Annual Planning Actions Progress | 2013 - 2014 Strategic Plan (SP) Goal 1: Student Success Education Master Plan (EP) SP.1. Focus on Learners: Developmental, Career Technical, EP.1. Ensure Student Success and Transfer Education Objectives SP.1.1. Match student readiness with educational pathways. SP.1.2. Continuously assess and evaluate programs to provide effective educational programs and services for all learners. SP.1.3. Students will be able to complete their desired educational goals. SP.1.4. Enhance student support and student engagement. SP.1.5. Improve basic skills success. SP.1.6. Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation. EP.1.1. Provide structured academic pathways EP.1.2. Improve support for students. EP.1.3. Improve effectiveness of basic skills education. EP.1.4. Increase transfers and degree and certificate completions. EP.1.5. Professional development programs will improve educational effectiveness. EP.1.6. Improve success among underrepresented populations. Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Counseling and Advising developed course packages that identify the basic/remedial Develop degree plans skills classes available to them. Students can build their elective course schedule with course pathways around the basic/remedial skills courses. based upon students entering at various As part of new student orientations, all students regardless of educational goal are math and English provided with a recommended course package for their first semester that placement levels. includes a math and/or English class, a First Year Experience or College Success Completed class, major requirements, and/or general education. Course pathways may also include career planning or non-credit options depending on the individual student’s program of study or need for basic skills. Offer peer mentoring/suppleme ntal instruction for students. Two surveys are being utilized to assess this outcome. The first survey was handed out at the end of a Fall 2013 GS-6 course that was supported by an EOPS Peer Mentor who worked directly with the instructor and attended the course – a model similar to SI support in that the mentee was a model student available for both one-on-one and group support in and outside of the class as guided by the instructor. The question on the survey asked the extent to which Peer Mentor/Tutor support for GS enhanced the learning experience. In progress Another survey will be deployed twice during the 2013/14 year to assess student satisfaction with EOPS Peer Mentor services, as well as several other EOPS support services. Analyses of the results will be performed in May/June 2014. Final report will be completed by September 2014. Implement alternative basic skills curriculum (e.g., acceleration, non-credit). The Community of Practice in Acceleration is an initiative supported by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office through 3CSN, which assists faculty with examining English and math remedial curriculum sequences and redesigning those sequences into accelerated pathways. Last year the English Department was selected to participate with David Holper, Peter Blakemore, and Jay Scrivner in the Acceleration project. In progress COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 2 The result was the creation of English 102, a course that takes English 350 students and prepares them for English 1A in one semester. This year the English Department applied to participate again with a new team and Todd Olsen applied for the Math Department to become a member of the Community of Practice. The application process was very competitive with 119 faculty members from 25 colleges submitting applications. Both the English and Math teams were accepted in the California Acceleration Project. The English team consists of Pam Kessler, Susan Nordlof, Ruth Rhodes, and Deborah Gerth. The focus of the English team’s project is to expand training in acceleration to faculty at the Del Norte campus with Del Norte piloting English 102 in fall 2014. They also wanted additional faculty to participate in the training to continue to invigorate the faculty and their curriculum. Todd Olsen, Mike Haley, Steve Jackson, Erik Kramer and Richard Ries make up the Math team. The Math acceleration project is designed to shorten the developmental mathematics path to statistics. The accelerated “Path2stats”course will focus on teaching the core elementary/intermediate algebra concepts using data and statistical type graphs. This course will be a departure from our traditional “one size fits all approach” to basic skills curriculum in mathematics and will be geared towards those who are non-science/math majors. The course is scheduled to run as a pilot in spring 2015. Late last spring, on the advice of CRFO leadership, the administration set up a conference workshop for faculty leadership and interested English and math faculty and administrators, facilitated by LeBaron Woodyard, Dean of Academic Affairs for the Chancellor’s Office, to help clear up some confusion about noncredit programs. The workshop touched on: The history of noncredit programs in the California Community College system, the Education Code and Title 5 regulations governing noncredit and the different noncredit apportionment models; How credit-bearing courses have relatively strict rules around the amount of work, the amount of time involved, and the qualifications of the instructor while non-credit courses are much more flexible; and The idea of making courses or programs “stackable.” Stackability refers to the idea that if you take enough small noncredit classes in the right order, they can (and should) add up to a certificate of competency or completion. Subsequent to the workshop, Julia Peterson, Erin Wall, Tracey Thomas and Sheila Hall met with transfer, career technical education and counseling faculty to discuss how noncredit courses can enhance student COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 3 success and support our credit offerings. With a greater understanding of the opportunity to use noncredit to better meet student needs, we worked together to move our noncredit course development process forward. The math faculty worked with Julia and Tracey to develop three noncredit math courses that will provide much needed Math lab access to students in credit math classes. Also developed were two basic skills level noncredit math classes that will give students the opportunity to learn math skills that will prepare them for credit math classes and credit classes with a math pre-requisite. The Manufacturing Technology Program developed a new noncredit course in an area that the Manufacturing Technology Advisory Committee had expressed an interest in offering. This noncredit “Introduction to Mechatronics” is an introductory and low-risk class that should promote growth in the district’s technology credit classes as students learn more about applied technology offerings. Last spring we also saw the first of the fall 2013 start community-based English language learners (ESL) students take credit classes. These higher level ESL students were very excited to be able to take a credit class while continuing to work on their English skills in noncredit ESL. The ability to take both noncredit and credit helped to smooth the transition and we expect to see more noncredit ESL students attend credit classes as their English skills improve. The ESL credit students’ need for additional language support brought credit English and ESL faculty and noncredit ESL faculty together to work on aligning the credit and noncredit ESL with English classes. As a result of that meeting, a noncredit ESL class has been added to the fall schedule during the mid-day time period to support students taking daytime credit classes. “Ready, Set, Go to College,” and “Explore Your Career Options” are two new noncredit classes developed around the needs that DSPS and Counseling faculty see in new students. These classes will help students get a strong start in their degree programs by teaching college success skills, career exploration and helping students to learn to navigate the higher education system. This summer we will offer a noncredit Summer Bridge to College. This idea was strongly requested by attendees at the Student Success Summit held in January of this year. Summit attendees included College of the Redwoods faculty and staff, high school faculty and administrators, and HSU faculty and administrators who strongly expressed their belief that a Summer Bridge to College would help students transition successfully into college. This first Summer Bridge to College will include noncredit classes that will help students learn about college, practice successful study habits, career exploration, work readiness skills, and college preparation math and English. Participation in similar Summer Bridge COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 4 programs has been widely shown to improve student success in credit programs during the regular academic year. Julia Peterson and Kintay Johnson are also working with partners in the community to bring our noncredit to community locations. We are expanding our noncredit class offerings in the Humboldt County Correctional facility and will develop additional classes that will be offered to inmates so they can increase their skills and knowledge. Many of the inmates have expressed interest in attending our credit classes upon release and we are working with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office to develop a pathway from the jail to the college. Kintay has visited the jail to meet with inmates to explain how CR’s EOPS program can help them succeed in college upon their release. We’re also partnering with HSU and HCOE to expand our ESL classes in many community locations this summer, including South Fortuna Elementary School, the Fortuna Multigenerational Center, the Loleta Family Resource Center, Pacific Union Elementary School, and Alice Birney Elementary School. For this partnership CR offers the noncredit classes and HCOE provides a location, childcare in an adjacent classroom, and snacks for the students and children. HSU provides a paid parent liaison to help coordinate each class. Together we are going to serve over 200 ESL learners, predominantly at the very beginner level. We are running ESL classes over the summer in Loleta, Fortuna, Eureka and at the Garberville Instructional Site. In 2014-15 noncredit curriculum will be developed to support the Adult Education needs identified by the AB86 Regional Consortia, our faculty, and local agencies. We expect to develop classes for Older Adults, Short Term Vocational trainings that align with partner needs and/or feed CR credit programs, College and Career planning, and Parenting classes and create noncredit certificates in College Math Preparedness, Career and College Advancement, Community ESL, Community and Career ESL, and a Customer Service Academy. Based on priorities identified in the Student Equity Plan, develop a plan for narrowing the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations. The 2014 Gateway Student Success Summit, a collaborative event, meaning that stakeholders on the continuum from high schools through university joined together to talk about ways to improve student access and success, identified several actions that, when implemented, could help close the achievement gap for underrepresented student populations: In progress 1. Improve/create connections with current students and new students via peer mentoring 2. Create a social community within an academic community 3. Find out what can be provided to a high school student to increase connections to college 4. Offer tuition guarantees 5. Improve the bridge to education through parent interventions 6. Define who our students are: Student athletes, students out of COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. state/cultural difficulty, transition with age/culture, low income, underrepresented students, etc. Develop peer mentoring Develop summer bridge programs for student success Get key people together to improve transition from high school to college Investigate service learning opportunities Build connections with workforce preparation and work experience Get CR faculty out in the high schools connecting with students and promoting their programs. They are not only the most knowledgeable of their programs, but their personal connection with students will go a long way to getting students to choose CR and/or college in general. EOPS has addressed items 1, 2, and 7. Noncredit courses for inclusion in a summer bridge program has been developed and are in the Chancellor’s Office approval process (item 8). The Matriculation Pathways Task Force has been formed to address item 9. The academic senate supported the recommendation to get more faculty involved in outreach. Counseling put out a call for faculty participation. COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 Strategic Plan (SP) Goal 2: Community Education Education Master Plan (EP) SP.2 Focus on Learners: Community Partnership EP.2 Develop Programs and Services to Meet Community Needs Objectives SP.2.1. Provide workforce development training. SP.2.2. Respond to business and industry short-term training needs. SP.2.3. Develop non-credit programs. EP.2.1. Enhance community education program. EP.2.2. Enhance incumbent worker and contract training. EP.2.3. Develop not-for-credit programs. EP.2.4. Career & Technical Education (CTE) Programs respond to community training needs. EP.2.5. Develop non-credit programs. Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Develop a new notfor-credit training in an area where employees are needed by local employers. Review business and industry and economic development survey data to inform program alignment and identify potential partnering opportunities. A new not-for-credit training in Business to Business sales was developed and is being taught over the summer of 2014. This training was developed in partnership with Humboldt County Employment and Training Department and local business partners to help provide employers a pool of trained Business to Business sales people. The shortage of people with the knowledge and skills in this area was identified by local businesses and wages for such employees are well above the local median wage. Completed Humboldt County’s Targets of Opportunity report, the Humboldt County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy were reviewed. A crosswalk between CR degrees and certificates and the Targets of Opportunity was developed. Internal meetings as well as meetings with key stakeholders in the community were held to review the data, discuss program alignment and community needs, and to identify partnering opportunities. Partnerships with educational, industry, local government and other local agencies have been formed and are expected to continue to strengthen and to provide additional information, alignment and opportunities. Completed Hold conversations with High Schools to align program offerings and career pathways for students. CR held our inaugural CR Student Success Summit on January 31, 2014. This year’s theme focused on success through the pipeline of secondary and college education. Through the combination of presentations and group discussions this year’s summit addressed five significant “areas of concern” that impact the success of our students. These five “areas of concern” included: access and alignment; closing the achievement gap for underrepresented population; academic preparation and persistence and educational and matriculation pathways. Participants in the summit were diverse audience of faculty, administrators and staff from the local high schools, HCOE, HSU and CR. Completed The CR math faculty attended meetings, hosted by HCOE, this past summer to discuss the K-12 common core standards and how those standards will impact college level curriculum. CR is partnering with Northern Humboldt Unified School District, Eureka City Schools, Fortuna Union High School District, Humboldt County Office of COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 7 Education, and the Humboldt County Workforce Investment Board to provide courses for dual enrollment for career paths in Computer Science, Engineering, Pre-medical and Accounting & Finance. Michael Butler and Tami Matsumoto discussed the new idea of offering Math 50A as a dual enrollment class at McKinleyville High School with McKinleyville High School instructor. They discussed the Math 50A curriculum and the needs of the students and agreed to continue discussion curriculum and assessment needs and offering the class in Fall 2014. Develop job readiness noncredit classes. Local employer and employment training organizations’ needs for work readiness certification were reviewed. WorkKeys® and CareerReady101 software have been purchased and implemented to support work readiness classes and certification. Noncredit curriculum was developed for noncredit work readiness classes over the spring semester and was submitted to the CCCCO for approval at the conclusion of Spring Semester 2014. Upon approval classes will be taught at various CR and partner organizations’ locaitons. This curriculum will address the industry need for a workforce with 21st Century Skills. Industry has indicated they will pay holders of a work readiness certification a higher starting wage than new-hires without the certification. Strategic Plan (SP) SP.3 Fiscal & Operational Sustainability Goal 3 Completed Education Master Plan (EP) Objectives SP.3.1. Reduce reliance on apportionment-based funding. SP.3.2. Improve college operational efficiencies. SP.3.3. Increase funding available for strategic initiatives SP.3.4. Increase community support for the college. SP.3.5. Practice continuous quality improvement. SP.3.6. Practice continuous adherence to accreditation standards. Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Implement Softdocs e-forms for business and student service processes. Establish process for submitting delinquent accounts to collection agency on a regular basis. The Softdocs project was put on hold while the system was migrated from the cloud (Rackspace) to a local server on campus. Information Technology staff will collaborate with the student service areas in fall 2014 to determine the best way to move forward. In progress All eligible accounts have been referred to the collection agency. Very old accounts and accounts with small balances have been written off and an adjustment made to the student’s account by the Business Office. Each semester, new accounts will be identified and sent to collections. Completed COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 8 Implement a budget cycle for equipment replacement (e.g., computers, vehicles, lab equipment). Implement a budget cycle for capital repairs and maintenance (e.g., roofs, HVAC, painting). Increase resident and non-resident FTES. Additional $50,0000 in instructional support categorical funds has been identified for ongoing refresh of computer labs and classrooms. An additional $50,000 in physical plant categorical funds has been identified for ongoing IT equipment replacement. Old computers taken out of the labs will be reassigned to faculty and staff offices. $35,000 in physical plant funds has been identified for ongoing replacement budget for vehicles. Completed $90,000 in physical plant funds has been identified for ongoing repairs. A portion of the net cash flow from facilities leases is being used for repair and upgrade of the leased facilities. Realistically, the District will need another local bond measure in the next 10 years or so to generate sufficient funds to address capital repair and deferred maintenance needs. In progress/ Change in direction Based on current estimates, we are on track to meet the budgeted FTES number. In 2012-13 we earned less than one FTES in noncredit. However, in 2013-14 we will report approximately 45 FTES. In progress Strategic Plan (SP) Goal 3 Education Master Plan (EP) EP.3 Practice Continuous Quality Improvement Objectives EP.3.1. Improve tools for assessment reporting. EP.3.2. Student learning will be a visible priority in all practices and structures. EP.3.3. Student learning outcomes and assessment are ongoing, systematic, and used for continuous quality improvement EP.3.4. Systematically use data to inform decision making. EP.3.5. Provide continual and inclusive training opportunities regarding assessment. EP.3.6. Increase number of institutional employees who have accreditation experience. Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Refine the role of assessment in program review and decision making. The planning and resource request sections of the program review template were expanded in 2013-2014. The program plans section now contains instructions to better inform authors to describe how their assessment results motivate the need for program planning actions. The resource request section was changed to require that each resource request is directly tied with a specific planning action, and each planning action is required to be motivated by assessment results. Completed In addition, the program review committee implemented a new rubric to evaluate each section of the submitted program review templates. The committee systematically evaluated programs’ response to the assessment section. They looked at the extent to which program improvements were evaluated by the program’s reflection on a significant amount of assessment activity that has taken place, and if program changes driven by assessment findings were later evaluated for improvement. COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 9 Develop Institutional Learning Outcomes and a plan for how they will be assessed. Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) have been developed, approved by the Academic Senate, and presented to the Board of Trustees. Each outcome was accompanied by several indicators to be used in evaluating the outcome. The majority of this evaluation comes from data that is already collected, but assessing the ILOs allows for that data to be reviewed and discussed by a wider audience to improve student learning. The Assessment Committee outlined an annual plan for collecting data, holding dialogue sessions, and reporting results to campus in spring 2014. The first ILO dialogue session will be held at the fall 2014 Convocation. Completed Refine the assessment process with an emphasis on sustainability. The Assessment Coordinator and the Director of Institutional Effectiveness met with the Instructional Council in the summer of 2013 to discuss the nuts and bolts of assessment and met again in the summer of 2014 to assess the assessment process and the role and responsibilities of the Deans and Directors in ensuring that assessments are conducted. In progress Evaluation and fine-tuning of organizational structures to support student learning is ongoing. Work continues to make the assessment process more efficient. Roles and responsibilities related to assessment are being clarified in light of the administrative structure with Deans. The college made a commitment to provide continued administrative support for assessment tracking by adding a high level office coordinator to collaborate with the Deans and Directors to support enhancement of the assessment tracking process, help develop feedback loops in instruction assessment, and work with the administration to develop a two year academic calendar to support two year assessment planning. A new planning feature has been added to the assessment software to make it easier for instructors to plan for the future, and to track the progress towards their plan. Programs can plan which outcomes they will assess and when for their courses and programs through spring 2016. A new feature was also developed to allow programs to map the outcomes of degrees/certificates to each of the course-level outcomes. This tool allows programs to more easily identify the course-level assessments to review when assessing program-level outcomes. Student learning improvement is a visible priority in all practices and structures across the college. Ensuring that the college is at sustainability level is an indicator that has been added as a general assessment item in the annual plan, so we will need to explicitly evaluate our progress towards this rubric level through the year. Student learning improvement is included in the integrated planning resource and personnel decision making. Assessment continues to be integrated into program review and institutional planning. The program review template for this year requires authors to list the number of course- and program-level assessments completed. The template also requires a description of assessment-based changes made to the program and associated courses, and it requires that program resource requests are tied to assessment data. The Instructional Council, Student Development Leadership Group and the Budget Planning Committee then COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 10 uses the assessment data in their evaluation of requests, and our planning process considers the assessment-based plans of programs to develop broader institutional initiatives. Identify candidates to serve on ACCJC visiting teams. Four faculty and three managers have submitted applications for consideration as future ACCJC team members. Strategic Plan (SP) SP.4 Technological Relevance In progress Goal 4: Technology Education Master Plan (EP) EP.4 Maintain Technological Relevance Objectives SP.4.1. Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations. SP.4.2. Improve instructional labs to support effective teaching and learning. SP.4.3. CTE programs will have technology relevant to their disciplines SP.4.4. Improve efficiency through technology. SP.4.5. Improve data gathering and utilization to support instructional, student service, & administrative decision making. EP.4.1. Lab equipment and technology effectively supports instructional needs. EP.4.2. Update the comprehensive technology replacement plan. EP.4.3. Enhance distance education or eLearning. EP.4.4. Effectively utilize technology in teaching. Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Expand wireless and cell phone network capabilities. Additional wireless nodes have been deployed and more are in the works. This last group of wireless upgrades is expected to provide coverage across the District’s facilities. A cell phone repeater was installed in SST building, and is working well. Additional cell phone repeaters are in the works. It has been determined that a special repeater is needed just for Verizon customers in addition to the generic repeater that services most other major carriers. In progress Student wireless bandwidth expanded from 5Mb to 50 MB. Twelve new wireless access points were also added. This work will continue as resources allow. The AT building will be next. Provide backup and disaster recovery capability with storage-areanetwork (SAN). SAN equipment has been ordered and is in the hopper to be installed. An agreement has been struck with Lassen College to allow CR to co-locate a backup SAN device on their campus for better site survivability. In progress COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 11 Update the college website. The existing CR website was moved into a responsive framework so that it displays well on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Several design changes have been made to the website based on student feedback and usability training. In progress A web task force met throughout 2013-14 to advise a full redesign of the CR website. Their work included advice on navigational structure and visual design. Working with the task force, the webmaster and graphic designer have created a redesigned homepage to be implemented in fall 2014. They will continue working with offices across the district to revise pages with key information for students. Implement Student Ed Plan queries in Colleague (formerly Datatel) to inform scheduling. Counselors and Advisors now have the ability to identify the courses students plan to take in future semesters in Colleague. The Office of Institutional Research has queried this information and reported on the number of students planning to take specific courses, by campus. This information has limited utility until it becomes available for a larger number of students. In progress Finalize VOIP implementation. VOIP cutover has been completed so that nearly all phones have been converted to VOIP phones. This project is substantially completed. Staff will continue to work trouble tickets and to implement additional functionality and services, but the main upgrade is complete. Completed Implement minimum technology specs for all new or retrofitted classrooms. Submit a revised DE substantive change proposal. A standard technology package for classrooms has been developed and was recently updated to include new smart board technology. The technology package will be updated on a regular basis as technology advances and as prices change. Completed A DE substantive change proposal was developed in 2013-2014 to deliver more than 50% of a program via distance education . The proposal was revised in summer 2014 following a significant amount of work by the DE committee in spring 2014 to progress the college’s adoption of new policies and procedures related to distance education. A draft of the DE substantive change proposal is being circulated and will receive constituent review prior to being submitted to the ACCJC in October 2014. In progress In spring 2014 the college partnered with Ellucian (formerly Datatel) to implement their Student Planning Module in Colleague. The planning module will allow students to develop student education plans directly in Datatel on their own or with the guidance of counselors and advisors. The college will receive consultation from Ellucian in fall 2014 to strengthen the quality of the information in the degree audit system for use in the planning tool. Data integrity issues will be addressed in 2014-15 prior to implementation of the student planning module. COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 Strategic Plan (SP) SP.5 Enhance Institutional Profile Goal 5 Education Master Plan (EP) Objectives SP.5.1. Enhance support for the college community. SP.5.2. Support/increase cultural activities at the college. SP.5.3. Develop partnerships for utilization of the available buildings. SP.5.4. Reactivate the alumni association. SP.5.5. Increase communications and outreach to the community. SP.5.6. Develop a governmental relations function. SP.5.7. Increase public support for the college Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Lease available buildings. Additional space has been leased. However, attempts to lease the Redwoods Business Complex C (Old library) revealed the need for costly repairs that prohibit leasing this space due to negative cash flow concerns. At this point, the College has leased all of the major spaces that are “readily leasable”. Completed Expand publicity and marketing. In addition to traditional commercial and public radio, TV, and newspaper ads, web ads on local media have been extensively used. Lost Coast Outpost, North Coast Journal, times-Standard and the Triplicate in DN. Completed Class schedule newspaper inserts have been used in Eureka, DN and KT. Extensive use of radio interviews for events throughout the District has been used. Our CR Facebook friends have increased from about 1,000 to almost 3,600. Extensive posting of events and press announcements have been used. Paid boosts to specific posting have increased. A postcard, Ready for change, emphasizing short-term Career Technical Education programs was mailed to 54,000 residents of Humboldt County. A new Ready for Change landing page was created to capture traffic from the postcard. Increase district involvement in outreach initiatives with local high schools. Extensive outreach efforts throughout the District occurred in 2013-2014. It started in spring 2013 with President Smith, Student Services personnel and faculty visiting some high schools. It continued with more involvement of faculty and staff at the annual CR , counselor Day, including tours of the new buildings. More visits were made by faculty and Student Services staff to high schools. A widely attended Student Success Summit was held with many high school administrators and counselors attending from throughout the District. In progress Reestablish an Alumni Association. Between 50 and 100 new members have asked to be included in the Alumni association they filled out the new member form. In progress Plan activities for The date for a major celebration has been set for Saturday, Oct. 4 from 4-6 on In progress COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014 13 the 50th anniversary of CR. the Eureka Campus. A committee has been working on details for 4 months. A hexagon tent will be used; complimentary finger foods provided; wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be sold; 50th logo beer and wine glasses and clothing will be sold; the CR Jazz Band will perform; a postcard is being sent to key alumni, former trustees, community members, administrators, etc. Torus of the new academic buildings will be conducted. The CR Football homecoming game will be held in the Community Stadium the same day to attract more people. Reinstate CR’s Science Night. Science Night will take place on October 24 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Strategic Plan (SP) In progress Goal 5 Education Master Plan (EP) EP.5 Increase Student Participation in Campus Activities Objectives 1. Improve student engagement among all students. 2. Develop a vibrant student center. 3. Increase student engagement in the community. 4. Faculty and staff will model positive engagement in the college community Annual Planning Actions Annual Action Plan Progress Update Status Develop a new Multicultural Diversity Center. The Multicultural Center has been developed. ASCR will continue to encourage faculty and staff to use the center for events and meetings. Completed Develop a new ASCR office. The new ASCR office has been developed. ASCR uses the space. A part-time staff member has been hired and staffs the office. Completed COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS | 2013-2014