CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 NARRATIVE & DOCUMENTATION Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission 1. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives: The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer is in compliance with SB 1440. Students who complete this degree will be prepared to transfer to the California State University system to complete a baccalaureate degree in similar major such as Child Development, Human Development, or Child and Adolescent Development or Education. Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to: 1 Integrate an understanding of typical and atypical development of children birth to age eight to high quality care and education of young children. 2 Design, implement and evaluate environments and curriculum that support positive, developmental play and learning for all children. 3 Apply effective guidance and interaction strategies that support all children’s social learning, identity and self-confidence. 4 Develop strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers, families and their communities. 5 Demonstrate ethical standards and professional behaviors that deepen understanding and knowledge, and commitment to the Early Childhood Education profession. 2. Catalog Description: The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer provides a clearly articulated curricular track for students transferring to a CSU campus. Students learn the core principles and practices of the ECE field in order to build a foundation for their future personal, academic, or vocational paths. The degree will facilitate students’ successful transfer to certain California State University (CSU) campuses in preparation for a Bachelor degree in ECE/Child Development. The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to certain California State University campuses through the state-wide Curriculum Alignment Project (Lower Division Eight Courses). Students are required to complete: a minimum of 24 semester units in the major with a grade of C or better while maintaining a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all CSU transferable coursework. • • 60 semester CSU-transferable units using the California State University-General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU-GE Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern. • No more than 60 semester units are required. CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 3. Program Requirements: Course Number ECE 1 Course Title Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children Units 3 ECE 2 *Child Growth and Development 3 ECE 5 The Child in the Family and in the Community 3 ECE 6 Child Health, Safety, and Nutrition 3 ECE 7 Introduction to Early Childhood Curriculum 3 ECE 9 Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education 3 ECE 10 Field Experience in Early Childhood Education 3 ECE 18 Teaching in a Diverse Society 3 Units in Major *Double Counting Units (also meet Area E GE requirement) IGETC Pattern GE Total Units 24 -3 39 60 4. Background and Rationale College of the Redwoods was the first community college in California to align its “Lower Division Eight” courses to the state-wide Early Childhood Education Curriculum Alignment Project. In collaboration with our Child Development Department colleagues at Humboldt State University, we were the first to create a transfer path for early childhood education students who want to transfer to the CSU. Our faculty has demonstrated a commitment to ensuring that Early Childhood Education students are able to continue on the baccalaureate programs. It is a logical next step to further institutionalize transferability for our students to the CSU. Northcoast Children’s Services, one of the largest employers of early childhood educators in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties is mandated by the national office of Head Start to increase the education of preschool classroom teacher. According the Head Start, “By September 30, 2013 at least 50% of Head Start teachers nation-wide must have a baccalaureate or advanced degree in Early Childhood Education or a baccalaureate or advanced degree in any subject, and coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching preschool-age children.” Given this mandate by the Northcoast Children’s Services funder, it serves our community to ensure that there is a clear transfer pathway for Early Childhood Education students from College of the Redwoods. Additionally, the ECE Advisory Committee at our campus, given the demonstrated community need, has approved this degree to be offered to our students in addition to the current AS degree in ECE (with 27 ECE units required). CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 Criteria B. Need 5. Enrollment and Completer Projections Estimated Annual Number of Sections of Core Courses: 22 Estimated Annual Enrollment in the Sections: 550 Anticipated Number of Annual Program Completers (At End of 2nd Year of Operation): 10 Anticipated Number of Annual Program Completers (At End of 5th Year of Operation) 7 6. Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs College of the Redwoods currently offers an Associate of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education and a Certificate of Achievement. Students who receive the AS Degree do not have the required GE courses to transfer to a CSU. In the past students wanting to transfer to Humboldt State University had to have their transcripts reviewed by the Department Chair of the Child Development Department to determine which courses (if any) would transfer to the Child Development Major. Students did not have a clear program of courses that would facilitate their transfer. College of the Redwoods does not have a degree in Teacher Preparation. There are no similar or related degrees or programs offered at the college. The Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education for Transfer will enable students to complete a Child Development Degree and then enroll in the Multiple Subjects Teacher Credential Program. The eight courses required for the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education for Transfer are the same courses required for the non-transfer degree (the non-transfer degree includes one additional course.) Four of the courses from the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education for Transfer are also the course used in the Certificate of Achievement. No additional courses are being added to the curriculum for this degree and no additional resources are necessary. 7. Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area Currently, no other college in our region has an Associate in Science degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE) for Transfer. 8. Labor Market Information (CTE only) Child Care Workers Estimated Employment and Projected Growth SOC Code 39-9011 Geographic Area (Estimated YearProjected Year) North Coast Region (2008-2018) Estimated Projected Numeric Percent Employment Employment Change Change 710 720 10 1.4 Additional Openings Due to Net Replacements 210 CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education Estimated Employment and Projected Growth SOC Code 25-2011 Geographic Area (Estimated YearProjected Year) North Coast Region (2008-2018) Wage Data: Estimated Projected Numeric Percent Employment Employment Change Change 250 260 10 Additional Openings Due to Net Replacements 4.0 50 Education Administrators, Preschool and Child Care Estimated Employment and Projected Growth SOC Code 11-9031 Geographic Area (Estimated YearProjected Year) North Coast Region (2008-2018) Estimated Projected Numeric Percent Employment Employment Change Change 170 170 .0 Additional Openings Due to Net Replacements 50 Wage Data from : Child Care Workers North Coast Region $10.57 $21,976 Preschool Teachers (Except Special Education) North Coast Region $14.28 $29,711 $17.88 $37,190 Education Administrators, Preschool and Child Care North Coast Region 9. Employer Survey 10. Explanation of Employer Survey, 11. List of Members of Advisory Committee, 12. Recommendations of Advisory Committee Attachments 9 – 12 are not required when proposing as Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer that is aligned with the TMC. CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 13. Display of Proposed Sequence Proposed Sequence of Courses for Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer College of the Redwoods Note: All 5 of the 8 CORE ECE Courses are offered each semester (Fall/Spring). These 8 are either rotated between daytime or evening, or are offered online. 1st Semester: ECE 1, ECE 2, (with ECE 2 counted as Gen ED) Plus, 9 additional Gen Ed units 2nd Semester: ECE 5, ECE 7 Plus, 9 Gen Ed units 3rd Semester: ECE 9, ECE 6 Plus, 9 Gen Ed units ECE 10, ECE 18 4th Semester: Plus, 9 Gen Ed units 14. Transfer Documentation The proposed program fully articulates with the lower-division requirements at many CSUs, and was created in accordance with the Transfer Model Curriculum for Communication Studies. Transfer and articulation documentation from ASSIST has been included in the attachments. Outlines of Record for Required Courses Outlines of record for all core courses and representative elective required for the degree are included in the attachments. CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 Criteria D: Adequate Resources 15. Library and Learning Resources Plan All existing needs for the program are currently met by the library and Learning Resources Center and through the college’s information technology resources. 16. Facilities and Equipment Plan All the facilities and equipment necessary to offer this program are already in place. 17. Financial Support Plan No additional financial support will be required as all the courses listed in the degree are currently being offered 18. Faculty Qualifications and Availability All required courses are currently being taught by faculty who meet the state mandated minimum requirements.. Criteria E: Compliance 19. Model Curriculum This Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer is based on the Early Childhood Education Transfer Model curriculum for CCC Major or Area of Emphasis in Early Childhood Education. The completed TMC for Early Childhood Education is attached. 20. Licensing or Accreditation Standards The CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing offers a Child Development Permit. Beginning at the Teacher level of the Permit, an AA in ECE is one of the possible requirements. An AA in ECE is also used as “Alternative requirements” at several levels of the Child Development Permit. The Child Development Permit is required for persons working in publicly-funded early care and education programs. 21. Student Selection and Fees The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education for Transfer is an open-access, with no entry or prerequisite criteria. The only fees required for the program are the regular college enrollment fees. Attachments required for this form: • Required signature page -- Please retain the original signature page for your records and upload a scan of the signature page as an attachment. • Development Criteria Narrative & Documentation (with all attachments): o Labor/Job Market DATA (CTE only) o Employer Survey (CTE only) o Minutes of Key Meetings o Outlines of Record for all Required Courses o Transfer Documentation (if applicable) CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA NARRATIVE & DOCUMENTATION Attach a document that describes the development of the proposed program, addressing the five criteria as listed below. Number the sections of the narrative to match the lists below. If appropriate, you may note that a section is “not applicable” but do not re-number the sections. Provide documentation in the form of attachments as indicated. Criteria A. Appropriateness to Mission 1. 2. 3. 4. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives Catalog Description Program Requirements Background and Rationale Criteria B. Need 5. Enrollment and Completer Projections 6. Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs 7. Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area 8. Labor Market Information & Analysis (CTE only) 9. Employer Survey (CTE only) 10. Explanation of Employer Relationship (CTE only) 11. List of Members of Advisory Committee (CTE only) 12. Recommendations of Advisory Committee (CTE only) Attachment: Labor / Job Market Data (CTE only) Attachment: Employer Survey (CTE only) Attachment: Minutes of Key Meetings Criteria C. Curriculum Standards 13. Display of Proposed Sequence 14. Transfer Documentation (if applicable) Attachment: Outlines of Record for Required Courses should be separately attached to each course Attachment: Transfer Documentation (if applicable) Criteria D. Adequate Resources 15. 16. 17. 18. Library and/or Learning Resources Plan Facilities and Equipment Plan Financial Support Plan Faculty Qualifications and Availability Criteria E. Compliance 19. 20. 21. Based on model curriculum (if applicable) Licensing or Accreditation Standards Student Selection and Fees CCC-501 Rev. January 2011 REQUIRED SIGNATURES Proposed Program Title Associate in Science Degree in Early Childhood Education for Transfer College College of the Redwoods LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCES Library and learning resources needed to fulfill the objectives of the program are currently available or are adequately budgeted for. DATE SIGNATURE, CHIEF LIBRARIAN/LEARNING RESOURCES MANAGER TYPED OR PRINTED NAME CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION ONLY: Program fulfills the requirements of employers in the occupation, provides students with appropriate occupational competencies, and meets any relevant professional or licensing standards. DATE SIGNATURE, ADMINISTRATOR OF CTE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME DATE SIGNATURE, CHAIR, CTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME Program was recommended for approval by Regional Occupational Consortium on DATE SIGNATURE, CHAIR, REGIONAL CONSORTIUM (date). TYPED OR PRINTED NAME LOCAL CURRICULUM APPROVAL Program and courses within the program have been approved by the curriculum committee and instructional administration, and satisfy all applicable requirements of Title 5 regulations. DATE SIGNATURE, CHAIR, CURRICULUM COMMITTEE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME DATE SIGNATURE, ARTICULATION OFFICER TYPED OR PRINTED NAME DATE SIGNATURE, CHIEF INSTRUCTIONAL OFFICER TYPED OR PRINTED NAME DATE SIGNATURE, PRESIDENT, ACADEMIC SENATE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME COLLEGE PRESIDENT All provisions of Title 5, Chapter 6 have been considered. The college is prepared to support establishment and maintenance of the proposed instructional program. DATE SIGNATURE, PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME DISTRICT APPROVAL On (date), the governing board of the instructional program attached to this application. DATE SIGNATURE, SUPERINTENDENT/CHANCELLOR OF DISTRICT District approved the TYPED OR PRINTED NAME Quick Reference for CCC-501: APPROVAL–NEW CREDIT PROGRAM Please retain the original signature page for your records and upload a scan of the signature page as an attachment. Condensed from instructions in the Program and Course Approval Handbook, Third Edition Page B-9