Meeting of the Academic Senate

Meeting of the Academic Senate
September 4, 2009, 1 p.m.
• Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
• Del Norte: 883 West Washington Boulevard, Crescent City, Room DN 6
• Mendocino Coast: 1211 Del Mar Drive, Ft. Bragg, Room 106 B
• 1335 NW Federal Street, Bend, Oregon
Members Present: Allen Keppner, Colette Beaupre, Trish Blair, Bob Brown, Marjorie Carson, Dave
Gonsalves, Jeff Hogue, David Holper, Kerry Mayer, Susan Nordlof, Todd Olsen,
Pat Padilla, Mark Renner, Mike Richards, Chris Romero, Gary Sokolow, Danny
Walker, Mark Winter.
Members Absent: Kady Dunleavy.
1. Call to Order: Copresident Allen Keppner called the meeting to order at 1:00.
2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Allen Keppner welcomed all members and
guests, and he announced that senators Dave Gonsalves, Todd Olsen, and Mark Renner were
attending the meeting by phone. Allen called for public comments; no public comments were
3. Approve the May 12, 2009, Special Meeting Minutes: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by
Danny Walker, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Action Items
Approve Senate Copresident Nomination Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation: Senate
Copresident Nomination Committee member Trish Blair presented the recommendation
that David Holper serve as a 2009-2010 Academic Senate copresident with a term to run
from September 4, 2009, through June 30, 2010. Gary Sokolow moved to approve the
recommendation, seconded by Kerry Mayer. Copresident Keppner called for nominations
from the floor; no additional nominations were forwarded. There being no objections to
approving the recommendation, David Holper was approved and congratulated as a Senate
copresident to serve this year with Allen Keppner.
4.2 Approve Academic Senate Proposed Appointments: Copresident Keppner presented the
proposed nominations. On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Colette Beaupre, the
nominations were unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: Beaupre – y,
Blair – y, Brown – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Mayer – y, Nordlof – y, Olsen – y, Padilla
– y, Renner – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Sokolow – y, Walker – y, Winter – y.
4.3 Approve 2009-2010 Faculty Development Funding Resolution: Copresident Keppner
introduced the resolution, and he presented background information. On motion by Gary
Sokolow, seconded by Bob Brown, the resolution carried unanimously by the following
roll call vote: Beaupre – y, Blair – y, Brown – y, Gonsalves – y, Hogue – y, Mayer – y,
Nordlof – y, Olsen – y, Padilla – y, Renner – y, Richards – y, Romero – y, Sokolow – y,
Walker – y, Winter – y.
Academic Senate Minutes
September 4, 2009
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5. Discussion Items
Campus-Wide Faculty Meeting Schedule Guidelines (Eureka): Copresident Keppner
presented the proposed guidelines, and he explained why they were developed. Senators
questioned how a dean of more than one division could facilitate and provide information
to division meetings that were scheduled at the same time. It was suggested that Rachel
Anderson work with area coordinators to resolve the issue, and Allen asked senators to
distribute the Guidelines to their constituents and be prepared to vote on them on
September 18.
5.2 2009-2010 Senate Priorities: Copresident Keppner introduced the topic, and he requested
that in addition to today’s discussion, senators bring back for Senate consideration any
additional constituent concerns. Senators agreed that accreditation and meeting the
ACCJC’s recommendations were primary concerns, and they requested that regular reports
be given to the Senate. Additional priorities noted by senators included (1) implementing
the Program Revitalization and Discontinuance Policy; (2) confirming and following an
approved sequence of program reviews; (3) ensuring a faculty-driven assessment process;
(4) addressing distance education issues, including scheduling concerns and the notification
of stakeholders; (5) reestablishing the Center for Teaching Excellence and the faculty
development it provided; (6) increasing faculty oversight of general education; and (7)
curriculum issues, including increasing enrollment in sections.
6. Reports
6.1 Executive Committee May 19, 2009 Meeting: Copresident Keppner reported that the
Executive Committee met on May 19 to approve corrections to the March 27, 2009,
Curriculum Committee recommendations. Allen explained that the corrections correspond
to the changes approved by the Curriculum Committee, but the information appeared
incorrectly on the March 27 report, which the Senate approved.
6.2 Accreditation Update: Vice President of Instruction Marjorie Carson informed the Senate
that CR’s self-study cycle will include an ACCJC Team visit in October 2011, and an
ACCJC self-study training is scheduled for October 9, 2009, on the Eureka campus. The
Senate copresidents are working on faculty appointments to chair each of the four
accreditation Standards plus one faculty member to provide leadership to the overarching
self-study team. Regarding the upcoming October 2009 site visit and the Progress Report
that is due to the Accrediting Commission by October 15, Marjorie reported that the
Program Review Committee completed its work on a new template last May, and program
reviews using the new format will be used as evidence to support our progress in meeting
Recommendation 1 (2008). Progress Report team members include Roxanne Metz,
Justine Shaw, Michael Dennis and Marjorie Carson. Marjorie reported that updated drafts
will be distributed to the college community, and a draft will be forwarded for Senate
review on September 18. Senators expressed concerns that the planning and budgeting
element of program review has yet to be implemented, and Marjorie stated that there is a
commitment this year to incorporate program review into the district’s budget and planning
6.3 Facilities Master Plan Committee Update: Copresident Holper presented the report, and he
informed the Senate that he and Ruth Bettenhausen are currently serving as the FMPC co-
Academic Senate Minutes
September 4, 2009
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chairs. Dr. Marsee attended the August 31 meeting, presented what he hopes to accomplish
this year, and with the intent of going out for additional bonds, he asked the committee to
prioritize and complete cost projections for the building projects identified last year.
Additional information presented to the Senate included, (1) the plans to build the two
academic buildings are on track with funding still available; (2) the money saved by not
building a new student center will be used for other projects; (3) CR has offered $200,000
for the purchase of a site in Garberville, and Dr. Marsee is proposing to use Measure Q
money to renovate the site; and (4) a consultant was hired over the summer to evaluate
underground issues on the Eureka campus, which included a review of the pool. It is
anticipated that the pool renovations will be budgeted using deferred maintenance funds.
Senators expressed concerns with the use of Measure Q funds for the Garberville site when
projects at other district sites have not been completed, and they questioned the timing of
going out for additional bonds.
6.4 Distance Education Update: Maggie Lynch presented her Distance Education (DE) Status
Report, and she called for questions and comments. Senators expressed concerns with, and faculty were urged to research the application before they encouraged their
students to use it. Additional DE concerns and questions for Maggie included, (1) the
authentication of online students and proctoring, (2) the evaluation process for faculty
teaching online sections, (3) whether there is a plan for soliciting faculty and student
feedback on MyCR, (4) the goals and timeline for getting the DE program accredited while
on sanction, and (5) what types of assistive technology is available for students needing
additional assistance. To keep the faculty updated on DE issues and concerns, regular DE
reports will be given to the Senate.
6.5 Course Section Assessment: Rachel Anderson presented the forms, and she informed the
Senate that the Discipline Assessment Analysis Form and the Assessment Analysis for
Course Section were discussed at the September 4 Program Review Committee meeting.
Rachel explained that the Assessment Analysis for Course Section document was meant as
a worksheet, and only the Discipline Assessment Analysis Form would be submitted as
part of Program Review. Susan Nordlof offered, upon request, to provide faculty with an
overview for how to use the forms.
6.6 Fall 2009 Finals Schedule (Eureka): Marjorie Carson presented the Fall 2009 finals
schedule, and she thanked Bruce Wagner for this work on the revision. During discussion
it was pointed out that the schedule only applies to the Eureka campus and does not include
online sections. Senators questioned whether the finals schedule would work for the
Spring 2010 semester, and they requested that faculty be included in the development of
the spring course schedule.
7. Announcements and Open Forum
Request for Assistance: Copresident Keppner announced that in response to a suggestion
made during a Board discussion that the faculty and administration participate in an activity
to mediate issues that have arisen, a Request for Assistance has been submitted by Dr.
Marsee to the state Academic Senate and the Community College League of California.
The assistance team is tentatively scheduled to facilitate a process on the Eureka campus
for all faculty, administrators, staff, and students on Monday afternoon, September 28, and
all day Tuesday, September 29. Additional information and a meeting agenda will be
distributed when the details are confirmed.
Academic Senate Minutes
September 4, 2009
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Humboldt Botanical Garden Grand Opening: Jeff Hogue announced that the Humboldt
Botanical Garden is having a Grand Opening on Saturday, September 12, from 11 a.m. to 3
p.m., and he encouraged everyone to attend.
8. Adjournment: There being to objections, the meeting was adjourned at 3:07.
Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate.
Next Meeting:
Friday, September 18, 2009