12/8/2014 London Bus Route Details Home | Bus routes | Operational details | Service changes | Operators & Garages | Photo gallery Operational details of bus routes forming the core London bus route network Information correct to 20 August 2005 If this date is much more than a week old you are probably looking at an archived version. Try clicking your browser's re­load button. To see where (and when) the route goes, and the name of the operator, see the routes page. Click on the route number for a timetable (some are in Portable Document Format – see bottom), or on the vehicle type for a photo and descriptive page on the route. Click on a link below or scroll down the list. 1­10 11­20 21­35 36­50 51­70 71­85 86­100 101­115 116­134 136­150 151­162 163­178 179­190 191­210 211­230 231­247 248­265 266­282 283­305 307­325 326­351 352­ 374 376­399 401­420 422­465 466­490 491­557 603­800 A10­D8 E1­H18 H20­KU2 LCA1­PR2 R1­RV1 S1­U10 W3­X68 Tram services Night Buses N1­N20 N21­N50 N52­N98 105­189 N207­453 School bus services 41­455 601­620 621­640 643­670 671­W13 Explanation of columns in chart For reasons of practicality, updates to this list may be carried out a few days before or after the actual date of service changes. Please check the changes page for the latest information on service changes. ---Rte nr. ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ---Rte nr. ---11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ---Rte nr. ---21 22 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/President DD H 14 9 6 28-47 8* 12 12† 15/01/05 TQ 7 14/11/98 * 7-8 peak hours; 6-7 TO Tottenham Court Road during Monday to Friday AM peak. Additional journey operates schooldays PM, Aylwin Girls' School (Southwark Park Road) to Tottenham Court Road. † 15 after about 2300. B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD N 21 12 8 38-68 7-8† 10 12 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 † 6-7 M-F peaks. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BC 21 14 9 39-68? 8* 12 12 30/04/05 TG 7 05/02/00 * 7 peak hours. Olympian/RH DD† HT 18 13 8 42-74 10-15* 20 20 04/09/04 TQ 5 30/09/00 * 9-10 Monday to Friday peak hours; 12 Monday to Friday daytimes; 15 Saturdays. † Many Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BK* 18 12 8 30-62 8 12 12 30/08/03 TQ 5 23/08/03 * Certain early and late journeys run by BW with buses off the N15. B7TL 10m/President DD AC 30 10 6 42-66 6* 10 10 30/07/05 TQ 5 13/12/03 * 5 Monday to Friday peak hours (10 between Willesden and Kensal Rise during PM peak). Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD X 22 12 7 41-74? 10† 12 12 29/01/05 TQ 7 24/06/00 † 6-7 Monday to Friday AM peak, 8 PM peak. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BW 34 14 9 45-79? 7† 10 10 11/07/05 TQ 5 26/06/04 † 6 Monday to Friday peak hours * Certain early and late jurneys Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD from N8 allocation. GR 5 16 10 45-80 30 60 60 01/09/03 CP† † AP (by Herts CC) evenings and Sundays. B7TL 10.6m/Myll. Vyking DD V* 23 9 5 23-60? 6‡ 12 8-12 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 * Early late journeys by AV. ‡ 5-6 Monday to Friday peak hours. B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD X 24 11 7 37-72? 7-8* 12 10-12 26/02/05 TQ 5 01/02/03 * 6 Monday to Friday AM peak and towards Hammersmith PM. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 26* 11 7 35-80? 7-8 10 10 06/11/04 TQ 5 28/06/03 * 29 Saturdays. Citaro artic TD Q 29 12 7 39-70? 5* 6 7-8 06/11/04 TQ 5 31/07/04 * Additional journeys operate towards Oxford Circus in the Monday to Friday AM peak. Routemaster short* BT 19 11 7 34-59 7-8† 12 12 21/06/03 TQ 5 01/09/01 * Early morning/evening journeys operated with B7TL 10.6m/President. † 5-6 M-F AM peak, 6-7 for busiest hour PM peak; 8-9 Saturdays. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 26? 11 7 35-72? 6-10† 12 12-15 23/07/05 TQ 5 23/11/02 † On schooldays, two journeys start from Elliot School at 1522, 1534. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BW* 31‡ 14 9 49-95? 8† 8 10 26/06/04 TQ 5 23/08/03 * Certainly early/late journeys operated by BK with buses from route N15. † 6 with-the-flow Monday to Friday peaks. 7 Saturdays. ‡ 32 Saturdays. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD W 18 9 6 31-57 7-8 10 10* 08/02/03 TQ 5 12/10/02 * 12 after 2300 Trident 9.9m/President DD HT 16 9 6 30-56 8* 15 15 02/08/04 TQ 5 26/07/03 B7TL 10m/President DD * 10 Saturdays. Citaro artic TD WJ 28 14 9 41-75? 6 8 8 15/11/03 TQ 5 23/08/03 * Additional journeys operate with-the-flow in Mon-Fri peak hours. DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD BA* 28* 13 8 49-83? 7-8† 10 10 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 * Early morning/late evening journeys by BN. 7 buses supplied by N. † 6 during Monday to Friday AM peak, 6-7 PM peak. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD DX 9† 16 10 34-53 15* 30 30 07/03/05 TQ 5 09/03/02 * On school days there is one additional journeys Walthamstow to Debden AM, return PM. † Plus 657 bus. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------B7TL 10m/President DD NX 17 10 6 27-61 8* 12 12 06/11/04 TQ 5 12/10/02 * Additional Monday to Friday AM peak journey to Moorgate. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD* AF* 18? 9 6 32-62 10† 12 12 23/07/05 TQ 7 22/07/00 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 1/15 12/8/2014 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ---Rte nr. ---36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ---Rte nr. ---51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ---Rte nr. ---71 72 73 74 75 London Bus Route Details * Part of Sundays allocation by AL with B7TL 10m/President DD. † Monday to Friday peaks: 6-7 minutes AM, 7-8 PM. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD X 39 13 8 46-85? 6* 10 10 03/07/04 TQ 5 23/08/03 * 3-4 Monday to Friday AM peak, 5 PM peak. Only every 12 minutes (10 peaks) between Westbourne Park and Ladbroke Grove. B7TL 10m/President DD HT 27 11 7 35-56 5* 8 10 09/10/04 TQ 5 09/11/02 * There is an additional journey TO Pimlico in the Mon-Fri morning peak. Citaro artic TD WA 42 18 11 54-108? 5-6† 10 10* 06/11/04 TQ 5 26/06/04 * 8 Monday to Friday evenings. † 5/5/5/5/5/6 Mondays to Fridays, 6 Saturdays. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD SD 18 11 7 29-58? 10* 12 12 23/03/02 TQ 5 23/06/01 * 7-8 Monday to Friday peak hours Trident 9.9m/President DD X 18 15 9 55-75? 10-11 12 15 26/02/05 TQ 5 11/11/00 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD X 13 10 6 35-70? 7-8 10 10 05/06/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 Trident 9.9m/President DD +8 DB250LF 10.6m/President DD WN 20 14 9 39-71 1-10* 5-10* 6-12* 09/05/05 TG 5 03/02/01 AD +15 EC +3 * Operates in sections: Palmers Green to Camden Town every 8 minutes (with extra peak journeys; 10 Sunday daytime, 12 evenings) and Wood Green Station to Trafalgar Square every 8 minutes (6-7 peaks, 10 Sunday daytime, 12 evenings). Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD SD 25 12 8 42-85 10* 12 12-15 05/03/05 TQ 5 26/06/04 * 8 Monday to Friday peak hours. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD X 18 8 5 27-48? 6 6* 10* 05/06/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 * 8 early evenings and Sunday mornings. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD W 16* 11 7 32-60 8 12 12 12/10/02 TQ 5 12/10/02 or Trident 9.9m/President DD * 17 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD FW 18 15 9 36-65 8 15 15-20 02/09/02 TG 5 11/11/00 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD EC 19 19 12 40-66 8* 12 12 26/04/03 TQ 5 09/11/02 * On schooldays there is an additional AM journey from Angel Corner to Barnet, return PM. B7TL 10m/President DD Q 19 13 8 52-80? 10 15 15 29/03/03 TQ 5 27/04/02 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------B7TL 10m/President DD NX† 26 15 9 50-93? 7-8* 12 12 18/06/05 TQ 7 27/05/00 * Additional journeys operate between New Cross Gate and Victoria during Monday-Friday peak hours. † Certain early/late journeys run by PM from night bus allocations. B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD PM 18 14 9 41-80? 10 12 12-15 26/02/05 TQ 7 29/05/99 Routemaster long or short CT 50 12 7 42-65? 4† 6 6 20/07/02 TQ 5 20/07/02 † 2/2/3 M-F AM peak, 2/3/3 PM peak. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD AF 14 9 5 23-52? 7-8 12 12-15 14/09/02 TQ 5 23/11/02 B7TL 10m/President DD Q 16 10 6 30-62? 8* 15 15 06/11/04 TQ 5 27/04/02 * 12 Saturdays. Additional with-flow journey in each Monday to Friday peak. DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD AR 21 8 5 24-44 5 10 10 05/02/05 TG 5 02/12/00 B7TL /Eclipse Gemini DD OmniTown 10.7m/Myllennium DD AG 11 9 6 30-53? 10 20 15-20 10/11/03 NG T 03/05/03 Trident 10.5m/President DD HT 30 15 9 45-81? 6-8* 10 12 05/02/05 TQ 5 05/02/05 B7TL 10.6m/President DD * 5-6 peak hours, 6-7 Mon-Fri offpeak, 7-8 Saturday shopping hours. B7TL 10m/President DD AL 14* 12 7 31-60? 10 15 15 26/02/05 TQ 7 29/05/99 * 15 Sats. B7TL 10m/President DD Q 22 13 8 35-75 8 15 15 15/11/03 TQ 5 15/11/03 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD KX 15 12 7 35-67 10 15 15 02/04/05 TQ 5 30/04/05 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 17 15 9 42-73? 10 15 15 14/12/02 TQ 5 20/01/01 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 20 12 8 39-68? 7-8 12 10-12 07/02/05 TQ 5 01/03/03 B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD S 19 10 6 27-57 7-8 10 12 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD TC 10 9 6 25-44? 12 20 30 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------B7TL 10m/President DD BX 17 19 12 42-68 10* 15 15 19/10/02 TQ 5 01/12/01 * Additional journeys, schooldays AM only: Plumstead Common to Orpington and Orpington to Woolwich. B7TL 10.6m/President DD AC 28 11 7 35-61 5* 8 8 30/11/02 TQ 5 09/12/00 * 4-5 M-F AM peak. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 26 †19 12 54-90 7-8 10 10 15/01/05 TQ 7 08/01/00 † Plus bus off 653. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 14 16 10 43-64 12 15 15 27/04/02 TQ 5 27/04/02 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 26 14 9 40-88? 7-8 12 12 05/02/05 TQ 5 01/03/03 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 18 12 8 36-64? 8 10* 10-15 05/02/05 TQ 5 01/03/03 * 12-20 Sunday mornings. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TV 25 18 11 51-85? 8 12 12 06/09/04 TQ 5 29/06/02 Trident 10.5m/President DD H 13 13 8 34-70? 12 15 15 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD BN† 17 10 7 31-55 8* 12 12 04/04/05 TQ 5 01/02/03 * 7 Monday to Friday AM peak. † Brixton Hill outstation. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BC 17 19 12 49-80 12 20 20 20/10/03 TQ 5 01/09/01 B7TL 10m/President DD Y 12 17 11 35-48? 12 20 20* 06/02/02 TQ 5 01/12/01 * 30 Sunday evenings. Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD BK 14 14 9 38-60 10 20 20 05/02/05 TQ 5 24/03/01 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD PM 24 12 7 40-63 7-8* 12 12 02/06/03 TQ 5 16/11/02 * 6 Monday to Friday peak hours. MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD PH 14 13 8 31-48 8 15 15 31/08/02 TQ 5 31/08/02 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD FW 20 15 10 34-70? 7-8 10 12 11/06/05 TQ 5 29/06/02 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD FL 11 14 9 30-56 12 30 30 06/09/03 TQ 5 06/09/03 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BW 15 12 7 33-60? 10 12 12-15 05/02/05 TQ 5 28/04/01 B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD N 18 13 8 40-61? 10* 15 15* 26/06/04 TQ * 7-8 Monday to Friday peak hours and early evenings. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 16 14 9 40-70? 10* 15 15 19/06/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 * Additional peak hour journey TO Walthamstow AM, FROM Walthamstow PM. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD FE 15 12 8 44-69? 10 15 15 25/06/05 TQ 5 25/06/05 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD FW 12* 10 6 24-39 8 15 15 26/01/02 TQ 5 29/06/02 * 14 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD S 17 11 7 30-53 7-8* 12 12 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 * 6-7 AM peak towards East Acton. Citaro artic TD LV 43 13 8 44-84? 5* 7-8 5-8 18/06/05 TQ 5 01/05/04 * 6 Saturdays. 3½ Mon-Fri AM peak, 4 Mon-Fri PM peak. At all times the service north of Stoke Newington is irregular, and at times limited. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 20? 11 7 37-70? 8 10 10* 23/07/05 TQ 5 23/11/02 * 12 late evenings. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 13 14 9 40-67 12 20 20 09/02/02 TQ 5 09/02/02 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 2/15 12/8/2014 76 77 77A 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ---Rte nr. ---86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ---Rte nr. ---101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ---Rte nr. ---116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 London Bus Route Details B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AR 22* 12 8 39-72 8† 12 12 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD * Plus one bus off 243. † 6-8 Monday to Friday peak hours. B7TL 10m/President DD AL 18 13 8 36-70? 10* 12 12-15 * 8-10 Monday to Friday peak hours. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 19 10 6 31-55? 7-8 12 12-15 Also B7TL 10m/President DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD DX 15 10 6 30-62 10* 15 15 * 8-9 Monday to Friday peak hours. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD ON 10 11 7 33-52? 12 15 15 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD A 10 14 9 32-46 12 20 20 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD* HH 10 19 12 39-65 15 30 20-30 * See also under school routes. Trident 10.5m/President DD PB 23 16 10 44-79 8* 12 10-12 * 6-7 peak hours B7TL 10.6m/President DD ON 27 20 13 57-92? 8 12 15 B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD Olympian short/RH DD PB 8 27 14 51-68 20† 60 60 † On school days, three AM and one PM SDO journey run to/from New Greens. ‡ partly NG and AA (by Herts CC). B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 12 11 7 26-48? 10 12 12 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD NS 9 15 10 39-75 6 12 12 SD +20* * 25 Saturdays (with 6 from NS). Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD NS 11 11 7 24-40? 10 15 20 Trident 9.9m/President DD SW 22 11 7 40-65? 7-8 12 12 * 6-7 Monday to Friday peak hours. Also B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD or President DD in practice. B7TL 10m/President DD BX 15* 17 11 45-67 10 20 20 * 16 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD NW 16 17 11 37-62 10 20 20 Trident 9.9m/President DD NP 19 10 6 30-70 7-8* 10 10 * 7 Monday to Friday peak hours. B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD ON 18 14 9 40-59? 8* 12 12 * 10 Saturdays. B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD A 19 14 9 38-63 7-8 12 12 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD S 30 10 6 28-61 5† 8 8 † 4 Monday to Friday AM peak, 4½ PM peak. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD PV 11 17 10 39-72 15* 30 30 * On schooldays there are some additional journeys: AM: 1 × Hangar Lane TO Southall PM: 1 × Greenford TO Shepherds Bush 1 × Greenford TO Southall Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 20* 20 13 40-67 8 12 12-20 * 22 Saturdays. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 12* 11 7 32-57? 10 15 15 * 13 Sats. B7TL 10m/President DD AC 27 11 7 29-62 6† 8 10 † 5 M-F AM peak and for the busiest hour PM peak. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 7* 9 6 21-36? 12 15 15 * 8 Saturdays. Dart SLF 9.2m/Pointer DD WL 18 9 6 30-59? 7-8* 12 12 * 10 Saturdays. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD U 16 11 7 31-53? 8* 15 15 * 7-8 Saturdays B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AD 22 19 12 49-78 8 12 12 Leyland Olympian short/RH DD† DX 11* 16 10 35-49 10 30 30 * 12 Sats † Dart SLF evenings. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD U 13* 10 6 28-55? 10 15 15 * 14 Sats Trident 9.9m/President DD G 16 16 10 42-75? 10 15 15 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD SD 21 9 6 34-51 7-8* 10 12† * 6 Monday to Friday peak hours. † 6-8 until 2130 on Mondays to Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD EW 9 18 11 39-60 15 20 30 Volvo Merit BV 14 15 11 40-57 10 20 12-20 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD TH 23 12 7 32-64? 6 10 10 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD* AV 4 8 5 18-36 20 30 30 * Many 10.8m vehicles in practice. B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD AV 15 25 15 54-89 10 12 15 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD +5 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD TM 5 11 7 23-40 20 20 30 B7TL 10.6m/President DD EW 19 18 11 49-84 10* 20 20 * 7-8 for an hour in Monday to Friday AM peak, 8-9 for an hour in PM peak. B7TL 10.6m/Myllennium VykingDD BT 13* 19 12 40-72? 10 20 20† MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD +5 * 19 Saturdays (total). † 30 late evening. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD U 21 11 7 30-63 8* 10 12 * 6-7 Monday to Friday peak hours ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD AV 5 9 6 19-31 15 20 20 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BD 8 17 10 45-70 20 30 30 B7TL 10m/President DD AL 12 14 9 37-63? 12 20 20 MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD MB 16 17 11 38-70? 10 15 15 B7TL 10m/ALX400 or PresidentDD AV 14 13 8 30-60? 10 15 20 DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD E 17 19 12 49-84 10 20 20 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 16 19 12 48-75 12 15 20 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD AR 18 19 12 50-81? 10 15 20 Dart SLF 8.8m/ALX200 SD TL 11 13 8 33-50 12* 20 20* * 10-12 peak hours. 15 M-F early evening. DB250LF 10.6m/President DD E 14 12 8 24-52 10 15 15 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD DT 10 10 7 27-42 10 20 20 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD* MC 10 15 9 39-70 15 30 30† * See also under school routes. † 20 before 2000 Mon-Sat. file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 27/03/04 TQ 5 01/02/03 26/02/05 TQ 7 29/05/99 30/04/05 TQ 7 29/05/99 15/11/03 TQ 5 15/11/03 06/08/05 TQ 5 24/11/01 01/12/01 TQ 5 01/12/01 15/04/02 TQ 5 30/07/05 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 14/09/02 TQ 5 14/09/02 01/11/04 CA‡ 29/06/02 TQ 5 29/06/02 -------- ------------Timetable Contract date specification -------- -- - -------12/03/05 TQ 5 20/07/02 05/02/05 TQ 5 24/03/01 10/07/04 TQ 5 13/12/03 30/07/05 TQ 5 29/01/05 31/08/02 TQ 5 24/08/02 26/06/04 TQ 5 02/02/02 30/08/03 TQ 5 15/11/03 25/07/05 TQ 5 01/12/01 24/01/04 TQ 5 18/10/03 31/07/04 TG 5 23/06/01 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 27/03/04 TQ 5 13/12/03 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 23/04/05 TQ 5 18/09/04 -------- ------------Timetable Contract date specification -------- -- - -------18/09/04 TQ 5 05/03/05 09/11/02 TQ 5 09/11/02 07/04/01 TG 5 02/09/00 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 07/04/05 TQ 5 30/06/01 18/09/04 TQ 5 28/04/01 09/10/04 15/11/03 01/02/03 24/04/04 TQ NG TQ TQ 5 5 5 09/10/04 19/04/97 01/02/03 03/05/03 24/04/04 TQ 5 03/05/03 31/07/04 TQ 5 31/07/04 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 30/08/03 TQ 5 23/08/03 -------- ------------Timetable Contract date specification -------- -- - -------01/09/01 TQ 5 01/09/01 23/08/04 TG 5 01/09/01 03/02/01 TG 5 03/02/01 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 04/09/04 TQ 5 25/06/05 03/09/01 TG 5 03/02/01 23/02/02 TQ 7 05/02/00 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 21/05/05 TQ 5 28/05/05 19/07/03 TQ 5 01/02/03 17/03/01 TG 7 17/03/01 23/04/01 TG 3/15 12/8/2014 128 130 131 132 133 134 ---Rte nr. ---136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 ---Rte nr. ---151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 ---Rte nr. ---163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 ---Rte nr. ---179 180 London Bus Route Details B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD AG 12 17 11 45-68? 12 20 20 02/04/05 NG - 19/07/97 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD PH 5 14 8 33-43 20 30 30 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD FW 10 9 6 23-40 10 20 20 11/11/00 TG 30/09/00 Volvo Merit BV 8 10 6 25-34 12 20 20 05/07/03 NG - 24/01/98 Trident 9.9m/President DD SW 30 11 7 32-60? 6-7* 12 12 19/03/05 TQ 5 25/01/03 * 4-6 Monday to Friday peaks. Also B7TL 10m/President DD or B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD in practice. B7TL 10.6m/President DD HT 31 13 8 42-70? 6-7† 7-8 10* 05/02/05 TQ 5 05/02/05 * 7-8 until about 2100 on Mondays to Saturdays. † 5 Monday to Friday peak hours. 6 Saturdays. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD TL 13* 12 8 36-62? 10 15 13-15 21/05/05 TQ 5 28/05/05 * Plus 2 from 624 allocation. DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD BN 36 12 8 36-73 6* 10 10 18/06/05 TQ 5 18/09/04 * 4-5 Monday to Friday peak hours. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD MB 3 7 5 20-29 20 30 30 25/09/04 TQ 5 17/03/01 Trident 9.9m/President DD W 20† 11 7 35-65? 8* 12 12 24/04/04 TQ 5 01/02/03 or ALX400 DD * 7-8 Monday to Friday AM peak. † Plus one bus off 632. B7TL 10m/President DD HD 22 20 13 45-78? 8 15 15 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD WN† 23† 9 6 32-58 6* 12 12 09/05/05 TG 5 03/02/01 or DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD * 7-8 Saturday shopping hours. 5-6 with the flow at Monday to Friday peak hours. † Plus 2 from EC 29 allocation in AM peak. DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD GR 15 19 12 50-79 12 20 20* 04/01/03 TQ 5 04/01/03 * 30 after 2200 and on Sunday evenings. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD* FE* 12* 13 8 34-58 12* 15 15 04/10/04 TQ 5 28/06/03 * One additional AM and three additional PM school day journeys run from East Finchley to Archway using B7TL 10.6m/President DD from route 134 at HT garage. DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD WN 15* 10 6 28-51 7-8 10 12 16/10/04 TQ 5 16/10/04 * 16 Saturdays. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BK 15 19 12 51-76? 12 20 20 07/03/05 TQ 5 24/03/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD GD* 1* 10 6 25 60* -60 02/09/00 TG 7 14/08/99 * Certain journeys run from 367 allocation (from MB). Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD U 15 11 7 33-68? 10 15 20 08/05/04 TQ 5 08/05/04 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD S 23 13 8 38-70 7-8 10 10 06/11/04 TQ 5 05/10/02 Citaro artic TD LV 25 14 9 6* 8 8 19/02/05 TQ 5 18/10/03 * 8 Monday to Friday shopping hours. B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD AG 11 15 9 12 20 20 08/11/04 NG - 19/07/97 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD A 13 15 9 36-58? 10 20 20 01/12/01 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 10.8m/Nimbus DD* MC 12* 12 8 31-60 12 20 20 17/04/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD HK 9 9 6 27-48? 12 15 20 03/04/04 TQ 5 03/02/01 B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD A 12 17 11 41-63 12 20 20 13/12/03 TQ 5 01/12/01 B7TL 10m/President DD AL 17 10 6 32-58? 8 12 12 13/12/03 TQ 5 13/12/03 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD QB 13 12 7 35-62? 10 15 15† 14/09/02 TQ 5 14/09/02 † 20 after 2330. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BC 18 19 12 51-82 12* 20 20 01/12/01 TQ 5 01/12/01 * Additional journeys, schooldays: AM Crystal Palace to Morden, PM Morden to Crystal Palace. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD SD 12 11 7 29-62 12 20 20 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 Routemaster long or short* BN* 31 14 9 36-75? 6† 12 12‡ 04/04/05 TG 5 03/02/01 * Early morning and late evening journeys by TH with DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD from N159 allocation. † 6-7 Saturdays; 5 AM peak; 5-6 PM peak. ‡ 10-12 before about 2100 on Mondays to Saturdays and 12-15 after 2200 towards London daily. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 11 16 10 42-71 15† 20 30‡ 10/02/02 TQ 5 15/09/01 † On schooldays there is one additional PM journey from Beaverwood School, Chislehurst, to each of Sidcup Station and Catford. ‡ 20 before about 2030 on Mondays to Fridays. Trident 9.9m/Lolyne DD PH 14 17 11 41-56 10 20 20 10/05/03 TG 5 24/02/01 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD/DD TB 9 21 13 49-81 20 30 30 27/11/04 TQ 5 17/03/01 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD AL† 11 8 5 22-39 8 15 15* 28/02/05 TQ 5 01/12/01 * 20 after about 2300. † A provide 1 bus on Saturdays, also some B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD off N155 late. See also under school routes. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD AL† 11 10 6 25-44? 10 20 15* 28/02/05 TQ 5 01/12/01 * 20 after about 2300 and on Sunday evenings. † A Sun, and 1 bus Sat, also some B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD off N155 early and late. Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD* R 11* 16 10 39-58 12* 20 20 29/06/02 TQ 5 29/09/01 * One additional double deck schoolday journey operates from Romford (1608) to Rainham (1648) using a 686 bus (Olympian/Palatine DD, but often a Trident in practice). Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD TC 8 14 9† 38-59† 20* 30* 30* 24/01/04 TQ 5 30/08/03 * Between Banstead and Epsom, buses run hourly with no late evening or Sunday service. † Mileages and running times for Banstead to West Croydon. Epsom section adds 10km/5mi and 23-31 mins. Dart SLF 10.8m/Nimbus DD DC 8 19 12 39-69 20 30 30 26/02/05 TQ 5 09/03/02 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD AR 16 11 7 35-56 8 12 12 15/01/05 TQ 5 27/09/03 B7TL /Eclipse Gemini DD Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BK 11 10 6 24-45 10 15 20 20/07/02 TQ 5 24/03/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SW 9 8 5 21-34? 10 15 15 14/09/02 TQ 5 23/11/02 B7TL 10m/President DD NX 21† 17 10 45-90 10* 12 12 28/07/01 TG 5 28/04/01 * 8 Monday to Friday AM peak TO London and PM peak FROM London; 8 Saturday shopping hours. † 22 Saturdays B7TL 10m/President DD NX 14 14 8 40-68 10* 15 15 08/11/04 TG 5 17/03/01 * Additional Monday to Friday AM peak journey operates towards St. Paul's. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD DX 9 15 9 33-54 15 30 20-30 21/08/04 TG 5 30/09/00 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD NS 15 16 10 43-70? 10 20 20 15/01/05 TG 5 16/09/00 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD NS 10 14 9 36-48? 12 30 20* 23/05/04 TG 5 16/09/00 * 30 Suns B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD N 24 17 11 50-96 8 12 12 06/09/04 TQ 5 15/11/03 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD Trident 10.6m/ALX400 DD PD 17 19 12 49-75? 10 12 15 31/05/03 TQ 5 31/05/03 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD PD 9 14 9 34-55 15 20 20 04/09/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m*/President DD R 12 16 10 38-61 12 20 20 20/10/01 TQ 5 20/10/01 * Or 10.5m, in practice. B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD BV 14 18 11 42-65? 12† 20 20 11/07/05 NG - 14/02/98 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 4/15 12/8/2014 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 ---Rte nr. ---191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 ---Rte nr. ---211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 229 230 ---Rte nr. ---231 232 233 234 235 London Bus Route Details † 11 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD TL 9 10 6 26-47? 12 15 15* 21/05/05 TQ 5 17/03/01 * 20-30 after about 2230 Operates via Lower Sydenham Savacentre: 0630-0030 Monday to Friday 0630-2230 Saturday 1030-1730 Sunday Trident 9.9m/ALX400 SD HD 22 17 11 46-81? 8 15 15 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 B7TL 10m/President DD BT 15 17 11 40-75? 12* 20 20 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 * One additional PM journeys starts from Jews' Free School on Monday-Thursday schooldays. SB120 10.2m/Cadet DD WN 17 16 10 40-59 8 15 15 14/10/02 TQ 5 02/02/02 Additional journeys, schooldays only: AM Turnpike Lane Station to Barnet, PM Alexandra Park School to Turnpike Lane. See also under school routes. B7TL 10m/President DD BV 19 15 10 42-84? 10 12 12 11/06/05 NG - 05/04/03 Lance SLF/Pathfinder DD EW 13 17 11 50-80 20* 20 30 23/07/05 TQ 5 23/07/05 Metrobus DD * 10 between Northwick Park Hospital and Edgware. Operates between Edgware and Brent Cross only between about 0800 (0830 Sundays) and 2300. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD WJ 11 12 8 37-58? 12 20 20 20/09/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD B7TL 10m/President DD SW 21 15 10 37-70? 8* 12 12 19/03/05 TG 5 02/12/00 * 7-8 Monday to Friday peak hours. Also B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. Trident 9.9m/President DD W 18* 11 7 39-63 8 12 12 24/04/04 TQ 5 12/10/02 or ALX400 DD * Plus 2 buses off 632. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BD 7 11 7 31-61 20 20 20 08/12/01 TQ 5 08/12/01 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/President DD NP 15 16 10 37-62 10 20 20 05/05/01 TQ 5 05/05/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer DD E 11 12 8 32-46? 10 15 15 09/11/02 TQ 5 09/11/02 Solo 8.5m SD RD 10 11 7 26-38 8-9 30 30 30/11/03 TQ 5 29/09/01 DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD TC 14 17 11 45-72? 12 20 20 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus SD EY 11 12 8 33-57? 12 15 20 18/09/04 TQ 5 19/04/03 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BC 13 14 9 45-68? 12 20 20 30/04/05 TG 5 05/05/01 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD TC 6 5 3 13-18? 12 20 20 24/06/00 TG 5 02/09/00 DB250LF/ALX400 DD TH 12 11 7 32-48? 10 20 20 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD TL 10 11 7 34-52? 12 15 15-20 20/01/01 TQ 5 18/09/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD MC 15 11 7 33-53 8 12 15* 17/06/00 TG 7 17/06/00 * 12 before 2000 on Mondays to Fridays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD MC 9 13 8 39-61 15 20 30 01/12/01 TG 7 17/06/00 Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD TL 13 14 9 32-57 10 20 20 30/08/03 TQ 5 29/09/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TF 6 16 10 35-52 20 30 30 01/09/01 TG 01/09/01 B7TL 10.5m/President DD EW 14 14 9 37-58 10 15 15 08/01/05 TQ 5 27/04/02 Trident 9.9m/President DD PV 16 12 7 38-76? 10 12 12 31/07/04 TQ 5 31/08/02 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer DD NW 8 12 7 29-53 15 20 30 27/04/02 TQ 5 27/04/02 Citaro artic TD HZ 25 13 8 38-76? 6-7* 8 8 09/04/05 TQ 5 09/04/05 * Additional PM journeys run Acton, Twyford School to Hayes By-Pass Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD TB 22† 18 11 47-81 12* 12 12-15 26/06/05 TQ 5 30/07/05 * On Mondays to Saturdays 0800-1800 runs in sections Lewisham - Bromley Common and Catford - Orpington, with a 6 minute frequency on the overlap. † 23 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD BD 13 5 3 11-23? 6* 10 10† 21/08/04 TQ 5 21/08/04 * 4 Monday to Friday peak hours. † 6 until about 2045 on Mondays to Fridays, 2000 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD FE 17 12 7 32-57 7-8 10 12 27/09/03 TQ 5 27/09/03 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD QB 18 11 7 40-70? 8* 12 15 02/07/05 TQ 5 02/07/05 * 7-8 M-F AM peak. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD NP 9 9 6 25-38? 10 15 15 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD A 15 14 9 42-57 10 15 15 13/12/03 TQ 5 29/06/02 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD KX 17 10 6 32-58 7-8 12 12† 20/08/05 TQ 5 20/08/05 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD † 10 before 2100 on Mondays to Fridays. Trident 9.9m/President DD NP 4 8 5 18-35 20* 30* 30* 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 * Operates to/from Lee Valley Campsite after 0940 Mon-Fri, 0800 Sat/Sun from May to August inclusive. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD HH 7 21 13 41-67 20 30 30 24/04/04 TQ 5 28/06/03 Trident 9.9m/President SD PB 8† 13 8 30-53 15* 20 20 07/06/03 TQ 5 07/06/03 * Additional school journey Turnpike Lane to Waltham Cross AM, return PM. † Plus one bus off 626. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG 3† 27 14 56-58 60 --10/01/04 AP (Surrey CC) † These buses also work routes 566/567 (and 400 on Saturdays). Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD AL 11 10 6 31-57? 12 15 15-20 11/05/02 TG B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD S 20 12 8 30-63 8* 10 12† 30/08/03 TQ * 7-8 Saturdays and Monday to Friday AM peak. † 15-20 late evenings. DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD WN 20 17 11 42-69? 12* 12 12 04/09/04 TQ 5 09/11/02 * 6 between North Finchley and Turnpike Lane. Additional PM SDO journeys: Mill Hill East to Mill Hill Broadway Mill Hill Broadway to Wood Green Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD AV 20 17 11 39-64 7-8 12 12 30/08/03 TG 5 16/09/00 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD ON 5 11 7 29-46 20 30 30 23/11/02 TQ 5 13/10/01 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD ON 8 11 7 31-51 15 30 30* 13/10/01 TQ 5 13/10/01 * 20 before 2030 Mondays to Fridays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD NX 7 11 7 24-50 15 20 20 28/07/01 TG 5 17/03/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD WJ 11 11 7 35-55? 12 20 20 06/03/04 TQ 5 13/10/01 Dart SLF 11.4m/Pointer DD TB 11* 9 6 24-38? 8 12 12† 25/06/05 TQ 5 25/06/05 * 12 Sats † 15 late evening. B7TL 10m/President DD BX 17 21 13 45-72? 10 15 20 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 * Additional journey on schooldays AM Erith to Sidcup and return PM, Erith School to Thamesmead PM. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 12 12 8 34-63? 12 15 15 16/02/02 TQ 5 23/06/01 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/President DD PB 6* 10 6 22-38 15 20 20 07/06/03 TQ 5 07/06/03 * Plus one bus off 626 and one off 634. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD NW 10 21 13 45-81 20 20 30* 31/07/04 TQ 5 31/07/04 * 20 before about 2100 on Mondays to Saturdays. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD PH 6 14 9 27-43 20 30 30 25/01/03 TQ 5 25/01/03 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD PB 12 12 8 33-50 10 20 20 11/10/04 TQ 5 01/02/03 Dart SLF 10.8m/Nimbus DD TF 19 15 9 36-65 8 12 12 17/04/04 TQ 5 11/01/03 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 5/15 12/8/2014 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 ---Rte nr. ---248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 ---Rte nr. ---266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 279 280 281 282 ---Rte nr. ---283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 London Bus Route Details Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD H 15 11 7 33-49 8 12 12-15 15/01/05 TQ 5 30/04/05 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BD 19* 13 8 37-68? 8 12 12 17/04/04 TQ 5 11/01/03 * Plus one bus off 635. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD U 10* 7 5 22-45 10 15 15 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 * 12 Sats. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SW 9 7 4 19-39? 10 15 15 13/12/03 TQ 5 13/12/03 B7TL 10.6m/President DD EW 10 12 8 34-50 12 20 20 02/04/05 TQ 5 30/04/05 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD SD 9* 7 5 22-35? 10‡ 20 20 04/09/04 TQ 5 08/05/04 * 11 Saturdays. ‡ 12 Monday to Friday shopping hours. DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD CT 26 12 8 41-69 6 10 10 27/11/04 TQ 5 01/02/03 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD AR 28 15 10 43-82? 6-7* 10 12 27/11/04 TQ 5 20/08/05 B7TL/Eclipse Gemini DD * 8 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BX 11 13 8 36-56? 12 20 20 12/06/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD NW 18 15 9 45-64 8* 15 15 28/06/03 TQ 5 28/06/03 * 10 Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD GD 4 25 15 33-50 30 60 60 21/05/05 TQ 5 30/08/03 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD NS 11 13 8 30-45? 10 20 20 27/03/04 TQ 5 27/03/04 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/Lolyne DD* FL 14 11 7 26-38 8 15 15 15/09/02 TQ 5 29/09/01 * Dart SLF evenings. B7TL 10.2m/ALX400 DD N 9* 9 6 27-45 12 15 15 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 * Plus 2 buses from route X68; 13 Saturdays. DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD TH* 22 13 8 39-63 7-8 12 12 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 * Certain early/late journeys from BN with DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini off night service. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD NW 10 15 9 33-48 15* 30 30 04/04/05 TG 5 01/09/01 * Additional journeys operate on schooldays AM as follows: Edgware to Highwood Hill Rising Sun Mill Hill Broadway to Totteridge Station Trident 10.5m†/President DD‡ R 11* 14 9 32-50 10 15 15-20 29/09/01 TQ 5 29/09/01 * 12 Saturdays. † Or 9.9m, in practice. ‡ Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD in evenings. DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD CT 24 12 8 29-57 5-6* 8 8 31/05/03 TQ 5 31/05/03 * 5 Mon-Fri AM peak. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SF 25 12 8 32-58? 5-6* 8 8 31/05/03 TQ 5 31/05/03 * 5 Mon-Fri AM peak. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TH 12 11 7 35-55? 12 20 20 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 SB120 10.1m/Cadet DD GY 10 11 7 23-32? 11 20 20 22/08/04 TQ 5 29/09/01 Trident 10.5m/President DD H 14 8 5 24-43 7-8 12 12 10/11/01 TG 5 14/10/00 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD ON 9 13 8 40-67 15 30 30 25/11/01 TG 5 03/02/01 B7TL 10.6m/President DD NP 19 13 8 30-65? 7-8* 10 10 16/10/04 TQ 5 29/03/03 * 8 Saturdays B7TL 10m/President DD AC 15 14 9 46-76 12 15 15 17/04/04 TQ 5 28/06/03 Trident 9.9m/Lolyne DD MB 10* 11 7 30-45 12‡ 15 20 01/12/01 TQ 5 01/12/01 * 11 Sats. ‡ 10 Sats. Trident 9.9m /ALX400 DD U 13 11 7 32-51? 10 15 15 30/08/03 TQ 5 23/03/02 Trident 9.9m/President DD PB 14† 13 8 29-53 10* 12 12 27/03/04 TQ 5 02/02/02 * Additional journey, schooldays PM only: Archway to Barnet. † 15 Saturdays. DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD CN 14 11 7 32-58? 10 15 15 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TV 11 17 11 34-60 12 15 20 29/06/02 TQ 5 29/06/02 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD W 23 16 10 49-87? 8 10 12-20 21/05/05 TQ 5 21/05/05 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD FW 13 14 9 37-66 12 15 20 05/10/03 TQ 5 11/11/00 Extended from Fulwell to Hampton Court on Sundays and public holidays 0930-1830 May-September. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD PV 6 5 3 17-31 12 12 12-15 09/06/01 TG 5 09/06/01 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD TB 14 16 10 33-60? 10 15 20 30/08/03 TQ 5 24/01/04 B7TL 10m/President DD AL 12 10 6 10 15 15 03/09/01 TG 29/05/99 Trident 9.9m/President DD HT 12 8 5 22-47 10* 15 15† 17/04/04 TG 5 30/09/00 B7TL 10m/President DD * 8 Monday to Friday peak hours. † 20 Sunday evenings. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD V 7 9 6 27-48 15 15 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD Y 7 15 9 37-64 20 30 30 12/01/02 TQ 5 12/01/02 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD† KX 15 10 6 33-54 8-9 8-9 12* 01/02/03 TG 5 23/06/01 * 10 Monday to Saturday early evenings. B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD DX 10 15 9 36-56 12 20 20 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 Dart SLF 10.8m/ALX200 DD SD 18 14 9 40-70? 12* 15 20 18/09/04 TQ 5 18/09/04 * 10 Monday to Friday peak hours. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BW 19 11 7 32-65? 7-8 10 10* 28/03/04 TQ 5 01/03/03 * 15 late evenings. DB250LF 10.6m/President DD E 24 15 9 38-73? 7-8 10 10 16/10/04 TQ 5 16/10/04 or ALX400 DD B7TL 10m/President DD AL 12 12 7 33-52? 10 12 15-20 23/07/05 TQ 5 23/07/05 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD FW 22 18 11 45-80? 7-8 15 15 04/09/04 TQ 5 29/06/02 Trident 9.9m/President DD G 15 19 12 40-68? 12* 15 15 08/03/03 TQ 5 08/03/03 * Additional journeys on schooldays: Greenford to Northwood Hills AM Northwood Hills to Greenford PM (two journeys). ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD V 15 9 6 28-48 8 15 15 28/03/04 TQ 5 23/02/02 Operates to Wetland Centre from 0930-1700 (daily GMT-winter), 0930-1800 (daily BST-summer), 0930-2000 (Thursdays only 8 May-10 September). Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TL 9 9 6 30-45? 12 20 20 21/05/05 TQ 5 17/03/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD HH 18 20 12 48-78 10 15 20 19/03/05 TQ 5 30/06/01 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD DT 12 14 9 35-50? 10 15 15 15/07/00 TG 7 15/07/00 Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD BK 7* 13 8 24-46 15 20 20 31/03/03 TQ 5 24/03/01 * 8 Sats Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD NW 6 6 4 16-24 10 15 20 01/09/01 TG 5 01/09/01 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD CN 9 15 9 38-62 15 20 30 19/02/00 TG 5 02/09/00 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD FW 6 16 10 36-57 20 20 30 30/06/01 TQ 5 29/09/01 Dart SLF 9.4m/ALX200 SD PD 7 6 4 17-22? 10 15 15 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 B7TL 10.6m/President DD BT 9 15 9 30-59 15 20 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 06/12/03 Citaro DD EB 6 12 8 34-50 20 30 30 19/07/03 TQ 5 19/03/03 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD NS 11 15 10 36-54? 12 20 20 27/03/04 TQ 5 27/03/04 Trident 9.9m/President DD X 19 12 7 38-74? 8 12 10-12 29/01/05 TQ 5 28/10/00 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD R 6 13 8 28-46 20 30 30 26/06/04 TG 5 14/10/00 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 6/15 12/8/2014 London Bus Route Details Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD 297 Trident 9.9m/President DD PV 15 15 9 39-72 10 12 12 06/12/03 TQ 5 06/12/03 298 SB120 10.2m/Cadet DD WN 6 13 8 27-42 20 30 30 29/03/03 TQ 5 02/02/02 299 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD NP 6 9 6 21-33 15 30 20* 03/02/01 TG 5 03/02/01 * 30 Sunday evenings. 300 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BK 9 12 7 34-57 15 20 20 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 302 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD AC 16 13 8 31-59 8 12 12 30/08/03 TQ 5 28/06/03 303 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD NW 6 7 4 23-35 15 20 30 04/09/04 TG 5 01/09/01 305 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD NW 4 6 4 17-24 15 30 30 01/09/01 TG 5 01/09/01 ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract nr. Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------307 DB250LF 10.2m/President DD E 13 16 10 36-57 10 20 20 08/12/01 TQ 5 08/12/01 308 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD H 8 11 7 34-53 15 30 30 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 309 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD ? H 8 9 5 24-39 12 15 20 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 310 Leyland Olympian/ECW DD WE 6† 27 17 56-104 30 --* 60* 01/09/03 CA * Two late night journeys FROM Enfield ONLY on Sundays. † Shared with 311. 311 Leyland Olympian/ECW DD WE 5† 28 17 71-107 --* 60 60 01/09/03 CA * 30 Monday to Friday peak hours, plus one Saturday morning journey. † Shared with 310. 312 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD TC 14* 18 11 38-80? 12 20 20 07/06/04 TG 5 02/09/00 * Plus 2 buses from 612 on Mon-Fri. 313 SB120 10.8m/Cadet DD E 6 17 11 33-52 20 30 20-30 26/06/04 TQ 5 03/11/01 314 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TB 11 22 14 52-80 15 30 30 27/11/04 TQ 5 31/08/02 315 Dart SLF 8.8m/ALX200 SD QB 4 6 4 18-31 20 30 30 01/09/03 TG 5 28/04/01 316 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD W 19 13 8 40-66? 8 12 12 07/02/05 TQ 5 12/10/02 317 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD E 5* 7 4 20-35 20† 30 30 27/03/04 TQ 5 27/03/04 * Additional journey Enfield to Waltham Cross AM, return PM. † 6 Saturdays. 318 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD NP 3 7 5 28-35 30 30 30 28/09/02 TG 5 10/11/01 319 SB120 10.1m/Cadet DD BN* 19 12 8 39-60? 7-8 12 12 01/09/01 TQ 15/09/01 * Brixton Hill outstation. 320 MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD MB 6* 14 9 26-40 15 30 30 29/09/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 * 7 Saturdays 321 B7TL 10m/President DD NX 19 15 10 34-66? 7-8 12 12 12/10/02 TQ 5 12/10/02 322 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD SW 8 10 6 30-55 15 20 20 30/04/05 TQ 5 30/04/05 323 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD H 4 4 3 14-29 15 20 20 11/01/03 TQ 5 11/01/03 325 Dart 10.2m/Pointer DD BK 9 13 8 38-57 15 20 20 11/06/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract nr. Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------326 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital SD FE 13 15 10 43-71 12 15 15 26/07/03 TQ 5 26/07/03 327 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD WE 1 3 2 10-13 30† --07/06/03 TQ 5 07/06/03 † Operates 0800-1800 only. 328 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD X 25 13 8 39-80? 6-8* 10 10 06/03/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 * Mon-Fri: AM peak - every 6-7 minutes (9 buses per hour), daytime - every 7 minutes, PM peak - every 7½ minutes. Saturday: Every 7½ minutes. 329 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AD 17 9 6 22-40 6 10 10 23/07/01 TG 5 03/02/01 or DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD 330 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD U 8 6 4 17-34? 12 20 20 08/05/04 TQ 5 08/05/04 331 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD UX 7 22 14 41-61 20 30 30 05/02/05 TQ 5 07/07/01 333 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 14 11 7 30-58? 10 12 12 19/03/05 TQ 5 25/01/03 Also B7TL 10m/President DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. 336 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD MB 7 17 11 38-60 20 30 30 25/09/04 TQ 5 18/08/01 337 B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD WD 12 11 7 31-61? 12* 15 15 29/05/04 TQ 5 29/05/04 * 11 Monday to Friday peak hours. 339 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital H 3 6 4 15-22 20 20 20 20/08/05 TG 3 28/10/00 340 DB250LF/ALX400 DD GR 8 10 6 25-42 15* 20 20 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 * 12 Monday-Friday peak hours. 341 Trident 9.9m/President DD NP 20 17 11 48-90 10 12 12 26/06/04 TQ 5 18/10/03 343 B7TL 10m/President DD NX 19 11 7 35-52? 6-7* 10 10-12 26/02/05 TG 5 03/02/01 * 8 Saturdays. 344 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD QB 18 11 7 30-60? 8* 12 12-15 21/08/04 TQ 5 21/08/04 * 10 Saturdays. 345 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 24* 14 9 41-84? 7-8 10 10 26/07/03 TQ 5 27/04/02 * Plus 1 from 77A Also Trident 9.9m/President DD or B7TL 10m/President DD in practice. 346 SB120 9.4m/Cadet DD GY 2 4 3 8-13 15 -30 29/09/01 TQ 5 29/09/01 347 Dart 9m/Marshall C36† R 1 19 12 45 120* --06/11/04 TG * Operates 1000-1600 only. † Fitted with wheelchair lift. 349 DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD SF 17* 11 7 30-52? 7-8 10 10 24/04/04 TQ 5 18/10/03 * 18 Saturdays. 350 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD GR 3 14 9 37-55 30 --03/03/03 AA (Herts CC) 351 Lance (x2)+Olympian (x1) CF 3 29 18 56-81 60 120 --* 04/07/05 CA† * 120 Sundays only until 2200. † AA (Essex CC) Sundays. ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract nr. Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------352 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD MB 5 14 9 26-44 20 -30 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 353 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD† PH 6 14 9 27-43 15 30 30 21/05/05 TQ 5 21/05/05 † Two workings on Mondays to Fridays are scheduled for MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD. 354 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD MB 5 11 7 25-39 20 -30 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 355 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD AL 12* 11 7 33-59? 12 15 15 30/04/05 TQ 5 13/12/03 * Plus one bus off 163; 13 Sats. 356 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD PH 6 14 9 32-47 20 30 30 11/06/05 TQ 5 30/08/03 357 Trident 9.9m/President DD* NP 7 8 5 23-44 15 30 30 26/02/00 TQ 5 05/03/05 * Dart 10.2m/Capital DD on Sundays. 358 OmniCity single deck DD MB 15 25 15 47-77 12 20 20 25/09/04 TQ 5 30/08/03 359 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD GD 1 11 7 25-26 60* --02/09/00 TG 5 17/03/01 * Runs about 1030 to 1430 only. 360 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD Q 10 9 6 40-52? 12 15 20 15/11/03 TQ 5 25/01/03 362 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD R 3 12 7 24-40 30 30 30 21/05/05 TQ 5 23/03/02 363 B7TL 10m/President DD PM 12 11 7 31-50 10 15 15 17/05/03 TQ 5 16/11/02 364 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD R 13 12 8 30-48? 10 15 15 26/06/04 TQ 5 20/07/02 365 Trident 9.9m/President DD R 10 15 9 37-53 12 20 20 29/06/02 TQ 5 29/09/01 366 Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD BK 13 17 11 46-63? 12 20 20 04/09/04 TG 5 24/03/01 367 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD MB 8 18 11 50-76 20 30 30 11/06/05 TG 5 17/03/01 368 Dart SLF 10.8m/Nimbus DD FL 7 10 6 22-39 12 20 20 14/02/04 TQ 5 24/03/01 369 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BK 13 8 5 20-50? 8 12 12 26/04/03 TQ 5 20/07/02 370 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD GY 5† 24 15 49-67 30 60 60 27/03/04 CA* * Early morning, evening and Sunday journeys are TG T 27/03/04. † Interworked with 373. file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 7/15 12/8/2014 371 372 373 374 ---Rte nr. ---376 377 379 380 381 382 383 384 386 387 388 389 390 391 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 ---Rte nr. ---401 402 403 404 405 406 407 409 410 411 412 413 414 416 417 418 419 420 ---Rte nr. ---422 424 427 428 430 432 434 435 436 440 441 444 450 451 London Bus Route Details See also under school routes. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TV 14 13 8 32-48 8-9 15 15 02/09/02 TQ 5 29/06/02 See also under school routes. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD FL 4 21 13 31-41 30 60 30-60 29/05/04 TQ 5 27/03/04 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD GY 6† 28 17 64-84 30 60 60 27/03/04 CA* * Early morning, evening and Sunday journeys are TG T 27/03/04. † Interworked with 370. Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD NS 7* 8 5 17-28 10 20 20 15/01/05 TQ 5 23/03/02 * 8 Saturdays. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD U 8 10 6 33-49 15 30 20† 08/01/05 TQ 5 18/09/04 † 30 Sunday evenings Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD EC 3 9 6 26-38 30 -60 30/08/03 TG 5 07/07/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD NP 2 3 2 9-12 15 30 30 09/03/02 TQ 5 09/03/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD PD 10 11 7 36-55? 12 20 20 31/05/03 TQ 5 25/01/03 or ALX200 SD B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD WL 18 13 8 40-65? 10 12 12 09/10/04 TQ 5 09/10/04 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD EC 10 11 7 27-50 15 30 30 19/07/03 TQ 5 19/07/03 Dart SLF /Nimbus SM 3 11 7 28-37 30 ---* 21/08/04 TQ 5 26/07/03 * 30 until approx. 2000. Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD PB 8 11 7 30-40 15 30 30 26/07/03 TQ 5 26/07/03 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD PD 8 12 8 36-50 15 30 30 25/10/03 TQ 5 31/05/03 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BK 8 11 7 27-47 15 20 20 02/07/05 TQ 5 24/03/01 Trident 9.9/Myllennium Lolyne HK 11 7 4 25-48? 10 12 12* 25/09/04 TQ 5 25/01/03 * 15 late evenings. Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD NP * 2 2 7-9 60† --06/09/97 TG 5 07/04/01 * Peak bus from route W6, shared with 399. † Approx. 1030-1430 only. B7TL 10.6m/President DD KX 20 11 7 34-68? 8† 12 10-12 06/11/04 TQ 5 21/08/04 † 7-8 Monday to Friday AM peak hour. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD V 17 14 9 47-75 10 15 15 04/09/04 TQ 5 08/12/01 SB120 9.4m/Cadet DD AG 9 8 5 28-47? 12 20 20 06/11/04 NQ ? 22/02/03 Dart SLF 8.8m/Slimbus SD HK 8 10 6 29-58 15 20 20 03/05/03 TQ 5 03/05/03 Sprinter SD H 2 6 4 16-22 30* --28/04/01 TG 5 28/04/01 * Approx. 0900 to 1800 only. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BK 5* 7 4 16-27 20 20 30 26/04/03 TQ 5 23/03/02 * 6 Saturdays. Dart SLF 9.4m/ALX200 SD EC 4 15 9 37-49 30 --05/03/05 TG 7 26/02/00 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD SO 4 14 9 33-51 30 --04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD NP * 3 2 14-15 60† --06/09/97 TG 5 07/04/01 * Peak bus from route W6, shared with 389. † Approx. 1000-1500 only. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------B7TL 10m/President DD BX 5* 13 8 23-37 20 30 30 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 * Plus one bus off 601 for PM SD journey. DB250/Palatine II DD TW 5 47 29 85-122 60* --01/09/03 * Some gaps in schedule at school times DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD CN 7† 11 7 25-32? 12 20 15* 30/10/04 TQ 5 30/10/04 * 20 after 2200 and on Sunday evenings. † Plus one bus from 627 on M-F; 8 Saturdays. Solo 8.5m SD EB 1 9 6 24-27 60 --12/08/00 TQ 5 27/09/03 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD GD 7 19 12 34-58 20 30 30 20/11/04 TQ 5 30/08/03 Olympian 9.8m/RH DD TV 4 12 8 29-48 30 30 30 30/06/01 TG 5 29/06/02 Dart SLF 10.8m/ALX200 DD TC 12 21 13 53-93 15 30 30 30/10/04 TQ 5 30/10/04 See also under school routes. Olympian short/Palatine I SD CY 4 44 27 91-122 60* -60* 10/01/04 AA * No early morning, late evening or Sunday service. SB120 9.2m/Cadet DD CN 16 14 9 42-66 10 15 15 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 Olympian short/RH DD HH 5* 7 5 16-33 20† 30 60 08/01/05 TG 5 30/09/00 * 6 Saturdays. † On schooldays there is an additional AM journey from West Molesey to Teddington School, return PM. DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD TC 8 11 7 23-40 15† 30 20* 30/08/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 * 30 after 2200 and on Sunday evenings. Does not serve Selsdon Library Triangle before 0900 on Mondays to Fridays. † Additional PM school journey Croydon to Purley. Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD A 7 10 6 21-46 15 30 30 27/03/05 TQ 5 01/12/01 Trident 9.9m/President DD X 17 12 7 35-67? 8 12 12 29/01/05 TQ 5 23/11/02 Bristol VRT or Dart§ ‡ 1* 20 13 54 Irregular† 29/11/04 AP (Surrey CC) * Works other routes at peak hours. † Essentially two return journeys from Stanwell Moor to Kingston, with Monday and Thursday variations. ‡ Timetrak. § VR Tue/Wed/Fri, Dart Mon/Thur. DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD N 12* 9 5 25-44? 10 15 15 04/04/05 TQ 5 21/08/04 * 13 Saturdays. Some early/late journeys with DB250LF 10.2m/Pulsar Gemini DD from N137. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TV 4 13 8 29-49 30 90-180* 60-90* 29/06/02 See 406 * 5 return journeys from Epsom to Kingston (no Sunday early morning or evening service). Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD V 6 8 5 24-37 15 30 30 26/11/00 TG 5 11/11/00 Olympian short/Palatine I SD CY † 24 15 47-83 60 --10/01/04 AP (Surrey CC) † Allocation is shared with 460 (Redhill – Epsom). ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------B7TL 10m/President DD BX 16 19 12 46-66? 10 20 20 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD AF 4 11 7 47-57 30 --16/10/04 TG 5 07/04/01 Trident 10.5m/President DD AT 22 16 10 42-80? 8 8 12 09/04/05 TQ 5 09/04/05 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD DT 7 16 10 34-51 15 30 30 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 13 9 6 25-48? 8 10 12 23/11/02 TQ 5 23/11/02 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD N 12 6 4 23-41? 10* 15 15 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 * 8 Monday to Friday peak hours. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD GD 3 10 6 30-36 30 --20/11/04 TQ 5 30/08/03 Trident 10.5m/President DD G 3 12 8 33-40 30 30 30* 25/06/05 TQ 25/06/05 * No service after about 2200. Citaro artic TD NX 26 15 9 41-77? 7-8* 12 12 08/02/03 See 36 * 6 Monday to Friday peak hours. Dart SLF 10.2m/Crusader SD V 8 12 7 29-51 15 20 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD TG 4 19 12 41-59 30 60* 30* 28/05/05 * No service after about 2200 or Sunday early mornings or evenings. 2 hour gap early Sunday afternoons. Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD EC 7 13 8 28-47 15 20 20 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TH 10 14 9 38-56 15* 30 30 04/04/05 TQ 5 29/09/01 * 12-15 Monday to Friday peak hours. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD TG 7* 37 23 90-100 60 --09/10/04 AP (Surrey CC) * Also on 461 (effectively 3½ on each) file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 8/15 12/8/2014 453 455 460 461 462 463 464 465 ---Rte nr. ---466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 476 476 477 484 485 486 487 490 ---Rte nr. ---491 492 493 496 499 500 502 505 507 513 514 515 515A 521 549 551 555 556 557 ---Rte nr. ---603 607 610 614 615 650 724 800 ---Rte nr. ---A10 A40 B11 B12 B13 London Bus Route Details Citaro artic TD PD 25 12 8 47-76? 7-8 10 10 15/01/05 See 53 SB120 10.2m/Cadet DD CN 9 19 12 52-75 20 30 30 09/05/05 TQ 5 02/03/02 See also under school routes. B7TL 10m/President DD PV 10* 11 7 28-55 12 15 15 21/05/05 TQ 5 28/06/03 * Plus route 611, 643 buses. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD TG * 32 20 83-100 60 --11/01/04 AP (Surrey CC) * Buses from 451 (effectively 3½ on each). Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD R 7 11 7 29-46 15 30 30 23/03/02 TQ 5 23/03/02 Solo SD EB 7 18 11 45-59 20 -30 25/01/03 TQ 5 03/04/04 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD PH 3 10 6 21 30* 30 30 23/05/05 TQ 5 21/05/05 * Additional school journey operates from New Addington to Biggin Hill (Black Horse) AM, return PM. Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD TF 6 26 16 55-88 30 60 30-60 12/06/04 TQ 5 29/06/02 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD GD 16 20 12 39-66? 10 15 15 07/03/05 TQ 5 30/08/03 Olympian short/RH DD TV 2 10 6 23-24 60* --30/08/03 See K3 * 45 AM peak/early Saturday morning. School journeys run to Epsom Hospital. DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD TC 25 19 12 48-78 6-8 15 15* 27/03/99 TQ * Runs more frequently until about 2030 on Mondays to Saturdays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BX 11 22 14 52-78 15 20 20 14/06/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 Solo 8.5m EB 5 13 8 55-69 30 --19/07/03 TQ 5 16/11/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG 3 35 22 80 60 --28/08/04 AP (Surrey CC) Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 13* 14 9 34-40? 8† 12 12 06/09/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 * 16 Saturdays. Also uses 2 buses off 672. † 7 Mon-Fri AM peak towards North Greenwich. Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD U 10 10 6 24-39? 10 15 15 30/08/03 TQ 5 23/03/02 Trident 9.9m/Lolyne DD FL 8 8 5 21-30? 10 20 15* 01/05/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 * 20 Sunday evenings. B7TL 10.6m/President DD NP 19 12 8 38-62? 8 12 12 04/04/05 TQ 5 01/02/03 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD }DT 6 19 12 51-56 60* --06/03/05 CP Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD } 22 14 52-72 20/40* 60 60† 06/03/05 CA * Irregular during Monday to Friday peaks. † No Sunday evening service between Swanley and Dartford/Bluewater. Operates to and from Bluewater 0745-2245 Mon-Sat, 0945-1745 Sundays, 0845-1845 public holidays. Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD Q 12 11 7 29-54 10 15 15 12/05/01 TG 5 17/03/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD BD 1† 9 6 42-43 60* --21/08/04 TG 5 05/05/01 * Operates approx. 0900-1700 only, and there is one longer interval late afternoon. † Plus 1 from 209/609. SB220/Myllennium DD BX 15 15 9 37-60? 7-8 15 15 23/02/02 TQ 5 23/02/02 B7L/Eclipse +1 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD ON 9 14 9 34-56 15 30 20* 06/03/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 * 30 Sunday evenings. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TF 10 11 7 31-48? 12 20 20 24/08/02 TQ 5 24/08/02 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD E 5 15 9 40-61 30 -30 12/10/02 TQ 5 02/06/01 DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD DT 6 22 14 52-87 30 30* 60 25/06/05 TQ 5 24/01/04 * No early morning service on Sundays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD MC 13 20 13 60-100 15 20 20 25/06/05 TQ 5 23/11/02 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD NS 6 12 8 26-43 20 20 20 15/01/05 TG 5 14/10/00 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD R 3 13 8 31-42 30 30 30 19/04/03 TQ 5 20/07/02 Cadet* HA* 3 36 22 62-88 60 -60 28/07/03 CA* * AP (Essex CC) evenings, by Trustline with Metrobuses? ????? ** * 25 16 43-51 ** --06/11/04 AP (Essex CC) * One return journey on Saturdays only, operated by Imperial. Turbo Daily/Marshall SD HA 2 24 15 54-58 60 -150 10/04/05 CP* * AA (Essex CC) evenings Citaro Artic TD RA 9 3 2 12-21 6* --03/05/05 TQ 5 01/06/02 * No Saturday service. Every 5 minutes at peak hours. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG 1 21 13 55 3 return jnys Mon-Sat 01/12/01 AP (Surrey CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG 2 17 11 54 60 --28/08/04 AA (Surrey CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG 3 31 19 72-85 60 --28/08/04 AP (Surrey CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG * .. .. 52 -120-150 -01/05/05 AA (Surrey CC) Citaro Artic TD RA 19 5 3 21-33 4-10* --15/12/03 TQ 5 01/06/02 * Operates Mondays to Fridays only, every 4 mins. peaks, every 10 mins. daytime. Optare Solo DC 1 8 5 18-25 60 --26/02/05 TG 5 26/02/05 Dart 9.8m/Pointer SD BNt 3 28 17 64-91 60 --14/03/05 CA Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD } 25 16 51-81 60 60 60* 06/09/03 AP (Surrey CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD }TF 6 25 15 50-83 60 60 60* 06/09/03 AP (Surrey CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TG 3 32 20 65-82 60 --28/06/03 AP (Surrey CC) * No late evening service. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/President DD HT 2 10 6 36-44 *** --12/01/04 TG 5 10/01/04 *** 2 journeys in each direction in each Monday to Friday peak. Trident 10.5m/President DD UX 18 20 13 42-82? 10* ---* 09/04/05 TQ 5 09/04/05 * 10 until approx. 2100. Metrorider SD HF 2+ 27 17 59-71 60* --06/09/04 CA * Mondays to Fridays only. Peak hour service has some gaps (see 650 etc.). DB250LF/Spectra or Lowlander† HF 2 34 21 52-66 60* --12/01/04 CA * Mondays to Fridays only. 70 peak hours. † Some trips with O405N/Urbanranger or other vehicles. HF 2 * --12/01/04 CA * Two Monday to Friday peak hour journeys, to Hatfield AM, return PM. HF 1 65-70 * --06/09/04 CA * One Monday to Friday peak hour journey, to Hatfield AM, return PM. SB220LF/Prestige WE 7 60 120 60-120*10/02/02 CP HA * No late evening service. Optare Solo * 3 6 4 27-40 --30† 03/05/04 AP (Hamm Hosp) * Chalfont Line † Mondays to Fridays only. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer SD UX 5 13 8 25-31 15 30 20* 26/06/04 TQ 5 01/09/01 * 30 Sunday evenings. ............................. * 3 39 24 50-69 60 120 -18/07/04 CP * Carousel Buses Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD BX 7 14 9 32-42 15 30 30 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD BX 3 8 5 23-25 20 -30 24/01/04 TG 5 24/01/04 SB120 9.2m/Cadet SD DT 5 10 6 24-31 15 30 30 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 9/15 12/8/2014 B14 B15 B16 C 1 C 2 C 3 C10 C11 D 3 D 6 D 7 D 8 ---Rte nr. ---E 1 E 2 E E E E 3 5 6 7 E 8 E 9 E10 E11 G 1 H 2 H 3 H 9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H17 H18 ---Rte nr. ---H20 H21 H22 H23 H25 H26 H28 H32 H37 H50 H91 H98 K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 9 K10 KU)1 KU)2 ---Rte nr. ---LCA1 LCA2 P 4 P 5 P12 London Bus Route Details Solo 8.5m SD MB 5 19 12 44-60 30 30† 30-60† 21/02/04 TG † On Sundays operates approx 0930 to 1700 only. SB120 9.2m/Cadet SD DT 7 18 11 45-62 20 -60* 24/01/04 TQ 5 24/01/04 * No service after about 2200. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BX 8 13 8 38-56 15 30 30 29/01/05 TQ 5 24/01/04 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD QB 8 8 5 24-45? 12 15 15 02/07/05 TQ 5 02/07/05 Trident 9.9m/President DD HT 13‡ 6 4 24-41 7-8† 7-8 10* 02/07/05 TQ 5 30/04/05 B7TL 10m/President DD * 12 Sundays. 7-8 until about 2030 Mon-Sat. † 6-7 Mon-Fri AM peak. ‡ 14 Saturdays. Solo 8.5m SD QB 10 7 5 30-40 10 15 15 04/05/02 TQ 5 29/09/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD Q 6 5 3 19-25? 12 20 20 29/09/01 TG 5 29/09/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD FE 16 13 8 37-65 10* 12 12-20 05/02/05 TQ 5 26/07/03 * 7-10 towards Brent Cross AM peak. Dart SLF 9.4m/ALX200 SD or SD 16 17 11 37-64? 10 20 20 18/06/05 TQ 5 18/09/04 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer DD Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD H 16 10 6 26-48 7-8* 15 15-20 18/09/04 TQ 5 18/09/04 * Additional journeys operate during peak hours. Trident 9.9/President DD H 9 8 5 21-36 12* 20 20 18/06/05 TQ 5 18/09/04 * 8 during peak hours. Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD H 8 8 5 19-33 15* 20 20 18/09/04 TQ 5 18/09/04 * 12 during peak hours. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Trident 9.9m/President DD G 6 5 3 15-23 10† 10 15 25/05/02 TQ 5 25/05/02 † 8 Monday to Friday peak hours. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BD 19 10 6 30-48? 6-7* 12 15 25/05/02 TQ 5 25/05/02 * 6 Monday to Friday peak hours. Trident 9.9m/President DD G 27 15 9 45-72? 6 12 12 11/01/03 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD G 11 9 5 38-62? 12 20 20 29/03/03 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TM 8 12 8 34-51 15 20 20 28/05/05 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD G 10 14 9 33-50? 12 20 30 25/05/02 TQ 5 25/05/02 Operates via Wood Lane Waitrose 0945-1545 Mondays to Fridays, 0900-1800 Saturdays, 0900-1700 Sundays. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD BD 10 8 5 19-25? 8 12 12 25/05/02 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD G 8 10 6 27-44? 12 20 30 31/08/03 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD G 5 10 6 28-42 20 30 30 20/03/04 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD G 5 8 5 28-41 20 30 30 20/03/04 TQ 5 25/05/02 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD QB 9 15 10 52-87 20 60 30* 04/12/04 TQ 5 30/04/05 * 60 Sunday evenings. Solo narrow 7.8m SD PV 3 3 2 11-15 12 15 15 24/11/01 TG 5 09/06/01 Solo narrow 7.8m SD PV 1 9 6 26-27 60* --20/04/02 TG 5 09/06/01 * Operates 0900-1400 only, plus one journey around 0700. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SO 6 17 11 39-58? 12 30 30 04/09/04 See H10 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SO 6 15 10 42-62? 12 30 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SO 6 11 7 21-36 15 30 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 B7TL 10m/President DD HD 12 15 9 32-50? 10 15 15 30/10/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SO 5 12 8 24-40 20 30 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SO 6 7 4 15-24? 10 15 15* 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 * 20 Sunday late evening. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SO 5 8 5 18-32 15 30 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 Volvo B6BLE/Crusader DD GR 3 9 6 24-31 30 --06/01/01 TG 7 04/09/99 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TF 5 6 4 21-26 12 30 20-30 20/11/04 TQ 5 20/11/04 709D/Beaver SD (P456MLE) TF 1 8 5 25 60* --01/09/01 TG 5 02/12/00 * 1000-1400 only. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD AV 11 12 8 29-52 12 20 20 06/03/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD HH 5 9 6 26-45 20 30 30 06/03/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD TF 7 12 8 25-41 15 20 30 10/07/04 TQ 5 17/11/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TF 4 9 6 21-31 20 30 30 08/01/05 TQ 5 08/01/05 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TF 8 18 11 47-69 20 30 30 20/11/04 TG 24/02/01 B7TL 10m/ALX400 or PresidentDD AV 12 9 6 23-47 10* 15 15 06/03/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 * 8-9 Monday to Friday AM peak, 9 PM peak. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD AV 13 6 4 18-32 6 8 10 02/09/02 TQ 5 06/03/04 Dart SLF 10.2m/Spryte DD TM 3 6 4 17-20 15* --05/02/01 TG 01/04/00 Applies 0630-2000 Mondays to Fridays only. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD HH 11 13 8 28-60 12 15 15 06/03/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD AV 15 14 9 31-53 8 15 15 06/03/04 TQ 5 06/03/04 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TV 9 15 9 33-58 15† 30 30 06/09/04 TQ 5 30/06/01 † Additional journey schooldays PM operates Southborough School, Hook to New Malden. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TV 10 11 7 26-45 10 20 20 03/11/01 TQ 5 30/06/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TV 8 17 11 40-68 20* 60 30† 31/08/02 TQ 5 05/05/01 * On schooldays, 1 AM journey is extended from Esher TO Lower Green and 1 PM journey from Esher starts FROM Lower Green. † 60 Sunday evenings. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TV 4 11 7 26-55 30 -60 19/03/05 TG 5 30/06/01 Solo 8.5m SD MC 3 19 12 68-69 60 --30/06/01 TG 5 30/06/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/ALX200 SD EB 2† 17 11 50-65 60 --25/02/02 AA (Surrey CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/ALX200 SD EB 3† 15 9 51-66 60* --18/03/00 AA (Surrey CC) * Operates approx. 0900-1800 only. † K9/K10 interworked with 5 buses. Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD TF 3 8 5 25 20* --20/09/04 AP (King Uni) * Operates Mon-Fri during University terms only. No early morning service. Vario/Beaver SD TF 1 2 1 8 20* --22/09/03 AP (King Uni) * Operates Mon-Fri during University terms only. No early morning service. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SD 8 13 8 25-30 10* 10‡ 10† 08/05/04 AP (LCA) * On Saturdays operates 0630-1230 only, every 15 minutes. † No service Saturday evenings or after about 2100. ‡ No service before about 1100. Operates every 10 minutes 0630-2100 on public holidays (except Christmas Day and Boxing Day), and every 15 minutes 0730-2100 on Boxing Day. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD SD 3 4 3 7 10* 10‡ 10† 07/02/05 AP (LCA) * On Saturdays operates 0630-1300 only. † No service Saturday evenings or after about 2130. ‡ No service before about 1100. Operates every 10 minutes 0630-2130 on public holidays except Christmas Day (starts 0715 Boxing Day). Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TL 10* 12 7 32-54 12 12 15 14/09/02 TQ 5 03/05/03 * 11 Sundays. Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD Q 8 10 6 32-50 15 20 20-30 24/07/04 TG 5 28/04/01 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD PM 12† 13 8 37-57 10* 20 20 09/10/04 TQ 5 09/10/04 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 10/15 12/8/2014 P13 PR1 PR2 ---Rte nr. ---R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9 R11 R21 R62 R68 R70 RV1 ---Rte nr. ---S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 T31 T32 T33 U 1 U 2 U U U U U 3 4 5 7 9 U10 ---Rte nr. ---W 3 W 4 W 5 W 6 W 7 W 8 W 9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W19 X26 X68 X80 London Bus Route Details * 11 Monday to Friday PM peak. † 13 Saturdays. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD WL 8 16 10 47-67 20 30 30 09/10/04 TQ 5 09/10/04 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD WJ 6 7 5 19-33 15 30 30 16/10/04 TQ 5 02/03/02 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD WJ 4 13 8 24-44 30 -30 06/08/05 TQ 5 02/03/02 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD Y 7 13 8 31-46 15 30 20-30 25/09/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD MB 4 19 12 41-51 30* -30† 04/09/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 * On schooldays one AM journey To Biggin Hill and one PM journey FROM Biggin Hill run via Charles Darwin School. † No late evening service. Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD Y 4 19 12 37-60 30 60 60 25/09/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD Y 5 12 8 36-47 20 60 60 25/09/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD PH 1 13 8 24-25 60* --21/05/05 TG 5 06/12/03 * Buses run in alternate directions round the Halstead/Cudham loop, every 120 minutes each way. Solo 8.5m SD MB 2 6 4 16-30 30 60 60 21/02/04 TG 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD MB 1 9 6 23-24 60 -60* 06/12/03 TG 5 06/12/03 * No late evening service. Sprinter 7.1m SD PH 1 13 8 24-29 60 -60† 06/03/04 TQ See R2 † No late evening service. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD Y 3 4 2 17-26 12* 30 30 18/08/01 TG 5 18/08/01 * 10 Monday to Friday AM peak. Does not serve Walnuts Centre before 0840 on Mondays to Fridays. Dart SLF 8.8m/Capital SD Y 7 14 9 34-45 15 30 30 25/09/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD SM 2 Isolated jnys Mon-Sat 01/09/01 AP 05/03/05 (Herts CC) Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD TF 1 10 6 19-40 60* --05/01/02 TG 5 05/05/01 * Irregular at peak hours. Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TF 10 14 9 37-63 15 15 20 25/06/05 TQ 5 25/06/05 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer SD TF 11 12 8 33-45? 10 20 20 25/06/05 TQ 5 25/06/05 Citaro 12m DD H 8 6 4 24-34? 10 10 10 26/06/04 TQ 27/04/02 ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------Dart SLF 8.8m/ALX200 SD EB 7 14 9 40-62 20 30 30 10/01/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD H 14 9 6 29-42 8-9 10 15 01/03/03 TQ 5 01/03/03 Dart SLF 8.8m/Myllennium SD EB 5 15 9 56-65 30 --09/04/05 TQ 5 09/04/05 Solo 8.5m EB 4 13 8 44-52 30 -30* 16/04/05 TG 5 16/11/02 * Not Sunday evening. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD Y 11 10 6 22-28? 6-7 15 15 15/11/04 TQ 11/05/00 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD Y 6 5 3 10-14? 6-7 15 15 22/05/04 TQ 11/05/00 Dart SLF 10.8m/Pointer DD† GD‡ 7* 11 7 24-38? 12† 20 20 21/05/05 TQ 5 21/05/05 * Plus 359 bus during M-F peaks. † 10 peak hours. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital SD UX 6 13 8 26-44 15 30 30 20/08/05 TQ 5 03/05/03 Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD UX 7 8 5 19-31 10 20 20 20/08/05 TQ 5 03/05/03 Operates via Oak Farm, Leybourne Road, from 0915 to 1615 on Mondays to Saturdays only. Dart SLF 10.2m/Nimbus DD UX 10 15 9 36-52? 12 20 20 03/05/03 TQ 5 03/05/03 Trident 9.9m/President DD UX 13 12 8 32-38? 8 20 20 03/05/03 TQ 5 03/05/03 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital SD UX 10 11 7 33-50 12 20 20 24/01/04 TQ 5 03/05/03 Dart SLF 10.2m/Spryte DD TM 3 9 6 23-35 30 60 60 28/05/05 TG Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD WB 3 10 6 16-22 20 ---* 03/01/04 TG 5 03/01/04 * 30 until about 2100. Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital SD UX * 9 6 32-33 60* --07/02/05 TQ 5 03/05/03 * Operates 1000-1500 only using buses from U3? allocation. ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract Gar. km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date specification ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -- - -------DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD WN 18 12 8 31-52 6-7* 10 10 16/10/04 TQ 5 16/10/04 * 6 Monday to Friday peak hours. Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD AR 9 9 6 32-52 12 20 20 03/02/01 TG 5 03/02/01 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD HT 7 6 4 19-32 12† 30 20* 03/02/01 TG 5 03/02/01 * 30 Sunday evenings. † On schooldays there is one additional journey TO Archway AM, TO Harringay PM. Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD NP 8 8 5 18-28 10* 15 20-30 04/06/01 TG 5 03/02/01 * On schooldays there is one additional journey TO Southgate PM, TO Edmonton Green PM. Trident 9.9m/President DD HT 13 4 3 13-22 4-6 7-8 10 20/08/05 TQ 5 20/08/05 B7TL 10m/President DD Trident 9.9m/President DD PB 13* 10 6 25-41 8 12 12 26/07/03 TQ 5 26/07/03 * 14 Saturdays. Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD PB 8 11 7 29-39 15 30 30 02/07/05 TQ 5 05/02/05 or Capital SD Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital SD NP * 7 4 17-19 60† --01/02/03 TG 5 03/02/01 * Peak bus from route 299 allocation. † Operates 1130-1430 Mondays to Fridays, 1030-1630 Saturdays. Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD H 7 6 4 22-30? 10 15 15* 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 * 30 Sunday evenings. Solo Narrow 7.8m H 5 13 8 33-46 20 30 30 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 Dart SLF 9.4m/ALX200 SD EC 6 7 5 21-32 15 30 30 05/03/05 TG 7 11/03/00 Dart SLF 9.4m/ALX200 SD EC 9 12 7 33-57 15 20 20 05/03/05 TG 7 26/02/00 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer DD EC 19 14 9 40-66? 8 12 15 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD EC 9 10 6 26-38? 12 20 20 05/03/05 TQ 5 05/03/05 Dart SLF 9.4m/Capital DD R 5 11 7 43-63 30 --20/09/03 TG 5 24/11/01 Omnicity single deck SD GD 4 34 21 76-103 60 60 60 16/04/05 TQ 5 16/04/05 B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD N 6 19 12 49-73 20-30* --28/06/04 TG * Monday to Friday peak hour service "with-the-flow" only; there are also a few journeys "against the flow" between West Norwood and West Croydon only. Dart SLF 10.8m/Urbanstar SD * 5 25 16 54 30 60† ** 05/06/05 C* Ensignbus ** 60 Mon-Sat early evenings only. † Bluewater - Tilbury. Every 30 minutes Chafford Hundred Station - Valley Drive on piblic holidays. Tram services ---Rte nr. ---1 2 3 ----------------------------- --- --Vehicle Type Op. PVR Gar. ----------------------------- --- --Bombardier CR4000 30.1m TK 8 Bombardier CR4000 30.1m TK 5 Bombardier CR4000 30.1m TK 8 ------------- ----------------------- -------Length Frequencies Timetable km mi minutes Mon-Sat Sunday evening date -- -- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------15 9 34-36 10 30 30 12/08/01 9 6 21-22 10 30 30 12/08/01 10 6 22-24 6-7 15 15 12/08/01 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 11/15 12/8/2014 London Bus Route Details Night bus routes ---Rte nr. ---N 1 N 2 N 3 N ----------------------------- --- --Vehicle Type Op. PVR Gar. ----------------------------- --- --Trident 9.9m/President DD H 6 B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD N 6 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD BC 9 N EW 8 HT +5 6 B7TL 9.9m/President DD AC 8 7 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD ON 7 Operated under contract for route 23. 8 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BW 14 N 9 B7TL 10m/ALX400 or PresidentDD AV 11 N 5 B7TL 10.6m/President DD N 10 B7TL 10.6m/President DD N 11 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD 12 Citaro artic TD N 13 B7TL 10.6m/President DD * 15 until about 0300. 14 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD N 15 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD ON SW Q BT 7 7 4 9 ------------Length km mi minutes -- -- ------26 16 58-63 13 8 35-42 25 16 58-87 21 13 50-65 10 6 26 16 40-41 64-69 20 13 29 18 26 16 59-71 74-89 41-58 58-76 50-58 77-96 30-50 47-52 21 13 30 19 12 7 17 10 AF 13 11 7 BK 10 32 20 BW +9 EW* 6* 16 10 ----------------------Frequencies To MF SS ----------------- -- -30 30 30 20 Crystal Palace 30 15 Bromley North 30 30 15 12 -------- ------------Timetable Contract date specification -------- -- - -------10/09/00 TQ 7 14/11/98 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 20/04/01 TG 7 05/02/00 26/07/03 TQ 5 26/07/03 15 15 27/03/04 TQ 5 13/12/03 30 30 29/01/05 NQ T 30/08/03 Wanstead Hainault Hounslow Heathrow 90-106 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 26/06/04 30 15 04/09/04 30 30 02/04/05 30 06/11/04 30 06/11/04 30*21/06/03 TQ 5 26/06/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 NQ TQ TQ TQ T 5 5 5 04/09/04 28/06/03 31/07/04 01/09/01 15 10 03/04/04 TQ 5 23/11/02 15 12 26/06/04 TQ 5 23/08/03 N 16 B7TL 10.6m/President DD 40-46 20 20 08/11/03 TQ 5 12/10/02 * Also 1 from HD at weekends. N 18 Trident 9.9m/President DD X 18 23 14 65-79 Sudbury 15 10 14/11/03 TQ 5 23/08/03 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD Harrow Weald 30 30 N 19 DB250LF 10.2m/PulsarGemini DD BN 7 16 10 41-70 30 30 02/04/05 TQ 5 02/04/05 N 20 Trident 10.5m/President DD ? PB 12 21 13 50-66 30 12 05/02/05 TQ 5 26/07/03 HT +2 ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract nr. Gar. km mi minutes To MF SS date specification ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ----------------- -- -- -------- -- - -------N 21 B7TL 10m/President DD NX 5 17 11 39-53 Eltham High St. 30 15 11/10/02 TQ 5 12/10/02 BX +4 27 17 52-68 Foots Cray 30 30 N 22 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 6 25 16 59-75 30 30 23/07/05 TQ 23 Trident 9.9m/President DD X 5 13 8 46-54 30 30 03/07/04 TQ 5 23/08/03 24 B7TL 10m/President DD HT 7 11 7 34-49 15 15 09/10/04 TQ 5 09/11/02 25 Citaro artic TD WA 10 18 11 49-59 15 15 06/11/04 TQ 5 26/06/04 N 26 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD SD 8 25 16 61-63 20 20 22/03/02 TQ 5 23/06/01 27 Trident 9.9m/President DD X 4 15 9 51-52 30 30 26/02/05 TG 5 03/02/01 N 28 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD X 4 16 10 52-53 60 30 05/06/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 N 29 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD WN 24 22 14 49-61 Wood Green 12 6 04/12/04 TG 5 03/02/01 DB250LF 10.6m/President DD Enfield Town* 12 12 * Irregular service to Ponders End. N 31 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD X 4 15 9 50 60 30 05/06/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 N 35 B7TL 10m/President DD Q 4 17 11 52-70 30 30 14/05/05 TQ 5 27/04/02 N 36 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD PM 10 29 18 83-93 Queens Pk-Grove P 30 30 16/03/01 TG 27/05/00 B7TL 10m/President DD NX +2 Traf Sq-Cat Gar 30 15 37 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD PM 2 14 9 40-42 60 60 03/04/04 TG 29/05/99 N 38 DB250LF/ALX400 DD CT 18 17 11 54-69 15 15*19/07/02 TQ 5 20/07/02 * 7-8 between Piccadilly Circus and Walthamstow. N 41 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD AR 5 15 9 49-62 30 30 30/07/05 TG 5 02/12/00 B7TL/Eclipse Gemini DD 43 B7TL 10.6m/President DD HT 4 15 9 47-48 30 30 05/02/05 TQ 5 05/02/05 N 44 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 9 23 14 54-70 30 20 13/12/03 TQ 7 29/05/99 Also B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. N 47 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 6 32 20 71-72 30 30 19/01/01 TQ 5 20/01/01 N 50 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD U 6 24 15 56-62 30 30 18/06/05 TQ 5 23/08/03 ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract nr. Gar. km mi minutes To MF SS date specification ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ----------------- -- -- -------- -- - -------N 52 B7TL 10.6m/President DD AC 4 14 9 39-43 30 30 01/09/01 TQ 5 09/12/00 53 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 7 19 12 47-48 20 20 15/01/05 TQ 07/01/00 N 55 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 5 22 14 59-63 30 30 05/02/05 TQ 5 01/03/03 N 63 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD PM 4 15 9 45-46 30 30 16/11/02 TQ 5 16/11/02 65 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD FW 3 15 10 29-34 30 30 24/01/04 TQ 5 29/06/02 N 68 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD TC 8 30 19 76-80 30 30 28/04/00 TQ 69 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD T 3 14 9 32 30 30 19/06/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 72 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD S 2 11 7 23-24 30 30 04/09/04 TQ 5 04/09/04 N 73 B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD AR 10 19 12 56-68 30 15 04/09/04 TQ 5 01/05/04 N 74 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 5 18 11 41-57 30 30 23/11/02 TQ 5 23/11/02 75 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 3 14 9 33-36 30 30 20/03/04 TQ 5 09/02/02 N 76 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AR 5 15 9 46-48 30 30 01/02/03 TQ 5 01/02/03 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD N 77 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 10 28 17 68-83 Wimbledon 30 15 30/04/05 TQ 7 29/05/99 Tolworth 60 30 Also B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. 83 B7TL 10.6m/President DD ON 4 20 13 51-52 30 30 17/04/04 TQ 5 15/09/02 85 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD AF 2 11 7 24-26 30 30 03/04/04 TQ 5 29/06/02 N 86 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD NS 5 19 12 46-49 30 30 26/06/04 NQ T 26/06/04 88 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 5 11 7 38-57 30 30 03/04/04 TQ 5 13/12/03 Also B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD or President DD in practice. N 89 B7TL 10m/President DD BX 6 34 21 71-79 30 30 29/01/05 TQ 5 29/01/05 N 91 Trident 9.9m/President DD NP 9 23 14 51-61 30 20 09/11/02 TQ 5 02/02/02 93 B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD A 3 14 9 35 30 30 03/04/04 TQ 5 01/12/01 94 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD S 3 10 6 24-39 30 30 24/01/04 TQ 5 18/10/03 N 97 B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD AV 9 10 6 26-37 15 8-904/09/04 TG S +2 N 98 B7TL 10.6m/President DD EW 8 21 13 50-61 Willesden 15 10 27/03/04 TQ 5 13/12/03 AC +5 Stanmore 30 20 ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ------------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Frequencies Timetable Contract nr. Gar. km mi minutes To MF SS date specification ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- ----------------- -- -- -------- -- - -------105 Trident 9.9m/President DD G 4 16 10 42 30 30 09/04/05 TG 5 30/06/01 N106 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD SD 3 10 7 34-35 30 30 19/02/04 TQ 5 28/04/01 108 Volvo Merit BV 4 15 11 40 30 30 15/11/03 NG - 15/11/03 119 MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD MB 3 17 11 40 30 30 15/11/03 TQ 5 30/08/03 N133 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 4 15 9 42-43 30 30 25/01/03 TQ 5 25/01/03 Also B7TL 10m/President DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 12/15 12/8/2014 134 N137 139 140 148 149 N155 N159 N171 B7TL 10m/President DD 176 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD 189 Trident 9.9m/President DD ---- ----------------------------Rte Vehicle Type nr. ---- ----------------------------N207 Trident 10.5m/President DD N213 214 236 242 N243 250 N253 264 266 271 274 277 N279 285 341 N343 345 369 N381 390 453 London Bus Route Details B7TL 10.6m/President DD HT B7TL 10.6m/ALX400 DD N Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD W Trident 10.5m/President DD HD B7TL 10m/ALX400 DD S Citaro artic TD LV B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD A DB250LF/ALX400 DD TH NX N 10 10 4 4 3 4 15 16 4 9 W 4 --- --Op. PVR Gar. --- --AT 12 UX +9 B7TL 10m/Myllennium Vyking DD A 5 Dart SLF 9.4m/Pointer SD HT 6 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD H 3 DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD CT 4 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD AR 5 B7TL/Eclipse Gemini DD DB250LF 10.2m/PulsarGemini DD BN 4 DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD CT 6 DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD CN 3 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD W 4 Trident 9.9m/President DD HT 2 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD KX 3 Dart SLF 10.2m/Capital DD Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BW 3 DB250LF 10.6m/President DD E 15 or ALX400 DD Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD HH 4 Trident 9.9m/President DD NP 4 B7TL 10m/President DD Q 4 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW 4 Also B7TL 10m/President DD or Trident Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD BK 2 B7TL 10.6m/Eclipse Gemini DD WL 3 B7TL 10.6m/President DD HT 3 Citaro artic TD PD 10 13 17 11 20 13 14 17 32 8 11 7 13 8 9 11 20 34-39 49-51 30-36 45 33-42 42-44 37-59 82-98 19 12 17 11 48-50 50-62 11 7 37-38 ------------Length km mi minutes -- -- ------28 17 63-94 Streatham New Addington 15 30 30 30 30 30 15 10 30 30 30 12 15 30 30 30 30 10 10 30 30 20 30 30 ----------------------Frequencies To MF SS ----------------- -- -Hayes By-Pass 15 10 Uxbridge 30 30 30 30 20 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 05/02/05 10/07/04 24/04/04 04/09/04 06/11/04 24/04/04 13/12/03 27/11/04 TQ TQ TQ TQ TQ TQ TQ TG 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 05/02/05 18/09/04 01/02/03 04/09/04 05/10/02 18/10/03 13/12/03 17/03/01 28/07/01 TG 5 28/04/01 15/11/03 TQ 5 15/11/03 24/04/04 TQ 5 12/10/02 -------- ------------Timetable Contract date specification -------- -- - -------09/04/05 TQ 5 09/04/05 26 16 10 6 11 7 12 8 18 11 65-67 32-33 33-34 41 43-57 13 8 18 11 11 7 16 10 9 6 10 6 42-43 46-50 32-35 45-46 25 34 30 20 30 30 30 30 11 7 23 14 32-33 62-70 30 30 27/03/04 TQ 5 01/03/03 20 12 16/10/04 TQ 5 16/10/04 20 12 44-47 17 11 48-51 17 11 44-54 14 9 42-49 9.9m/President DD in practice. 8 5 20-23 14 9 34-35 11 7 34-37 12 8 41-44 30 20 30 30 30 30 13/12/03 20/08/05 15/01/05 31/05/03 27/11/04 TQ TQ TG TQ TQ 5 29/06/02 5 20/08/05 30/09/00 5 01/02/03 5 20/08/05 20/03/04 31/05/03 20/03/04 21/05/05 17/04/04 20/03/04 TQ TQ TQ TQ TG TG 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30/08/03 31/05/03 30/08/03 21/05/05 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 19/03/05 17/04/04 28/07/01 03/04/04 TQ TQ TG TQ 30/06/01 18/10/03 28/07/01 27/04/02 30 30 30 20 30 30 30 20 01/05/04 09/10/99 06/11/04 15/01/05 TQ 5 20/07/02 TQ 5 09/10/04 TQ 5 21/08/04 See N53 School bus services Services which are variations of regular services are only listed here where the allocation is additional to the main allocation. ---Rte nr. ---121 ----------------------------- --- --Vehicle Type Op. PVR Gar. ----------------------------- --- --Metrobus DD EC 2 ------------Length km mi minutes -- -- ------19 12 49-84 127 Olympian short/Palatine DD* 15 9 59-60 163 184 200 212 * Often Dart SLF/Pointer in practice. Olympian/Palatine DD AL 1 B7TL 10m/Gemini DD EC 1 DB250LF 10.6m/President DD MC 1 DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD EC * 8 3 7 9 5 2 4 6 313 370 371 407 * 673 bus. Metrobus DD Metrobus or Olympian Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD 18 11 10 6 5 3 21 13 455 MC EC GY FW TC 2 1 1 1 1 ----------------------- -------Number of journeys Timetable From To AM PM date -------- -------- -- -- -------Enf.Hwy. PalmersG 1 - 03/09/01 Enf.Lock Enf.Town - 1 TurnLane Oakwood 1 TurnLane Enf.Hwy. - 1 Purley Hack.Cnr 1 1 23/04/01 Tooting Purley 1 1 ------------Contract specification -- - -------TG 5 03/02/01 26-45 16 31-35 Morden Barnet Mitcham Chngford Wlthmstw Wimbldon AlexPkSc Wimbledn Wlthmstw Chngford 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 03/12/01 14/10/02 17/06/00 07/03/05 See above See above TG TG 5 05/03/05 53-55 35-36 17 46 77 Chingf'd Romford Richmond SthCrydn Caterham PurlyWay PB DAOS Corb.Tey Ham Sutton Sutton Kenley 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 03/11/01 08/11/04 02/09/02 01/11/04 TG 03/11/01 TG 5 29/09/01 See above See above SB120 9.2m/Cadet DD CN * 09/04/05 * 1 from 410 allocation ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Number of journeys Timetable nr. Gar. km mi minutes From To AM PM date ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- -------- -------- -- -- -------601 B7TL 10m/President DD BX 3 18 11 48-62 Thmsmead D.Heath 3 2 26/01/04 602 Olympian short/Palatine DD BX 1 14 9 47-54 Thmsmead Town Rd. 1 1 05/01/05 606 B7TL 10.6m/President DD SM 1 18 11 52-57 Queensby Ravensc. 1 1 11/10/04 On Fridays only there is an additional PM journey from Ravenscroft School to Edgware 609 Dart SLF 10.2m/ALX200 DD BD * 3 2 11-18 Ham'smth Har.Sch. 4† 3† 06/09/04 * From 209 allocation. † AM: journeys FROM Hammersmith to Harrodian School and Mortlake. PM: journeys in a loop from Hammersmith to Harridian School and back. 611 B7TL 10m/President DD PV 1 11 7 31-35 S'bridge E.Finch. 1 1 06/09/99 612 DB250LF 10.2m/ALX400 DD TC 2 6 4 29-33 Sa'stead Wall.CGS 2 2 07/06/04 Selsdon HamseyG. - 1 613 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TV 1 8 5 33 Worc.Pk. Glenthrn 1 1 02/09/02 616 Olympian short/NC SD NP 1 11 7 34-35 Winch.Hl Edmonton 1 1 09/09/02 Edmonton Southgte 1 617 Metrobus DD EC 2 11 7 29 TurnLane StIgnat. 2 2 08/01/01 620 Dart SLF 8.8m/Pointer SD PH * 3 2 12 BigHlVal CharDarS 1 - 07/01/02 * 1 bus from route 356 allocation. ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Number of journeys Timetable nr. Gar. km mi minutes From To AM PM date ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- -------- -------- -- -- -------621 Olympian short/Palatine DD NX 2 8 5 24-28 Lewisham CrownWds 2 2 08/09/03 624 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD TL 5 15 9 30-34 Grove Pk CrownWds 2 3 19/04/04 35-38 Woolwich CrownWds 2 3 Grove Pk Welling 1 Welling CrownWds 1 625 Olympian short/Palatine I DD BX 2 16 7 40-42 Plum.Cmn Chis'hst 2 2 03/12/01 626 Trident 9.9m/President DD PB 4 17 11 46-51 Finchley PB.DAOS 4 4 01/09/03 627 DB250LF/Pulsar Gemini DD CN 1 10 6 39-42 Worc. Pk Wall.Grn 1 1 02/09/02 file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html TG See above ------------Contract specification -- - -------TG 5 24/01/04 TG 5 24/01/04 TG 5 09/10/04 only. (See 209) TG 5 31/07/04 TG 5 30/08/03 TG 5 27/07/02 TG 5 07/01/02 TG 5 30/03/02 TG ------------Contract specification -- - -------TG 5 12/10/02 TG 5 05/01/02 TG 5 01/12/01 TG 5 30/08/03 TG 5 30/11/04 13/15 12/8/2014 629 630 632 634 635 638 London Bus Route Details Metrobus DD Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD or Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD Metrobus DD EC TB 2 1 10 10 6 6 41-43 30 Wood Grn StIgnCol 2 New Add. St.JRCol 1 2 - 05/02/01 TG 5 30/03/02 06/09/04 TG 5 31/08/02 W 3 7 5 42-47 PB BD TB 1 9 6 1 15 9 6* 18 11 33-35 48-55 55-57 Crickl'd Kilbn Pk Mus.Hill Brentfrd Brom.Sth ConeyHal Brom.Nth Brom.Sth ConeyHal GrovePk. 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 12/01/04 TG 5 12/10/02 Trident 9.9m/President DD Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD or Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD 649 * Plus 630 bus in PM. B7TL 10m/President DD HD 2 ----------------------------- --- --Vehicle Type Op. PVR Gar. ----------------------------- --- --B7TL 10m/President DD PV 1 Lynx SD R 3 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD NS 1* * Plus one off 175 for PM journey. Dart 9.8m/Pointer SD R 2 or Lance/PS SD Titan DD FL 5 651 652 653 654 National Greenway DD Titan DD Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD Trident or OmniDekka 9 6 12 8 11 7 22 14 29-31 39 35 56-57 655 Olympian/Palatine DD AL 1 8 5 * Morning journey continues to New Malden. Olympian/Palatine DD R 2 13 8 31-39 640 ---Rte nr. ---643 646 647 648 656 FL FL PD PH 2 1 1 2 GrahamPk GrahamPk Barnet Sunbury CrittCnr CrittCnr CrittCnr B'wd Sch Elt.Coll Brom.Sth 2 1 1 1 5 1 - 06/01/03 TG 5 21/12/02 03/09/04 TG 5 11/01/03 06/09/04 TG 5 02/03/02 8 5 28-29 ------------Length km mi minutes -- -- ------6 4 24-27 13 8 42-47 8 5 23 S.Harrow ClampHil 2 2 03/04/00 ----------------------- -------Number of journeys Timetable From To AM PM date -------- -------- -- -- -------Brent X. E.Finch. 1 1 03/11/03 NoakHill Cranham 3 3 01/10/01 Romford DgnmPkSq 1 2 04/09/03 11 7 41-51 7 4 26-30 Rom.Mkt. GallowsC NorthSt. NorthSt. Romford Rainham Thamesmd Selsdon Selsdon Mitcham Cranham Cranham Camp.Sch Em.PkSch Chase X Upminstr Wool.Cmn St.JRCol Ramsden RnPkHSch 29-35 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 TG 5 04/09/04 ------------Contract specification -- - -------TG 5 28/06/03 TG 5 29/09/01 TG 5 23/03/02 17/10/01 TG 5 29/09/01 01/10/01 TG 5 29/09/01 01/10/01 01/10/01 22/02/99 07/09/04 TG TG TG TQ 5 5 5 5 29/09/01 29/09/01 21/02/04 21/05/05 19/04/04 TG 5 01/12/01 Gall.Cnr EmersPkS 1 1 17/10/01 Rom.Mkt. EmersPkS 1 1 657 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD DX 1 6 4 20-21 Crk.Bil. WoodGrn. 1 1 28/02/00 660 Trident 9.9m/ALX400 DD TL 1 8 5 32-44 Catford CrownWds 1 1 19/04/04 661 B7TL 10m/President DD BV 1 8 5 23-30 PettsWd. Elt.Col. 1 1 27/05/02 PettsWd. Chis'hst - 1 664 *** ** * 18 11 33-34 New Add. Big'Hill 1 1 07/09/04 * AM: Olympian/Palatine I SD from GD route 694 allocation PM: MetroCity 10.6m/OmniDekka DD from MB route 119 allocation. 665 Dart SLF 10.2m/Pointer DD TV 1 9 5 27 Surbiton HolyXSch 1 1 16/09/02 667 Metrobus or Olympian EC 1 11 7 35-36 Ilford BuckHill 1 1 04/10/04 668 Olympian/Palatine I DD AL 1 17 11 49-66 Worc.Pk. Ashtead 1 1 02/09/03 669 B7TL 10m/President DD BV 1 9 6 35 Erith ClvPkSch 1 1 06/09/04 670 B7TL 10m/Eclipse Gemini DD SW * 5 3 21-25 ClapJunc PutneyH. 2 2 02/09/02 * 2 buses from 77A allocation. Also B7TL 10m/President DD or Trident 9.9m/President DD in practice. ---- ----------------------------- --- --- ------------- ----------------------- -------Rte Vehicle Type Op. PVR Length Number of journeys Timetable nr. Gar. km mi minutes From To AM PM date ---- ----------------------------- --- --- -- -- ------- -------- -------- -- -- -------671 Olympian short/RH DD FW 2 11 7 42-45 ChessSth TiffGirl 1 1 16/09/02 5 3 18-22 Ham Hollyfld 1 1 672 Trident 10.5m/ALX400 DD PD 2 5 3 10 Woolwich WoolPoly - 4 06/09/04 673 DB250LF 10.6m/ALX400 DD EC 1 12 7 40 Dagenham WarrenCS - 1 07/03/05 674 Olympian/Palatine DD R 1 10 6 26 Har.Hill Romford 1 1 31/01/05 Romford Gidea Pk - 1 675 Metrobus DD EC 1 8 5 35-36 W'stow Woodbrdg 1 1 29/09/03 678 Leyland Olympian short/RH DD DX 3 11 7 36-42 Beckton Stratford 3 3 24/01/05 679 Metrobus DD EC 2 16 10 51-54 Goodmays W.Wells 1 1 22/10/01 Ilford W.Wells 1 Goodmays Chingf'd - 1 681 Olympian short/RH DD FW 1 11 7 45 Hounslow Tedd.Sch 1 1 06/09/04 683 Metrobus DD EC 3 12 7 42-52 Fri.Brnt J.F.S. 3 3 02/09/03 686 Olympian/Palatine DD R 2 3 2 12-13 RomfdStn St.Ed's 2 1 04/04/05 or Trident/President RomfdMkt St.Ed's - 1 HaroldHl St.Ed's - 1 688 Metrobus DD EC 3 17 11 55-58 Southgte J.F.S 3 3 02/09/03 689 Leyland Olympian/ECW DD N 1 11 7 45-49 W.Norw'd Burntw'd 1 1 19/05/04 Clap.Cmn Burntw'd - 1 690 Leyland Olympian/ECW DD N 1 11 7 47-51 W.Norw'd Burntw'd 1 1 19/05/04 697 Trident 10.5m/President DD AT 2 13 8 41-47 Yeading Ruislip 2 2 01/11/04 698 Trident 10.5m/President DD AT 3 15 10 40-47 WestDray Ruislip 3 3 01/11/04 699 Metrobus DD EC 3 15 9 30-46 Winch.Hl PB DAOS 2 2 06/09/04 Southgte PB DAOS 1 1 813 TG 1 12 7 29-30 Feltham ThmsmdSc 1 1 02/09/02 820 Olympian/Palatine I SD A 1 24 15 66-76 Sutton Redhill 1 1 06/09/04 833 WY 1 11 7 28-33 Hook HinchWod 1 1 02/09/03 851 BNt 1 27-39 GallwCnr ShnfldHS 1 1 14/03/05 GallwCnr Brentwod - 1 866 Dart SLF/Pointer A 1 8 5 30-32 Coulsdon BeaconSc 1 1 03/09/03 H 1 Solo narrow 7.8m SD PV * 2 1 5-7 G.Green Hen.B.S. 3 3† 29/11/01 * 1 bus from H3 allocation † There are also 3 PM journeys from Golders Green to Henrietta Barnett School. W13 Metrobus DD EC 1 7 5 27-28 Leytons. W.Wells 1 1 13/03/00 TG 5 29/09/01 TG 5 05/03/05 TG 5 15/09/01 NG TG 5 31/08/02 TG 5 27/07/02 TG 5 09/03/02 NG - 04/09/04 TG ------------Contract specification -- - -------TG 5 27/07/02 TG 5 04/09/04 TG 5 02/10/00 TG TG 24/09/01 TG 5 02/03/02 TG 01/09/01 TG 5 29/06/02 TG 5 31/08/02 TG 5 29/09/01 TG 5 31/08/02 TG 5 01/09/01 TG TG TG TG 5 5 5 5 01/09/01 01/09/01 01/09/01 18/11/00 AP (Surrey CC) AP (Surrey CC) AP 30/08/03 CP? AP 29/08/03 TG 5 09/06/01 TG 5 30/03/02 Explanation of columns in chart: Rte Nr: The London Buses route number. Click for a full timetable (where available). To see where (and when) the route goes see the routes page. Thanks to those who have helped me directly with the timetable project (including Busroutes Homepage, Robert Diplock (Arriva) and John Hewes) and also operators First in London, London United, Metrobus, Blue Triangle, the bulk of routes now have detailed timetables online. I have also linked to a handful of timetables from Buckinghamshire CC travel planner, London Central, Richard's Bus Stop, Surrey County Council. Please note that no responsibility can be accepted for accuracy or currency of pages on other sites. Due to the continually changing nature of the web, it is possible that some pages might have moved or been removed. I will check the links periodically, but if you spot a missing page please let me know. Some of the timetables are in Portable Document Format: click on the icon below to install Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have a suitable viewer for this type of file. Note also that the full set of official London Buses panel timetables in PDF is available on Busmap. Vehicle Type: Here I give the chassis type, and, where appropriate, length, followed by the name of the bodywork and door configuration (SD=single door, DD=dual door) (most Routemasters (RM/RML) have open rear platforms!). file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 14/15 12/8/2014 London Bus Route Details The question of length is a tricky one; most types of chassis come in several different lengths, but even with one chassis the actual length of the bus differs slightly according to bodywork style. For simplicity a unified scale is adopted here; for example, for Dart SLF type buses the lengths used are 8.8m, 9.4m, 10.2m, 10.8m, 11.4m, although lengths up to 0.2m either way of these figures will be seen elsewhere. Pages in the photo gallery can be accessed via this list — those routes that have been done are clickable in this column. Op Gar: The code for the garage from which the bus is operated. Note: These are my own codes, not necessarily official ones. PVR: The basic Monday to Friday Peak Vehicle Requirement, or number of vehicles allocated to the route on the day (weekend PVR for night buses). In many cases this is complicated when buses work on different routes during one day; in particular peak hour buses from routes are often used between the peaks on shoppers' services, or to assist with driver changes on remote routes. For more details, including weekend PVRs and “running number sequences,” see LOTS's Route Working Index, which I do not intend to duplicate. Length: The length of the basic route in kilometres and miles, and the minimum and maximum journey times for the basic service (i.e. ignoring special extensions, but including weekday daytime extensions). In the case of circular services the figures given are half those for a complete loop. The miles/km figures have been measured by myself, so some may be slightly adrift. Frequencies: in minutes. These are only approximate; for further details see the relevant timetable. Mon­Sat = Monday to Friday 0700 to 1830, Saturday 0900­1730; Sun = Sunday 1000­1700; evening = Daily, 1900­2300. (Where there is no Sunday daytime service there is obviously no Sunday evening service.) Early morning frequencies are usually comparable to evening frequencies, although often lower on Sundays, but tend to be slightly irregular. Intermediate frequencies sometimes occur around changeover times, i.e. 0830­0930, 1700­1900. For night buses, frequencies are given for weeknights (Sunday night/Monday morning to Thursday night/Friday morning) and weekends (Friday night/Saturday morning and Saturday night/Sunday morning). Many radial routes have enhanced frequencies over part of the route, assumed to be running from the central London terminus. Where the "To" field is blank this does not apply. For school buses the number of journeys is given. The “From” and “To” columns refer to the direction of operation of the morning journeys, while the afternoon journeys run in the opposite direction, i.e. from “To” to “From.” Timetable date: The date of the last service modification. Contract details: The first letter is T for London Buses Tendered routes, N for Negotiated (operated for London Buses, but not tendered as such), C for commercial or A for county council or other transport authority tendered routes. For T and N, the second letter is either G (Gross cost — where LBSL takes financial risk) or Q (Quality Incentive Gross cost — G but with financial rewards, and a possible two year extension, for good performance). In the case of C and A the second letter is A for London Local Service Agreements (subject to London fares conditions within London) or P for London Service Permits (which are usually not). (Note that, in all cases, the second letter refers to the current situation, not necessarily how the route was tendered.) This is followed by the duration in years and start date for the contract, where appropriate. Where the duration is given as T, the route is being operated on a temporary short­term contract. Note that night routes are generally bound up in a single 24 hour contract with the corresponding day service, although I have shown the details twice; similarly, most school journeys on normal daytime routes are part of a single contract, and here I have put "see above" referring to the entry for that day route. I shall try very hard to keep the information listed above correct, but I am bound to make some slips so if you can help correct these, fill gaps, or provide updates, please email me please. The information given here is a mixture of observations, timetable study and partly from some official information; it cannot be guaranteed 100% accurate and is given as a general guide only. Index | Bus routes | Operational details | Service changes | Operators & Garages | Photo gallery file://gobo/User42/e/ecrbh/Documents/EXCELDAT/London%20Bus%20Route%20Details.html 15/15