UCL Fire Technical Note No: 115 Fire Safety Technical Guide BEAM FIRE DETECTOR USE AND UCL BUILDING LOCATIONS USE OF BEAM DETECTORS Beam Smoke Detection - Beam Detection is used where situations that the installation, testing, and maintenance of point type detectors is difficult. For example, in spaces with high ceilings, once construction has been completed and the space is occupied, it is often difficult to reach the ceiling without the use of heavy, cumbersome lifts operations or where that there are large open expanses etc. UCL use the optical reflective beam smoke detector unit and reflective mirror type as per the picture. The Optical Reflective Beam Smoke Detectors Beam Smoke Detector works on the principle of light obscuration. The photosensitive element of the Optical Beam Smoke Detector sees light produced by the Transmitter (TR) in a normal condition and uses a reflective mirror to return the light beam back to the transmitter. Any obscuration of the beam detector including smoke, objects (poles, helium filled balloons poles brushes or persons will imitate a fire signal and place the premises into full fire evacuation. Transmitter Mirror Reflector Any object other than smoke will set the beam detector off passing through the beam. Procedure For Working by Beam Detectors Design Consultants, Consultants, UCL Project Managers and Contractors please note that a ‘Permit to Work’ on fire alarm systems is required to prevent the unwanted automatic calling of the fire brigade when working at height or in the vicinity of beam detectors - your will require a Permit (requiring 72 Hours Notice) to be issued and instruction to isolate the beam detectors during the day time only by an approved Project Manager. Consultation with Fisk Fire Group & UCL Maintenance Engineers before commencing general or construction work will be necessary UCL Site Manager - Mark Fisk (Mob: 07977 - 064648) / Email: markfisk@fiskfire.co.uk UCL Site Foreman - Jim Moughton (07974 - 427843) / Email: jimmoughton@fiskfire.co.uk Location of Beam Detectors Scheduled at table below: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Dec 11 1. Issued by the - Fire Officer, UCL, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities. UCL Fire Technical Note No: 115 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LOCATION OF BEAM DETECTORS: Bldg No: Bldg Name: Fire Alarm Zone Covering Beam Detectors 005 Wilkins Building Zone 27 Basement (South) - South Junction outside Records Office (B06/7/8) & Gents WC Qty x 3 005 Wilkins Building Zone 28 Ground Fl (South) - in Provost's Office South Cloisters Qty x 1 Double Knock 005 Wilkins Building Zone 29 Ground Fl (South) - South Cloisters & above Jeremy Bentham Auto Icon Cupboard Qty x 3 Double Knock 005 Wilkins Building Zone 31 Ground Fl (South) - Strang Print Room (G07) off South Cloister Qty x 2 005 Wilkins Building Zone 32 Ground Fl (Central) - Old Refectory (Room G12 - Off Octagon) Qty x 2 005 Wilkins Building Zone 33 Ground Fl (North) - North Cloisters & outside Houseman Room [ Qty x 3 005 Wilkins Building Zone 35 Ground Fl (North) - Houseman Senior Common Room (Room G20) Qty x 2 005 Wilkins Building Zone 36 Ground Fl (North) - Haldane Meeting Room (Room G18) Qty x 2 005 Wilkins Building Zone 37 First Floor (Central) - Flaxman Gallery Qty x 1 005 Wilkins Building Zone 38 First Floor (Central) Donaldson Library (Room 114) Qty x 3 005 Wilkins Building Zone 39 Third Floor (South) - Upper Level of Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre Qty x 2 006 Physics Building Zone 2. Staircase - North Junction (Stair A) on 4th Fl lift landing at high level Qty x 1 088 Gordon House Not unknown Location Number of Beam Units Lecture Theatre First Floor (Room 106) Remarks Double Knock High Level at the base of the Dome Qty x 1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Dec 11 2. Issued by the - Fire Officer, UCL, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities. UCL Fire Technical Note No: 115 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LOCATION OF BEAM DETECTORS (Cont): Bldg No: Bldg Name: Fire Alarm Zone Covering Beam Detectors 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 103 Fifth Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Units Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 96 Fourth Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 88 Third Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 80 Fifth Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 72 Fifth Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 65 Fifth Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 60 Fifth Floor Write Up Area (onto Huntley Street) Qty x 1 Unit Above the doors opening on to the write up rooms 200 Paul O’ Gorman Building Zone 109 Ground Floor Café Atrium Space Qty x 2 Unit Fitted to Med School Bldg Walls across atrium Location Number of Beam Units Remarks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Dec 11 3. Issued by the - Fire Officer, UCL, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities. UCL Fire Technical Note No: 115 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Last Amended: Dec 11 4. Issued by the - Fire Officer, UCL, Estates & Facilities, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT - This guide is to be regarded as a general statement of requirements and is in addition to relevant British Standards or any other instructions received from the Local Fire or Building Control Authorities.