Technology to enhance Learner Engagement A key theme of the Event was around how to use technology to engage learners. There was a lot of sharing of research from the projects and discussion around current practice. Some of the key points taken from the evaluation sheets were: Using Busbi Video recorders These had been trialled by Stratford College and were mentioned by 10 people with one college noting ‘ purchase 3 Busbis’! Strategies for their use were: To video teaching practice observations at the beginning and end of the course to evidence distance travelled. Use to involve students in evaluating their own and peers’ performance Capturing skills practice Recording teaching sessions, both microteach and workbased and use for feedback training; evaluation and reflection Use in mentor observation training Stratford College had also trialled the I Touch but this had only 2 mentions as something that would be taken forward. Creating online learner communities There were a number of action points and reflections on creating online communities and the most effective way of doing this including: Exploring the use of blogs and pods to increase student interaction, peer support and reflection, including use of PebblePad and creating an online community. Whether to use Reflect or PebblePad to capture student reflections and whether pods could be developed without PebblePad It also raised a question of whether to use blogs or forums on Moodle. A number of Teacher Educators have technology action points including: o Developing blogging o Investigating Reflect further o Developing an online ICT tutorial o Creating hyperlinks for students Delicious A networking site used by Hereford College interested 9 people, with suggestions for use being: To capture students’ favourites on-line resources and storing favourites (tagging and putting into folders) To bookmark clips for presentations to help students who are phobic about giving presentations To explore Delicious as an alternative to Moodle/VLE for sharing resources among ITT trainees. Notebook purchase scheme This scheme had been started as a means to enable students to have the use of technology during the course and then have bought their own notebook by the end of the course. This was a popular idea which will be taken back by 4 people. Platforms and Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) There were some useful discussions around different platforms and how they best served the needs of Teacher Educators and trainees: Value of Moodle versus alternative VLEs and which had wider facilities, although this raised the issue of access for those not college-based. It also raised the question of how familiar Teacher Educator teams were with the alternatives and this was taken as a development point by several people. Another suggestion was that it could be more productive to start with the outcome and then the tools! Interactive Whiteboards 2 colleges presented on using interactive whiteboards to enhance teaching and points taken by Teacher Educators were: To investigate the role of Mimio software for interactive whiteboards Developing the full use of interactive whiteboards Linking Sento voting to interactive whiteboards – mentioned by 3 TEs The difficulties with whiteboards and the need to trust the technology being used. Camtasia This software had been used by Warwickshire College to develop an interactive, online Maths tutorial with a range of web based numeracy resources. One TE was investigating using it linked to minimum CoVE maths. Learner Resources A number of resources were singled out for Teacher Educators to investigate taking into their practice including: Neils Toolbox A popular software programme which Harvard references students’ work was mentioned on 5 evaluations as something they will take back to their colleagues. Other resources Those especially mentioned were: Gold Dust 2 and Excellence Gateway My learning tube NLN resources Jing – video capture software Animato Legal and Safety Issues Issues around the safe use of technology were discussed and the following points raised: To explore using the IfL portal alongside or instead of Moodle for copyright reasons The legal implications of internet security/safety The implications on professional conduct of Teacher Educators and trainees using social networking sites inappropriately. One college is implementing mandatory input sessions for staff and students on internet usage/safety linked to social networking Wider Context There were some action points taken from discussion around the wider context: The importance of Teacher Educators as models of good IT practice The need for proactive IT/Media technical support that understand the needs of Teacher Educators Using learning technologists to develop ILT materials The development of more blended learning Mentor Engagement Although only two colleges presented on Mentoring, it raised a number of issues and questions. Key areas were: A recognition that mentors need to feel included as part of the Teacher Educator team. There were several suggestions around this: Understanding of the crucial role of mentors and establishing the relationship between tutors, mentors and trainees was important. Partnership working with subject mentors and more involvement of mentors as part of the team Inviting mentors to a forum and Upskilling in September. Contact each mentor separately with training dates, times and make them feel an individual. Using IT to include mentors in a number of ways including: o Creating a virtual community of practice for subject mentors o Using IT for briefings and contact with mentors. o E-support for mentors o Putting resources on memory stick for mentor (as well as VLE) Mentors need an information pack – separate sheets for easy access if they are to be effective ITT mentors Some of the issues raised were around: the difficulties in contacting and developing momentum with mentors when even ‘home’ mentors can be hard to reach. Trainees choosing mentors and recognising that the best relationships are when trainees have time to select a mentor. Ways to include mentors in online community who may not have access to the technology and strategies around this ie using a wiki or external link. Mentoring for year 2 trainees requires more advanced skills and hence additional training Ofsted requirement to know how we are supporting the CPD of subject mentors A recognition that the mentors need mentoring A number of TEs are looking at the LONCETT website and other work being done on ‘virtual community of practice’ (City of Coventry) Curriculum and Programme Development The projects encouraged a wider discussion around the ITT curriculum and areas for consideration were: The unitisation of teaching qualifications would make the curriculum more flexible and increase progression opportunities. However there is an issue with the funding mechanism which would need to reflect this. Alongside this was the development of optional units in an electronic format. Look at different ways of testing of ICT skills on entry to ITT courses and ways of supporting students with these skills. Investigate online numeracy packages which enable ITT students to practice their skills in a safe environment. Exploring issues which arise when progression from PTLLS to C/DTLLS involves changing from one awarding body to another. Introduce Reflect into the Professional Practice module and developing first year paperwork to fit in with IfL – how students who are not staff can access Reflect. There was also discussion around whether to spend time teaching a theoretical approach to reflection before trainees start on their diaries. Using different modes of delivery such as developing e-learning to augment teaching on evening class Diploma courses; introducing more blended learning within the college; E-learning strategy becomes owner and responsibility of the curriculum; Developing open access for course materials (not restricted to a particular year of a course); Developing the use of pods – mutual support groups; Creating a community for CTLLS; Buddy up CTLLS/DTLLS candidates – if possible using IT (blogs); Explore with another college the opportunity for PTLLS students to do peer assessments; Using new resources eg Gold Dust 2, Excellence Gateway, Web 2.0 Exploring ways that teacher educators can access technology and whether they needed to be technically competent or work with other specialists. Ideas included: integrating IT technicians into Teacher training, recognising that they needed to understand the particular requirements of the programmes. Providing more support for learners in particular areas such as: those making the transition from ‘work’ to teaching for those previous employed outside the education sector; providing a greater emphasis on helping trainees identify themselves as teachers Apply for small project money for specifics The value of networking and supportive exchange relationships between Teacher Educators General Comments The Event was very successful and well received and delegates made the following positive comments: Lots of useful ‘snippets’ Fascinating, provoking much thought and discussion about how to incorporate colleagues. A very interesting day, discussing the points face to face has given me further ideas for the future. It is good to meet with other ITT providers. An excellent day. I really liked the format – some great ideas were shared and the discussions that followed were very valuable and raised further issues. Liked the informality, worked really well. When can we do this again? Thought the use of syndicate carousels a good idea – promoted some good discussion from interesting presentations. A really useful day and one that I have left with a number of ‘jobs’ to do asap. Networking with others. Realising that I’m not the only dinosaur! Great comfort. Thought provoking; mind blowing; challenging; interesting. Lots of ideas of terms and concepts to take home and explore with colleagues on & outside PTLLS team. Useful not just for PTLLS curriculum but also for whole range of my college courses. Best resource of day by far: Busbi video – thank you Stratford College! Very useful & exciting ideas day. Thank you. Strong emphasis on ILT – interesting and useful but only one tool in the box. Lovely lunch! Lunch, refreshments and accommodation. A very interesting and productive day. All the discussions were open, interesting and informative. Some eye-opening stuff. The ‘house-keeping’ was very well organised and we were ‘looked after’ very effectively. Very interesting; good format; excellent facilities. Lovely location; great to meet similar-minded people; excellent food. A very useful day exchanging ideas and meeting other TEs. I have 4 Post-its with ideas for positive actions to enhance my own practice and development of ITT and SD in my college. I have enjoyed the day enormously. It has been very useful to hear about everyone’s projects. I am taking away many ideas to develop and hopefully integrate into the ITT programmes. Been a good day with lots of information; good food; provided networking opportunities. Liked syndicate as chance to ask questions in small groups; good accommodation and food. A really successful day, relaxed informal discussion emphasis about projects and passions in ITT across the sector. Great opportunity to network/share ideas/practice. Excellent format for sharing good practice – so much better than presentations. Good opportunity to ask questions and get really relevant tips and hints – a very well spent day. There was an issue with the carousel format in that not everyone could hear all the presentations. Negative comments were: However, found myself in a syndicate with a person I had already heard once and a person whose presentation I had already sat through on 2 previous occasions. Been useful to have some access to IT to demo IT work that had been done (although recognise need to avoid death by PowerPoint) Only 1 small improvement – try to enable each college to hear from all colleges. We missed out on some and had 2 repeated sessions. Logistics of this I expect were a nightmare! Not much input on how to deliver interesting training. Some sessions duplicated. Would have liked to have heard more project summaries, 1st and 2nd syndicate groups different presenter but same project. It was a shame that the groupings meant that I saw one presentation 3 times and one twice. Feedback from the JISC RSCWM representative: ‘A very interesting day – as part of my role is to share and source best practice in elearning, it’s been great to hear first hand what the colleges have been doing and their plans for the future. I will be taking a lot back to the RSCWM team – particularly surrounding some of the issues that the colleges face (ie IT support) and thoughts. We as a team can help support some of these issues and as we are about to enter our Forward Planning this event is timely. The feedback and thoughts have been valuable as too has the opportunity to network. Thanks for the opportunity to attend.’