College of the Redwoods Summary of Curricular Changes 09.11.15 DEGREES & CERTIFICATES NEW = New Program; SUB = Revised program that has undergone substantive changes; NONSUB = Revised program that has undergone non-substantial changes; INA = Inactivated program; COMMENTS = nature of proposal Program Title Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion Workplace Performance Certificate of Completion Workplace Leadership Certificate of Completion Liberal Arts: Humanities and Communication Basic Law Enforcement Academy Certificate of Achievement Computer Office Support Specialist Associate of Science N E W N O N S U B S U B I N A Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change X A noncredit Certificate of Competency preparing students with essential work readiness skills in order to enter the workforce. This certificate is the first in a series of three certificates providing workforce training. Students will develop skills in core areas including mathematical reasoning, workplace communication, and basic computer competency. Students will explore career pathways and develop a plan to meet education and career goals. Upon completion, students will earn a certificate that shows that they have the essential skills required for success in the 21st century workplace. X A noncredit Certificate of Competency preparing students with essential professional skills for the workplace. This certificate is the second in a series of three certificates providing workplace training. Students will learn how to be more productive at work and discover effective strategies for providing excellent customer service, managing time more efficiently, and dealing with stress on the job. X A noncredit Certificate of Competency in workplace leadership skills. This certificate is the third in a series of three certificates providing workplace training. Student will learn essential leadership skills that are highly valued by employers. Students will discover effective strategies for team-building, problem-solving, conflict management and handling organizational change. They will also examine the importance of professional values in the workplace. X Based on assessment activity, PLO #2 is being changed. X Based on assessment activity, program learning outcomes are being revised. X Nonsubstantial change to update and restructure courses to reflect current curriculum. College of the Redwoods Summary of Course Changes 09.11.15 LEGEND PREFIX = Course prefix; # = Course Number; TITLE = Course title or title change; NEW = New course or large format/distanced education proposal first submission; REV = Revised course; REP = Replaces existing course; INA = Inactivated course; UNITS = Total Units and hours of new or revised course; UC = UC transferable – indicate UC transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending; CSU = CSU transferable – indicate CSU transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending CR GE = credits apply to CR General Education; underlined indicates new CR GE and R for approval removed; COMMENTS = Review of outline changes, including prerequisites. Title/Title Change N E W R E V R E P I N A X X X X X [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U X X A A A Prefix # JOURN DT ENGR ENGR CHEM 1 30 1 88A 2 FT 120 AJ 190F Beginning Reporting Civil Design Drafting Intro to Engineering Intro to Engineering Intro to Chemistry Fire Prevention 1 for Company Officer PC 832 Firearms WORK 280 Working with Seniors X 0.0 [0/1-36] WORK 282 Communicating with American Sign Language X 0.0 [0/1-64] MUS MUS 24A 24B Beginning Class Piano I Beginning Class Piano II X X A A A A MUS 25A Intermediate Class Piano I X A A MUS 25B Intermediate Class Piano II X A A ANTH 1 X A A AG 64F Intro to Biological Anthropology Intro to Organic/Sustainable Agriculture (Fall) A CR GE A X Course inactivation. Course inactivation. Inactivation of TV Cable delivery method only. Inactivation of TV Cable delivery method only. Inactivation of TV Cable delivery method only. Course inactivation. X X Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change A A Regularly scheduled course update. New noncredit course. The population of older adults is expected to grow considerably and services for seniors will be expanded to meet the demand, creating many job opportunities for working with senior citizens. New noncredit course. This course is intended for people who need to communicate with deaf, hard of hearing, or nonverbal members of our community. Regularly scheduled course update. Regularly scheduled course update. Course update. Change includes revised catalog description. Course update. Change includes revised catalog description. Course updated to align with C-ID descriptor. Course updated to add additional minimum qualification disciplines. Prefix # AG 64S Title/Title Change Intro to Organic/Sustainable Agriculture (Spring) N E W R E V X R E P I N A [ Units ] Lec/Lab Hrs U C C S U A CR GE Comments/ Summary Changes Discipline Code/ Prerequisite Change Course updated to add additional minimum qualification disciplines.