What does nurturing and support look like in everyday work...

What does nurturing and support look like in everyday work interactions?
Team work
Face to face communication
Listening w/o judgment or agendas
Kindness/ please/ thank you/ no thank you
“Hey, howz it going?”
Personalize, gush, how did that job interview go?
Respect diversity of others & opinions
Offer help to those in need
Put yourself in the other person shoes
Frequent meetings
Trust skills of person in job they are have
Those w/ experience actively helping
Expressing appreciation
Acknowledge work like balance as issue
They show understanding of my role/joy
Empathy of / understanding
Allow diversity of opinion
Honest & clear communication
Horizontally & vertically in organization
Positive attitude – optimistic – win/win
Acknowledge people are doing best
Operate from place of trust
Ask Questions
Be aware of personal baggage influencing interactions
When possible, consider audience
Allow diversity of personality when considering how people contribute to group
Approachability / know names
Sensitivity to each other’s moods
Presence / competence
Active listening
Willing to be quiet w/ agenda
Sharing decision-making
Caring / empathy
Participatory communication
Offering help
Building people up
Respect / respecting people’s process
Not problem-solving for people
Socially check-in
Thankful / appreciation
Polite greetings / return
Using names
Compassion / emotional
validation – listen mindfully
Awareness of / respecting self & others
Difference / ideas
Follow up
Smiles / non verbal’s
Help / support – pause
Teamwork – letting others help
How can we interact in more positive and productive ways, especially when we
Open-minded listener – pause
Suspend – wait (a day or sleep on it)
Non verbs open/positive
Highlight agreement – shared goals
Active listening
Ok to not agree
Happy or right
Don’t take it personal
Emotional control
Issue not person
Anothers perceptive
Limit sarcasm
Connect others
Remember commonalities, common ground
Careful listening / respectful & different strengths
Relationship / content of communication
Respect for other points of view
Come back to common ground / main point
o Accurate ID of disagreement
Way to call disrespect out for good of group
o Accountability in our civility
Letting it go / balance / growth mindset
Own it when wrong
Default to good will
Assume goodwill & not neg agenda
Reflective listening
Seek clarification
Give yourself process time or give the other person you are disagreeing with some time
Rephrase interest: what is best for students
Refrain from sending emails which are diverse
List all ideas; validate differences respectively; refocuson shared interest
Give permission to each other to change minds
Not needing to win
Allowing other to have better ideas
Bring a facilitator – neutral point of view
Set ground rules
This keeps people focused on “interest” and not personal
Create a climate for innovation
Have a tolerance for uncertainty
Build idea “Collectively”
Draw out folks who are silent
listen – ask questions
Be willing to be wrong
Disagree in face to face not email
Find common ground – student success
Assume good intentions
Avoid gossip – don’t factionalize
Educate yourself & be aware of
o rule of gender – sensitivity of diversity (tone)
 Self-Awareness verbal & non verbal (tone)
 See positive beauty in disagreement
 Share % of talk-time – How long have you been talking?
If we were to design a model of this kind of communication, what would some of
the components be?
 Proper procedures/training
 Respectful professional communication
o See list
 Avoid email to work out issues/frustrations (“don’t hit send”)
 Conflict resolution (constructive)
 Walking away/table issues for neutral space
 High accountability standard for those in authority
 Create a culture of accountability professionally challenging authority
 Policies
 Seeing construction criticism positively not an attack
 Avoid blame
 IBB / Respect
 Understand interest (yours) in the situation – why am I saying no?
 Focus on problem – ie. The common ground – about limits imposed by form of discourse
 Self aware – so dominant person
o Doesn’t drive debate
o Enable input from everyone
 Meet 1 on 1
 Build time for meeting for closure for final check in
 Check in after decision
 Work from common ground rule
 Time for dialogue – “I’m just thinking”
 Stay focused on community & common ground
 Tone of voice – calm curious
 Issue instead of person
 Not interrupt
 Directly I / We
 Check intent
 Think before speak
 Golden rule – sliver rule
 Language – careful – agreed upon
 No personal attacks
 No speculating on motives of others
 Consider audience – be diplomatic (training related to how to communicate publically (email
 Questions to ask ourselves before sending an email or comm Publically
o What is my goal?
o How will I feel when someone forwards this?
o Less is more
o Should I ask someone else to read
o If in doubt – wait
o Is subject line appropriate
Email question list – wo to ask what?
Deliver the mail to the right address
Must trust our leaders
Changing the culture takes more than making these lists – long, slow process, not product
Think about the way we normally make decisions – power – make policy w/ not for
Part of faculty mtg. – not just once / talk about it more
Creative in our inclusion of all groups (Associate, students, K-T, Del Norte, levels of power)
Remember that we ourselves are learners/training/ a;; try to feel free about open
Surveys – create concrete measurement of change
Set up contract/terms that drive
Top role model
Practice “working” dialogue” – more frequently that
Develop a process for how
Practice your process
Be inclusive – ask other to join
Respect process Even when it is hard
Buy in – agreement from participants that you will follow process.
Vision & goal is shared understanding by all participates.
Form of disclosure
o Make sure all who need to be involved can be
So prepare for meetings by taking responsibility & working out dialogue outside 1 on 1
Develop strategy to engage the repetitive “no”
o No as stifling