REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Academic Senate September 18, 2009, 1 p.m. • Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room) Members Present: Allen Keppner, David Holper, Colette Beaupre, Trish Blair, Bob Brown, Marjorie Carson, Dave Gonsalves, Jeff Hogue, Kerry Mayer, Susan Nordlof, Todd Olsen, Pat Padilla, Mark Renner, Mike Richards, Chris Romero, Gary Sokolow, Danny Walker, Mark Winter. Members Absent: Kady Dunleavy. 1. Call to Order: Copresident Allen Keppner called the meeting to order at 1:01. 2. Introductions and Public Comments: Copresident Allen Keppner welcomed all members and guests, and he announced that because no one was attending the meeting via teleconference, voice votes could be taken on action items at today’s meeting. Allen called for public comments; no public comments were offered. 3. Approve the September 4, 2009 Meeting Minutes: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Jeff Hogue, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Items 4.1 Curriculum Committee September 11 Recommendations: Chair Peter Blakemore presented the recommendations, and he answered questions. On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Chris Romero, the recommendations were unanimously approved. 4.2 Eureka Campus Faculty Meeting Schedule Guidelines: Copresident Keppner presented the proposed Eureka guidelines, and he explained that they are an attempt to schedule meetings so they don’t interfere with each other. Kerry Mayer moved to approve the guidelines, seconded by Susan Nordlof. During discussion senators asked if division meetings will be scheduled, and they stressed the advantages of having regular meetings. Dean Anderson responded that she intends to communicate with area coordinators to determine the best meeting time for everyone and to schedule division meetings, but the suggestion was made that the proposed meeting schedule be followed. Approval of the meeting guidelines carried by unanimous vote. 4.3 Program Review Form – Request for Full-Time Tenured Faculty Position: Dean Rachel Anderson presented the proposed form, and she explained that it is intended to be part of the Program Review process. Jeff Hogue moved to approve the form, seconded by Mike Richards. During discussion, senators voiced the following questions and concerns: (1) How is the fill rate defined, and is it the most useful statistic to use? (2) If the form is prepopulated with IR data, will there be room to include a narrative and supporting information? (3) At the level of this form, new and replacement positions requests will go into the same hopper. (4) The decision-making process for prioritizing requests is not clear. How will this information be integrated into budget and planning? (5) The form needs to be more inclusive and broad-based, maybe even campus specific. (6) In responding to administrative scheduling requests, the data that would support a new position has been compromised. (7) It would be useful to know how the data will be evaluated prior to completing the form. (8) With the prioritization process unclear, will Academic Senate Minutes September 18, 2009 Page 2 there be enough time to hire quality candidates for faculty positions? (9) Nonteaching faculty positions are not included in this form. Because of the number of concerns with the proposed form, Gary Sokolow moved to postpone consideration of the form until the October 2 Senate meeting, seconded by Susan Nordlof. The vote to postpone consideration of the form until October 2 carried unanimously. 5. Discussion Item 5.1 Accreditation Progress Report Draft: Vice President Marjorie Carson presented the draft, and since the report will continue to be revised until it is sent to the Commission on October 12, she invited Senate feedback and suggestions for improvement that she will forward to the writing team. Senate suggestions included the following: (1) Clearly outline how Program Review will inform planning and budgeting; (2) Directly address the Commission’s recommendations and provide evidence of what CR is doing to address those recommendations; (3) Request that the administration demonstrate compelling evidence of good faith efforts to resolve trust and empowerment issues, and include that evidence in the Report; (4) Request that the administration commit to Interest Based Bargaining in the upcoming negotiations, and include that commitment as evidence of building trust; (5) Include the progress already made with assessment, the training timeline, and the milestones we expect to reach; (6) Request that the administration allocate resources to support assessment efforts, and include that evidence in the Report; (7) Specify what steps are being taken to clarify the roles of the faculty and the administration; and (8) Include, if possible, an administrative commitment to reinvesting in the Center for Teaching Excellence and to faculty development. During discussion of how the Senate would provide additional input to a revised draft before it goes to the Board for review, senators agreed to schedule a special Senate meeting for Friday, September 25, at 11:30, in the Lakeview Room. Senators were asked to bring constituent feedback on the most recent draft to the September 25 meeting. 6. Reports 6.1 Academic Standards and Policies Committee Assignment – Review Tenure Evaluation Process: Copresident Keppner reported that in response to suggestions from the last two Tenure Review Committee (TRC) chairs, the Academic Standards and Policies Committee (ASPC) has been tasked with reviewing the tenure evaluation process. TRC Chair Mike Richards and a representative from CRFO will be invited to participate in ASPC discussions to help define the issues and identify areas of mutual interest that the committee can address. 6.2 Accreditation Update: The accreditation update was addressed during the discussion on the Accreditation Progress Report draft. 6.3 Spring Schedule Update: Marjorie Carson reported that while the initial communication to area coordinators was that the spring schedule would be adjusted to include a ten minute passing time, more recently it has been decided that the passing time in the spring schedule will be the same as this semester. However, due to budget considerations and operating costs, the college cannot continue to grow, and the spring section offerings will need to be reduced. So that students and associate faculty can be notified early, senators requested that the area coordinators be informed of the scheduling adjustments as soon as possible. In response to questions, Marjorie clarified that all the district sections, including the online courses, will be coordinated through Steve Brown and Rachel Anderson. Academic Senate Minutes September 18, 2009 Page 3 6.4 Final Budget 2009-2010: Because VP Ruth Bettenhausen was not able to attend the meeting, the report will be moved to a future agenda. 6.5 Distance Education Ad Hoc Committee: Mark Winter reported that he is working on coordinating the committee, but the membership has not been confirmed, and meetings have not yet been scheduled. Mark will present an update on October 2. 6.6 September 13 and 14 Board Retreat and Meeting: Copresident Keppner reported that concerned community members addressed the Board on Sunday to stress the importance of maintaining the labs and programs on the Mendocino Coast campus, particularly in light of the proposal to purchase a new CR site in Garberville, and a citizen’s advisory committee provided a report to the Board. The Board approved an associate faculty evaluation process, and they heard a number of reports from the Mendocino Coast campus. The final district budget was approved, but Board members expressed concerns that CR is going over enrollment cap for two years without adequate reimbursement from the state. The Board approved the purchase of the Garberville site, but with certain conditions, including an analysis of the asbestos in the building and an estimate of the total cost of refurbishing the site. 7. Announcements and Open Forum 7.1 Presentation of Final CR Budget for 2009-10: Copresident Keppner announced that President Marsee has scheduled a budget workshop for the college community to explain the budget assumptions and the budget development process. The workshop is scheduled for 3:30 this afternoon, Friday, September 18, in LRC 105 (Distance Ed Room). Allen encouraged faculty to attend the one hour presentation, which will include questions and answers. The presentation will be available via the distance education link for Del Norte and Mendocino participants. 7.2 CCLC/Academic Senate Technical Assistance: Copresident Keppner announced that Scott Lay, president of the Community College League of California, and Jane Patton, president of the state Academic Senate for California Community Colleges will be on campus Monday and Tuesday, September 28 and 29, to facilitate a Technical Assistance with the CR community. In an open forum on Monday afternoon, Jane and Scott will give a joint presentation on effective participation in district governance, and Tuesday’s format will include breakout discussions of constituent groups facilitated by Scott and Jane. Faculty, staff and administrators are encouraged to attend, and Allen stressed that it is particularly important that faculty in leadership roles attend and participate. 7.3 National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF): Mike Richards announced that NATEF is in the process of a major change in their standards for program certification, and Mike has been asked to participate in that process at the national level. 8. Adjournment: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Kerry Mayer, the meeting was adjourned at 3:21. Respectfully submitted by Sally Frazier, Administrative Secretary to the Academic Senate. Next Meeting: Special Meeting – Friday, September 25, 2009, 11:30 a.m., Lakeview Room, Eureka