REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Policy BP 3310 RECORDS MANAGEMENT The President/Superintendent shall establish administrative procedures to assure the retention and destruction of all District records—including electronically stored information as defined by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure—in compliance with Title 5. Such records shall include, but not be limited to student records, employment records and financial records. Redwoods Community College District recognizes the need to develop records to meet county, state, and federal requirements, and to satisfy daily operating requirements. The District also recognizes: the value of most of these records generally decreases rapidly when transactions are completed; some of these should be destroyed when their usefulness has ended; other records have continuing legal, fiscal or historical value for years after their administrative value is exhausted; and other specific records must be permanently retained. A procedure for record management is essential for efficient administration. This includes legal requirements for retaining records. A procedure for management of diversified records minimizes the effort and costs necessary to keep those records of significant value and will maximize the usability of the records. The following objectives for a paperwork management program are suggested by the State Administrative Manual, Section 1602, are adopted for the District, and are intended to control the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation and disposal of records: 1. Improve administration through efficient correspondence management. This includes forms, reports and file operations. 2. Streamline systems and procedures. 3. Transfer systems and procedures. 4. Destroy records no longer legally required or of significant value for administrative, legal, fiscal, historical or research purposes promptly upon expiration of the appropriate retention period. 5. Ensure the preservation of records with long-term or permanent value. The President/Superintendent is directed to implement this program through the following Administrative Regulation. Former Board of Trustees Policy No. 814, number change only on June 5, 2012 Adopted by Board of Trustees: August 6, 1990