AP 4020 ... Procedures for program and curriculum development and review are located...

Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
AP 4020
Program, Curriculum, and Course Development
Procedures for program and curriculum development and review are located in the
Curriculum Handbook which is housed in the Office of Academic Affairs, division
offices and the College website.
July 2010
Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Mt. San Jacinto
Community College District
1499 N. State Street
San Jacinto, CA 92583
AP 4020
AP 4020
New: April 18, 2007
Revisions: 10/25/10, 4/30/13
Administrative Procedure
Chapter 4
Academic Affairs
Page 1 of 4
Program and Curriculum Development
Title V Sections 51021, 55000 et seq., 55100 et seq.; Accreditation Standards II.A.
Curriculum Review
The Academic Senate delegates to the Curriculum Committee, without forfeiting its rights or
responsibilities under Title 5, Section 53200-53204.
The Curriculum Committee has the responsibility to establish prerequisites, co requisites,
advisories on recommended preparation, curriculum development, general education
requirements, graduation requirements, general education requirements, program review,
grading policies, and certain limitations on enrollment using the curriculum review process
and, program review, and program discontinuance.
The Curriculum Committee also reviews the course and prerequisites in a manner that meets
each of the requirements under Title 5, Section 55201(b.1), and those specified in the
curriculum review process. (http://www.msjc.edu/currcomm/) Any prerequisite or corequisite which is successfully challenged under Title 5, Section 5520 (f), subsections (1), (2),
or (3) shall be reviewed promptly thereafter to assure that it is in compliance with other
provisions of this policy and the law.
On curricular and grading issues of a daily operational nature, this committee will make
recommendations to the Board of Trustees with College Council review.
Program Review
Program review is a systematic process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation for
effective planning and accreditation review. Evaluation of programs includes: curriculum
development and review; student access and success; and inclusion of program goals into
institutional planning. The review of the quality and effectiveness of Mt. San Jacinto College
programs is an ongoing professional responsibility and should be both meaningful and
practical. In accordance with Title 5, Section 51022, the program review plan has been
adopted by Mt. San Jacinto College.
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Instructor’s Formal Agreement to Teach the Course as Described
Instructors will be provided with a copy of the course outline of record for all courses to
which they are assigned. By accepting employment with the District, faculty agree to teach in
accordance with the course outline, particularly those aspects of the course outline that are
the basis for justifying the establishment of the prerequisite or co-requisite
District Curriculum Approval Process
This Curriculum Committee shall serve to consider and recommend policies and procedures
regarding curriculum development, prerequisite, graduation requirements, general education
requirements, program review, grading policies, and program discontinuance. On curricular
and grading issues of a daily operational nature, this committee will make recommendations
to the Board of Trustees with College Council review. The membership of the Curriculum
Committee shall consist of:
Vice President of Instruction
One Elected Faculty Member
One Faculty Member from each designated discipline group
Faculty Members-at-Large
Distance Education Representative
Vice President of Instruction as a Non-voting Chair
Two (2) Instructional Administrators
Articulation Officer
Librarian and Learning Resource Center Representatives
Classified Staff Member
Two (2) Students, preferably 1 from each campus
At the annual organizational meeting the Curriculum Committee establishes the annual
calendar for meeting schedule, and timelines for submission to the committee. These are
posted on the MSJC Curriculum Website http://www.msjc.edu/currcomm.
Publication of changes and maintenance of records is distributed in print and available on the
college website (minutes, class schedule, annual catalog). The college website is updated
The following chart designates the responsibility and authority for initiation, review and
approval of courses:
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CHAPTER 6: Educational Program
ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE NO. 6.13.1 (AP 4020 and 4022)
San Mateo County Community College District
Adoption Date:
AP 6.13.1 Curriculum Development, Program Review, and Program Viability
Title 5 Sections 51021, 55000 et seq. and 55100 et seq.; Accreditation
Standard II.A
1. The District Colleges comply with Education Code and Title 5 requirements regarding credit and
non-credit proposals and revisions.
2. The activities of Curriculum and Program Development, Program Review, and Program Viability and
Discontinuance shall have Districtwide oversight and coordination through the office of the Vice
Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning, in consultation with the District Academic Senate
Governing Council.
3. Curriculum and Program Development and renewal is the lifeblood of an institution of higher
education providing the currency and relevancy to the overall academic environment. Curriculum and
Program Development shall:
 Rely upon the discipline expertise of the program faculty,
 Depend on environmental scanning and verifiable need for program in terms of regional
workforce or transferability,
 Depend on values and goals established in the college planning process and existing in the
published college Educational Master Plan,
 Result in a published proposal that will be presented to the college community through the
shared governance process.
4. Program Review is a self-study conducted by program faculty and is a component of college planning
that identifies strengths and weaknesses in each college program and assists program faculty,
Academic Senate leadership and college administrators increase the quality of instruction and
services. Program Review shall:
 Rely upon the discipline expertise of the program faculty,
 Include input from advisory committees when appropriate,
 Be based on institutional and environmental data,
 Be conducted at least every six years or in the case of vocational programs every two years in
compliance with Ed Code,
 Result in a published document that will be presented to the college community through the
shared governance process.
5. Program Viability and Discontinuance is a component of college planning that leads to increased
quality of instruction and service and to better use of existing resources. Quantitative and qualitative
data are used to assess a program’s academic relevance and vitality with the specific goal of assessing
discontinuance of the program. Major changes in course scheduling for a specific program shall be
considered in the Program Discontinuance process. Program Discontinuance shall:
AP 6.13.1 Curriculum Development, Program Review, and Program Viability (continued)
Depend on the discipline expertise of the program faculty,
Reference current Program Reviews,
Depend on a detailed SWOT Analysis,
Depend on values and goals established in the college planning process and existing in the
published college Educational Master Plan,
Be based on a current, published list of criteria for considering which programs to
discontinue. The criteria must be established through the shared governance process,
Include input from advisory committees when appropriate,
Consider the intended and unintended consequences of discontinuance,
Consider viability, vitality, revitalization, suspension or discontinuance,
Result in a document that contains recommendations that will be presented to the college
community through the shared governance process and be given sufficient time for final
public comment.
6. All plans for Curriculum and Program Development, Program Review, and Program Viability and
Discontinuance will culminate in recommendations to the Board of Trustees through the Chancellor,
or designee, for approval of curricular additions, program evaluations, and deletions.
7. “An instructional program is defined as a discipline and as an organized sequence or grouping of
courses leading to a defined objective such as a major, degree, certificate, license, the acquisition of
selected knowledge or skills, or transfer to another institution of higher education ” [Title 5
§55000(g)] .
8. The Office of Instruction at each College will be responsible for maintenance of all records regarding
Curriculum and Program Development, Program Review, and Program Viability and Discontinuance.
Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Board of Trustees
Administrative Procedures Manual
Program and Curriculum Development
AP 4020
Title 5, Sections 51021, 55000 et seq. and 55100 et seq.; Accreditation
Standards 4.A and D
Sponsor identifies need.
Sponsor, together with interested faculty and Dean of appropriate discipline, (hereafter the
“oversight committee”) develop abstract for new program. Use NFNRC format. Vice President of Academic Affairs informed of proposal.
An abstract is presented by the oversight committee to Instructional Council, Curriculum
Council, and Center faculty for feedback.
The oversight committee develops the complete proposal (NFNRC proposal and the complete Chancellor’s Office proposal).*
Complete proposal presented by oversight committee to Instructional Council, Curriculum
Council and President’s Cabinet for feedback.
Complete proposal submitted to Curriculum Council TRC, changes modifications sent
back to oversight committee. Complete proposal re-submitted to….etc.
Curriculum Council considers proposal. The Curriculum Council forwards the proposal to
Academic Senate Executive Committee with its recommendations.
The Academic Senate Executive Committee considers the Curriculum Council recommendations, then forwards the proposal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the
President with its recommendations.
In the case of a proposal of 18 or more units: Relying primarily on the advice of the Academic Senate, (Curriculum Council and Academic Senate Executive Committee) the President recommends, or fails to recommend, the new program to the Board of Trustees and
the process is complete.
*For AA/AS degree programs and certificates requiring 18 or more units.
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Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Board of Trustees
Administrative Procedures Manual
Program and Curriculum Development
AP 4020
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Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Board of Trustees
Administrative Procedures Manual
Program and Curriculum Development
AP 4020
Procedures for Educational Program Assessment, Improvement or Discontinuance is a formal
process designed to assist instructional programs to review base line quantitative and qualitative data, and when necessary, define corrective action that leads to measurable improvement
of a program. Through the auspices of the Program Improvement Committee (PIC), a collective
supportive effort is formalized that assists in the analysis and assessment of programs that
need to develop a plan of action that leads to program improvement.
Instructional Program Improvement Process
"Educational program" is an organized sequence of courses leading to a defined objective, a
degree, a certificate, a diploma, a license, or transfer to another institution of higher education.
(Title 5 5500)
Within the first six weeks of the fall semester, or whenever directed by Cabinet, the Program
Improvement Committee (PIC) meets to review programs.
The Program Improvement Committee (PIC)
The PIC committee will be comprised of:
Two Instructional Deans appointed by the Chief Instructional Officer; one from a primarily transfer division and one from a largely vocational division.
Four faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate; one from the vocational/professional technical areas, one from the transfer disciplines, one from Student
Services and one that is an academic senate liaison.
The appointments will be for a minimum of two years of service with no member serving more than four consecutive years. The intention of this recommendation is to
achieve continuity in membership while also providing periodic freshening of the committee. Membership terms should be rotational (as decided by the initial permanent
committee members).
The Chair of the committee shall be one of the Instructional Deans as designated by
the Chief Instructional Officer.
Deans or faculty who are members of the PIC will not participate as PIC committee members in the assessment of their own programs, but will be expected to participate in the
advocacy for their programs or disciplines.
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Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Board of Trustees
Administrative Procedures Manual
Program and Curriculum Development
AP 4020
Determination of Programs for Review:
Programs may be recommended for review by a dean or the Chief Instructional Officer at any time. Recommendations from individual departments or advisory
committees will be brought to the appropriate division dean to bring forward.
All Programs recommended for voluntary discontinuance will be brought forward by
the appropriate division dean.
Programs which do not meet a pre-determined benchmark may be selected for review by PIC without being brought forward by a dean or Chief Instructional Officer.
Established benchmarks must be approved by the Academic Senate and the Chief
Instructional Officer in consultation with the Deans.
Any program being recommended for review must be supported by data. Possible
Criteria for discussing programs will include qualitative and quantitative measures.
These criteria include but are not limited to:
Alignment with Educational Master Plan and Mission
Balance of curriculum including CTE, Transfer and Basic Skills.
Replication of programs in the region
Possibility of conjoint programs with other community colleges
Effects on local industry
Effects on UC/CSU transfer
Need for workers in the region in the skills taught in the program
The impact on the transfer student’s ability to complete specific lower division subject
areas and general education requirements
Success rates
Persistence of students in the program
Productivity and efficiency
Student achievement rates in terms of graduation, transfer, or job placement
ARCC data outcomes
Program review recommendations
CTE specific data that is required for Title 5 curricular review and Perkins IV reporting
Influence on related programs and services
Significant reduction, elimination of program income or diminished student enrollment
Cost of the program
The review process is meant to be an inclusive process. Program faculty will have the opportunity to advocate for their program prior to the initial recommendation by PIC.
AP 4020 - 4
Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Board of Trustees
Administrative Procedures Manual
Program and Curriculum Development
AP 4020
After reviewing programs, the committee will submit a written recommendation with its
findings to the Office for Academic Affairs and the College Council within two weeks of
meeting. The PIC process can result in three possible recommendations. A program
may be recommended to continue, to continue with qualification, or to be discontinued.
All recommendations will be reviewed by Cabinet and taken under consideration by
the President for a final decision.
A. Recommendation to Continue: This is a recommendation to continue without qualification.
B. Recommended to Continue with qualification:
1. The program faculty and instructional program administrator will form a team to prepare
a Program Improvement Action Plan addressing the recommendations from the Program
Improvement Committee.
a) The team should include all full-time faculty members within the discipline, at least
one full-time faculty member from outside the program and at least one advisory
committee member if an advisory committee exists for the program. If the program
does not have a full-time faculty member then a full-time faculty member from the Division or a related area will be included.
b) A mentor may be requested from the Academic Senate to assist in the development
of the Program Improvement Action Plan.
c) The Program Improvement Action Plan will be submitted to the Office for Academic
Affairs within six weeks following the notification of recommendation to continue with
d) The formalized action plan must be included with the next Annual Report or Program
Review for College Council review.
e) The Chief Instructional Officer will convene the Program Improvement Committee to
review the Program Improvement Action Plan no later than two weeks after receipt of
the document.
PIC will review the Program Improvement Action Plan and then meet with the Program
Improvement Action Plan team and the Chief Instructional Officer to discuss the document.
PIC will formalize recommendations and options for program improvement in an Analysis Report. In this report PIC will determine a timeline for additional review of the program. They may also decide at this point to recommend the program for discontinuance.
AP 4020 - 5
Academic Standards & Policies Committee Meeting
May 9, 2014
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
Board of Trustees
Administrative Procedures Manual
Program and Curriculum Development
AP 4020
The Analysis Report is submitted to the Chief Instructional Officer no later than four
weeks after the Chief Instructional Officer convenes the PIC committee to review the
Program Improvement Action Plan.
C. Recommendation to Discontinue:
1. Faculty and the instructional program administrator develop a Plan for Program Discontinuance within three weeks of notification that the program is recommended for discontinuance. The plan must contain detailed provisions for meeting the needs of the students currently enrolled in the program. Career and technical programs require consultation with the Private Industry Council per Educational Code 78016. This plan is then
forwarded to the Chief Instructional Officer who submits it to College Council and the
Academic Senate for review and recommendations.
2. The plan (with recommendations) is forwarded to the President’s Cabinet for review and
approval/disapproval. If the President’s Cabinet approves the discontinuance plan, it is
implemented and the program is discontinued as determined by a final Plan for Program
Approved by Academic Senate 4/28/03
Board Reviewed 11/10/04
Board Reviewed 04/11/12
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