Minutes of the College Council
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA, Board Room
Monday, April 18, 2011
Mark Winter, Dave Holper, John Johnston, Alles Rebel, Ron McQueen, Jose
Ramirez, Martha Racine (phone), Lee Lindsey, Keith Snow-Flamer, Utpal
Goswami, Ahn Fielding, Roxanne Metz
ASCR rep (1), Becky Blatnick, Jolene Gates, Keith Snow-Flamer,
Utpal Goswami called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
The minutes of 04/11/2011 were approved with a revision of paragraph three of
discussion regarding AP2435 “Evaluation of President”: (see italics)
The Council discussed the implications of utilizing a district wide survey as part
of the presidential evaluation process and noted the importance of considering
constituent feedback as part of the evaluation.
BP/AP 5140
The Council invited constituent feedback on BP and AP 5140 ‘Disabled
Student Programs and Services’.
Some members of the council questioned whether language related to Section
508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 should be included in the policy and
procedure intended to outline the DSPS program (5140). Section 508…
…requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use
electronic and information technology, Federal employees with disabilities have
access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and
use by Federal employees who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an
undue burden would be imposed on the agency. Section 508 also requires that
individuals with disabilities, who are members of the public seeking information or
services from a Federal agency, have access to and use of information and data
that is comparable to that provided to the public who are not individuals with
disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.
Trish Blair (Professor, Lead Learning Disability Specialist, and author of BP/AP
5140) responded that the issue of access to and use of information and data is
not an issue that can be addressed by DSPS alone. The topic should be
covered in a district wide policy, procedure, or guideline, and not in a policy
and procedure specific to DSPS.
Jose Ramirez reported that the Web Committee discussed Section 508 on
numerous occasions and that the Web Committee concurred with DSPS in that
the issue should not be addressed by DSPS alone and being compliant with
508 should be a district-wide goal.
Mark Winter volunteered to further investigate Section 508 requirements and
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report back to College Council a recommended plan for action.
ACTION A motion was made seconded and passed unanimously to forward BP 5140 to
the Board of Trustees and AP 5140 to the President/Superintendent.
BP/AP 3050
Geisce Ly reported that the draft BP and AP were developed after review of
examples from other CA Community Colleges.
Some members of College Council noted that the drafts contained negotiable
items. The Council discussed the appropriateness of negotiable items being in
the policy and procedure.
Other members suggested the policy and procedure ought to contain only
objective language and referenced BP/AP 3050 of North Orange County
Community College as a strong example.
Support staff noted the District was obligated by accreditation standard III.A.1.d
to adopt a code of conduct. President Goswami added that adopting a code of
ethics would benefit the institution and any draft should be widely vetted.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to forward BP/AP
3050 to the Policy and Procedure Review Ad-hoc Committee to facilitate
revision of the draft with a preference towards language similar to that found in
North Orange BP/AP 3050. A recommendation was made that the drafts be
reviewed/approved by CRFO and CSEA prior to final adoption.
BP/AP 3250
Support staff reminded the Council that the constituent review period for draft
BP/AP 3250 “Institutional Planning” and the Integrated Planning Narrative was
scheduled to end on 05/02/2011.
Roxanne Metz, representative of the Managers’ Council, reported that the
Managers’ Council questioned why the “Staff Planning” box on the Integrated
Planning Model had been deleted and questioned how the deletion of the box
would affect the process for staff planning.
Dave Holper presented feedback from the Board of Trustees suggested during
the 04/04/2011Board Retreat regarding the draft Vision Statement.
College of the Redwoods seeks to create a learning community where lives are
positively transformed.
BOT Suggested Revision
College of the Redwoods will create a learning community where lives are
Roxanne Metz reported that subsequent to the BOT retreat, the ad-hoc vision
revision committee had executed slight revisions the statement:
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Final Vision Statement
College of the Redwoods is a learning community where lives are positively
Support staff presented the Board Related Policy Committee’s ‘BP1200 District
Mission’ PDF packet and noted that the BOT packets are intended to facilitate
constituent feedback during BOT revision of policy and procedure in chapters
one and two.
Support staff noted that College Council approved a revised scope statement
and operating procedures in May of 2010 but the revised language was not
reflected in AP 2511.
Council members noted that since May 2010 new procedures have been
implemented that will require an update to the operating procedures.
Examples include the creation of the ad-hoc policy and procedure review
committee and the implementation of the process to resolve competing drafts.
The Council discussed the appropriateness of a policy and procedure created
to describe an institutional committee being housed in chapter two which
normally houses policy and procedure related to the Board of Trustees.
The Council requested support staff to create a draft AP 2511 that includes the
already approved College Council scope, operating procedures, and
membership list. Utpal Goswami will propose revisions to the scope statement
to incorporate changes in operating procedures. The revised scope will be
presented to the Council for review.
Dave Holper reported that the Academic Senate planned to use surveys to
measure the effectiveness of the Senate and Senate Committees.
Suggestions of measurable indicators included:
1. Number of policies an procedures approved or revised
2. Average length of time from revision start to finish
3. Were more BP and AP passed in the current year than previous year?
4. How many League BP and AP templates has Council not addressed?
5. Does Council have process in place that leads policy and procedure
through development or revision?
6. Does College Council have a plan for how outdated policy and
procedure will be updated?
7. How good or not so good is Council in involving constituents in the
revision/creation process? (effective participation)
8. How confident are people that when they send items to College
Council the item will be addressed quickly?
The Council concluded that they would measure three or four indicators and
administer a survey.
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Utpal Goswami reported that the following items would be included on the next
Council Agenda:
1. Definition of a credit hour (required by July 1)
2. Process for emergency implementation/deletion of administrative
3. AP7381 / AR 425.01 “Early Retirement”
Dave Holper requested that the Council develop a plan and a timeline for
updating all obsolete policy and procedure. The first step is to identify what is
current, what is under development, and what is outstanding. The Council
agreed that having a plan is a good idea.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm