C R RAO Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science University of Hyderabad Campus, Prof CR Rao Road, Gachibowli Hyderabad, India- 500 046 Phone: +91 40 6463 1798, Fax: +91 40 2301 3118 Date: 1st July 2015 Advertisement No.: 6/2015 ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited in the prescribed format for positions of one Junior Research Fellow (JRF)(on purely temporary basis) in the DST-NRDMS funded project titled “Spatio-temporal and bioinformatic analysis of Chronic Kidney Disease of Uddanam, unknown cause (CKDu) of Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh”. Candidates satisfying the under mentioned qualifications may send their signed application with bio-data to Prof. Allam Appa Rao, Principal Investigator, C R Rao AIMSCS, UoH Campus, Prof. C R Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad- 500046 by register/speed post/by email (scanned copies) to jobs@crraoaimscs.res.inon or before 12thJuly 2015. On the top of the cover (in subject line in case of e-mail) please mention the advertisement number and the post applied for. Essential Qualifications Designation Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Qualifications Emoluments per month M. Sc (Environmental Sciences) and M.Tech in Biotechnology 25,000 + 30% HRA Note: Fellowship will be paid as per the norms of funding agency/ institute Preference will be given to the candidates,who did Environmental Sciences as major subject in UG/PG, candidates with research experience and publications. Eligible and shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview. Selected candidates have to work with researchers in the Department of Engineering Chemistry/ Environmental Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam and also at CRRao AIMSCS, Hyderabad. Selected candidates have to visit and collect the samples at Uddanam area in Srikaulam distirct, AP Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill the positions according to the suitability of the candidates. Sd/Director