Professional Development Committee

Professional Development Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2012
Call to Order
Meeting called to order 2:20 pm by Ahn Fielding
Attendees Ahn Fielding, Teresa Daigneault, Connie Carlson, Geoff Cain,
Renel Nordeman, Roxanne Metz, Michelle Hancock (ccc confer, Julia
Peterson & Anita Janis)
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Minutes approved with the correction of “next meeting to be in the new
HR conference room.” (not)’
New Business
a) Survey reviewed which includes last year’s information so Connie will
see if Angelina can edit it to have just this years information. Connie
suggested that the faculty surveys be separated by full-time & Associate
faculty. Technology & Microsoft Software were consistently the most
important to classified . Next step, what we will do with the results.
Possibly 3 trainings per semester for Assoc Faculty. Classified &
managers should also have similar number of trainings. Community Ed
has Brown Act training for running meetings which should include the
Board. Goal by the next meeting have data as clean as possible and set
up trainings with information from the survey.
b) New Assoc Faculty need to get in touch with Geoff Cain for training
for online instructing.
c) Course/Program Evaluation Form reviewed. Take out Not Applicable.
Change instructor to presenter(s).
d) Committee self-evaluation – have sample from Student Services.
Ahn went through the questions and as a group they were answered. Ahn
made notes on the original and we will include it in these minutes.
e) Michelle Hancock presented “Internal Leadership Development
Institute” (LDI) for classified growth opportunity taught by management
or administrators. We could possibly use the same model for faculty.
Develop application, timeline, money for lunch & reimbursement for
mileage and lodging from Mendo or Del Norte, participation criteria,
determine topic and tying it in to the recommendation. 2 goals =
Classified & management track. Sub (steering) committee will come back
with some recommendations midway through before the next meeting.
Information will be presented at Convocation and be an ongoing annual
f) Ahn presented NISOD information and resources (could possibly use
for flex times). Put wording in to that meets criteria for Flex and Faculty
development. (Accreditation for sustainability.) Put on calendar once
Faculty has reviewed (Connie will work on it).
3:30 pm
Respectively Submitted,
Renel Nordeman