Document 12352491

EDC Paper 12/10-11
Annual Report 2010/11
For the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Committee
to be held on 31 May 2011
HR Adviser – Equality and Diversity
Sandra Beaufoy has been recruited as HR Adviser with Equality and Diversity
responsibilities with effect from 1st July 2011.
Single Equality Act – Specific Duties of the Public Sector Equality Duty
In March 2011, the government withdrew the draft Equality Act 2010 (Statutory
Duties) Regulations 2011 for England. The regulations outlined the specific duties
of the public sector equality duty underpinning the Equality Act 2010, citing the
need to ‘reduce bureaucracy’. The regulations will be revised following a review by
the Home Secretary. The Government Equalities Office (GEO) gave the following
‘The Government published draft specific duties regulations on 12 January
following a public consultation. Since then the Government has considered the
draft regulations further in the light of the policy objective of ensuring that public
bodies consider equality when carrying out their functions without imposing
unnecessary burdens and bureaucracy, and thinks there is room to do more to strip
out unnecessary process requirements’.
The Government produced a policy review paper outlining its revised
intentions for the specific duties, and as a consequence The Equality
Challenge Unit published the following summary of the changes:
Deadline for publication of information to demonstrate compliance with the
general duty is now 31 December 2011.
The requirement to publish evidence of equality analysis undertaken,
including details of engagement to establish if policies and practices
furthered the aims set out in the general duty has been removed.
However, HEIs will still need to ‘understand the effect of their policies and
practices on equality’, which will involve looking at evidence and engaging
with people.
A return to the requirement for public authorities to publish one or more
equality objectives.
Removal of the requirement to set out how progress will be measured for
equality objectives.
The revised specific duties are intended to commence in July 2011.
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Pulse: Staff Survey Update
Pulse (2010)
ORC International were again commissioned to run the Staff survey. The
response rate achieved has risen gradually for each year the survey has been run:
2005 – 40%
2008 – 50%
2009 – 61%
2010 - 62%
Questions in the 2010 survey covered broadly the same areas as the 2009 survey,
but were refined or added to following staff feedback.
To support the 2010 survey, a number of departmental Pulse champions were
recruited. They were appointed primarily to answer any questions staff raised
during the survey period and also to encourage completion in order to increase the
overall response rate.
The University wide Pulse results and departmental results were communicated in
May 2010. The Pulse Action Team met to discuss the key University results
and develop a University wide action plan. Departments were asked to review
their own results and develop action plans with three key priorities.
Pulse (February 2011)
A communication brief was developed for the three key areas identified from the
results of the 2010 survey. These were communication, leadership and change
management. The brief, based on progress against the central Pulse action
plan, updated staff on what has been undertaken during the past year as a
direct response to specific staff feedback and was prepared in conjunction with the
academic and administrative leads for the survey.
In response to staff feedback, the Pulse staff survey for 2011 has significantly
fewer questions than previous iterations, with a focus on benchmarking and
tracking progress on specific areas against previous years’ results. The survey was
launched on 28 March 2011 and closed on 18 April 2011. A detailed report will be
received from ORC International shortly. Once this has been received, further
action planning will be undertaken. The current contract with ORC comes to an
end this year and plans for the future provision and structure of staff surveys will be
discussed in the light of this.
Progress on the Single Equality Action Plan
Progress on The Single Equality Action Plan continues to be made and is reported
on at each E&D Committee meeting. The Plan is updated with notes of progress
on each action and is available as a separate paper to the May 2011 EDC.
It is intended to revisit the plan in light of the results and discussions relating to the
2011 Pulse survey, the continued action planning of the Athena Swan applications,
and the further guidance on the Single Equality Act. This will be returned to the
EDC in November 2011.
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Athena Swan Charter
In 2010 the University was awarded bronze status and the Departments of
Chemistry and Physics silver status from the Athena Swan Charter. The Charter
recognises and celebrates good employment practice for women in science,
engineering and technology.
The Department of Psychology submitted an application for a silver award in the
April submission deadline, and it is anticipated that another four SET departments
will submit for a silver award in the November 2011 deadline.
The University Athena Focus Group continues to meet on a regular basis and will
be discussing actions required to move the University forward for recognition at
silver level.
Interest Groups and Students Union
Disability Interest Group. The DIG group has continued to meet termly and
reporting to the E&D Committee and Interest Group meetings. The group provides
an open forum for discussion, review and implementation of disability related
E&D Network. The Network met once in each term during 20010/11. The Network
is open to all staff and puts forward suggestions for items to the Equality and
Diversity Committee. The group received a very informative presentation by Revd
Dr Stuart Jennings regarding Faith at Work and Study and the facilities and support
provided by the Chaplaincy. Other topics discussed include:
The role of Dignity Contacts
Athena Swan – Sharing best practice
Pulse Survey
Communication Champions
Dignity Contacts. A meeting was held on 18 February 2011 for all Dignity contacts.
The session covered mediation, recognition for the role; support and training; the
numbers of contacts and their usage and if there was a need to recruit more
contacts. The website featuring Dignity at Work information was discussed and
whether each department should have a direct link from their pages
Students Union. The Students Union organises a wide range of events throughout
the academic year, many of which have an equality and diversity dimension or
focus. Moreover, equality of opportunity is embedded into everything the SU does,
from our recruitment process for full and part-time positions, to guidance and
specific compulsory training for society/sports club executive committees. This
year, in particular, we have been tackling hate crime and bullying on campus, and
have conducted surveys relating to LGBTUA+ students, as well as to students from
faith backgrounds. Beyond this, the SU supports international, intercultural, and
interfaith events and activities throughout the year, in order to support societies and
our part-time officers (namely LBTUA+ Campaigns Officer, Womens Campaigns
Officer, Students With Disabilities Campaigns Officer, Ethnic Minorities Campaigns
Officer, Anti-Racism Campaigns Officer). This year, the Welfare Officer has been
heavily involved in a variety of campaigns and themed weeks including LGBT
History Month, Black History Month, Womens’ Week, Mental Health Awareness
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Week and One World Week which all seek to inform students and raise awareness
of diversity on campus.
Disability Services
Student figures
Specific Learning
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Mobility Impairment
Unseen (medical)
Asperger’s Syndrome
Mental Health
Please note that these figures are approximate and fluctuate throughout the
academic year depending on new disclosures.
There has been a marked increase in numbers of students with unseen medical,
other long term conditions, mental health difficulties and specific learning
differences. Disability Services (DS) are monitoring these figures closely and are in
discussions with senior management regarding staff levels, developing team
resources and the direction that should follow in the future.
The International Student Barometer
Disability Services (DS) performed exceptionally well in this year’s
International Student barometer. Disability support at Warwick was rated by
International Students at a 97.7% satisfaction rate. That ranks DS 7th
worldwide amongst participating countries, 5th in the UK and 3rd within the
Russell Group.
Awareness raising and promotion of services
DS continues to lead LDC ‘Windows on Warwick’ and other disability
awareness sessions on specific disabilities and the support services
Student feedback and involvement
The student feedback questionnaire designed in 2009 has been revised and will be
circulated to students in May 2011 to collect feedback on the service, the support
offered and in general their student experience at Warwick. A student led focus
session will also take place in June 2011 to further reinforce the action in the
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University’s single Equality action plan of encouraging proactive involvement of
students with disabilities in the planning and delivery of the services offered.
Aimhigher initiatives
DS coordinated and offered in collaboration with Aimhigher a mentoring scheme for
learners with disabilities from local schools, to raise aspirations about studying in
HE. 2 Warwick students with disabilities were trained and acted as mentors to a
group of local school children and their parents who visited the campus,
accommodation and asked questions about studying at University. The scheme
was successful and the feedback from the users and the mentors was very
DS and Student Support are also leading a session in collaboration with Aimhigher
and Coventry University on student support at University. The session is open to
local professionals from schools, FE colleges, Local Authorities and aims at raising
awareness of the support networks in HE.
Alumni funds for disability support
DS received funds of a total of £1300 from the Alumni Office that were specifically
donated to benefit current students with disabilities. The funds were used in a
variety of ways that directly benefited students with disabilities, including the
purchase of a scanner in the library and a license for an assistive software package
in collaboration with Library staff. We are grateful for the generosity of Warwick’s
alumni and friends and on behalf of our students we would like to thank them for
their contributions.
Expenditure on Disability Equality Scheme 2010/11
A budget of £26k is available for 2010 - 2011 to support the delivery of actions in
the Single Equality Action Plan related to disability. Spend to date is recorded as
Diversity Module Annual Hosting & Maintenance
Dyslexia Assessment
Meeting charges
Library Assistive Technology Area (estimate – not yet
Learning and Development and Awareness Raising Activities
Women Researchers in the Science Faculty
~ £9,946
As part of the Athena Swan project LDC has organised two focus groups on the
challenges of career progression and in particular in promotion to leadership roles
for women in STEM departments. Female academic and research staff have been
invited to contribute to the debate by attending one of the two focus groups being
held in the summer term (16 June and 12 July). Feedback of issues raised will
be given to the Athena Swan Focus Group
Windows on Warwick sessions have again been run on a number of E and D
related themes.
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Recording information
The data cleansing exercise for staff is carried out annually. The 2011 figures (as
of 10th May 2011) may go down slightly further after the data cleansing exercise is
completed in June/July.
Percentage of people whose Ethnic Origin was unknown:
2008 – 12.2%
2009 – 6.6%
2010 – 4.1%
2011 – 3.7% (as of 10.05.11)
Percentage of people whose Disability status was unknown:
2008 – 16.2%
2009 – 10.3%
2010 – 6.2%
2011 – 5.6%
The requirements relating to the Single Equality Act will impact on our action
planning and SEAP.
There are a number of legal duties which the University is expected to proactively
pursue. The Equality Act 2010 contains a new integrated Equality Duty on all
public bodies which brings together the existing duties on race, gender and
disability and extends to cover gender reassignment in full, age, religion or belief
and sexual orientation. The general duty set out in the Act requires public bodies,
and others who exercise public functions, to have due regard to the need to
eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; to advance
equality of opportunity; and to foster good relations between people who share a
protected characteristic and those who do not share it. The revised specific duties
discussed are discussed in 2.0 of this document.
The University continues to make some progress over the last academic year in
respect of individual actions on the Single Equality Action Plan. The University
Athena Focus Group have raised a number of issues and these have now been
included in the SEAP. The successful award of the Athena Bronze award indicates
that the University is providing evidence that formal procedures and policies are
either in place and any areas of concern being addressed.
That the Committee note the progress on the Single Equality Action Plan.
That HR ensures that the Committee continues to be briefed as to the requirements
of the Equality Act and revisits the action plan in light of this.
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