On Women Entrepreneurs Panorama Livestock Development for Food Security Mind Over Matter Large Turnout at Career Fair 2011 News Update TRC Research Grant for Six New Projects Department of Public Relations and Information Sultan Qaboos University Issue 212 View Point Another Feather in SQU’s Cap Winning the Middle East level competition of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists’ (AAPG) Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is truly a remarkable achievement for the five undergraduate students from the Department of Earth Sciences at SQU. IBA is an annual hydrocarbon basin/prospect evaluation competition for geoscience graduate students from universities around the world. University teams compete to win scholarship funds dedicated to graduate student petroleum geoscience education. What makes the achievement of SQU students more valuable is the fact that the program is rigorous and contributes to AAPG’s mission of promoting petroleum geoscience training and advancing the careers of geoscience students. Khamis Rajab Al Busaidi Editorial Supervision Humaid Al Adwani Editor -in-chief M.K. Santhosh As part of the procedure, our students analyzed a dataset (geology, geophysics, land, economics, production infrastructure, and other relevant materials) in the eight weeks prior to their local competition held in Dubai. The team delivered its results in a 25 minute presentation to a panel of industry experts. Students had the chance to use real technology on a real dataset, receive the feedback from an industry panel, and had the opportunity to impress potential employers in the audience. The selection was done on the basis of the technical quality, clarity and originality of the team’s presentation. Senior Editor Younis Al Harrasi Editor & Translator Ahlam Al Wahaibi Design & Layout Rashad Al Wahaibi & Photography Dept., CET Photography The SQU team completed a technical assessment of the petroleum potential of the basins; defined the key plays, petroleum systems, prospects, and risks; and made recommendations on future exploration activity based on prevailing technical and economic conditions. After having won the regional level contest, SQU team is now qualified for the final competition to be held in Huston, USA from 8 to 13 of April. In the final round, 12 universities from across the world, including SQU, will contest. The global level competition will be much tougher compared to the regional level. However, the team is very much confident about themselves. The team takes full responsibility of the fact that it will be representing SQU and Oman and the members will spare no efforts to project Oman very remarkably. The members are optimistic to emerge as one of the topmost winners in the global competition. We wish them all success! Horizon invites contributions from SQU members of staff and faculty. Contributions in the form of articles, news, travelogues, stories of unique and interesting experiences, encounters, etc., are welcome. Contributions may be edited for the sake of clarity and length. Please send your contributions to horizon@squ.edu.om preferably, as MSWord attachments. Authors will be suitably credited. Horizon is published three times a month by the Department of Public Relations and Information, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O. Box 50, P.C. 123, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Phone: +968 24141045 E-mail: horizon@squ.edu.om 30 March 2011 P2 Fax: +968 24413 391 Website: www.squ.edu.om SQU Receives Singaporean Official News Update Large Turnout at Career Fair 2011 HE Dr. Ali bin Saud Al Bimani, Vice Chancellor of SQU received in his office, HE Kemal Siddique, Economic Affairs Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore. The discussed prospective collaboration between SQU and universities in Singapore in the fields including medical sciences and engineering. HE Kemal Siddique evinced special interest establishing academic ties with SQU in boosting knowledge based economy, and research and development in both countries. Students Showcase Innovative Skills at Agricultural Festival The students, who are members of the Agricultural & Marine Sciences Society of the College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University showcased their innovative research and technical skills in the spheres of agriculture, marine sciences and food science at the third Agricultural Festival organised by the college. The event was opened under the patronage of HE Dr. Hamed Said al Aufi, Undersecretary for Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, in the presence of HE Dr. Ali bin Saud al Bimani, SQU vice Chancellor and senior academics of the College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences. The Career and Training Opportunities Fair 2011 hosted by the Centre for Career Guidance witnessed large turnout of students from different colleges of SQU. The event was opened in the Grand Hall of the Cultural Centre under the patronage of HE Dr. Hammad bin Hamad al Ghafri, Adviser at the Ministry of Civil Service. As many as 57 organizations from the Sultanate and abroad took part in the career fair that continued for three days. The institutions were chosen depending on specific criteria such as the number of jobs and training opportunities made available in these institutions for SQU graduates, the types of jobs and the range of specializations. The career fair was accompanied by a seminar organized by the Centre for Career Guidance in co-operation with the Instructional and Learning Technologies Department in the College of Education. A large number of HR managers from various private sector organizations took part in the seminar. The Centre for Career Guidance pays much attention to organizing several lectures to promote awareness on job-seeking, preparation for job interviews and other aspects related to job hunting for university graduates. The career fair is a platform for direct communication between the students and the prospective employers. This year’s fair gave the students, the opportunity to know about job vacancies and available training opportunities. The event was successful in educating students about work atmosphere in the private sector through direct communication and giving the private sector organizations an opportunity to know the academic level as well as skills and competencies of the university students. Forum Promotes Culture of Invention The theme of this years festival was “Dimensions of Innovation”. All the six student sub groups in the college namely, the Animal and Veterinary Science Group, the Soil, Water, Agricultural Engineering Group, the Natural Resources Economics Group, the Food Science & Nutrition Group, the Crop Sciences Group, and the Marine Sciences & Fisheries Group, displayed their innovations in the festival. The student innovations ranged from the use of seaweeds in food processing industries, value added products from date fruit and kernel, application of nano particles in food industries, development of omega 3 enhanced tilapia, methods for rejuvenating lime production in Oman, use of treated wastewater for crop cultivation, etc. Dr. Omar Al Jabri, supervisor of the student group said that the first Agricultural Festival was held under the theme “Red Tide” which discussed the environmental problems in the Sultanate, and the theme of the second festival was “Mine is Green “ which focussed on conserving and boosting date palm cultivation and production in the Sultanate as envisioned by His Majesty who ordered planting of one million date palms in the country. The third developmental forum ‘The Culture of Invention’ was held at SQU under the patronage of HE Dr. Yahya bin Badr al Ma’awali, Undersecretary of the Social Development Ministry in the presence of HE Dr. Ali bin Saud al Bemani, SQU Vice Chancellor, and a number of academicians and students. The forum, organized by Development Voice Group at the Student Affairs Deanship, under the theme ‘enlightened thought for better society ‘ was aimed at raising awareness of individuals, society and organization on the importance of invention and creation, as well as, identifying the talented minds in a bid to improve and develop the invention culture. It also aimed at inculcating the culture of invention among students and advising the public and private sector establishments about the importance of supporting inventors and providing them with the suitable milieu that promotes invention and innovation. 30 March 2011 P3 Insight TRC Research Grant for Six New Projects Dr. Raeid Abed Dr. Manickavasagan Dr. Abdelmajid Bouazza Dr. Yassine Charabi Dr. Emad Khudaish Dr. Saqib Ali 30 March 2011 P4 Six research projects from different colleges at SQU have been selected for funding by the Research Council in the second allotment of open research grants to the university. Two projects each from the College of Arts & Social Sciences and the College of Science and one project each from the College of Commerce & Economics and the College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences have been qulified for a total financial support of RO 4,71,843/-. Bioremediation of Oil-polluted Ecosystem Dr. Raeid Abed, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology is the Principal investigator of the project “Bioremediation of oil-polluted ecosystem in the Sultanate of Oman” which is qualified for financial assistance of RO 133,000/- from TRC. This project aims at testing various bioremediation approaches for the cleanup of oil pollution using indigenous bacteria under the extreme environmental conditions of the Gulf region. The research team will investigate the use of oil-polluted cyanobacterial mats and isolated cyanobacterial consortia for bioremediation. The proposed research will enable the scientists to gain a better fundamental understanding of polluted ecosystems in Oman and bacterial diversity and activity under multiple extreme conditions. The project will lay the foundation for bioremediation of oil polluted ecosystems in Oman, help in capacity building and training of Omani students and contribute to the establishment of a bioremediation research nucleus at SQU with most modern techniques. Computer Vision Technology Dr. Manickavasagan Annamalai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Soils, Water and Agricultural Engineering proposed the project “Development of Computer Vision (CV) Technology for Quality Assessment of Dates in Oman”. The approved budget is RO 109,100/-. Computer vision (CV) is a proven technology for the assessment of various qualities of agricultural and food materials in developed countries. The objective of this project is to design and develop a quality assessment and grading system for dates during processing and packaging. The developed CV system could be used to identify and remove insect damaged dates; grade based on size and color; and determine moisture, sugar and texture. At the end of this project, a comprehensive CV system will be readily available for dates handling facilities in Oman. In this project, three graduate students will get trained in CV technology. Internet Addiction among Secondary and University Students Dr. Abdelmajid Bouazza, Associate Professor in the Department of Information Studies of the College of Arts & Social Sciences,will lead the project “Internet Addiction among Secondary and University Students in Oman: An Interdisciplinary Investigation”. The research grant amounts to RO 82,300/-. This project will study internet addiction among secondary and university students in Oman, as this segment of young people are more prone to the use of the Internet. The study will be carried out by an interdisciplinary research team belonging to disciplines such as Information Science, Social Work and Mental Health of SQU and the Ministries of Education and Higher Education. Three postgraduate students from SQU will also assist in the completion of the study. The study would provide the information required by some government agencies to identify the causes of Internet addiction among high school and university students as well as shed light on the psychological and social effects on their behaviour and then develop appropriate strategies for dealing positively with them. Assessment of Dust Deposition The proposal by Dr. Yassine Charabi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography of the College of Arts & Social Sciences titled “Quantitative Assessment of Dust Deposition and its Effect on Solar Energy Systems in Selected Sites in Oman” will receive RO 61,100/- from the Research Council. The Sultanate has an enormous potential of solar energy and the government has triggered in the last few years deep and pertinent studies in order to select the adequate locations for the future large scale implementation of a Solar Power Plant. One of the major challenges for the large scale implementation of solar power plants is dust deposition on solar collectors (panels or mirrors) due to the coupled effect of the climate or ecosystem of the country. The abundance of dust, combined with the occurrence of fog and mist in large area of Oman, will affect the efficiency (revenue) of any solar power station. Fog and mist contribute to the adhesion of dust on the surface of the solar collectors. That calls for this experimental study to evaluate the dust deposition and its impact on solar energy systems in some selected sites in Oman. Development of solid state sensors Another project selected for TRC funding was proposed by Dr. Emad Aldeen Khudaish, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry of the College Of Science. RO 44,500/- has been sanctioned for the project “Development of solid state sensors based on tris (2,2’-bipyridyl) ruthenium(II) electroluminescence and their applications to biological and pharmaceutical analysis”. Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) involves the production of reactive intermediates from stable precursors at the electrode surface. These intermediates can undergo chemical reactions with the targeted species under various experimental conditions to form excited states that emit light. It can be said that ECL is a way of converting electrical energy into radiation energy. The project aims to develop the analytical protocol for monitoring of some biological and pharmaceutical species such as chloropheniramine, ephedrine, fluoroquinolenes, dopamine and ascorbic acid. The project is expected to furnish a suitable training platform of the engaged student in a multidisciplinary fields including electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, synthesis and polymerization, nanotechnology and surface science topography. A Framework for Accessibility Aware E-content The project titled “A framework for accessibility aware e-content in Oman” submitted by Dr. Saqib Ali, Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems of the College Of Commerce And Economics has received a financial grant of RO 41,843/-. People with disabilities represent an important segment of the Omani society. They are perhaps the single segment of society with the most to gain from the new technologies of the electronic age. Yet they are among few who don’t have an exposure to such modern technologies. As a result, the potential benefits of computer and Internet to the disable community are a long way from being realized. Dr. Saqib’s research investigates the number and types of disabilities in Oman and how can the disabled people benefit from the advances of Information Technology in education as well as their daily life activities. Mind Over Matter Livestock Development for Food Security The world’s food security is threatened by the lack of food resources necessary to feed the world’s growing population. The Middle East can contribute to supporting the agricultural sector including both plant and livestock. Milk, poultry and meat play a key role in human nutrition for the supply of nutrients. An increase in livestock production and a reduction in diseases would help to reduce the gap between production and the growing demand for animal products. This could reduce malnutrition among a large number of the world’s population. To increase local animal production, it is vital that local personnel be trained on the most modern methods of animal farming. An efficient system of disease control will reduce the incidence of livestock diseases and improve the quality of animal products. Livestock in Oman and across the world suffer from a number of diseases. More important is the fact that zoonotic diseases, or diseases transmitted to human beings from animals, are common throughout the world and constitute a major threat to human health. By virtue of its land area and diversity of climate, Oman’s livestock population is estimated to be about 2.5 million (which includes cattle, sheep, goat and camels) in addition to a significant amount of poultry. In order to attain self sufficiency of food, the government has focussed on improving animal health and increasing livestock numbers; the plan being to double the number of livestock in order to reduce the amount of imported animal products. To achieve the strategic objectives of the national plan in the livestock sector, adaptation of modern methods is required to increase production. This calls for maintenance and improvement of natural pastures and collection of plant seeds, improved distribution to grazing areas, and the expansion of veterinary services to protect livestock from disease and epidemics. The College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences at SQU plays a leading role in the development of the agricultural sector in the Sultanate. The establishment of the Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department in the college in 1986 is considered as an important step in the right direction for providing the livestock sector with highly qualified graduates. The increasing demand for livestock products in the Sultanate requires proper distribution of cadres with practical and theoretical skills in the field of livestock production and animal health. By: Dr. Isam Tawfik Kadim, Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences the private sectors. The private sector has the potential to advance poultry, egg and dairy production to meet the needs of the local market in addition to the export of meat and dairy products to neighbouring countries. It should be noted that there is plenty of room for Omanization in this sector with opportunities in management and research. The most important concern of the Omani society is the transmission of diseases among animals and the spread of diseases from animals to humans. Trained veterinarian positions are important to meet this challenge and to facilitate provision of health conditions appropriate for these animals for optimal food production, which contributes to raising the efficiency of food consumption. The Veterinary Technology graduates have a leading role to play in the field of combating major diseases affecting animals. The veterinary technology program is unique of its kind in the region, the first in the Arabian Gulf, which helps in producing cadres capable of diagnosing and treating of diseases in all types of animals, which contributes effectively in reducing the disease in animals and preventing transmission to humans. The graduates have a key role to play in ensuring that animal products are free from pathogens. In Oman, contaminants such as antimicrobials, hormones, heavy metals and other toxins are found in animal products. There is a significant lack of qualified specialists in this field in Oman. To address this issue, the Department of AVS will be training students enrolled in this specialization on treatment of animals and carrying out general examination for animals, as well as on diagnostic processes in the labs. These graduates must be regarded as specialists who play a supportive role in ensuring human health. This program aims to educate and train students for practising procedures in clinical and paraclinical veterinary subjects. The curriculum includes specialized training in anatomy, physiology, nutrition, meat science, pathology, parasitology, bacteriology, immunology, pharmacy, veterinary diagnostic imaging, and animal diseases. The procedures in which they are trained include minor surgical procedures and anaesthesia for animals. Theory and practise are given equal importance in the curriculum. Graduates who pass the program will be able to efficiently identify animal diseases on the basis of symptoms and necessary laboratory procedures. They will also be qualified to administer medicines and vaccines. Veterinary technology graduates are also eligible for preparing animals for surgery, preparing equipment, and assisting in diagnostic procedures, and medical and surgical procedures. They can also provide guidance and advice to farmers with respect to nutrition, food and reproduction of animals and animal health management. They are eligible for employment in the Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Services Division of the Diwan of Royal Court, private veterinary clinics, dairy farms, poultry farms, feed processing plants, and diagnostic laboratories and research institutes. The Animal and Veterinary Sciences graduates will be equipped with sound technical foundations of research in the field and proper handling skills that enable them to transfer the latest knowledge in a simple manner to the farmers. The arid climatic condition and the high ambient temperatures affect the production process, increase the spread of diseases among animals and increase scarcity of fodder in the country. Graduates of the Animal and Veterinary science program are qualified to work in both the government and 30 March 2011 P5 News Round Up SQU Wins Imperial Barrel Award at Middile East Level Five students from the Department of Earth Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University have won first place in the Middle East regional level contest of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Imperial Barrel Award Program. Ismail Said Rashid Al Dhahli, Shaikha Hamed Hilal Al Qassabi, Asya Ahmed Hammdan Al Abri, Nasser Sultan Mohammed Al Habsi, and Omar Mohammed Marhoon Al Riyami, all of them undergraduate students in the Department of Earth Sciences of the College of Science, attended the regional level contest under the guidance of Khalil Juma Mahmood Al Hooti who is working as a demonstrator in the department. The project assigned to SQU team was titled “Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Prospects in Cooper and Eromanga Basins”. The assigned task was the assessment of hydrocarbon potential of these basins (located in Australia) by utilizing all available data. The end product should clearly outline the commercial availability of the area in terms of hydrocarbon exploration. The AAPG Imperial Barrel Award goes to competitive, exploration-based project undertaken by groups of students (typically 4-5 students per team and one faculty advisor) studying masters-level petroleum geoscience in academic institutions from around the world. Khalil Al Hooti said that the contest is open to all institutions offering MSc and PhD degrees in Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Geophysics, Petroleum Geoscience, or closely related topics. “The team cannot be comprised of more than two Ph.D. students. Middle East is exempted from this rule due to the fewer numbers of universities offering postgraduate programs and hence undergraduate students from Middle East universities can participate”. After having won first place in the regional level contest, the SQU is now qualified for the final competition to be held in Huston, USA from 8th to 13th of April, 2011 during AAPG annual convention. In the final round, 12 universities from across the world, including SQU, will contest. Khalil Al Hooti said that the competition in the Middle East started by end of December, when the dataset including seismic 3D cube and associated well logs were released. It took the team nine weeks of intensive hard work to analyze, interpret and evaluate the dataset and end up with a full development plan to further explore the study area and set plans on the best practice to elevate the area from hydrocarbon exploration phase to appraisal and development. Such kinds of projects are regarded as professional oil industry projects and usually require months to be completed. Later decisions regarding drilling in prospective locations, risk assessment, etc are taken on the basis of the outcomes of this type of projects. In 10th of March, 2011 the team went to Dubai to compete regionally against other universities from the region and presented their final outcomes to a panel of industry expert judges. SQU team left very good impression on all judges. Khalil Al Hooti said: “It is true that this time the competition will be much stronger since the team will be competing against well known universities from around the world and with students studying postgraduate degrees. However, the team is very much confident about themselves. The team takes the full responsibility of the fact that it will be representing SQU and Oman and they will spare no efforts to represent Oman very remarkably and hopefully be one of the top most winners in the global competition next month”, he added. SQU Holds Workshop on Hydrology opportunities in Oman. He hoped that the event would pave way for SQU in joining hands with scientists from abroad in pursuing water research in Oman. The International Workshop “Hydrology: Nature & Engineering”, jointly organized by SQU, the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources, Oman Chapter of UNESCO International Hydrology Programme, the Research Council and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) was held recently under the patronage of Prof. Amer Ali al Rawas, SQU Deputy Vice Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies & Research, in the presence of distinguished guests and speakers from different national and international bodies. The event was successful in bringing together scientists and experts from different parts of the world to explore collaborative research activities and work out common research platforms in the field of water resources management and hydrology. Prof. Anwar Kacimov, Head of the Department of Soil, Water & Agricultural Engineering at SQU chaired the opening session. In his welcome address, Dr. S. A. Prathapar, Dean of the College of Agricultural & Marine Sciences, gave a talk on water resources research 30 March 2011 P6 In the opening session, Prof. Adrian Bejan, from Duke University in USA and proponent of the constructal theory of design and evolution in nature gave a presentation on “designed porous media”. In the first session “fundamentals of mechanics of porous media and associated phenomena”, Prof. Otto Strack from the University of Minnesota in USA delivered a presentation titled “Principles of the analytic element method for Laplace’s equation”. Prof Strack is the original developer of the analytic element method which has been used extensively in groundwater modelling of large domains. This was followed by a presentation on “Tree shaped designs for fluid flow and heat transfer” delivered by Prof. Sylvie Lorente from the University of Toulouse in France. The workshop discussed as many as 25 papers in four different sessions. Meanwhile, the opening ceremony of the research symposium on water security and management, jointly organised by the British Council, the Research Council and the Water Research Centre at Sultan Qaboos university was held under the patronage of HE Ali bin Mohammed al Abri, Under Secretary of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources Ministry for Water Resources Affairs. HE Dr. Noel Joseph Guckian, the British Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman was also present on the occasion. The aim of the symposium was to promote long term research links among water scientists in the GCC countries and Yemen and British scientists. The workshop was part of the British Council’s new International Higher Education programme Global Partnerships for the Knowledge Economy. On Women Entrepreneurs It was a great achievement for Khadija Abdullah Al-Kindi, a fifth year Management major student at Sultan Qaboos University’s College of Commerce & Economics. She presented a paper based on a study performed in GCC countries on the role of management skills of women entrepreneurs at the 9th IAMB (International Academy of Management and Business) Conference (Orlando 2011 Winter Conference) held in the United States of America in January this year. This study, titled “The Role of Management Skills of Women Entrepreneurs: A case from Sultanate of Oman” is the first ever study done in Oman and GCC to explore quantitatively, the determinant of venture performance owned and run by women entrepreneurs. Furthermore, given the increasing number of self-employed women in Oman and in the region as well as the government push for active participation of women in the economy, this study provides an important information and understanding for researchers and policy makers about management by women. The finding of this study will help to develop programs to improve women venture performance and productivity. According to Khadija, this study uses the institution theories, resourcesbased view, and theoretical frameworks to examine how the level of new ventures’ resources affects the venture performance. “In particular, the study examines the role of family attachment, business network, and government support and their impact on venture performance. Furthermore, the study explored the proposed moderating role of entrepreneurs’ management skills on business network-venture relationship”, she said. The study found that married entrepreneurs reported higher venture performance than non-married entrepreneurs. The findings show that business network and perception of government support significantly and positively impact venture performance. Consistent with the theoretical explanation, management skills were found to significantly moderating the relationship between business network and venture performance. That is, having network will not result in higher performance unless the women entrepreneurs have the skills to use these resources in the advantage of the venture. Khadija said that the comments received from the participants of the US conference were excellent and the paper was well accepted by the judges. More on the study The objective of the study was to help to develop programs to improve women venture performance and productivity; to examine the impact of social capital on small firms’ performance while acknowledging the multifaceted nature of network construct; and to investigate how entrepreneurs’ management skills can make social capital a liability instead of a source of competitive advantage. The study assumes importance as little empirical research have been done on this topic in GCC countries. Those studies that examined the determinants of the performance of women’s ventures provided inconclusive results. Moreover, this study examined the level of entrepreneurs’ management skills as a moderator of the relationship between resources and performance. The research questions were the following: Using institution theory and resources based view, what are the determinants of performance of women Panorama Khadija Al-Kindi owned and run businesses in Oman? What are the effects of management skills on the performance of new venture? The study found that business network and government support has a positive and significant impact on the performance of women venture. A managerial skill is important in determinant in the direction of the impact of business network on venture performance. Married women are reporting a better perceived performance than not-married women. Khadija on her trip to US It was the first trip of Khadija to the United States and she had a lot of new experiences during her visit. She observed that in the US, people are very friendly, helpful and polite. The journey gave her the opportunity to know more about American civil life, the culture of the people there and to what extent the culture is different from that of Arab countries. Khadija was the only undergraduate student to present a paper during the conference. The rest of the participants were all Master’s or PhD scholars. Khadija further said: “There was another study related to the women entrepreneurs presented by a Saudi Arabian delegate at the conference. However, it was totally different from our study because Saudi women entrepreneurs do not directly involve in business except by investing money in business. However, Omani women entrepreneurs invest money and manage business firms by themselves”. She added that most of the papers presented in the conference were highly useful and appealing to the participants. Commenting on the difficulties her team faced in performing the study, Khadija said the sample was small as the number of respondents were small. There were some difficulties in meeting business women as most of them were engaged in their professions in tight schedules. Khadija recommends researchers who wish to do studies on this topic to collect more data and consider specific element to investigate with enough time. If all goes well, Khadija wishes to continue the research and update the results. She is thankful to her parents, supervisor and fellow students who supported in completing this paper and presenting it before a elite audience in the United States. 30 March 2011 P7 Straight Talk Horizon: Why patient safety is considered a major health care issue worldwide? Dr. Agnes: Growing number of health care-associated infections in countries Dr. Agnes Leotsakos Dr. Agnes Leotsakos is Technical Officer for Patient Safety Programme at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. She delivered a keynote address on the topic “Global aspects of patient safety by WHO” at the recently concluded Patient Safety Conference organized by SQU Hospital. across the world shows that patient safety is a major problem and indicates that better surveillance and reporting is essential to understand the magnitude of the problem and address it. These infections can prolong hospital stays, create longterm disability, increase resistance to life-saving medications, drive up costs for patients and their family, and even lead to death. Health care-associated infections have long been established as the biggest cause of avoidable harm and unnecessary death in the health systems of high income countries. Horizon: What are the major factors that increase the risk of health care-associated infections? Dr. Agnes: The factors include poor hygiene and waste disposal, inadequate infrastructure and equipment, understaffing, overcrowding, lack of basic infection control knowledge and implementation, unsafe procedures, and a lack of guidelines and policies. At the moment, there is no system in place in low- and middle-income settings to determine the likelihood and magnitude of the risk of infection associated with each of these factors. Implementing system-wide surveillance, training, education and good communication, using devices appropriately and following proper procedures, and ensuring optimal hand hygiene practices are some of the solutions that must be tailored to the reality of these settings. To be successful, these solutions ultimately require a change of health-care workers’ behaviour - in all settings. Surveillance is the key to the reduction of health care-associated infections. Not only can it point to some issues which can be immediately addressed, it also enables facilities and public health authorities to understand the magnitude of the problem and what interventions are needed, and to assess their impact. Horizon: Hand-hygiene is an important measure to ensure patient safety in hospitals and clinics. Your organization has put much importance to this. Could you explain? Dr. Agnes: Thousands of people die every day around the world from infections acquired while receiving health care. Hands are the main pathways of germ transmission during health care. Hand hygiene is the most important measure to avoid the transmission of harmful germs and prevent health care-associated infections. Healthcare workers and caregivers should clean their hands by rubbing them with an alcohol-based formulation, as the preferred mean for routine hygienic hand antisepsis if hands are not visibly soiled. It is faster, more effective, and better tolerated by your hands than washing with soap and water. Horizon: Could you elaborate on WHO’s campaign “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”? Dr. Agnes: The goal of the Safe Surgery Saves Lives challenge is to improve the safety of surgical care by ensuring adherence to proven standards of care in all countries. WHO has charted a Surgical Safety Checklist and this has improved compliance with standards and decreased complications from surgery in selected hospitals where it was evaluated. This is comparable to the checklist system followed in aviation industry. The purpose of a checklist is to detect a potential error before it leads to harm. Building on the Surgical Safety Checklist, additional patient care checklists are being developed for safe childbirth, trauma, etc. Horizon: At SQU, you gave a presentation on educating future leaders in patient safety. WHO has prepared a curriculum on patient safety. How would you comment on these aspects? Dr. Agnes: Patient safety education of healthcare staff has the potential to improve safety of patients worldwide by creating a basis for students to build on in professional life. WHO embarked on this project to assist the development of patient safety education in heath care and contribute towards safer care by developing and disseminating globally the patient safety curriculum guide. This guide is a comprehensive one for implementation of patient safety education in medical schools worldwide and contains information for all levels of faculty staff and lays the foundation for capacity building in the essential patient safety principles and concepts . It has shown that faculty are very open to incorporate patient safety topics into the existing curricula; learner’s perception of their knowledge of patient safety issues has been significantly increased after teaching the curriculum; and significant improvements in the know how before and after cohorts were observed.