College of the Redwoods Summary of Course Changes 09.25.15 LEGEND PREFIX = Course prefix; # = Course Number; TITLE = Course title or title change; NEW = New course or large format/distanced education proposal first submission; REV = Revised course; REP = Replaces existing course; INA = Inactivated course; UNITS = Total Units and hours of new or revised course; UC = UC transferable – indicate UC transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending; CSU = CSU transferable – indicate CSU transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending CR GE = credits apply to CR General Education; underlined indicates new CR GE and R for approval removed; COMMENTS = Review of outline changes, including prerequisites. Prefix # BIOL BIOL 9 16 BIOL 17 BIOL 19 BIOL BIOL 22 23 BIOL 24 BIOL 25 BIOL BIOL 26 35 BIOL 88A BIOL 99A Title/Title Change Plants and People Birds of the North Coast Trees, Shrubs, Wildflowers, and Ferns Rare Plants: Species of Special Concerns California Plant Identificaiton Lichens of Northern California Intro to Marine and Anadromous Fishes Marine and Coastal Field Biology Intro to Marine Plankton Field Studies in Biology Experimental Course in Biology Ecology of Selected Ecosystems N E W R E V R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U CR GE X Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change X X X X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X X X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X X X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. Prefix # BIOL 99B BIOL 99C BIOL 99D BIOL 99E BIOL 99F BIOL BIOL CHEM ENVSC ENVSC ENVSC GEOG Title/Title Change N E W R E V Identification and Ecology of Grasses Ecology of the Pygmy Forest Identificaiton of Northcoast Birds Intertidal Ecology Ecology of the Redwoods Forest Marine Mammals of the North Coast 120P Marine Algae 40 Independent Study 15 Intro to Energy 22 Solar Heating Design 40 Independent Study 40 Independent Study 99G R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X Course inactivation. X X X X X X X X X X X GEOL 1 Physical Geology X A GEOL OCEAN PE PE PHYS PE 40 40 37 65 40 49 Independent Study Independent Study Road Cycling for Fitness Intro to Physical Education Independent Study Intercollegiate Soccer - Men X X X X X X A X X X X X A BUS 18 Business Law X A A X A Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Inactivation of the hybrid deliver of distance education only. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Course update as regularly scheduled. Course updated with course objectives to more clearly demonstrate its compliance with final C-ID descriptor. Prefix # Title/Title Change BIOL 1 General Biology BIOL 18 Natural History of North Coast Mammals BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL 40 N E W Independent Study - Natural History Museum Curation 42 Peer Tutoring in Life Sciences - Anatomy 43 Peer Tutoring in Life Sciences - Zoology R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs 4.0 [54/54] X X Independent Study - Cadaver Prosection 41 R E V X 1.0 [0/54] X 1.0 [0/54] X 1.0 [0/54] X 1.0 [0/54] U C A C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change A New modalities: Online-internet based - delayed interaction and Hybrid online-internet/classroom based. A Course has not been updated since 2008. P Course update. BIOL-40 had formerly been used to denote generic independent study opportunities, and was most often used to enroll advanced anatomy students interested in cadaver prosection. A series of independent study courses which provide an array of opportunities for biology students to conduct advanced studies. P New course designed as an independent study opportunity for biology students to conduct advanced studies. This course is for students wishing to learn skills associate with natural history museum specimen curation. P New course designed as an advanced course for biology students wishing to combine review human anatomy with an opportunity to tutor peers in a classroom setting. P New course designed as an advanced course for biology students wishing to combine review of general zoology with an opportunity to tutor peers in a classroom setting. Prefix # Title/Title Change 44 Peer Tutoring in Life Sciences - Botany BIOL 45 Peer Tutoring in Life Sciences - Physiology AJ 190F BIOL AG AG 5 32 N E W Intro to Agriculture Economics R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs X 1.0 [0/54] X 1.0 [0/54] PC 832 Firearms Intro to Animal Science R E V U C C S U CR GE P New course designed as an advanced course for biology students wishing to combine review of general botany with an opportunity to tutor peers in a classroom setting. P New course designed as an advanced course for biology students wishing to combine review of human physiology with an opportunity to tutor peers in a classroom setting. X X X Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Regularly scheduled course update. 3.0 [54/0] 3.0 [54/0] P P P P A New course. Many colleges are offering a 3 unit lecture version of the introduction to animal science course. In fact, the transfer institutions that offer introduction to animal science, offer it as a lecture course. Also, the lecture version is accepted as CSU GE life science credit. Course has been approved for CRGE Area A - Natural Science. A The Associate of Science in Agriculture Plant Science for Transfer emphasizes disciplines related to the management of soil, water, air, plant resources, particularly pertaining to the agricultural industry. This Agriculture Economics course will provide a way for students to meet the Area D requirements while focusing on the agricultural field. Course has been approved for CRGE Area A - Natural Science. Prefix # Title/Title Change AJ 108 Field Training Officer AJ 170 Public Safety Dispatcher Basic Course N E W R E V X X R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change 2.0 [36/0] New course. This course is a result of a training needs assessment by local law enforcement agencies. Field training officers are required to have this training before acting as a trainer, and this course is designed to meet the legal mandates for this required training using standardized instruction. 6.0 [99/27] Regularly scheduled course update. Update includes an increase in total units from 5 to 6 because of changes to POST requirements. College of the Redwoods Summary of Curricular Changes 09.25.15 DEGREES & CERTIFICATES NEW = New Program; SUB = Revised program that has undergone substantive changes; NONSUB = Revised program that has undergone non-substantial changes; INA = Inactivated program; COMMENTS = nature of proposal Program Title N E W Dental Assisting Associate of Science Dental Assisting Certificate of Achievement N O N S U B X X Income Tax Preparation Certificate of Completion X Successful Veterans in College Certificate of Competency X S U B I N A Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Based on assessment activities, the program learning outcomes are being revised. Based on assessment activities, the program learning outcomes are being revised. New noncredit certificate. The sequence of noncredit courses (BUS-280, WORK220, WORK-222, WORK-228) will provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge required for a position as a tax preparer. New noncredit certificate designed to prepare veterans to successfully transition to college life. The sequence of noncredit courses (GUID-275, GUID276) enables students to honor their life experiences and convert their miliary training into lifelong success skills.