory governance process.
The proposal will be reviewed by all constituent groups, and the leaders of each group will
sign the final draft, which will become the preamble to our governance document.
Copresident Winter asked senators to send feedback to the Senate Office, and Dave and
Mark will forward the feedback to Utpal and to College Council.
College Council Constituent Review of Policies and Procedures: The following proposals
are currently out for constituent review, and the Senate copresidents will forward faculty
feedback on each draft to College Council for consideration.
5.3.1 BP/AP 3250 Institutional Planning: Copresident Holper presented the drafts, and
he asked for faculty feedback. A concern was raised that faculty participation on
planning committees over the summer is implied in the AP proposal, but not clearly
stated. It was suggested that if faculty are expected to participate in institutional
planning during the summer, that needs to be clarified in the AP and addressed by
CRFO. Copresident Winter agreed to forward the concern to the CRFO/Senate
Liaison Committee for consideration.
5.3.2 BP/AP 5140 Disabled Student Programs and Services: Copresident Holper
presented the proposals, and he asked for feedback. In response to a question, it
was clarified that student participation in the DSPS program is voluntary.
5.3.3 Institutional Planning Narrative and Model: Copresident Holper introduced the
Institutional Planning Narrative and the Model, and he provided background
6. Reports
6.1 Transfer Model Curriculum, Associate Degree for Transfer per SB 1440: Allen Keppner
provided background information on the new Associate degrees for transfer, and he
explained the purpose of the degrees and what is required for a student to take advantage of
this transfer model. Allen also articulated how the new degrees would provide both
benefits and potential disadvantages to students, and he gave examples of each. With the
requirement that two degrees be in place by the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester, Allen
said that the college is currently working on transfer degrees in Psychology and in
Communications. An additional five degrees need to be in place for Fall 2012, and Allen
will keep the Senate posted on the college’s progress toward meeting that deadline.
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April 1, 2011
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Academic Standards and Policies Committee Current Assignment and BP/AP 10+1
Inventory: Copresident Holper informed the Senate that the Academic Standards and
Policies Committee has been tasked with compiling a 10+1 Inventory of district board
policies and administrative procedures. The inventory will assess what policies the district
currently has, what additional policies might need to be developed, and whether the
policies are either current, in the process of being revised, or need to be updated. Once
completed, the Inventory will be forwarded to the Senate as a report.
Accreditation Update: Vice President Utpal Goswami was not available to present the
ASCR Update: Rebecca Ashbach reported that (1) student elections will be held during the
third week in April, and new ASCR leaders will be elected to serve next year; (2) student
fees will be raised to $36 per unit beginning in the fall; (3) the ASCR is helping to
coordinate local participation in the state-wide Hands Across California event; and (4) with
no campus life director next year, ASCR is requesting that a faculty advisor be appointed to
work with the students.
College Council March 21 Update: Copresident Winter reported that BP/AP 4020,
Program and Curriculum Development was approved and will be forwarded to the Board in
April. College Council also reviewed the Mission and Values statements and AP 2435,
Evaluation of the President/Superintendent. Based on constituent feedback that the
president’s evaluation process should include a survey of all employees and a linkage of
the evaluation to the employment status of the president, AP 2435 was tabled until those
issues could be addressed.
March 14 Special Board of Trustees Meeting: Copresident Winter reported that the Board
held a special meeting on Monday, March 14, and their actions included the following: (1)
the CRFO contract will be presented at the April Board meeting; (2) the SERP was not
approved, but it may be reconsidered next year; (3) the search for an HR director has been
suspended; (4) the search for the Director of Facilities and Security as been canceled; (5)
two managerial positions were eliminated effective July 1; (6) Utpal Goswami was
appointed interim President; (7) Lee Lindsey was approved as the new Vice President of
Administrative Services; and (8) the April Board Retreat and meeting has been moved from
Del Norte to Eureka and will be a one day event scheduled for Monday, April 4.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
Hands Across California: Copresident Holper announced that CR is planning to participate
in the state-wide Hands Across California event, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 17,
at 2 p.m. at the Eureka campus. The event is being organized to raise awareness of the
importance of the California Community College system and of the growing financial crisis
facing California community colleges, and to raise money for a scholarship endowment for
students. Dave Holper is assisting CR student Bobby Shearer to coordinate local activities,
and anyone interested in participating in the event and/or donating to the CR scholarship
fund can either contact Bobby or David Holper. Emails and announcements with more
information on the event and how to donate to the scholarship fund will be distributed next
week. Dave asked faculty to encourage their students to participate.
2011-2012 Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year April 5 Nomination
Deadline: Copresident Holper reminded senators that the deadline to submit nominations
for the Eureka Faculty and Associate Faculty of the Year Awards is Tuesday, April 5.
Academic Senate Minutes
April 1, 2011
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Dave encouraged senators to take the opportunity to coordinate the process within their
divisions and to forward nominations prior to the submission deadline.
2010-2011 Eureka Faculty of the Year April 22 Presentation: Copresident Holper
announced that as this year’s recipient of the Eureka Faculty of the Year Award, he has
scheduled his presentation for Friday, April 22, in FM 100, from noon to 1:00, and he
would like to invite all faculty and staff to attend. With the challenges that the college has
faced over the past three years, Dave plans to recognize and thank individuals from across
the district who have helped the college to move forward and who continue to support
student success.
2011-2012 Academic Senate Representation: Copresident Winter presented the census for
the Senate representation for next year and the list of current senators and their terms.
Mark encouraged senators whose terms will expire this June to notify their divisions, elect
new senators for next year, and inform the Senate Office by early May.
April 15 Senate Meeting Leadership: Copresident Holper announced that since both he and
Mark will be at the ASCCC Spring Plenary Session on April 15, Allen Keppner and Kerry
Mayer have agreed to co-chair the April 15 Senate meeting.
Status of Program Revitalization or Discontinuation Policy Proposal: In response to a
question regarding the status of the proposal, Copresident Holper informed the Senate that
at the request of the copresidents, the Ad Hoc Committee reconvened to address revisions
recommended by College Council. The draft proposal will be reported to the Senate, then
forwarded to College Council for approval. Senators emphasized that with the pending
budget issues, it is critical that the process be formalized and in place as soon as possible.
Copresident Winter clarified that the policy being developed addresses long term
programmatic issues, and currently there is no policy in place that addresses budget related
8. Adjournment: On motion by Kerry Mayer, seconded by Kevin Yokoyama, the meeting was
adjourned at 2.49.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, April 15, 2011